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China test its J-10 fighters near borders with India.

Scenario: J-10A Vigorous Dragon engages Five French Rafales


J-10A carries four PL-12 AAMs (air-to-air missiles) that fly at Mach 4. (See China vs. Japan Military Match-Ups)

A Chinese KJ-2000 AWACS registers the presence of five French Rafales on its AESA radar at over 200km away. There is a single J-10A Vigorous Dragon nearby. Carrying four PL-12 AAMs, the single J-10A engages the five French Rafales at 70km.

The J-10A is beyond the range of the French Rafales' 50km (or 60km) range MICA missiles. The J-10A calmly fires all four PL-12s and shoots down four French Rafales. The J-10A banks and flies towards the nearest Chinese air base. The lone surviving Rafale gives chase, but its slow 1,800+ km top speed means the J-10A is receding into the distance.

Another J-10A is tasked to intercept the fifth and lone surviving Rafale. The Rafale pilot quickly flees to avoid coming into the 70 to 100km range of the J-10A's PL-12 missile.

Epic Failure ... If you are the pilot then thank god we survived...
basically if you need to fire a missile then enemy have to be in the no escape zone.... (i.e.) < 70% of the missile range.. For (e.g.) R-77 has a range of 80 KM in certain altitude.. it means MKI cannot fire when it at 80 KM... it will fire when the enemy is at 30 KM range.. because enemy will circle go up and down.. and missile will use the fuel... so when your super duper missile is fire it has to be fired atleast when it is 30 KM range.. and you have under estimated SPECTRA .... you have proved that you are epic failure again..
Thank you everyone for the interesting discussion.

Don't worry about Dr. Somnath. I would never complain about one of his posts. He's just upset about the facts in a "J-10A vs. French Rafale" comparison.
China builds more KJ-2000s and KJ-200s to ensure air battle advantage

New KJ-2000 AWACS with yellow primer

New Chinese KJ-2000 AWACS (NATO reporting name: Mainring)

Close-up of new KJ-2000 AWACS

KJ-2000 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


The current KJ-2000 AWACS in Chinese service is equipped with a domestic AESA (active electronically scanned array),[4] also known as active phased array, radar. The radar was designed by the Research Institute of Electronic Technology (also more commonly known as the 14th Institute) at Nanjing, and it utilizes the experience gained from the 14th Institute's earlier indigenously developed Type H/LJG-346 SAPARS (Shipborne Active Phased Array Radar System) that was completed in 1998. The same Type H/LJG-346 SAPARS was also the predecessor of the active phased array radar system equipping the PLAN Lanzhou class destroyers. The radar is arranged in the same way as that of the Beriev A-50I.[4]"


This is at least the sixth KJ-2000 AWACS in the fleet.

Reference: "Five were estimated in service as of 2008." (see http://china.usc.edu/App_Images/military conflict 2008.pdf).

[Note: Thank you to Greyboy2 for the pictures.]


Chinese Y-8W / KJ-200 Balanced Beam AEW&C ~ Chinese Military Review

Chinese Y-8W / KJ-200 Balanced Beam AEW&C


New build Chinese Y-8W / KJ-200 Balanced Beam airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) undergoing pre-induction flight tests.

LOLLLLZ martian why the hell are u comparing APPLES & ORANGES here instead why dont u talk about that pirated lavi copy instead of awacs.
I think u know u cant convince anything here about that j10 's superiority over rafale :lol:

Thank you everyone for the interesting discussion.

Don't worry about Dr. Somnath. I would never complain about one of his posts. He's just upset about the facts in a "J-10A vs. French Rafale" comparison.
What facts?
That you fire your piss-poor missiles at their maximum speculated range and the Rafale just sits their sucking a lollipop.
Get a life.
LOLLLLZ martian why the hell are u comparing APPLES & ORANGES here instead why dont u talk about that pirated lavi copy instead of awacs.
I think u know u cant convince anything here about that j10 's superiority over rafale :lol:


I did post many reputable citations. I always leave it to the reader to decide for themselves. I present one side of the story and you present the other side. The reader chooses what they want to believe.

However, I do believe I have more reputable and convincing citations and arguments. Until next time, Dr. Somnath. :wave:
Thank you everyone for the interesting discussion.

Don't worry about Dr. Somnath. I would never complain about one of his posts. He's just upset about the facts in a "J-10A vs. French Rafale" comparison.
LOLLLZ i know what fake facts are u stating about J10A :lol: , yes i am upset and the blue letters which i wrote is that reason :bad:
LOLLLLZ martian why the hell are u comparing APPLES & ORANGES here instead why dont u talk about that pirated lavi copy instead of awacs.
I think u know u cant convince anything here about that j10 's superiority over rafale :lol:


Read the topic and engagement scenario carefully and then analyze. We are not comparing J-10 and Rafales and their capabilities. With the presence of AWACs, the advantage Rafale's spectra and IRST will be nullified.

In one to one engagement, we all know the possible outcome.
I did post many reputable citations. I always leave it to the reader to decide for themselves. I present one side of the story and you present the other side. The reader chooses what they want to believe.

However, I do believe I have more reputable and convincing citations and arguments. Until next time, Dr. Somnath. :wave:
llolllz what kind of reputable citations u gave everytime in this PDF forum we all know :lol: this is not 1st time :D
Read the topic and engagement scenario carefully and then analyze. We are not comparing J-10 and Rafales and their capabilities. With the presence of AWACs, the advantage Rafale's spectra and IRST will be nullified.

In one to one engagement, we all know the possible outcome.
And I thought that your radar still needed to track a target to engage it.
Read the topic and engagement scenario carefully and then analyze. We are not comparing J-10 and Rafales and their capabilities. With the presence of AWACs, the advantage Rafale's spectra and IRST will be nullified.

In one to one engagement, we all know the possible outcome.
blah ...
How ??? can u plz explain ???
we have our own awacs & J10 is not a stealth plane then how the presence of AWACs, the advantage Rafale's spectra and IRST will be nullified.
blah ...
How ??? can u plz explain ???
we have our own awacs & J10 is not a stealth plane then how the presence of AWACs, the advantage Rafale's spectra and IRST will be nullified.

We can't take our AWACs deep into enemy territory, neither can they.

And I thought that your radar still needed to track a target to engage it.

Not always, infrared signature can also be used to guide a missile.
We can't take our AWACs deep into enemy territory, neither can they.

Not always, infrared signature can also be used to guide a missile.
Not the point or should I say
'And I thought that you still needed to track a target to engage it.' You cannot engage a target even if your AWACS detects it. There are many stages after that, including locking your target through any means available including your IRST.
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