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China Must Reform or Die.

Just because a country has a democratically elected goverment once does not make it a democracy. Like Iran, Cuba and Venezuela once a thug is in power they make sure its no longer a democracy.

Yea,seems whether a a country is democracy is decided by US, the president of Iran is elected, and what about Saudi Arabia, US never make trouble with Saudi Arabia?
Liu Yazhou, a 53 year-old PLA general, erstwhile novelist, and rising political star.

A son-in-law of the late Chinese president Li Xiannian, Liu is a “princeling” (privileged offspring of a high official) who was promoted quickly and is now Deputy Political Commissar and a Lieutenant General in the PLA Air Force. He has traveled extensively overseas, including a term as a visiting professor at Stanford University, and is one of the few PLA officials to have visited Taiwan.

Liu’s first big splash was an essay on the October 1949 Jinmen battle circulated on the Internet last year, when tensions between China and Taiwan prompted hawks in Beijing to urge a military showdown, putting enormous pressure on the civilian leadership [1]. Liu reviewed the lessons of the Jinmen debacle, in which a PLA invasion was routed by Guomindang forces, with the loss of more than 9,000 troops. He attributes the devastating loss to complacency, along with poor planning and command.

According to Liu, history threatened to repeat itself in the late 1990s when hardline officials argued that Taiwan must be fought and that victory was certain. Disclosing a previously unseen Jiang Zemin quote—“A war in the Taiwan Strait is inevitable” (“Lessons of the Jinmen Battle”)—without providing the context, he argues that the lessons of Jinmen must be heeded, especially because the Taiwan issue is now internationalized and considerably more complicated.

The projection of Chinese influence in international affairs should be specifically calibrated to the West in general and United States in particular, Liu argues. Citing Huntington’s thesis on the clash of civilizations, Liu views the alleged clash between the West and the Muslim world as a great opportunity. He argues in “The Grand National Strategy” that China’s improved relations with Muslim countries are an excellent move, since China “should do what the West fears.” In a moment of great exuberance, Liu maintains that China should have an outlet to the Indian Ocean, what he terms “China’s new boundary.”

Liu is more ambivalent about Sino-U.S. relations. While he acknowledges that the United States, as the world’s dominant power, will inevitably pursue policies that antagonize China, he believes America realizes that the forces for bilateral cooperation are greater than conflict. U.S. leaders would never instigate a full-fledged military confrontation. The United States is to be regarded as neither a wholesale enemy nor an ally.

Militarily, he urges Chinese leaders to learn from U.S. innovations in the military and its recruitment system. China’s military strategy is obsolete, he says in “Faith and Morality,” as its experts today still strategize of a “people’s war” of “luring the enemy into a trap.” It is a ‘tragedy’ that in China, from the top to the bottom, “those who are intelligent do not make policy, those who make policy are not intelligent.”

The oppressed peasantry, Liu continues, which poses the greatest challenge to communist orthodoxy, must be thoroughly liberated and turned into citizens able to engage in active political participation. If political reform is further delayed, revolution from below may occur, he warns in “Conversation.”

See thats just what I have been trying to tell you.

Thats not what this fellow is saying:::

LOL yeah one random "two-star" general says that. :rofl: What do all of the other generals say? What does the Economist and the Financial times say?

What does this guy say?

Two figures are given, both low and high, at: between 10 million and 114 million indians as a direct result of US actions. Please note that Nazi Holocaust estimates are between 6 and 11 million; thereby making the Nazi Holocaust the 2nd largest mass murder of a class of people in history.

American Holocaust: D. Stannard (Oxford Press, 1992)
God, Greed and Genocide: The Holocaust Through the Centuries: Grenke (New Academia Publishing 2006)
Holocaust: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies: Cesarani, (Routledge 2004)

I think they are saying that your nation was founded on racist genocide. Such a genocide, that even the Nazis were beaten to the record. In a little more than a decade, that's all the world will remember.
Come on, don't let one single troll derail this thread. Just ignore him. You simply can't reason with a redneck.
LOL yeah one random "two-star" general says that. :rofl: What do all of the other generals say? What does the Economist and the Financial times say?

What does this guy say?

American Holocaust: D. Stannard (Oxford Press, 1992)
God, Greed and Genocide: The Holocaust Through the Centuries: Grenke (New Academia Publishing 2006)
Holocaust: Critical Concepts in Historical Studies: Cesarani, (Routledge 2004)

I think they are saying that your nation was founded on racist genocide. Such a genocide, that even the Nazis were beaten to the record. In a little more than a decade, that's all the world will remember.

Please note that the figure for China in the last 80 years alone is 100 million and that is the number of Chinese People that the present Chinese Communist Goverment killed..
Please note that the figure for China in the last 80 years alone is 100 million and that is the number of Chinese People that the present Chinese Communist Goverment killed..

Yes around 70 million from "starvation", i.e. from failed economic policies.

And yes, as I have said before, I think Chairman Mao was completely wrong. His policies are directly responsible for the mass starvation. I admit this freely. Anyway, Chinese Maoism died in 1978 when Deng Xiaoping brought in capitalist reforms.

However America was a nation that was FOUNDED on a racist genocide that surpassed even the combined total of people who died under communism. Imagine that, a nation that was founded on a racist genocide of 100 million Native Americans.

Hey, at least you beat the Nazis. In a little more than 10 years, after America has declined, that is how they will remember you. As a nation founded on racism and genocide, and the stolen land of those who were killed because their skin was the wrong colour. So make the most of it while you can, you don't have very long... maybe a little more than a decade if you are lucky.
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Yes around 70 million from "starvation", i.e. from failed economic policies.

And yes, as I have said before, I think Chairman Mao was completely wrong. His policies are directly responsible for the mass starvation. I admit this freely. Anyway, Chinese Maoism died in 1978 when Deng Xiaoping brought in capitalist reforms.

However America was a nation that was FOUNDED on a racist genocide that surpassed even the combined total of people who died under communism. Imagine that, a nation that was founded on a racist genocide of 100 million Native Americans.

Hey, at least you beat the Nazis. In a little more than 10 years, after America has declined, that is how they will remember you. As a nation founded on racism and genocide, and the stolen land of those who were killed because their skin was the wrong colour. So make the most of it while you can, you don't have very long... maybe a little more than a decade if you are lucky.


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So make the most of it while you can, you don't have very long... maybe a little more than a decade if you are lucky.
Schadenfreude. You don't have faith in what China will be ten years from now - you've given up discussing reform - so you take pleasure in the hope that America will be worse by comparison. The Internet is an even deadlier poison than opium, yes?

I don't like Communism either, I am from Hong Kong remember. It's capitalism all the way.

To respond to your point: I think a nation that was FOUNDED on the racist genocide of 100 million Native Americans, and on their stolen land, is pretty horrific.

To beat the Nazis at their own game of racist genocide is no small feat. The so-called "inferior savages" (Native Americans) were killed because their skin happened to be the wrong colour.
Schadenfreude. You don't have faith in what China will be ten years from now - you've given up discussing reform - so you take pleasure in the hope that America will be worse by comparison. The Internet is an even deadlier poison than opium, yes?

Read the thread, I am pro-reform. Both in terms of "democracy" and in terms of "capitalism". I am from Hong Kong, we have been capitalist since the beginning and can vote as well.

I am responding to Captain America personally, since he has clearly demonstrated his racism against Chinese people and his willingness to laugh at our people who died in the revolutions.
Read the thread, I am pro-reform. Both in terms of "democracy" and in terms of "capitalism". I am from Hong Kong, we have been capitalist since the beginning and can vote as well.

I am responding to Captain America personally, since he has clearly demonstrated his racism against Chinese people and his willingness to laugh at our people who died in the revolutions.

I am not racist nor am I laughing at the deaths of the Chinese People. I am just not willing to forget the deaths of more then 150 million people in my life time by a failed communist ideology that is on its death bed.

History of Communism
Communism's Crimes Against Humanity
In October 1917, the Bolshevik Revolution gave birth to the deadliest ideology in human history - Communism. In less than 100 years, Communism has claimed more than 100 million lives. Today, it continues to enslave one-fifth of the world's people.

Thanks to the efforts of The Victims of Communist Memorial Foundation and its supporters the United States, Communism's greatest challenger and a symbol of freedom to the world, now has a memorial to commemorate these victims. Dedicated on June 12, 2007 by President George W. Bush, The Victims of Communism Memorial stands two blocks from the U.S. Capitol building. It stands as an enduring reminder of the murderous legacy of totalitarianism.

Never Forget
A free people cannot afford to forget the evils of Communism. We cannot allow the atrocities of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, and Castro to fade into the background of history. We must not forget the trail of blood and tears this utopian deception has left behind:

When the Bolsheviks murdered their way into power...
When Lenin destroyed hundreds of thousands of Cossacks...
When the Kremlin starved more than six million in Ukraine...
When Mao murdered tens of millions of Chinese peasants during his "Great Leap Forward"...
When Ho Chi Minh sent 850,000 Vietnamese to their graves in "education camps"...
When Castro buried dissenters in the infamous Isle of Pines...
When the student voices of freedom were silenced at Tiananmen Square...
A Moral Blind Spot
It is a great moral failing that so many do not know the extent of Communism's atrocities. While the horrors of Nazism are well known, who knows that the Soviet Union murdered 20 million people? Who knows that China's dictators have slaughtered as many as 60 million? Who knows that the Communist holocaust has exacted a death toll surpassing that of all of the wars of the 20th century combined?

Just as we must grasp Communism's brutality, we must understand the true cause of the fall of the Soviet Union. The West's triumph over the "evil empire" was no accident of history. It was the result of a calculated strategy by a grand alliance of political, military, religious, business and labor leaders. These leaders deserve credit for the victory over Communism many thought impossible.

The Battle Continues
The specter of Communism still haunts the world. In Russia, one-third of the people believe that Stalin "did more good than bad for the country". In China, thousands of dissidents are imprisoned in the slave labor camps known as the laogai. In North Korea, masses starve as the leadership builds nuclear weapons. In Cuba, dissidents are routinely imprisoned for peacefully petitioning for democratic reform.

Communism remains today, as it has since its bloody beginning in 1917, the road to serfdom.

You forget if you want I wont.
You forget if you want I wont.

I won't forget it, it is the history of my nation. It's important to remember the mistakes of the past, so we don't repeat them.

As I've said before, I come from Hong Kong and we have never been communist. I think soon the whole of China will become like a big Hong Kong, China is already capitalist... it won't take long for the whole nation to get political reforms too. It's inevitable.

Let's talk about some American history though, how about the very beginning? The foundation stone of America, the racist genocide of 100 million Native Americans. Surpassing even the Nazis in terms of racist mass murder.

How will you feel about that, in slightly more than a decade when America has declined? In history books, will people remember the nation born out of racist genocide, black slavery and stolen land?
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I won't forget it, it is the history of my nation. It's important to remember the mistakes of the past, so we don't repeat them.

As I've said before, I come from Hong Kong and we have never been communist. I think soon the whole of China will become like a big Hong Kong, China is already capitalist... it won't take long for the whole nation to get political reforms too. It's inevitable.

Let's talk about some American history though, how about the very beginning? The foundation stone of America, the racist genocide of 100 million Native Americans. Surpassing even the Nazis.
How will you feel about that, in slightly more than a decade when America has declined? In history books, will people remember the nation born out of racist genocide, black slavery and stolen land? A nation built on racism AND genocide?

I am part american indians, I have a degree in history, I have studied the american indian cultures, i have done research at American Indian Archaeological Sites. Two years ago I helped with research for Mesa Verde Museum Association. I dont see any point in debateing someone that has no idea what they are talking about or people that want to put the USA in the worse possible light.

The fact is the american indians led short brutal lives that involved such things as slavery and cannibalism, human sacrifice, with Aztec's as many as a 1000 a day. We are talking about deaths from 1492 over a 500 year period. Mainly from disease. About 20,000 Indians died in conflicts involving American Soldiers.

Before 1492 there were no more then 5 million Indians living in the what is now the USA.

What the USA did is nothing over a 500 year period compared to what commuism did for a failed idealogy in an 80 year period.

Now I can post this every time you bring the subject up if that is what you want.
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