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‘China provokes us but we still don’t know how to fight it’

LOL, compare your post to the one that you quoted from me:

just go thru all your posts and you will find, how many times you have quoted same lines/links/articals/ Quote.

You will be ashamed of your self. O sorry sorry........ there is no ashamed word in your dictionary, as you are a Cent labour. & it is your daily work. You are paid for it. hahahahahaha
Like I said, even a janitor in HK who is barely able to write, will have an income that is thirty times higher than the average Indian.

Multiply that several times, and it still won't be enough to bribe me against responding to Indians on here. :P
Are you a janitor in different places....now i understand why you become part of 50 cent army...(HUH...Finally a reason)
Like I said, even a janitor in HK who is barely able to write, will have an income that is thirty times higher than the average Indian.

Multiply that several times, and it still won't be enough to bribe me against responding to Indians on here. :P
Bravo Bravo...send that Janitor to clean our Toilets please.
The Chinese were invaded and ruled and robbed and humiliated for centuries by many armies and countries, no wonder they are pissed at everyone. :lol:
Yep, they can give all the excuses they want, and steal the glory from other countries as much as they want.

But they were smashed by a weak China in 1962 and utterly humilated. Even though our economy/military was weaker than theirs back then.

Now, China's economy is FOUR times larger than the Indian economy, with commensurate military spending. The gap has increased so much that it's not even funny. :lol:

The Indian Armed forces have already admitted they cannot win against China in a battle.

But why talk about China, India doesn't even have the balls to respond to Pakistan, despite all that boasting after the Mumbai attacks. :azn:

hmm let me see..is it just me or do u want worse situation for ur Pakistani Buddies than it already is?
Cus last time i checked they weren't doing so good.

Who are we to Intervene in the divine works of Karma and Godly wrath..after India is so weak tht it doesn't even need to send its army to take care of pests. :lol:

3 times the Economy hahaa...couldn't get back Vietnam could u??cant do anything if one lacks balls.
Bravo Bravo...send that Janitor to clean our Toilets please.

I thought the majority of Indians did not have toilets? :P

Plus, no one from HK would want to move to India. We have the 2nd highest life expectancy in the world, and an HDI ranking above countries like Britain/France/Spain.

India on the other hand, has more poverty than even the continent of Africa. No chance.
I thought the majority of Indians did not have toilets? :P

Plus, no one from HK would want to move to India. We have the 2nd highest life expectancy in the world, and an HDI ranking above countries like Britain/France/Spain.

India on the other hand, has more poverty than even the continent of Africa. No chance.

Whats your contribution in development of Hongkong Man??? Other then sending your wives for delivery in HK and getting citizenship there.

We know the history........ who has made HK a HK.

Yo guys are just like a parasite, living on others hard work. lol...
I thought the majority of Indians did not have toilets? :P

Plus, no one from HK would want to move to India. We have the 2nd highest life expectancy in the world, and an HDI ranking above countries like Britain/France/Spain.

India on the other hand, has more poverty than even the continent of Africa. No chance.

Yes we dont have toilets. But we need Your Janators to pick up..... from streets.
The Chinese were invaded and ruled and robbed and humiliated for centuries by many armies and countries, no wonder they are pissed at everyone. :lol:

no they actually prefer servitude and slavery ..form the quin to the hans to the brits... there slave masters were always fascinated with big projects.
Take the Great wall of China for example. Kno how many people were Whip cracked to death? more than 3 million.WOW

and INstead of Marking it as national burial site ..they call it the Wonder of the word ..a wonder indeed ..but only for how people can be like cattle.
Learn frm the Chinese
CD is the master of copy pasting and going round in circles during discussions to reach the same point often.I am sure he is paid for his posts.

what ever he copy paste (there habit of copying every thing), he will every time get fresh one from me and all of us.
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