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China readies for a sharp short war with Japan

The F-22 were grounded due to problem with their breathing apparatus which has now been corrected.

A single Raptor can take out an entire squadron of Chinese Jets. A dogfight between Chinese and US Jets will resemble the turkey shoot that Israel and Syria had in 1982 when Israel shot down 82 Syrian Fighters without any loss.

Gosh, do you truly believe that China will send its 4th gen fighter in a dogfight with F-22?

The airports of F-22 will get bombed before they can takeoff the aircrafts.
Japan has a huge navy. The only way China can win against Japan in a quick war would be to use advanced fighter jets such as J-10B to sink Japanese warships. F-2 and F-15 are no match for J-10B. Once the Japanese air power and warships are neutralized, China can then use maritime patrol planes like Y-8FQ to destroy the Japanese submarines.

If it's a self contained conflict over some puny island, America would not intervene, and let both sides duke it out like the Arab Israeli wars or the Pakistani Indian wars. Americans know best not to mess with a country with 1.3+ billion people.
Japan has a huge navy. The only way China can win against Japan in a quick war would be to use advanced fighter jets such as J-10B to sink Japanese warships. F-2 and F-15 are no match for J-10B. Once the Japanese air power and warships are neutralized, China can then use maritime patrol planes like Y-8FQ to destroy the Japanese submarines.

If it's a self contained conflict over some puny island, America would not intervene, and let both sides duke it out like the Arab Israeli wars or the Pakistani Indian wars.

They only have four Kongo class DDGs and two Atago class DDGs, which is not a big deal for us.

The combination power of our second artillery corps + PLAN + PLAAF will make the job pretty quick and clean.
We would only go to war if Japan fires the first shot. You can guarantee on that.

Well China would obviously have every right to defend itself and counter attack if Japan were to fire the first shot. Sounds like pretty common sense logic to me. What isn't logical or rational are some of the genocidal hyper-nationalists here that act like they have any control over what China does with it's military. These people live in a fantasy land that only exists on PDF, not in the real world.
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4 Akizuki and 2 Izumo destroyers are planned. Plus 10 Soryu submarines are planned.

List of active Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force ships - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Akizuki only carries the small AESA radars, which is nothing comparable to the large AESA radars carried by the Type 052C/D.

While Izumo is just a helicopter carrier, and it will not help the JSDF to gain the air superiority.

The Soryu submarine is good, but still nothing comparable to the nuclear sub.

Once Japan fires the first shot, China will immediately respond with a missile strike to annihilate its surface vessels along with its docks, also including its military airports.

Japan now without any offensive weapon is really vulnerable against China.
There can be a quick regional conventional war over the sea rocks just for fun. It doesn't have to be one invading the other. :yes4:
There can be a quick regional conventional war over the sea rocks just for fun. It doesn't have to be one invading the other. :yes4:

That's pretty much China wants to do since long time ago, it is to publicly humiliate those Japanese right-wing nuts.
The F-22 were grounded due to problem with their breathing apparatus which has now been corrected.

A single Raptor can take out an entire squadron of Chinese Jets. A dogfight between Chinese and US Jets will resemble the turkey shoot that Israel and Syria had in 1982 when Israel shot down 82 Syrian Fighters without any loss.

You do realise raptor is stealth but not invisible right? Once a raptor fire its weapon just once the plane will be locked by enemy radar. It leverage its ability to surprise attack one target.

And as stated as far as in 2000, chinese general had reiterated China will bomb every airport US fighter fly out of if it had intervene in any conflict involving China. Be it Japan, Korea.
You do realise raptor is stealth but not invisible right? Once a raptor fire its weapon just once the plane will be locked by enemy radar. It leverage its ability to surprise attack one target.

And as stated as far as in 2000, chinese general had reiterated China will bomb every airport US fighter fly out of if it had intervene in any conflict involving China. Be it Japan, Korea.

China's single-pixel 3D camera can perfectly do this job.


Not gonna happen anytime soon.

I hope so, but the Japanese right-wing nuts cannot wait any longer.
The F-22 were grounded due to problem with their breathing apparatus which has now been corrected.

A single Raptor can take out an entire squadron of Chinese Jets. A dogfight between Chinese and US Jets will resemble the turkey shoot that Israel and Syria had in 1982 when Israel shot down 82 Syrian Fighters without any loss.

are you trying to be funny or silly?

how many a2a missiles that a single raptor gets?
plus it has one gun: 1× 2omm M61A2 vulcan grating cannon, 480 rounds

How many planes in one Chinese squadron?
The F-22 were grounded due to problem with their breathing apparatus which has now been corrected.

A single Raptor can take out an entire squadron of Chinese Jets. A dogfight between Chinese and US Jets will resemble the turkey shoot that Israel and Syria had in 1982 when Israel shot down 82 Syrian Fighters without any loss.

In the Korean war, people said the same thing, but Chinese fighters shot down all American pilots thus enabling us to win the Korean war. If America had air superiority then, no way would our troops kicked out the US 8th army from the Yalu river.

American military is more about media hype than actual fighting prowess. We proved it in the Korean war.
In the Korean war, people said the same thing, but Chinese fighters shot down all American pilots thus enabling us to win the Korean war. If America had air superiority then, no way would our troops kicked out the US 8th army from the Yalu river.

American military is more about media hype than actual fighting prowess. We proved it in the Korean war.

Korean War was 60 years ago and most of the air combat was flown by Soviet Pilots using Soviet Planes which were on par with Western Fighters.

The technological gap between US Frontline fighters and Chinese Fighters is close to 30 years or so.
Korean War was 60 years ago and most of the air combat was flown by Soviet Pilots using Soviet Planes which were on par with Western Fighters.

The technological gap between US Frontline fighters and Chinese Fighters is close to 30 years or so.

LOL they were flown by Chinese pilots. That myth of Soviet pilots flying was made up by the Americans to save face after getting embarrassed by the Chinese pilots. This myth has been debunked so many times, I'm tired of going over it.

Chinese fighters can take on any US fighter as Russian fighter tech is on par with US tech. J-10, J-11, Su-30 can take on any American fighter including the F-22 (highly unproven fighter).

F-22 is not even proven and just exists because of media hype, its got major problems too.
Korean War was 60 years ago and most of the air combat was flown by Soviet Pilots using Soviet Planes which were on par with Western Fighters.

The technological gap between US Frontline fighters and Chinese Fighters is close to 30 years or so.

It will not be aircraft vs aircraft, you still don't get it.
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