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China-Pakistan Friendship

The relation between pak and china is not like meraica and israil relation
i think Americans are hijacked by israel
and america have to help them at any cost
but China and Pakistan are just freinds and good neghbours
The relation between pak and china is not like meraica and israil relation
i think Americans are hijacked by israel
and america have to help them at any cost
but China and Pakistan are just freinds and good neghbours

china also helping you at any cost....

look at the visa policy they has on india.....they are putting on hold the bilateral relations with india for you...
Why are Indians getting their panties up in a bunch if China and Pakistan are brotherly nations?
When a US delegate once confronted a Chinese diplomat about Beijing's uncompromising support for Pakistan, the Chinese reportedly responded with a heavily-loaded sarcastic remark: "Pakistan is our Israel".

When I saw the title, I was somewhat taken aback, it could also mean that Pakistan is like Israel but the paragraph puts the remark in context. More important is the qualitative difference between China's uncompromising support for Pakistan and that of US-Israel. As Israel is in a category all on its own and supporting it uncompromisingly is quite another thing altogether.
The chinise diplomat gotta work on similes!

True. Could have been phrased in another way that would preclude an interpretation that Pakistan is like Israel though one such phrasing escapes me at the moment.
Actually its the opposite.

And that was a sarcastic comment made by Chinese diplomat to show their love for Pakistan!

Respectfully disagree. Its an urban legend that Israel control USA. Israel tend to manipulate the relationship, thats all.
With the only difference being that * we don't have occupied Afghanistan or Bombay
And Afghanistan is our pakistan. Now everyone solve who is whos who??????

A minister from china gave a statement about the nature of relation which they share with pakistan is just like US and Israel so whats wrong with that. Almost everyone knows the spirit in which that statement was given but for the sake of eating each other up we are creating the hoopla. Stop acting childish guys as everyone dont know the reality or the spirit.

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