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China thwarted action against JuD: Clinton

I disagree, how some of the Indian members really behave is coming to light.

Absolutely right. :tup:

After trying to achieve a measure of good will with them, we can finally see what really lies beneath the surface.

Enlightening to say the least.
That's the biggest load of BS I've ever seen.

You can take your good will, and what is left of my good will, and keep it for yourself.

I'm not interested in any of it.

If India accepting Tibet and Taiwan as integral part of China means nothing, then what more can I say.
When did I support murder of anyone be it Chinese, Indian or Pakistanis?

And ask your pal to shove his smart-*** comments if you don't expect me to retort in a same manner.

How quickly you forget.

Well India doesn't support any group which kill innocent civilians in China, but seeing the sentiment here, I think GoI should change her policy.
If India accepting Tibet and Taiwan as integral part of China means nothing, then what more can I say.

Not out of charity but out of fear.

Nothing to boast about. Especially when your media prints nothing but BS about China and Chinese people all day long.
and a certain Chinese one.:)

It's not you though, I always knew about you.

So it's me then.

Sad to say this but after all that has happened, I think challenger might actually have been right about you guys all along.

God knows why I stood up for you people back then.
This thread is getting out of control.
People need to calm down, otherwise it will sour the mood of the entire forum for some time.
TTP, BLA etc. were there in 1959? :woot::woot:

You certainly ARE the most educated Pakistani I've ever met sire.

Hey clown can u read??? u asked abt indias support to seperatists in china.... these are links unless ur tiny lil brain cant understand tht!

We'll talk about that when you govt. brings that to our notice. Till then why don't you just shut up sire?:)

We already did .... u must be partially DUMB,DEAF ND BLIND!
And instead of getting personal.............
This thread is getting out of control.
People need to calm down, otherwise it will sour the mood of the entire forum for some time.

I've reported and mods will get here soon, but let's see how much damage these people want to do.
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