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China test its J-10 fighters near borders with India.

what???? 80 km can u say that same thing in front of DARE 2 in IDF ???:D

mate u should know MKI are not as stealthy & dont have as advanced ECM suite like rafale SO we did the right thing to have a
true mulltirole fighter :D

Inside our territory, the RCS disadvantage can be negated. If Falcon detect an aircraft at 300-400 km, then technically speaking, MKIs can detect it at the same range, thanks to datalinking.
guys Martian is trying but with lots of -ve effect for himself only ... :lol:

even their J-20 wont be able to defeat our MKIs.. keeping aside the false claims of the chinese....

to think of J-10 beating bison will be a equal battle in reality... and J-20 will be able to beat Bisons and maybe rival LCA... that is the true picture.... chinese dare not reveal a single fighter of theirs to the public..

and the biggest humiliation they suffered when myanmar selected Russian fighters over the super flop J-10.. .despite massive pressure, freebies by china and poor economic condition of myanmar..... myanmar doesnt want J-10... :lol:

to think of Rafale.. India taking it coz India knows China has NO ANSWER to it if India takes the offensive inside Chinese terrirory... it will be a cakewalk for Rafale.... and easy for MKI....

its like power wise:
PAKFA >>>> Rafale > MKI >>>> Mig 29 > Mirages > J-20 and LCA >> Bisons > J-11 and J-10 >> Mig 21

chinese will do a lot of propaganda... notwithstanding single MKI will have 15-20 kills agaisnt J-20,11,10

it will be like Israel blowing off the enemy's air force in its war...

On a suicide mission bro?

no dear bro. thats the reality.. myanmar did reject chinese J-10ss for Russian planes.... despite being friends, goodies from china, low price of chinese fighter, poor economic condition of myanmar...
guys Martian is trying but with lots of -ve effect for himself only ... :lol:

even their J-20 wont be able to defeat our MKIs.. keeping aside the false claims of the chinese....

to think of J-10 beating bison will be a equal battle in reality... and J-20 will be able to beat Bisons and maybe rival LCA... that is the true picture.... chinese dare not reveal a single fighter of theirs to the public..

and the biggest humiliation they suffered when myanmar selected Russian fighters over the super flop J-10.. .despite massive pressure, freebies by china and poor economic condition of myanmar..... myanmar doesnt want J-10... :lol:

to think of Rafale.. India taking it coz India knows China has NO ANSWER to it if India takes the offensive inside Chinese terrirory... it will be a cakewalk for Rafale.... and easy for MKI....

its like power wise:
PAKFA >>>> Rafale > MKI >>>> Mig 29 > Mirages > J-20 and LCA >> Bisons > J-11 and J-10 >> Mig 21

chinese will do a lot of propaganda... notwithstanding single MKI will have 15-20 kills agaisnt J-20,11,10

it will be like Israel blowing off the enemy's air force in its war...

Have you made your time travel yet to the future? or that's just a lunatic dream...LMAO

If Chinese J10,J11s...are so cheap..than Indian airforce don't even bother to acquire Rarales...the reason is so simple PLA airforce gave you guys un-sleeping night...try to swallow this: you will never have advantage over China in military high tech acquisitions...today you get Rafale..tomorrow we will find the way to counter it...enjoy arm race my friend..we will make you ruin as the way U.S ruined U.S.S.R.

MKI will have 15-20 kills agaisnt J-20,11,10...LMAO Bollywood thinking
Have you made your time travel yet to the future? or that's just a lunatic dream...LMAO

If Chinese J10,J11s...are so cheap..than Indian airforce don't even bother to acquire Rarales...the reason is so simple PLA airforce gave you guys un-sleeping night...try to swallow this: you will never have advantage over China in military high tech acquisitions...today you get Rafale..tomorrow we will find the way to counter it...enjoy arm race my friend..we will make you ruin as the way U.S ruined U.S.S.R.

MKI will have 15-20 kills agaisnt J-20,11,10...LMAO Bollywood thinking

If someone is accruing Superior things that dosen't make other people thing superior. IAF need to News Planes and IAF buys diffract type of planes , Some-people talk so Garbage showing their real IQ level negative.

India needs planes and SU-30,
Rafel will replace MIG-23, 27 etc
PAK-FA , Will replace Mirage, MIG-29 etc
LCA add ons .......

India is now arming it self to fight China and PAK at same time........... In India People talk quality we acquire only the Best of Best which no other can have.
Nice to see J-10 dropped laser guided bombs. It debunk the myth it cant be multi role...

But the primary feature will still be air superiority. Btw,I will say drop all the childish comment of who's better who.
When you say J-10A is a copy of LAVI you need to to cover the topic regarding whole copying bit by bit which you surely cannot do it because J-10a is not a copy.

Which points directly to LCA being a copy of M-2000/Rafale 50-50 Thus a complete French copier.

Funny your mates who thankyou are saying on the other thread Rafale is not advanced and they need isreali system into it.:lol:
problem is u dont know how to troll :lol:.
1st learn how to do trolling properly then comeback i would reply u nicely .
ok thank u have a nice day
If someone is accruing Superior things that dosen't make other people thing superior. IAF need to News Planes and IAF buys diffract type of planes , Some-people talk so Garbage showing their real IQ level negative.

India needs planes and SU-30,
Rafel will replace MIG-23, 27 etc
PAK-FA , Will replace Mirage, MIG-29 etc
LCA add ons .......

India is now arming it self to fight China and PAK at same time........... In India People talk quality we acquire only the Best of Best which no other can have.

According to bollywoodian's theory: you don't need think superior when you got superior thing :lol: :rofl: OK OK I got ya :rofl:
I don't need to reply to the rest of garbage
According to bollywoodian's theory: you don't need think superior when you got superior thing :lol: :rofl: OK OK I got ya :rofl:
I don't need to reply to the rest of garbage
yes , i know you don't have ability to reply because you don't have it..........typical chinese troll habit.....
A) Baharmos
B) Can your Plane have 360 radar coverage? or can fire missile target trailing ? Indian SU-30 Have.....but chinese have ? aaah no they don't , why? because they are not technically advance, but in chinese their plane can goto mars also.....
Nice to see J-10 dropped laser guided bombs. It debunk the myth it cant be multi role...

But the primary feature will still be air superiority. Btw,I will say drop all the childish comment of who's better who.

True, it's a pretty good 4th gen fighter at low costs, but the B upgrade will be important how capable it really can be. As long as fanboys from both sides posting much BS, you can't have a good discussion about it.
no dear bro. thats the reality.. myanmar did reject chinese J-10ss for Russian planes.... despite being friends, goodies from china, low price of chinese fighter, poor economic condition of myanmar...

J-10 costs twice as much as the F-16, and for good reason. The J-10 is an optimized 4.5 generation aircraft for the 21st century. It offers an unmatched capability for low maintainence, highly integrated sensors, and ultramaneuverability. There is nothing like it.
J-10 costs twice as much as the F-16, and for good reason. The J-10 is an optimized 4.5 generation aircraft for the 21st century. It offers an unmatched capability for low maintainence, highly integrated sensors, and ultramaneuverability. There is nothing like it.

Lol, funny :rofl:

"J-10s cost twice as much as F-16s"

Good one :tup:
no dear bro. thats the reality.. myanmar did reject chinese J-10ss for Russian planes.... despite being friends, goodies from china, low price of chinese fighter, poor economic condition of myanmar...
LOL at indian delusions. J-10 was never offered to Myanmar. It's not even offered for export sale yet. Only JF-17 is on the market. Russians are doing a good job fooling indians into spending even more money on their arms.

India is now arming it self to fight China and PAK at same time........... In India People talk quality we acquire only the Best of Best which no other can have.
Yeah india is the land of quality where people carry parasites from lack of drinking water, no infrastructure exists and people are routinely enslaved, sacrificed, oppressed, etc.
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