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China thwarted action against JuD: Clinton

Sorry I'm saying this to you. But show any proof of India supporting separatism in China or Shut Up.

Sooo easy....

1959 Tibetan uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Central Tibetan Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So yeah I guess it's "OR" rather than "shut up". Keep your Tibetan government "in exile" (gee I wonder why they call it that) as long as you want, as they say "大水冲了龙王庙."

Hope you guys see what that quote means when everything is spinning out of control.
Maoists are the embodiment of the will of the people of india. That is why they can never be crushed, even after 40 years of repression by the indian war machine. I predict a similar course of evolution for India in the 21st century as China in the 20th (of course, India is 100 years behind). People's Republic of India 2049!

Maoists are Not the Embodiment of the will of the People of India But the Will of Some war mongering Maniacs, and China is Not any divine Embodiment established over the will of its citizens... If it was so why has china taken itself onto a single person who is going to receive a Nobel Peace prize, for he was Only pro democratic, Whats a Nation where people cannot protest, people cannot own anything, people cannot have any worthwhile Investments.... Our Growth is Slow but It is Built upon every citizens Happiness not over the govts will
Don't worry, they will not be able to do anything.

These empty threats should not deter China from its traditional policies of supporting Pakistan military and using UN veto to help the Jamaat-ud-Dawah.

The whole world knows china's aggressive stance. It's just a matter of time where they bite more than they can chew. And I guarantee they're gonna land flat on their face

Whereas China has the balls take its fair share and look after itself, India will always been the domesticated pet.
Good, let's see it in the open for once. :devil:

Just to clarify, do you think the GoI should change its policy, to support groups that kill innocent Chinese civilians?

i future china might ask this question to your closest allie coz every such thing only emerging from there only...
Maoists are the embodiment of the will of the people of india. That is why they can never be crushed, even after 40 years of repression by the indian war machine. I predict a similar course of evolution for India in the 21st century as China in the 20th (of course, India is 100 years behind). People's Republic of India 2049!

Do you want to say Another Jerk Mao will be born in India?
The government set up in exile in India and, at least until the 1970s, received $US1.7 million a year from the CIA.

The money was to pay for guerilla operations against the Chinese, notwithstanding the Dalai Lama's public stance in support of non-violence, for which he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1989.

The Dalai Lama himself was on the CIA's payroll from the late 1950s until 1974, reportedly receiving $US15,000 a month ($US180,000 a year).

Thanks Developereo. :tup:
Maoists are Not the Embodiment of the will of the People of India But the Will of Some war mongering Maniacs, and China is Not any divine Embodiment established over the will of its citizens... If it was so why has china taken itself onto a single mat who is going to receive a Nobel Peace prize, for he was Only pro democratic, Whats a Nation where people cannot protest, people cannot own anything, people cannot have any worthwhile Investments.... Our Growth is Slow but It is Built upon every citizens Happiness not over the govts will

if india is so great, why is it starving 2 million of its citizens to death every year while spending billions of dollars on weapons and sponsoring terrorism? sounds like worse than north korea to me. north korea only starved 1 million to death, once, india does twice that per year.
A newspaper article which says Dalai Lama is on CIA payroll.

Sweet china should take up the matter to US.

World News Briefs; Dalai Lama Group Says It Got Money From C.I.A. - New York Times

NEW DELHI, Oct. 1 — The Dalai Lama's administration acknowledged today that it received $1.7 million a year in the 1960's from the Central Intelligence Agency, but denied reports that the Tibetan leader benefited personally from an annual subsidy of $180,000.

The money allocated for the resistance movement was spent on training volunteers and paying for guerrilla operations against the Chinese, the Tibetan government-in-exile said in a statement. It added that the subsidy earmarked for the Dalai Lama was spent on setting up offices in Geneva and New York and on international lobbying.

The Dalai Lama, 63, a revered spiritual leader both in his Himalayan homeland and in Western nations, fled Tibet in 1959 after a failed uprising against a Chinese military occupation, which began in 1950.

The decade-long covert program to support the Tibetan independence movement was part of the C.I.A.'s worldwide effort to undermine Communist governments, particularly in the Soviet Union and China.

It doesn't mean India supported any activites against China. The funding clearly came from the CIA.
if india is so great, why is it starving 2 million of its citizens to death every year while spending billions of dollars on weapons and sponsoring terrorism? sounds like worse than north korea to me. north korea only starved 1 million to death, once, india does twice that per year.

we had to spand such a money coz we a 80% of our land boarders supporter/promoters of terrorists...
if india is so great, why is it starving 2 million of its citizens to death every year while spending billions of dollars on weapons and sponsoring terrorism? sounds like worse than north korea to me. north korea only starved 1 million to death, once, india does twice that per year.

You were not so different from India once upon a time so I take it that you did not consider China to be 'great' back then.
Sooo easy....

1959 Tibetan uprising - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Central Tibetan Administration - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So yeah I guess it's "OR" rather than "shut up". Keep your Tibetan government "in exile" (gee I wonder why they call it that) as long as you want, as they say "大水冲了龙王庙."

Hope you guys see what that quote means when everything is spinning out of control.

How the heck Tibetan uprising is of India's responsibility!

From the link you posted.
The United States funded training and arms for the guerrillas in Tibet prior to the uprising and for several years following. From 1959 to 1964, Tibetan guerrillas were secretly trained at Camp Hale by the CIA.[13]

The Tibetan project was codenamed ST Circus, and it was similar to the CIA operation that trained dissident Cubans in what later became the Bay of Pigs Invasion. In all, around 259 Tibetans were trained at Camp Hale. Some were parachuted back into Tibet to link up with local resistance groups (most perished); others were sent overland into Tibet on intelligence gathering missions; and yet others were instrumental in setting up the CIA-funded Tibetan resistance force that operated out of Mustang, in northern Nepal (1959–1974).

Why don't you people take up the matter to USA then!

How hard is it to understand that GOI DOESN'T recognize Tibetan govt in exile! I know it's not in the red book, but still!
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