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China Must Reform or Die.

Venezuela's current president was democratically elected and is no friend of America. Yet he isn't a security threat to the U.S., either. Venezuela's legislature and judiciary remain intact, and the voters still have the ability to kick him out when they wish. Works for me!

As long as Chinese don't catch the "German disease" and go beyond the limits of nationalism and security into empire-building, the West will be O.K. Sad to say, popular Chinese support for slow expansion and colonization create strong doubts. Tibet yesterday, Sudan today, the Paracels tomorrow, Kashmir again the week after that?

Just because a country has a democratically elected goverment once does not make it a democracy. Like Iran, Cuba and Venezuela once a thug is in power they make sure its no longer a democracy.
Just because a country has a democratically elected goverment once does not make it a democracy. Like Iran, Cuba and Venezuela once a thug is in power they make sure its no longer a democracy.

Really mean is that they do not meet the U.S. interests, he is not a democratic country, even if he is elected.
These areas BOTH belonged to Tibet since the year 700, Tibet has been part of China since 1300

Tibet was incorporate into China de jure under the Mongolian Yuan dynasty, so again it belonged to Mongols. The only time that China had any real control of Tibet and can exercise administrative power was either under Mongol or Manchurian rules. That is a sad fact.
Huang Guangyu, Former Richest Man In China, Gets 14 Years In Jail
One thing about authoritarian governments is that they can only go so far to blame the "other party" as they do in the US.

Sure the Chinese government officials are corrupt, but then when push comes to shove it does do what it needs to give some satisfaction to the people. Change can be overnight and justice is quick. At the end of the day Chinese will blame the Communist party for the country's failing because there is no one else to blame. People who make fun of China for its tainted milk and toys should know that the CEO and Chairman of Sanlu, the company which produced the tainted milk, was given a life sentence. The CEO of the company which produced lead toys committed suicide.

Whereas in the US, absolutely nothing happened to the CEO of the Peanut Better plant which killed dozens of people last year. Absolutely nothing will happen to the CEO of BP. Absolutely nothing will happen to the CEO of BoA, Goldman Sachs, etc. whose practices deceived and wiped out half of people's hard earned 401ks. When American people get outraged, the politicians simply blame the other side and very little ever get done.

我们总笑话中国的毒奶粉,毒玩具, 可我们应该知道,为了这些质量问题,中国处决了他们管理质量的ZF部长,制造毒玩具的厂长自杀, 毒奶粉的厂长被判重刑。
Just because a country has a democratically elected goverment once does not make it a democracy. Like Iran, Cuba and Venezuela once a thug is in power they make sure its no longer a democracy.

Very interesting logic. In other words, democracy is what the West says it is. It is merely a handmaiden to be dressed with a myriad of costumes.
Huang Guangyu, Former Richest Man In China, Gets 14 Years In Jail
One thing about authoritarian governments is that they can only go so far to blame the "other party" as they do in the US.

Sure the Chinese government officials are corrupt, but then when push comes to shove it does do what it needs to give some satisfaction to the people. Change can be overnight and justice is quick. At the end of the day Chinese will blame the Communist party for the country's failing because there is no one else to blame. People who make fun of China for its tainted milk and toys should know that the CEO and Chairman of Sanlu, the company which produced the tainted milk, was given a life sentence. The CEO of the company which produced lead toys committed suicide.

Whereas in the US, absolutely nothing happened to the CEO of the Peanut Better plant which killed dozens of people last year. Absolutely nothing will happen to the CEO of BP. Absolutely nothing will happen to the CEO of BoA, Goldman Sachs, etc. whose practices deceived and wiped out half of people's hard earned 401ks. When American people get outraged, the politicians simply blame the other side and very little ever get done.

我们总笑话中国的毒奶粉,毒玩具, 可我们应该知道,为了这些质量问题,中国处决了他们管理质量的ZF部长,制造毒玩具的厂长自杀, 毒奶粉的厂长被判重刑。

US has a court system that is used when some one is guilty of a crime, but then it does not have a 99.9 conviction rate like China, some times a jury even finds some one not guility.. (you might need to look up Jury)
Very interesting logic. In other words, democracy is what the West says it is. It is merely a handmaiden to be dressed with a myriad of costumes.

No it but it is pretty complicated, doubt if you would understand. Its not something you learn over night, as I expect China is soon to learn.
Tibet was incorporate into China de jure under the Mongolian Yuan dynasty, so again it belonged to Mongols. The only time that China had any real control of Tibet and can exercise administrative power was either under Mongol or Manchurian rules. That is a sad fact.
In fact, the Inner Mongolian think they are the representatives of Mongolia, Genghis Khan's tomb in China, the Gold family are in China, the population than Outer Mongolia. Even the language of Mongolia is also a new language based on Russian.
The USA did the same thing under a "democratic government"

Killing 100 million Indians in their manifest destiny.

Brutally subjugating and annexing Hawaii

Attempted to take over Canada under a democratic government

Attacking Mexico stealing 50% of Mexican territory and ethnically cleansing the mexicans living there

Invading and annexing Cuba and putting up Guantanamo Bay

Invading and annexing Puerto Rico

Invading and annexing Guam and Philippines

Invading and annexing Samoa

Invading and annexing the Virgin Islands

Support independence for Kosovo and Tibet, but when the Southern States declared independence the Southern states were brutally subjugated by the Northern States.

And all of this occurred under "democracy"


Almost all of the above is not true or half truths. The attacks on Canada were part of the war with England and Canada was part of England. If Cuba was annexed it would US territory . Texas went to war with Mexico, declared independance and later became part of the USA. I am not going to bother to defend every thing the USA did for the last 400 years, you dont like something my very dead great great great grandfather did, dig up his dead rearend and kick it.
But China is not expansionist, China has legitimate claim to all these areas.

The USA did not have the right to invade these areas.

The islands in the South China sea originally belonged to China, The French forced China to hand over the islands using "gunship diplomacy" and now Vietnam is claiming these islands because they claim that they inherited them from France.

Same thing with China's border dispute with India. The British invaded Tibet, forced them to sign over the lands Arunachel Pradesh and Akasai Chin to Britain, Now India is claiming these on the basis that they inherited them from Britain.

China is just taking back land that was wrongfully stolen from them by western imperialists.

Well I guess Vietnam is in big trouble, by that line of reasoning. At one time Vietnam was part of China. So China has legitimate claim to Vietnam as well as these Islands.
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