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China narrows technology gap with US

Brother, I beg your permission to get slightly off topic, you are a Chinese yourself, (not a Taiwanese aboriginal, right?) then why do you try to alienate yourself from China or Chinese?

Why do you use such words Chinese do not, Chinese cannot..., why do not you say we do not or we cannot...?

If you throw your spitting saliva above your head, your saliva will fall on you... Cannot you understand it?

Do not reply, just close your eyes for a moment and think about what I said. I think you will understand.

You are one of us. We will feel the same degree of pain, if one of our fingers gets hurt, no matter how much small or big is the finger.

Forgive him, you don't understand. He left Taiwan when he was very young and grew up his entire life is USA. I believe he has never been to the mainland, not sure when was the last time he returned to Taiwan.

You see, even for a local the nation changes too rapidly...

But we must keep our humbleness, and calmness (i.e. try not to get agitated, all actions must be performed without emotional attachment). Remember this: We must not become arrogant and hedmonic. Let's preserve our modesty and continually strive to learn and improve ourselves. Let's make friends with everyone and enemies of no one!:china:
Forgive him, you don't understand. He left Taiwan when he was very young and grew up his entire life is USA. I believe he has never been to the mainland, not sure when was the last time he returned to Taiwan.

You see, even for a local the nation changes too rapidly...

But we must keep our humbleness, and calmness (i.e. try not to get agitated, all actions must be performed without emotional attachment). Remember this: We must not become arrogant and hedmonic. Let's preserve our modesty and continually strive to learn and improve ourselves. Let's make friends with everyone and enemies of no one!:china:

I know, he has told me about him already. He even married a Caucasian in USA. I appreciate his broadmindedness. Whatever, he must have the feeling of nostalgia, an invisible thread of attraction for his motherland. How can he forget his own mother China? How can one forget? He might have taken birth in USA, but his roots are in the sacred soil of China. I believe, one day he will feel his mother calling him back, one day he will come back in search of his roots, perhaps in the last stage of his life, when he will grow old...

But still I believe I can convince him. This is not only about faithfulguy, many such persons are in USA enjoying their luxurious lives, and forgetting their mother China. This is a challenge for us to bring them back home, sweet home. They may not get the same standard of life style at home, but one own mother's lap however it may look, is the most comfortable place on earth for him.

I agree with you wholeheartedly on what you told in the second paragraph. China and Chinese are passing through several tests and we have to score high in each and every test. :china:

Anyway, lets come back to the topic.
Well, since we aren't in the race for becoming the world's super power, i get to sit and cheer for my favourite candidate and in this match..................................... I AM CHEERING FOR CHINA !!!!!!!!!!
The reality is that China is not in the position to catch up to the US yet. China need to surpass Russia, Europe, and Japan to catch with the US. I'm not saying that it will not happen. But the reality is that the US technology is still pulling away from the rest of the world. So I think China should concern about developing its technology at its own pace instead of competing with the US. :china::usflag:

You are right, we are far behind US in technology. For we chinese now, the most important thing is focus on R&D, be united and effective. Leave talking to indian.:tup:
I don't think it will happen in our lifetime. Who will buy chinese technology? They are good in copying and flooding market with cheap quality products.

The cynical one-liner reminds me about the Japanese catching up in the early 80s with the West. One such classic example is when the Japanese auto mobile industry was producing cars that were supposedly below par and not suitable for the Western markets. The Japanese too were accused of copying the West. Everything made in Japan was scrutinised on a microscopic level in the West. Of course, we all know that the accusations and criticism stemmed from arrogance and bigotry. In reality, the West felt threatened by Japan even though when they were catching up. The West knew that sooner rather than later the Japanese would be transformed into a prosperous high tech hub. Just look at where Japan today stands, a tiny island that is the biggest car producer in the world and delivers top notch quality in almost every sector.

China is no exception. China is undergoing the same phase. In fact, China will surpass the Japanese and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to predict this. The major difference is that China has resources in abundance which the Japanese didn't have. China is the next superpower in the making and they are catching up lightning fast. The defence industry is just one sector. China will become a major factor on every front. We haven't even yet witnessed half of the potential. Only a matter of time before the dragon fully unleashes its potential. :china:
The cynical one-liner reminds me about the Japanese catching up in the early 80s with the West. One such classic example is when the Japanese auto mobile industry was producing cars that were supposedly below par and not suitable for the Western markets. The Japanese too were accused of copying the West. Everything made in Japan was scrutinised on a microscopic level in the West. Of course, we all know that the accusations and criticism stemmed from arrogance and bigotry. In reality, the West felt threatened by Japan even though when they were catching up. The West knew that sooner rather than later the Japanese would be transformed into a prosperous high tech hub. Just look at where Japan today stands, a tiny island that is the biggest car producer in the world and delivers top notch quality in almost every sector.

You really ought to read more, Japanese industrial recovery and its focus on quality was largely due to American post war efforts and the work of men like W. Edwards Deming – no he’s not Japanese, unless you consider Iowa to be part of Japan. Google Dr. Joseph M. Juran or Ishikawa fishbone or .. you get the idea.
I work with Chinese engineers and researchers, I’ve studied Chinese manufacturing and whoever claims China is not capable of producing quality does not know what they’re talking about.
You really ought to read more, Japanese industrial recovery and its focus on quality was largely due to American post war efforts and the work of men like W. Edwards Deming – no he’s not Japanese, unless you consider Iowa to be part of Japan. Google Dr. Joseph M. Juran or Ishikawa fishbone or .. you get the idea.
I work with Chinese engineers and researchers, I’ve studied Chinese manufacturing and whoever claims China is not capable of producing quality does not know what they’re talking about.

Rubbish. Even if a handful of Americans contributed in some way after the war doesn't take away any credit from the Japanese. The Japanese have had substantial success in changing their own fate from a war torn nation to where they are today. Also, it doesn't negate the fact that the Japanese also faced similar accusations as the Chinese today do. The Indian member that made the biased remarks is a classic example. It's typical in the Western world to accuse China due to bigotry and jealousy. No one can deny that.
hey chinese friends:

please enjoy this thread and do self praising of urself as much as u like....
Infact i would like to give u furthur cause for celebration....

U have overtaken Aliens from the galaxy Alpha and now u r the most advanced ppl....This is as per a report published in China daily(sorry i dont have the link)....:D

Enjoy....party hard...:azn:
The reality is that China is not in the position to catch up to the US yet. China need to surpass Russia, Europe, and Japan to catch with the US. I'm not saying that it will not happen. But the reality is that the US technology is still pulling away from the rest of the world. So I think China should concern about developing its technology at its own pace instead of competing with the US. :china::usflag:

Basically agree that China should concentrate more on her own tech improvement for the time being.

However, your claim that "But the reality is that the US technology is still pulling away from the rest of the world " is dubious.

It is a common belief that one's technologies are a derivative of , and are positively related to, one's research capabilities in sciences, especialy the basic sciences.

Take a look at the science gap between the US and China over the last decade:

Get ready for China's domination of science


"In 1998, China's research output was around 20,000 articles per year. In 2006 it reached 83,000, overtaking the traditional science powerhouses of Japan, Germany and the UK. Last year it exceeded 120,000 articles, second only to the US's 350,000.

Compare that rate of growth with the US, where research output increased by about 30 per cent over the past decade, and it is clear that normal ideas about science management simply do not apply to China.

China produces 10 per cent of the world's publications in engineering, computer sciences and earth sciences, including minerals. It now also produces 20 per cent of global output in materials sciences, with a leading position in composites, ceramics and polymer science and a strong presence in crystallography and metallurgical engineering. The implications for future industrial development are enormous, as China makes the transition from a manufacturing economy to a knowledge economy based on research coming out of its own institutions.


An obvious word of warning needs to be made here: quantity is not the same as quality. Measuring the volume of China's scientific output is clearly both valuable and surprising but it doesn't tell us whether that research was any good. [U]For that we turn to a useful proxy: China's scientific collaboration with other countries better known for the high quality of their science. The results here, too, are eye-opening.


So what does this all mean? Firstly, China's emergence as a scientific superpower can no longer be denied, and it is a question of when rather than if it will become the world's most prolific producer of scientific knowledge. Perhaps more importantly, China's expanding regional collaborations show that Asia-Pacific nations no longer rely on links to the European and American institutions that have traditionally led the science world.

The question for the EU and the US as we enter the new decade is no longer about whether we should collaborate with China, but what we can bring to the table to ensure that China wants to collaborate with us. "

The source is pretty reliable: Get ready for China's domination of science - opinion - 06 January 2010 - New Scientist

I would tend to say therefore, that the US is still a clear leader while China is quickly narrowing the gap indeed, in spite of having a long way to go still.:agree:

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Rubbish. Even if a handful of Americans contributed in some way after the war doesn't take away any credit from the Japanese. The Japanese have had substantial success in changing their own fate from a war torn nation to where they are today. Also, it doesn't negate the fact that the Japanese also faced similar accusations as the Chinese today do. The Indian member that made the biased remarks is a classic example. It's typical in the Western world to accuse China due to bigotry and jealousy. No one can deny that.

I can't cure you of your ignorance; the US invested billions at the end of the war to rebuilt Japanese industry. Domestic US markets were inundated with Japanese imports to help post war recovery. Your accusation of western arrogance,jealousy and bigotry toward Japanese resurgence is ridiculous – we held their hands, nursed them back to health until the golden era of the 60’s. Japan was a preferential trade partner until Reagan decided in ’87 it was hurting our own economy.

Some friendly advise read more type less.:lol:
Basically agree that China should concentrate more on her own tech improvement for the time being.

However, your claim that "But the reality is that the US technology is still pulling away from the rest of the world " is dubious.

It is a common belief that one's technologies are a derivative of , and are positively related to, one's research capabilities in sciences, especialy the basic sciences.

Take a look at the science gap between the US and China over the last decade:

Get ready for China's domination of science


"In 1998, China's research output was around 20,000 articles per year. In 2006 it reached 83,000, overtaking the traditional science powerhouses of Japan, Germany and the UK. Last year it exceeded 120,000 articles, second only to the US's 350,000.

Compare that rate of growth with the US, where research output increased by about 30 per cent over the past decade, and it is clear that normal ideas about science management simply do not apply to China.

China produces 10 per cent of the world's publications in engineering, computer sciences and earth sciences, including minerals. It now also produces 20 per cent of global output in materials sciences, with a leading position in composites, ceramics and polymer science and a strong presence in crystallography and metallurgical engineering. The implications for future industrial development are enormous, as China makes the transition from a manufacturing economy to a knowledge economy based on research coming out of its own institutions.


An obvious word of warning needs to be made here: quantity is not the same as quality. Measuring the volume of China's scientific output is clearly both valuable and surprising but it doesn't tell us whether that research was any good. [U]For that we turn to a useful proxy: China's scientific collaboration with other countries better known for the high quality of their science. The results here, too, are eye-opening.


So what does this all mean? Firstly, China's emergence as a scientific superpower can no longer be denied, and it is a question of when rather than if it will become the world's most prolific producer of scientific knowledge. Perhaps more importantly, China's expanding regional collaborations show that Asia-Pacific nations no longer rely on links to the European and American institutions that have traditionally led the science world.

The question for the EU and the US as we enter the new decade is no longer about whether we should collaborate with China, but what we can bring to the table to ensure that China wants to collaborate with us. "

The source is pretty reliable: Get ready for China's domination of science - opinion - 06 January 2010 - New Scientist

I would tend to say therefore, that the US is still a clear leader while China is quickly narrowing the gap indeed, in spite of having a long way to go still.:agree:


I guess that is a way of measuring scientific achievements. However, most major technology breakthroughs in the recent past have been from the US. From what I understand, the best and the brightest Chinese that come to America still stays here in most part. So they are contributing to the American ingenuity.

As for China gradually catching up to the US, I am certain that it will eventually happen. But when I think of technology gap, I do not believe that the gap could begin closing until China can spend more money on technology research as compare to the US. As US economy is 3 times that of China, US certain can spend more on technology. Base on the money spend, US technology is pulling further away from the rest of the world.

However, the rest of the world can wait until US perform its trial and error and imitate US technology initiatives.
I guess that is a way of measuring scientific achievements. However, most major technology breakthroughs in the recent past have been from the US. From what I understand, the best and the brightest Chinese that come to America still stays here in most part. So they are contributing to the American ingenuity.

As for China gradually catching up to the US, I am certain that it will eventually happen. But when I think of technology gap, I do not believe that the gap could begin closing until China can spend more money on technology research as compare to the US. As US economy is 3 times that of China, US certain can spend more on technology. Base on the money spend, US technology is pulling further away from the rest of the world.

However, the rest of the world can wait until US perform its trial and error and imitate US technology initiatives.

Your opinion just prove that the technology gap between US and China is narrowing.
Truly, US may spend 3 times money than China spends, but, the average salary of US is 10 times than that of China. Besides other expenditures, the actual effects of tech expenditure in China is still much better than US.
i.e. China spend much less money than US for the manned space flight project.
Your opinion just prove that the technology gap between US and China is narrowing.
Truly, US may spend 3 times money than China spends, but, the average salary of US is 10 times than that of China. Besides other expenditures, the actual effects of tech expenditure in China is still much better than US.
i.e. China spend much less money than US for the manned space flight project.

China is now where US was in the 60s. So are you looking at it in terms of 60s dollar?
China is now where US was in the 60s. So are you looking at it in terms of 60s dollar?
But US is even weaker than 60s...... This is the truth.
Considering the weakness of the US economy, I doubts whether US has the ability to send the its astronauts to the moon now.
Before talk big, your US should recover from the crisis first, reduce the debts of the government, not depends on the money borrowed from foreign countries.


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