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China USA Anchorage meeting descends into war of words

Taiwan. Taiwan. Taiwan. It seems you Americans are obsessed with Taiwan. Americans care more about Taiwan than Chinese do. Grasping at straws. Yankee chest thumping at their finest. And Americans say Chinese are over dramatic. Pffft. :taz:
LMAO! Am ded. Typical Chinese mentality go around the world to find excuses and when you run out flip the board and be like . pfffft
Americans are obsessed about China. China is on American news all the time. America is hardly on Chinese news.

even though this is completely irrelevant and false. lets play this out for arguements sake.

US is obsessed with china shouldnt you be happy about that?

-and you are right we are obsessed with chinese. all i ever see in US are Chinese fast-food chains like KFC, MCdonalds, coca-cola.

-we see all the Chinese movies. like avengers, batman, matrix
-we wear traditional Chinese clothes like T-Shirts and jeans
-everyone in US knows legacy Chinese singers like michael jackson, madonna
- all the Chinese brands like Walmart, target have factories in US
-chinese cars like tesla, GM are all over the US

and i can go on and on and on about how much chinese influence is in US
Are you stupid? By conventional warfare we did won. By numbers we win
In Iraq we leveled their military took out saddam. put the government we liked
In Afghanistan we took out talibans government put the government of our choosing, took bin laden out from your country

the only thing we miscalculated was peoples willingness to accept the government we put there: and that is called insurgency which from Alexander to ceaser no won has won.

and also spare me a piece we can only win if pakistan helps. You jagweeds have yet to win a decisive win against India first lol. Everything ends in cease-fire or you surrendering
So by your standards, the Vietnamese defeated you, the soviets won in Afghanistan...........this is just halrious

Chinese could care less what Americans think. It is Americans who invited Chinese diplomats to Alaska. Chinese do not invite Americans because Chinese don't care about America.

then whyd you care to come and talk if you dont care about USA hmmmm.... things are not adding up again
So by your standards, the Vietnamese defeated you, the soviets won in Afghanistan...........this is just halrious


yes by reasonable standards America did lost in Vietnam. soviet did lost in afghanistan. and nothing what u said here indicates anything by my standard
Why is someone here with American flags having his mind so focused on the Taiwan issue? Does it concern him? Is he a Taiwanese? Is it maybe he felt America was humiliated in front of the world by our delegates so he is now trying to show how strong the US is? He keeps on talking about "i dare you invade Taiwan", in my opinion this is childish behavior. US diplomats not only forgot diplomatic etiquette, its President is using language unfitting for his position by calling Putin a killer. Looks like Americans are nothing but a bunch of low intelligent people these days, Asian Americans excluded.
Why the US side so afraid of press presence? 😌

American act like a loser
And America lost in Iraq too.

They lose in Afghan too, against medieval fighters of Taliban.

Taliban fighters now encircling almost every cities & towns in Afghanistan.
Waiting the time when american Retreat back to their homeland (May 1, 2021) to conquer Kabul again

American members in PDF today act like Indian. So Good at barking..

They lose in small Vietnam, Iraq, and now Afghan. But barking about taking down Gigantic China 😂 WTF !
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Taliban is doing a great job having the Americans bogged down. Time to pack the stuff and leave or the Taliban will make it as uncomfortable as possible for these soldiers.
Another very important aspect to this meeting is being overlooked. As everyone knows US has printed Trillions of Dollars out of thin air aka its arse. There are Billions of and Billions of US treasuries WHICH STILL NEEDS TO BE SOLD TO FOREIGNERS. US IS ASKING CHINA TO BUY THIS. Yes in exchange for this US would not block Strait of Malacca !

I have to say if behind the scenes China decides to buy this worthless shi.t which will help US to avoid a catastrophic financial crisis, then mark my words, China will be signing death warrant for itself and its people. China already holds 1.1 Trillion of worthless shi.t !

China needs to understand the genocidal mindset at play here. Even if buys this wortless cra.p, US will be back again in a few years and will attack China and strangle it !! So do not give your enemy the breathing space it desperately needs.
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Vietnam has no place on this post. Vietnam just like a poor coyote who so happy just could grab a small bone while two lions are fighting but any miscalculation move would caused your death by a returned lion.
Hey we are happy with the role of a coyote.
Another very important aspect to this meeting is being overlooked. As everyone knows US has printed Trillions of Dollars out of thin air aka it arse. There are Billions of and Billions of US treasuries WHICH STILL NEEDS TO BE SOLD TO FOREIGNERS. US IS ASKING CHINA TO BUY THIS. Yes in exchange for this US would not block Strait of Malacca !

I have to say if behind the scenes China decides to buy this worthless shi.t which will help US to avoid a catastrophic financial crisis, then mark my words, China will be signing death warrant for itself and its people. China already holds 1.1 Trillion of worthless shi.t !

China needs to understand the genocidal mindset in play here. Even if buys this wortless cra.p, US will be back again in a few years and will attack China and strangle it !! So do not give your enemy the breathing space it desperately needs.

I understand your concern, but I bet that Chinese would never buy that worthless sh!t for another trillion. Chinese is smart people, especially when playing a long game.

Even if Chinese buy that worthless sh!t for another trillion. It will not change much.

Since beginning of Covid-19 pandemic, US already printed dollar out of thin air for $ 4-5 Trillion. Such a Huge blackhole, that will be beyond any repair.

And also China progressing with 'Digital Yuan' for Cross-border Trade settlement. And with many other countries also goes to Digital Currency.

That will bypassing US dollar as trade currency in the next decade. A death sentence for US influence & economic


So by your standards, the Vietnamese defeated you, the soviets won in Afghanistan...........this is just halrious


Dont knock Murica and Muricans so much.

Remember that Murica won resounding victories over Nicaragua and Panama and Grenada.
:pleasantry: :pleasantry::pleasantry:

Worthy enemy for Murican will be the Vatican , Luxembourg and Principality of Monaco and Principality of Sealand. Those places do not have goat herders and sheep herders like Afghan and Somalia that gave Muricans more shit than Muricans could handle .

Murican should be able to be victorious there. :yay::yay: :yay:
And America lost in Iraq too.

dude you’re the dumbest guy here. You start by saying US lost then. Resorting to yeah they did topple the government but they’d isn’t accept the government US put there. Which was the exact point I had made prior. I had fun trolling you today and it’s always fun seeing Chinese version of rage quit in a debate
Another very important aspect to this meeting is being overlooked. As everyone knows US has printed Trillions of Dollars out of thin air aka it arse. There are Billions of and Billions of US treasuries WHICH STILL NEEDS TO BE SOLD TO FOREIGNERS. US IS ASKING CHINA TO BUY THIS. Yes in exchange for this US would not block Strait of Malacca !

I have to say if behind the scenes China decides to buy this worthless shi.t which will help US to avoid a catastrophic financial crisis, then mark my words, China will be signing death warrant for itself and its people. China already holds 1.1 Trillion of worthless shi.t !

China needs to understand the genocidal mindset in play here. Even if buys this wortless cra.p, US will be back again in a few years and will attack China and strangle it !! So do not give your enemy the breathing space it desperately needs.

yeah that’s not how economics work. And guess who’s the largest holder of the treasuries?
Guess who’s export is going to get expensive if they don’t keep buying treasuries to keep the yuan lower?
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