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China PLA Type 99 Tank is Inferior ?



New Recruit

Jan 21, 2010
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The Chinese are thinking that, their things are superior, and they laugh at others, this is the video which shows the reality of Chinese product Type 99 Tank, which they claims successful.

So , is their any Video which proves other wise ??
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Fire accuracy is attained by the laser rangefinder, wind sensor, ballistic computer, and thermal barrel sleeve, while essential muzzle reference system is invisible in released photographs. Dual axis stabilization ensures effective firing on the move. The commander has six periscopes and a stabilized panoramic sight. Both the commander and gunner have roof-mounted stabilized sights fitted with day/thermal channels, a laser rangefinder and an auto tracker facility.
No, this is to those who always claims something diff.

Well the Point is why the tank Barrel is moving up and Down while moving on the uneven ground, I have hardly seen this type of thing in any tanks video around the world.

Some tank can shoot good while on the move and some can shoot while on stationery. is type 99 is good in shooting in stationery only?
No, this is to those who always claims something diff.

Well the Point is why the tank Barrel is moving up and Down while moving on the uneven ground, I have hardly seen this type of thing in any tanks video around the world.

Some tank can shoot good while on the move and some can shoot while on stationery. is type 99 is good in shooting in stationery only?

I am speechless at your lack of basic knowledge in weaponry. Oh well... maybe howstuffworks.com will help somewhat? Gun angle is controlled by gears which need power. There is no point to power it unless it is engaging enemy. It is like putting a car in neutral gear.

Here is a video of the Leopard 2: notice how the gun bounced in the beginning of the video (0:04).

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I am scared then our Alkhalid would also dance like that:rofl:
watch some alkhalid videos. And see its stable gun.

And for type 99
here you go.

From wiki
Dual axis stabilization ensures effective firing on the move

The gun will become stable when the gunner will lock the gun on a target.
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This video provides no information. What's your point?

"Meanwhile, the Type 99 tank is a fine example of the true level of Chinese military technology. It traces its lineage to Type 90, which is itself a heavily upgraded clone of the old T-72. Chinese military web sites and forums, as well as some Western observers who take all the patriotic verbiage at face value, sing the praises of Type 99. They describe it as world-class; some even go as far as to suggest that it outclasses the Russian T-90A.

The truth is, the armor system of the latest and greatest Chinese tank’s turret looks nothing short of ugly. Due to poor design choices, the thickness of the armor at the 30-35 degrees angle is a mere 350mm, whereas the figure for the latest Soviet/Russian tanks is about 600mm from all angles. Roof armor at the front is also weak, and the tank has inherited the weakness of the porthole and hatch areas from the old Soviet designs. The dimensions of the Type 99 turret make any substantial improvements in its built-in protection system all but impossible - witness the latest modification, Type 99A1. Meanwhile, the decision to use the powerful but bulky German MTU diesel engine forced the Chinese designers to add an extra meter to the tank’s length, bringing its weight to 54 metric tons despite the sacrifices made in armor strength. (Besides, the use of imported engines - or their assembly from imported components - seems to be the key reason why so few of the Type 99’s have been built so far.) So compared to the latest Russian designs, Type 99 is a bulkier tank with weaker armor, handicapped by poor engineering.

The Chinese rely too much on superficial mechanical copying of individual design elements, which often do not fit together very well. This copying does not translate into any advantages compared to the original foreign designs, and in many cases leads to unexpected problems. Compared to the vast experience of Soviet/Russian tank designers, the Chinese are only making their first steps - and it really shows.

Finally, the bulk of the Army’s equipment remains obsolete. The handful of new vehicles of each type trotted out in front of Mao’s mausoleum do not change the bigger picture. Fewer than 300-350 of the latest Type 99 main battle tank have been built over the past decade. In order to be able to replace the ancient T-59’s, which still make up the bulk of the fleet, China has been forced to maintain production of the cheap, simplified and painfully obsolete Type 96. This kind of approach - i.e. producing a few modern-looking showcase pieces while the bulk of the output is made up of spruced-up old junk - exemplifies the current state of affairs in China’s defense industry. Even the Chengdu facility, which builds the latest J-10 fighters, also continues to churn out the J-7G model, a slightly updated version of the venerable MiG-21."
From China Defense section of defense . pk>>China's Military modernization: the Russian Factor
Ultimate Warrior

Buddy, that source just means it was already discussed on this forum, but it doesn't provide with the ultimate source, was there any source at all, was it reliable or free from bias?
I am speechless at your lack of basic knowledge in weaponry. Oh well... maybe howstuffworks.com will help somewhat? Gun angle is controlled by gears which need power. There is no point to power it unless it is engaging enemy. It is like putting a car in neutral gear.

Here is a video of the Leopard 2: notice how the gun bounced in the beginning of the video (0:04).

Leopard 2[/url]

From 0:15 - 0:18 It seems that the gun needs to be brought to a raised position for reloading. Does the Leopard 2 have an autoloader?

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Tanks in the video are T-96, not type 99.
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