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‘China provokes us but we still don’t know how to fight it’

OK, I guess it's time to get back to the thread topic. :lol:

"Indians don't know how to fight China", and their Armed Forces have already given up, by admitting they cannot defeat us.

So India should probably be more worried about "the most dangerous border in the world" between India and Pakistan (according to the Economist) which has the highest risk of nuclear war in the world.

Any terrorist group could trigger it at any moment.
First comes indoor plumbing, then the toilet and finally the janitor.

If you do not follow this sequence exactly my Indian friends, you will have a big mess (like right now).

Thankyou so much for explaining it. Actually, we offload our above job to chinese companies.

---------- Post added at 11:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:37 PM ----------

OK, I guess it's time to get back to the thread topic. :lol:

"Indians don't know how to fight China", and their Armed Forces have already given up, by admitting they cannot defeat us.

So India should probably be more worried about "the most dangerous border in the world" between India and Pakistan (according to the Economist) which has the highest risk of nuclear war in the world.

Since you are back on topic, my job is done.......... Goodnight. See you tomorrow.
OK, I guess it's time to get back to the thread topic.

Indians don't know how to fight China, and their Armed Forces have already given up by admitting they cannot defeat us.

So India should probably be more worried about "the most dangerous border in the world" between India and Pakistan (according to the Economist) which has the highest risk of nuclear war in the world.

yes lets leave Pakistan to the Indian way of Karmic Justice....pests arent meant to be fought..Indian bug spray de]oes the job

Lets talk about how china can bully Vietnam Again...Oh wait wasn't India involved? ..
China needs balls fr that..:meeting:
I thought the majority of Indians did not have toilets? :P

Plus, no one from HK would want to move to India. We have the 2nd highest life expectancy in the world, and an HDI ranking above countries like Britain/France/Spain.

India on the other hand, has more poverty than even the continent of Africa. No chance.

we are hiring some really good chinese engineer to build toilets for us. Toilet, Made in China :P

half of your populations is specially trained for some special works against their will by the PLA and you are giving us the lectures of Human development. Just add forceful with it.

With gun in hand I can also make u pee in your bed. So next time when you come just make a recall that you are debating with the people of democratic land who wish to choose and are not under any hard and fast rules unlike china. F*** O**
Even if you sit on the Moon...... fact will remain fact. They humiliated you guys(more the double the size of Japan) worst than a slave.

Was the British occupation of India an honor for us ? :azn: Or was it humiliation too ?
Atleast they fought against the Japanese and defeated them in the end ...
Was the British occupation of India an honor for us ? :azn: Or was it humiliation too ?
Atleast they fought against the Japanese and defeated them in the end ...
US defeated them dear....otherwise they were unable to defend their people from japanese armies' war crimes....
OK, I guess it's time to get back to the thread topic. :lol:

"Indians don't know how to fight China", and their Armed Forces have already given up, by admitting they cannot defeat us.

So India should probably be more worried about "the most dangerous border in the world" between India and Pakistan (according to the Economist) which has the highest risk of nuclear war in the world.

Any terrorist group could trigger it at any moment.

Ok why don't you tell you Ho JIn Tau to give orders and march your army towards Indian border, come on why are you so silent? your government doesn't listen to you or what .. lol.
No thanks, I have seen how Indians treat their Dalits. :azn:

This comes from someone who's government masters have treatment issues with almost all non-Han communities. You should be the last one to point at us considering your own slate itself is so terribly scribbled. Hiding your problems don't usually make it go. For some people, shiny roads and buildings would be good compensation; not for everyone. And you cannot force people to like what you like. Just if you get the idea....
With gun in hand I can also make u pee in your bed. So next time when you come just make a recall that you are debating with the people of democratic land who wish to choose and are not under any hard and fast rules unlike china. F*** O**

:rofl: Debating with the people of democratic land :lol: ... Some new " Superiority " theory ? ...
It was the Indo-Aryan invasion of the IVC around 2000 bc that changed our genetics .There was no such thing as slam or Mughals back then.
Was the British occupation of India an honor for us ? :azn: Or was it humiliation too ?
Atleast they fought against the Japanese and defeated them in the end ...

We weren't without a fight either. BTW Chinese didn't defeat anyone.

Let's face it; while China and we did fight our occupiers in our own way, nothing very serious could be done against them by either of us. Germany's bombing of UK and US nuking Japan is ultimately what gave our countries independence. No matter what Congress party or CCP hides and censors, this fact remains the truth.
:rofl: Debating with the people of democratic land :lol: ... Some new " Superiority " theory ? ...
if u guys love china so much why dont u guys join ur land with. you guys have already sold off ur army and economy to them. remember that u separated from india and speak same language as us. and ur origin is also indian. well see how they treatu in china
:rofl: Debating with the people of democratic land :lol: ... Some new " Superiority " theory ? ...

First remind your PM to be present in Supreme Court. :woot:

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ----------

:rofl: Debating with the people of democratic land :lol: ... Some new " Superiority " theory ? ...

First remind your PM to be present in Supreme Court. :woot:
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