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‘China provokes us but we still don’t know how to fight it’

Except that we were on the winning side of WW2, hence our permanent seat at the UNSC. :D

They got nuked, and ALL the war-criminals were executed immediately after the war. That was justice.

India on the other hand, still cries about Dawood and Hafiz Saaed while they roam about free and happy, planning the next Mumbai drama. :lol:

But you, Mighty china, is not able to punish Dalai lama, who is sitting just next to your border. cheesing you and you don't have balls to do any thing.
Except that we were on the winning side of WW2, hence our permanent seat at the UNSC. :D

They got nuked, and ALL the war-criminals were executed immediately after the war. That was justice.

India on the other hand, still cries about Dawood and Hafiz Saaed while they roam about free and happy, planning the next Mumbai drama. :lol:

Holy Shhiit!! Many chinese would have been orphaned. ;)

Pretty funny, their brightest day is also their darkest. Irony of fate :P
The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II . It is estimated that the number of women raped ranged from 20,000 to as many as 80,000,and stated that women from all classes were raped, including Buddhist nuns.Furthermore, rape occurred in all locations and at all hours, and both very young and very old women were raped.[24] Not even pregnant women were spared, Chang wrote, and that after gang rape, Japanese soldiers "sometimes slashed open the bellies of pregnant women and ripped out the fetuses for amusement"

chinese ppl r treated worse than us..loll
The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II . It is estimated that the number of women raped ranged from 20,000 to as many as 80,000,and stated that women from all classes were raped, including Buddhist nuns.Furthermore, rape occurred in all locations and at all hours, and both very young and very old women were raped.[24] Not even pregnant women were spared, Chang wrote, and that after gang rape, Japanese soldiers "sometimes slashed open the bellies of pregnant women and ripped out the fetuses for amusement"

Compare those numbers, to the number of Indians who are killed by starvation every single year. :wave:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hunger critical' in South Asia

A Unicef report in May said the world was failing its children by not ensuring that they had enough to eat.

The report said India contributed to about 5.6 million child deaths per year, more than half the world's total.

India kills more people every year via starvation than the rest of the world combined.

And that is in the modern era as well!
India itself was nothing more than a creation of the colonialists, out of a bunch of independent kingdoms in the subcontinent. Which was then consequently enslaved for the next TWO HUNDRED years.

Indians like to call it "Indian history" :-)lol:), but in fact India never existed prior to the arrival of the colonialists.

Moreover, the apex of South Asian civilization (the Indus Valley Civilization) in fact existed in what is now modern-day Pakistan, not in India. All the inventions that Indians claim, are actually from the IVC which is based in Pakistan.
At least we fought, and no one managed to colonize us during the age of colonization. At most they took 1/4 of our land area, that was the furthest they could go. :azn:

India on the other hand was created by the European colonialists and then enslaved for TWO HUNDRED years. It was total colonization of the entire country, and Indians never fought for their freedom.

Gandhi could only beg the British, he never actually fought against them.

Just imagine, if America, britain would have not come for your rescue in 1945. We would have been neighbor of Great Japan.
India itself was nothing more than a creation of the colonialists, out of a bunch of independent kingdoms in the subcontinent. Which was then consequently enslaved for the next TWO HUNDRED years.

Indians like to call it "Indian history" :-)lol:), but in fact India never existed prior to the arrival of the colonialists.

Moreover, the apex of South Asian civilization (the Indus Valley Civilization) in fact existed in what is now modern-day Pakistan, not in India. All the inventions that Indians claim, are actually from the IVC which is based in Pakistan.

Agree. But the Fact REMAINS - It is estimated that the number of women raped ranged from 20,000 to as many as 80,000,and stated that women from all classes were raped and China can do a Dam
At least we fought, and no one managed to colonize us during the age of colonization. At most they took 1/4 of our land area, that was the furthest they could go. :azn:

India on the other hand was created by the European colonialists and then enslaved for TWO HUNDRED years. It was total colonization of the entire country, and Indians never fought for their freedom.

Gandhi could only beg the British, he never actually fought against them.

shame on ur self. mind your language before commenting on Gandhi.
At least we fought, and no one managed to colonize us during the age of colonization. At most they took 1/4 of our land area, that was the furthest they could go. :azn:

India on the other hand was created by the European colonialists and then enslaved for TWO HUNDRED years. It was total colonization of the entire country, and Indians never fought for their freedom.

Gandhi could only beg the British, he never actually fought against them.

What about the humiliation you got at the hands of the mongols. Begging didn't save you, entire north China was ruled by the mongols for 118 years.
India itself was nothing more than a creation of the colonialists, out of a bunch of independent kingdoms in the subcontinent. Which was then consequently enslaved for the next TWO HUNDRED years.

Indians like to call it "Indian history" :-)lol:), but in fact India never existed prior to the arrival of the colonialists.

Moreover, the apex of South Asian civilization (the Indus Valley Civilization) in fact existed in what is now modern-day Pakistan, not in India. All the inventions that Indians claim, are actually from the IVC which is based in Pakistan.
If i am not wrong you have earned $6,406 from your posts....that's lot of money :D (50 cents = 1 post)
Compare those numbers, to the number of Indians who are killed by starvation every single year. :wave:

BBC NEWS | South Asia | 'Hunger critical' in South Asia

India kills more people every year via starvation than the rest of the world combined.

And that is in the modern era as well!

Lol............. Your links & copy paste is not going to help you or save you today. Today you are going to get rammed.. No excuse pls. hahahahahahaha

You guys are bunch of scared ppl, who don,t have balls to fight with tiny nation like Japan. which has literally R*p*d your entire Nation, till the time Americans and Britishers came for your rescue. Lol.
really sad india couldnt put up a decent fight in 1962

Yep, they can give all the excuses they want, and steal the glory from other countries as much as they want.

But they were smashed by a weak China in 1962 and utterly humilated. Even though our economy/military was weaker than theirs back then.

Now, China's economy is FOUR times larger than the Indian economy, with commensurate military spending. The gap has increased so much that it's not even funny. :lol:

The Indian Armed forces have already admitted they cannot win against China in a battle.

But why talk about China, India doesn't even have the balls to respond to Pakistan, despite all that boasting after the Mumbai attacks. :azn:
really sad india couldnt put up a decent fight in 1962

But i still wonder, why you guys ran away after occupying Arunachal pradesh???? Can you put some light on this??

I have asked almost all chinese, but none have answered this question.
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