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China PLA Type 99 Tank is Inferior ?

Lol man mother russia is not economically well indonesia passed india and russia in gdp growth and income per capita and human development.
LOL the T-90 has had those features for a while. Any proof the Chinese actualy have this?

Wouldn't it be great if there can do a field death contest with different tanks? Haha, anyway the current T-99 versions already have this components for about 5 yeras. This article IMO is more of a speculation. We are not going to build a 75 ton tank because it will essentially destroy every bridge it tries to cross :lol:

Rest assured that the T-99A2 is among the best in the world. But the point is that the research will not stop and the next gen combat station is under development. Between China and Russia it will be a selling contest in future. Cheers :cheers:
Russia exposing Chinese latest 99KM tank - China Tour

From Russian source:

Latest T-99 variant: ztz99km
Engine: 2100hp!!! Power/weight: 28hp/ton!!!!:eek::eek:
Weight: 75 ton!!!:eek:
Main Gun: 155mm!!! :eek:

Is this a T-99 or an Overlord tank in video games???:eek:


According to the Russian "Tank Report" reported that when the Russian side is still looking forward to the time that T-95 tank comes out, the Chinese designers have quietly completed testing the latest main battle tank 99KM. What’s different from the previously developed Chinese tanks is that 99KM tank is equipped with a modular, active protection system that can more effectively resist attacks from the serial high-explosive anti-tank weapons. It is at least 10 years advance than others in the world. China's tank factory will manufacture first batch of more than 200 tanks of 99KM. The report also said, 99KM-type tank is also equipped with an improved type of JD-4-active laser defense system. At present, among the modern tanks which have been in service worldwide, there is no one tank equipped with any kind of similar defense system. This unique feature will undoubtedly enable 99KM tanks become an extremely dangerous opponent on the battlefield. The power of a 99KM is equivalent to 2 ~ 3 T-90 or M1A1 tank.

99KM tank full weight: 75 tons Power;

2100 hp engine speed: 80 km / h;

Max stroke: 869 km;

Main arms: 155 mm main gun (capable of launching precision-guided missile, also capable of launching a new generation of armor-piercing kinetic energy of shells)


Battle effective or not, this monster is going to be legendary.

I thought china's Type 99 at 60 tonnes has already reached the limit for some roads and bridges in southern china. Is this tank to be used in the wide plain of northern china? They are also developing a 40 tonnes 2 man next gen tank so maybe this will be used in the mountainous terrains in south china and in urban fighting?

I have thought that maybe heavy tanks can also stand in as command vehicles for the smaller, more numerous tank units, as 200 really isn't alot for the PLA.
i have watched a video about chinese type96 vs japinese T90 on 163.i wonder if it is the same video

"Meanwhile, the Type 99 tank is a fine example of the true level of Chinese military technology. It traces its lineage to Type 90, which is itself a heavily upgraded clone of the old T-72. Chinese military web sites and forums, as well as some Western observers who take all the patriotic verbiage at face value, sing the praises of Type 99. They describe it as world-class; some even go as far as to suggest that it outclasses the Russian T-90A.

The truth is, the armor system of the latest and greatest Chinese tank’s turret looks nothing short of ugly. Due to poor design choices, the thickness of the armor at the 30-35 degrees angle is a mere 350mm, whereas the figure for the latest Soviet/Russian tanks is about 600mm from all angles. Roof armor at the front is also weak, and the tank has inherited the weakness of the porthole and hatch areas from the old Soviet designs. The dimensions of the Type 99 turret make any substantial improvements in its built-in protection system all but impossible - witness the latest modification, Type 99A1. Meanwhile, the decision to use the powerful but bulky German MTU diesel engine forced the Chinese designers to add an extra meter to the tank’s length, bringing its weight to 54 metric tons despite the sacrifices made in armor strength. (Besides, the use of imported engines - or their assembly from imported components - seems to be the key reason why so few of the Type 99’s have been built so far.) So compared to the latest Russian designs, Type 99 is a bulkier tank with weaker armor, handicapped by poor engineering.

The Chinese rely too much on superficial mechanical copying of individual design elements, which often do not fit together very well. This copying does not translate into any advantages compared to the original foreign designs, and in many cases leads to unexpected problems. Compared to the vast experience of Soviet/Russian tank designers, the Chinese are only making their first steps - and it really shows.

Finally, the bulk of the Army’s equipment remains obsolete. The handful of new vehicles of each type trotted out in front of Mao’s mausoleum do not change the bigger picture. Fewer than 300-350 of the latest Type 99 main battle tank have been built over the past decade. In order to be able to replace the ancient T-59’s, which still make up the bulk of the fleet, China has been forced to maintain production of the cheap, simplified and painfully obsolete Type 96. This kind of approach - i.e. producing a few modern-looking showcase pieces while the bulk of the output is made up of spruced-up old junk - exemplifies the current state of affairs in China’s defense industry. Even the Chengdu facility, which builds the latest J-10 fighters, also continues to churn out the J-7G model, a slightly updated version of the venerable MiG-21."
From China Defense section of defense . pk>>China's Military modernization: the Russian Factor

A load of bunk. For one, the production of J-7 variants for the Chinese air force has already stopped. The rest is for overseas markets.

Type-96 is not obsolete either, its latest variant type-96G can give t-90 a run for its money.

It doesn't even get the basic facts right. It's just a feel-good artcle for whatever its readership is.
A load of bunk. For one, the production of J-7 variants for the Chinese air force has already stopped. The rest is for overseas markets.

Type-96 is not obsolete either, its latest variant type-96G can give t-90 a run for its money.

It doesn't even get the basic facts right. It's just a feel-good artcle for whatever its readership is.

For people with brown skin, and like food which rhymes with Hurry which starts with the Capitalized C because it stinks.
If anything, I think Chinese tanks are more reliable than russian tanks. Chinese tanks have to be able to operate in the desert, in the humid south, and in the frozen north. Whereas russian tanks are mainly designed for cold climates.

If that was the case, Pakistan wouldn;t of switched out the engine, and FCS for a more expensive alternative. Did Pakistan do something wrong?

Keep thinking, Russian tanks are used by the Egyptians, Saudis, Indians ect. BTW the T-90 was sent to India and Malasia for testing in both desort and jungle conditions, so no need to worry about its reliability.
T-90 still has problems in the desert. Mainly the FCS, but every tank had this. T-90 was not prone and the russian sensors not suffiecent. The engine did fine. unfortunatly the tank barely has room for a air conditioner.
Ptld egyptians are using M1 ABRAMS AND SO ARE SAUDIs ur tanks are just a mouth sweetner fo saudis.lol.Yes russian tanks are reliable but not in hot climate of rajistan there are various reports that they were over heasting and also thermal sights were cooked in rajhistan
yes they were. and problems presist at a resonable rate. India was forced to purchase a French option for thermals. T-90 is a handfull of tanks that can act in Rajasthan.

What about over heating engines?ANYWAYS the only russian weapon i love is AK 47 with a 75 bullet mag and a sniperscope and a road to hell.
You really think the engine will overheat just because its hot outside? Its a military grade engine. These engines are too hot for a 40 points to make any difference. The problem was with the heat inside the tank for which the crew suffered.

Type-96 is not obsolete either, its latest variant type-96G can give t-90 a run for its money.

It doesn't even get the basic facts right. It's just a feel-good artcle for whatever its readership is.

No it does not. Pakistan had the option of purchasing these tanks. THey cost around the same. Instead they opted for their own blend. The auther is right. The T-96 series are larger due to the engine. The orginal T-96 had no additional armor until the block armor and that brought the weight up significantly.

As for the F-7 production line. The last batch was delivered to the PLAAF in 2005 right? That means they'll be around for 30 years or so? The F-7 production line will not cease. Instead it will churn out FC-1.
If that was the case, Pakistan wouldn;t of switched out the engine, and FCS for a more expensive alternative. Did Pakistan do something wrong?

No it does not. Pakistan had the option of purchasing these tanks. THey cost around the same. Instead they opted for their own blend. The auther is right. The T-96 series are larger due to the engine. The orginal T-96 had no additional armor until the block armor and that brought the weight up significantly.

he was talking about the t96G not the basic type96, type 96 came into service in 2006and recently upgraded to t96G, Al-khalid came into service in 2001, AL-Khalid came from the type-90 same as type96 but since then type96 has had type99 style component added to it, also though i cant prove it at this moment the t96G weight is similar as there was a picture taken of it on a train and it had weight sign on it.. other words ur story makes no sense
he was talking about the t96G not the basic type96, type 96 came into service in 2006and recently upgraded to t96G, Al-khalid came into service in 2001, AL-Khalid came from the type-90 same as type96 but since then type96 has had type99 style component added to it, also though i cant prove it at this moment the t96G weight is similar as there was a picture taken of it on a train and it had weight sign on it.. other words ur story makes no sense
Sorry to confuse you but either way the Type 99 is the tank with additional length and Pakistan has not shown interest in it.
Sorry to confuse you but either way the Type 99 is the tank with additional length and Pakistan has not shown interest in it.

T99 is too heavy and expensive for Pakistan. Pakistan is interested using T99's technology to further develop the Al-Khalid.
If that was the case, Pakistan wouldn;t of switched out the engine, and FCS for a more expensive alternative. Did Pakistan do something wrong?

Not if they have access to better alternatives that the chinese do not have due to embargo etc I don't see whats wrong in constant improvement.
Not if they have access to better alternatives that the chinese do not have due to embargo etc I don't see whats wrong in constant improvement.
Thats my point. In all the AK probabily fares better than the Type 99 because of this. But remember. Even the PLA has the option of Ukranian and Russian parts. The problem lies, politically.
Sorry to confuse you but either way the Type 99 is the tank with additional length and Pakistan has not shown interest in it.

so what if Pakistan have not bought it, it does not meet their requirements and that's just fine, the PLA clearly likes it
Thats my point. In all the AK probabily fares better than the Type 99 because of this. But remember. Even the PLA has the option of Ukranian and Russian parts. The problem lies, politically.

hmm i always feel that it is easier to deal with Ukraine than russia but anyways, as far as any expert knows type 99, espacially T99A2 is a fine tank, it may not be the best in the world but it is enough to give any tank a run for their money after all it was after the gulf wars that china design the T99 to be able to provide resistance to western tanks like the M1A1
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