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China test its J-10 fighters near borders with India.

Failed in all levels .... Rafale speed and missile and service ceiling is alone not the parameter that adds to kill..

Firstly Service Ceiling refers to highest altitude in clean configuration.. J-10 flying at high altitude doesnt mean it can carry missile even at that level.. Secondly J-10 being a single engine it can fly because of the amount of air and weight it can fly at the high altitude where as Rafale being a dual engine fighter altitudes .... and high altitude engagements are usually done for A2G strikes and no stupid fighter pilot will engage enemy owing to the risk of engine getting shut down and loosing the fight... you are a epic failure here

Secondly coming to your missile range and no of missile.. While Rafale can carry 5 drop tanks along with 6 A2A missile with SPECTRA in its side it will be able to engage your J-10 much better than your J-10 because it has can do more flying to engage ... and MICA's speed is MACH4 .. it can outspeed your J-10.. and FYI Dassault is twin engine and J-10 is a single engine... another epic failure...

It is a silly thing that i am replying to you.. but this is for others... As we are of your childish arguments in your J-20 threads ...

Scenario: J-10A Vigorous Dragon engages Five French Rafales


J-10A carries four PL-12 AAMs (air-to-air missiles) that fly at Mach 4. (See China vs. Japan Military Match-Ups)

A Chinese KJ-2000 AWACS registers the presence of five French Rafales on its AESA radar at over 200km away. There is a single J-10A Vigorous Dragon nearby. Carrying four PL-12 AAMs, the single J-10A engages the five French Rafales at 70km.

The J-10A is beyond the range of the French Rafales' 50km (or 60km) range MICA missiles. The J-10A calmly fires all four PL-12s and shoots down four French Rafales. The J-10A banks and flies towards the nearest Chinese air base. The lone surviving Rafale gives chase, but its slow 1,800+ km top speed means the J-10A is receding into the distance.

Another J-10A is tasked to intercept the fifth and lone surviving Rafale. The Rafale pilot quickly flees to avoid coming into the 70 to 100km range of the J-10A's PL-12 missile.
Scenario: J-10A Vigorous Dragon engages Five French Rafales


J-10A carries four PL-12 AAMs (air-to-air missiles) that fly at Mach 4. (See China vs. Japan Military Match-Ups)

A Chinese KJ-2000 AWACS registers the presence of five French Rafales on its AESA radar at over 200km away. There is a single J-10A Vigorous Dragon nearby. Carrying four PL-12 AAMs, the single J-10A engages the five French Rafales at 70km.

The J-10A is beyond the range of the French Rafales' 50km (or 60km) range MICA missiles. The J-10A calmly fires all four PL-12s and shoots down four French Rafales. The J-10A banks and flies towards the nearest Chinese air base. The lone surviving Rafale gives chase, but its slow 1,800+ km top speed means the J-10A is receding into the distance.

Another J-10A is tasked to intercept the fifth and lone surviving Rafale. The Rafale pilot quickly flees to avoid coming into the 70 to 100km range of the J-10A's PL-12.

Yeah and Rafales carry daffodils on their pylons. :coffee:

Now please make one of your animation videos for recruiting more students into CCP.
Carrying four PL-12 AAMs, the single J-10A engages the five French Rafales at 70km.

The J-10A is beyond the range of the French Rafales' 50km (or 60km) range MICA missiles.

Something to note, the engagement is taking on Chinese side so J-10 will obviously have the edge over Rafale (AWACs and SAM) . And they didn't took Meteor into consideration as it is not in service yet. Once its inducted, the J-10s advantage can be negated.
Scenario: J-10A Vigorous Dragon engages Five French Rafales


J-10A carries four PL-12 AAMs (air-to-air missiles) that fly at Mach 4. (See China vs. Japan Military Match-Ups)

A Chinese KJ-2000 AWACS registers the presence of five French Rafales on its AESA radar at over 200km away. There is a single J-10A Vigorous Dragon nearby. Carrying four PL-12 AAMs, the single J-10A engages the five French Rafales at 70km.

The J-10A is beyond the range of the French Rafales' 50km (or 60km) range MICA missiles. The J-10A calmly fires all four PL-12s and shoots down four French Rafales. The J-10A banks and flies towards the nearest Chinese air base. The lone surviving Rafale gives chase, but its slow 1,800+ km top speed means the J-10A is receding into the distance.

Another J-10A is tasked to intercept the fifth and lone surviving Rafale. The Rafale pilot quickly flees to avoid coming into the 70 to 100km range of the J-10A's PL-12 missile.
LLOLLLZ martian ur stupidity is unrivalled in this planet :lol:
i told u earliear we have started development K100 novator missile to destroy awacs 200-300 km away , now where the F###
would it survive to detect Rafale .
& once j10 turns it own aesa radar it's history as spectra would detect it's location & cue it's MICA or meteor missile without
turning on it's own aesa radar to toast that J10's sorry A$$:rofl:


Something to note, the engagement is taking on Chinese side so J-10 will obviously have the edge over Rafale (AWACs and SAM) . And they didn't took Meteor into consideration as it is not in service yet. Once its inducted, the J-10s advantage can be negated.
DUDE pl 12 range is 60 -70km & why do u forget we have superior phalcon awacs which can also detect J10 from 200 km away
so no question of advantage here .
Something to note, the engagement is taking on Chinese side so J-10 will obviously have the edge over Rafale (AWACs and SAM) . And they didn't took Meteor into consideration as it is not in service yet. Once its inducted, the J-10s advantage can be negated.

China's PL-12D ramjet BVRAAM

China has its own Meteor program.

Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force

"Several improved versions have been under development at 607 Institute, including PL-12B with improved guidance system, PL-12C with foldable tailfins for internal carriage by the 4th generation fighters (e.g. J-20) and PL-12D with a belly air inlet and a ramjet motor for long range attack similar to PL-21 (see below)."


Three points that shows that you have no clue of what you are talking!

I'm not surprised about your lack of knowledge of Rafale, but you even don't know about KJ 2000, KJ 200 and J10 itself but still gets to conclusions. :disagree:

China's KJ-2000 AWACS has a maximum range of 400km

China's KJ-2000 AWACS has a maximum range of 400km. In this thread, I have kindly said only "200km away." The actual KJ-2000 detection range is double that figure.

Kongjing-2000 (KJ-2000)

"The KJ-2000 is the latest Chinese early warning aircraft, comprised of domestically designed electronics and radar installed on a modified Ilyushin IL-76 airframe. The KJ-2000 system is based on the Russian A-50 airframe, and was said to use an indigenous phased array radar. It was reported that the system can track 60-100 aerial targets simultaneously at 400km away."
China has its own Meteor program.

Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force

"Several improved versions have been under development at 607 Institute, including PL-12B with improved guidance system, PL-12C with foldable tailfins for internal carriage by the 4th generation fighters (e.g. J-20) and PL-12D with a belly air inlet and a ramjet motor for long range attack similar to PL-21 (see below)."

Even India has Astra in active service (Range 80-100+ km), while Astra II is in development with range (> 150 km). And for Awacs, we have Novator K-100 in final phase of development. That can act as a deterrent.

China's KJ-2000 AWACS has a maximum range of 400km. In this thread, I have kindly said only "200km away." The actual KJ-2000 detection range is double that figure.

Kongjing-2000 (KJ-2000)

"The KJ-2000 is the latest Chinese early warning aircraft, comprised of domestically designed electronics and radar installed on a modified Ilyushin IL-76 airframe. The KJ-2000 system is based on the Russian A-50 airframe, and was said to use an indigenous phased array radar. It was reported that the system can track 60-100 aerial targets simultaneously at 400km away."

The range of 400 is for target size >5 Sq m, While Rafale RCS is in sub unit sq m RCS.
China has its own Meteor program.

Chinese Military Aviation | China Air Force

"Several improved versions have been under development at 607 Institute, including PL-12B with improved guidance system, PL-12C with foldable tailfins for internal carriage by the 4th generation fighters (e.g. J-20) and PL-12D with a belly air inlet and a ramjet motor for long range attack similar to PL-21 (see below)."
blah .....
Till date now only one photo is avalibale regarding PL12b testing till date now ,no information regarding PL 12b is shown after
that pics .God knows what happened to that missile :lol:
only pl 12a is operational till date now

KJ-2000 has a maximum range of 400 km. In this thread, I have kindly said only "200km away." The actual KJ-2000 detection range is double that figure.

Kongjing-2000 (KJ-2000)

"The KJ-2000 is the latest Chinese early warning aircraft, comprised of domestically designed electronics and radar installed on a modified Ilyushin IL-76 airframe. The KJ-2000 system is based on the Russian A-50 airframe, and was said to use an indigenous phased array radar. It was reported that the system can track 60-100 aerial targets simultaneously at 400km away."
llolllz i said earleair 1000 times we had started development k100 novator missile to shoot down awacs
& BTW our phalcon awacs are more advanced than ur :D
Even India has Astra in active service (Range 80-100+ km), while Astra II is in development with range (> 150 km). And for Awacs, we have Novator K-100 in final phase of development. That can act as a deterrent.

The range of 400 is for target size >5 Sq m, While Rafale RCS is in sub unit sq m RCS.

Only a "clean" Rafale has a sub-unit sq. meter RCS and probably only from the frontal aspect (e.g. not side aspect).

A "dirty" armed Rafale with missiles, bombs, or drop tanks will have approximately 5m2 RCS.
Only a "clean" Rafale has a sub-unit sq. meter RCS and probably only from the frontal aspect (e.g. not side aspect). A "dirty" armed Rafale with missiles, bombs, or drop tanks will have approximately 5m2 RCS.

Unlikely, more towards 2-3 Sq m of RCS. Anyways, that's a topic of speculations and estimations.
Unlikely, more towards 2-3 Sq m of RCS. Anyways, that's a topic of speculations and estimations.

I agree that it's 2 to 3 sq. meter. I intentionally added the word "approximately" to show uncertainty, but it is in the ballpark range of 5m2 RCS.
Only a "clean" Rafale has a sub-unit sq. meter RCS and probably only from the frontal aspect (e.g. not side aspect).

A "dirty" armed Rafale with missiles, bombs, or drop tanks will have approximately 5m2 RCS.
llolllz ur stupidity is really unrivalled in this planet thats for sure :rofl:
plz read this




now compare it with ur pirated lavi copy does it has all these:lol:

I agree that it's 2 to 3 sq. meter. I intentionally added the word "approximately" to show uncertainty, but it is in the ballpark range of 5m2 RCS.

But, things to consider.

The advantage of J-10 will be negated in absence of AWACS, as the detection range will be much lower. And Rafale can detect J-10s before J-10 can detect Rafale.

And with integration of Meteor, J-10s will have to enter Rafale's engagement range for target acquisition. So i'd rate both as excellent platform for its intended job.
But, things to consider.

The advantage of J-10 will be negated in absence of AWACS, as the detection range will be much lower. And Rafale can detect J-10s before J-10 can detect Rafale.

And with integration of Meteor, J-10s will have to enter Rafale's engagement range for target acquisition. So i'd rate both as excellent platform for its intended job.

China builds more KJ-2000s and KJ-200s to ensure air battle advantage

New KJ-2000 AWACS with yellow primer

New Chinese KJ-2000 AWACS (NATO reporting name: Mainring)

Close-up of new KJ-2000 AWACS

KJ-2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The current KJ-2000 AWACS in Chinese service is equipped with a domestic AESA (active electronically scanned array),[4] also known as active phased array, radar. The radar was designed by the Research Institute of Electronic Technology (also more commonly known as the 14th Institute) at Nanjing, and it utilizes the experience gained from the 14th Institute's earlier indigenously developed Type H/LJG-346 SAPARS (Shipborne Active Phased Array Radar System) that was completed in 1998. The same Type H/LJG-346 SAPARS was also the predecessor of the active phased array radar system equipping the PLAN Lanzhou class destroyers. The radar is arranged in the same way as that of the Beriev A-50I.[4]"


This is at least the sixth KJ-2000 AWACS in the fleet.

Reference: "Five were estimated in service as of 2008." (see http://china.usc.edu/App_Images/military conflict 2008.pdf).

[Note: Thank you to Greyboy2 for the pictures.]



Chinese Y-8W / KJ-200 Balanced Beam AEW&C


New build Chinese Y-8W / KJ-200 Balanced Beam airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) undergoing pre-induction flight tests.
But, things to consider.

The advantage of J-10 will be negated in absence of AWACS, as the detection range will be much lower. And Rafale can detect J-10s before J-10 can detect Rafale.

And with integration of Meteor, J-10s will have to enter Rafale's engagement range for target acquisition. So i'd rate both as excellent platform for its intended job.
With Meteor, and SPECTRA, Rafale would be able to take out J10 passively at about/over 100kms without having to ever activate it's radar. What is the NEZ of PL-wateva, in comparison to this.
But, things to consider.

The advantage of J-10 will be negated in absence of AWACS, as the detection range will be much lower. And Rafale can detect J-10s before J-10 can detect Rafale.

And with integration of Meteor, J-10s will have to enter Rafale's engagement range for target acquisition. So i'd rate both as excellent platform for its intended job.
stop acting like an innocent baby as if u dont know anything about SPECTRA system in ID F
spectra sytem is one most advanced ECM suite till date now & it can counter easily all chinese
air to air missiles in inventory



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