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China test its J-10 fighters near borders with India.

To tell the truth , a unilateral ceasefire is unbinding on the other party ... If you can understand , what i mean :P ...

well... for your info, India refused the truce proposal offered by Chou En Lai.

chinese returned empty handed ..... they chose running back to getting frozen on the himalayan heights.

as for the "unbinding" part, several indian batallions were unaware of the unilateral withdrawal by chinese .... and attacked the returning chinese.

off course, indians were outnumbered in those remote border areas at that time.

it's as foolhardy to think that china can walk in with 8 times the men now .... as much as they think of the possibility of japanese running through china, now.

china simply doesn't have an army 8 times as large.

further techonology, equates everything ... a border clash .. could potentially deteriorate.. to MAD.

btw... since you appear to be a pakistani .... it would be not be amiss to say that focus on your economy and get rid of terrorism. china is nobody's "all weather friend" .. neither is usa, as your've already found.
But sad you can not use your toilet at ur will ..without close watch of CPC.Can you tweet boss? fustration :hitwall:
what an IQ reply``lol, sorry I am in China atm not India so we dont have to worry about where to dump waste
LOL at india, going to fight China with hot air boasting and self-delusion. Meanwhile, China is practicing J-10 air strikes on New Delhi, helicopter attacks on indian army and building railways to Lahore and Kathmandu to deploy heavy armor to the subcontinent plains.

india can't even fly an aircraft without crashing, can't even handle a handful of terrorists gunning down random people in Mumbai, nevermind fighting PLA. We all remember how that turned out in the 1962 spanking indians are still burning from ;)

You guys cannot even handle yr non nuclear neighbour and you are dreaming of taking on nuclear India.
West has acknowledged our pilot's mettle and on this is very forum I have seen yr Pakistani brother making fun of yr pilots. So please stop all this nonsense.
LOL we prove ourselves in war, not blowing hot air like indians. Remember how we spanked your "elite" army like little children in 1962 after you blew so much hot air about strong you were? :rofl:

Back in 62 we hardly any Army, our then prime Minster was of the view that we don't need an army and I would actually thank u guys for attacking us because of defeat we were finally better prepared to to handle Pak aggression in 65. And then in 71 we made 90k Pak soldier surrender ,totally unheard anywhere.
what an IQ reply``lol, sorry I am in China atm not India so we dont have to worry about where to dump waste

What is your IQ? ever tested? mine is a gazillion beat it...:P

OT: So what if the test all their aircrafts? It is what countries do...it is an over rated thread.
what an IQ reply``lol, sorry I am in China atm not India so we dont have to worry about where to dump waste

... but the quality of your posts demonstrate, it's you who is the "waste" ... it's you who is going to be dumped.

who cares, when you talk "toilets" all day .... perhaps the reason is that CPC is denied you permission to use ..... and controlling nature's call is becoming a bigger problem for you, with every passing minute. :laugh:

my god, i feel sorry ... rather than funny.. at your conditon.
Guess that makes the Chinese retards then? Cause there is no change in the design of the airframe?

Not as retard as Indian imagine: Chinese engineers kept the airframe appearance because the aerodynamic maneuvrability of SU-27...at that time Su-27 is more maneuvable that F-15 and only threat to China is Japanese F-15 why we need to change it???, but most materiaux inside the structures are differents due to the fact that Russians were not so stupid to provide the manufacturing blue print, we have to use altenative as replacement.

Aw man don't insult them..:P
They first copy it and call it reverse engineering and then test if what they copied is working or not,be pretentious.
And hey!We made it ourselves!!

I bet you don't even know the difference between copy and reverse engineering...you Indian has no gut and been banned by international from step into this "copying" business because you know the consequence...so the best it's trying to piss us off with this issue....thy harder :lol:

These chinis think that if they attack India,they wont get their *** spanked..:P
Then you have japan and USA waiting to take you down,think before you talk

You indians just like to hide in other's shadow, bring Japan and US into discussion wont help your cause...LMAO
it is widely observed on this forum that indians are not as smart as chinese.

both sides have nationalists youngs, they say stupid things and have those stupid "good" feeling about their "motherlands", but if you carefully look at the logic behind their words, you see the IQ difference.
China's J-10A Vigorous Dragon is superior to French Rafale


China's J-10A flies higher, faster, and carry longer-range PL-12 AAM (air-to-air missile) than French Rafale.


The J-10A carries four PL-12 missiles with 70+ km range that can easily shoot down a French Rafale carrying shorter 50km range MICA missiles.

China has deployed its J-10A fighters along the Indian border. India is buying French Rafale fighters to counter the Chinese J-10A Vigorous Dragons. A comparison shows the Chinese J-10A to be superior to the French Rafale.

The J-10A has a service ceiling of 18,000m. The French Rafale has a lower service ceiling of 16,800m. For combat, the same missile launched at a higher altitude (such as 18,000m) will fly further.

For within-visual-range (WVR) combat, a J-10A can circle above and swoop down with guns blazing on a helpless French Rafale. On the other hand, a French Rafale cannot engage a high-flying J-10A at 18,000m (which is 1,200m beyond the French Rafale's service ceiling).

The J-10A can carry four PL-12 beyond-visual-range (BVR) missiles with 70+ km range. However, the MICA missile carried by the French Rafale has a much shorter 50km range (according to GlobalSecurity).

In fairness, I have elected not to cite the higher 100km range for the PL-12 (see International Assessment and Strategy Center > Research > The Air Balance on the Taiwan Strait).

The J-10A has a faster "maximum speed of Mach 2.2 at altitude" than the significantly slower "Mach 1.8+" for the French Rafale. This means the J-10A can fire its four PL-12 missiles at a French Rafale at 60km and fly home safely. The French Rafale's slower speed means it cannot chase down a J-10A.

The final point is the deadliness of China's PL-12 missiles.

Advanced but Unproved Chinese BVR Medium Range Missile SD-10

"Its seven recent test firings all hit the targets.
Experts believe that domestic SD-10's performance has surpassed the U.S. AIM-120A/B, Russian R-77 and the French MICA (Missile d'Interception et de Combat Aerien), etc., and close to the AIM-120C."

[Note: PL-12/SD-10 refer to the same missile.]


References (for Wikipedia articles, see primary source footnotes):

Chengdu J-10 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dassault Rafale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China's J-10A Vigorous Dragon is superior to French Rafale


China's J-10A flies higher, faster, and carry longer-range PL-12 AAM (air-to-air missile) than French Rafale.


The J-10A carries four PL-12 missiles with 70+ km range that can easily shoot down a French Rafale carrying shorter 50km range MICA missiles.

China has deployed its J-10A fighters along the Indian border. India is buying French Rafale fighters to counter the Chinese J-10A Vigorous Dragons. A comparison shows the Chinese J-10A to be superior to the French Rafale.

The J-10A has a service ceiling of 18,000m. The French Rafale has a lower service ceiling of 16,800m. For combat, the same missile launched at a higher altitude (such as 18,000m) will fly further.

For within-visual-range (WVR) combat, a J-10A can circle above and swoop down with guns blazing on a helpless French Rafale. On the other hand, a French Rafale cannot engage a high-flying J-10A at 18,000m (which is 1,200m beyond the French Rafale's service ceiling).

The J-10A can carry four PL-12 beyond-visual-range (BVR) missiles with 70+ km range. However, the MICA missile carried by the French Rafale has a much shorter 50km range (according to GlobalSecurity).

In fairness, I have elected not to cite the higher 100km range for the PL-12 (see International Assessment and Strategy Center > Research > The Air Balance on the Taiwan Strait).

The J-10A has a faster "maximum speed of Mach 2.2 at altitude" than the significantly slower "Mach 1.8+" for the French Rafale. This means the J-10A can fire its four PL-12 missiles at a French Rafale at 60km and fly home safely. The French Rafale's slower speed means it cannot chase down a J-10A.

The final point is the deadliness of China's PL-12 missiles.

Advanced but Unproved Chinese BVR Medium Range Missile SD-10

"Its seven recent test firings all hit the targets.
Experts believe that domestic SD-10's performance has surpassed the U.S. AIM-120A/B, Russian R-77 and the French MICA (Missile d'Interception et de Combat Aerien), etc., and close to the AIM-120C."

[Note: PL-12/SD-10 refer to the same missile.]


References (for Wikipedia articles, see primary source footnotes):

Chengdu J-10 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dassault Rafale - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


stop spamming dude... do u think anyone will take u seriously.. its ******* seriously hilarious... thanks for the laughs.. :D:D
same old indian thoery
every thing india had is super dooper lopper topper in the world
every thing china had is a copied junk
every thing pakistan get is degraded copied junk

happy now?
same old indian thoery
every thing india had is super dooper lopper topper in the world
every thing china had is a copied junk
every thing pakistan get is degraded copied junk

happy now?

Here is the Internet, people can say whatever they want, but it does not change the reality.
This thread has covered allot of topics not mentioned in the title.

As for the J 10, I think most will agree that its true capability will be known to everyone once it is truly tested in combat.

When the J-10, PLAAF pilots, the weapons, sub systems, etc. are battle tested, there wont be so many unknowns.

Seeing what the Rafale can do in combat, and considering the J 10 has not had the chance to prove itself in combat yet, I would bet on the Rafale until the PLAAF goes to war and proves itself and its weapons platforms.
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