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China leaders preside at WWII massacre remembrance

I would advise everyone I know to stop buying European luxury goods, period. No need to feed their incredible arrogance.
I never really interest in overprice luxury goods. However, we exchange goods with them so they are good business partner. That's all there is to it. When bullet fly, we don't give a shit about them.
I think it was a new discovery. The Japanese dredged up some ships and found that compared to standard Korean and Chinese ships the ones taken down by kamikaze were really shoddily constructed. Most of the fleet turned back but the Mongols decided to give up a lot of their naval campaigns because the Koreans and Chinese fucked with them.

Also in Tang Dynasty the Japanese and Koreans were the next most esteemed people in the Chinese court after the Tibetans, before the Arabs. Relations were generally very good.

I doubt that those ordinary people /soldiers from china or korea would care or know much about japan in those days, but most of them would certainly hate mongol more than any japanese, if there was oppertunity it would be quite likely for them to help even the japanese instead. Still so far little of such records were discovered, since the invasion failed at the force of nature there wouldnt be much to find anyway. in any case neither chinese or koreans have executed any kind of invasions or caused suffering even remotely comparable as what japanese did in their countless raids and attempts of conquests of continent.
Hope those persons from so-called democratic people,please right now pay attention to racial discrimination of your master"USA"..To see what they are doing now.Don't turn your blind eyes on those protests.
In addition,no matter if you like China and Chinese,it is none of our business.If you don't like China and Chinese,just leave it.But you have been focusing on us,what a pity and you are a definite backstabber.I must tell you one thing truth has never been changed no matter what is your stance.
When members here want to troll one thing and must have a target.Which kind of target is obvious?It must be big and different.As a Chinese member,I am glad as well as sorrowful.I am glad that China is stronger and stronger and more and more persons watch you.I am sorrowful that those people just watch dark side at the same time their country is weaker.

For the topic,RIP for the deceased and Chinese people will mourn generation by generation.Ask other persons from other nations to remember our history,it is a joke.We hope to pass the spirit and peace to next generation and we need those.It is not a political show and it is Chinese spirit.

there is a good documentary on this topic...

The Good Nazi on Nanking...you should watch it..his name was John Rabe who saved some two hundred thousands civilians from getting killed.he also blamed Chinese Govt for ditching the civilians in Nanking.at the last leg before Battle of Nanking,they simply boxed these civilians along with thousands of soldiers in a walled city and flee(the number of civilians before Attack by Japanese were reduced from 1 million to half a million,still a massive amount of number who remained in war zone).and when Japanese Soldiers,who faced so much death to reach this city(its true,Japanese Soldiers faced massive amount of deaths in their ranks too) came,there was no one who could either defend or can negotiate with them.Chinese Govt never allowed civilians to leave the city and thus,inevitable happened.Japanese destroyed nearly everything inside city walls,that is Nanking Garrison as well as civilians.but there was atrocities of Chinese Army's part in the Nanking as well,who shot thousands of soldiers of its own for "Betrayal and retreat" as well as there were incidents that Chinese Barrier Troops killed its own civilians and soldiers for fleeing the city...in fact it was China's own Tank fleet who busted through their own Barrier Troops..there were so many views on this massacre..Japanese Troops killed all these people for being guerrilla soldiers as Chinese Army Soldiers ditched their uniform and tried to mix with the civilians.China blame entire Chapter to Japan where they're also to blame for what happened.

its was John Rabe for whom the world could know what happened in Nanjing.its he who was behind Nanking Safety Zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which saved those civilians.

Thanks Griff, I appreciate the literature recommendation. I'll definitely be adding this to my list.
So what do you mean by "i think 99% of humanity" or it's just another evidence of that Italians have no Logic and are not rigorous?
he's an indian living in italy pretending to be italian.

I would advise everyone I know to stop buying European luxury goods, period. No need to feed their incredible arrogance.
impossible to tell those wealhty Chinese women to stay away from Gucci and LV bags. Not a problem with guys. I don't need or recall buying anything l that is considered european luxury.
Except China never tried to invade Japan?

The Mongols did once, and they failed.

We never nuked them either, despite having nukes since the 1960's. America did nuke them though, and I'm sure the Japanese won't forget that either. Forgive but never forget.

Forgive Japan? Why? They never even apologise officially.
Neither forgive nor forget!

Japan has invaded China numerous times in history:
Japanese is the country that has waged the most wars against Chinese
Japanese has killed more Chinese than any other counries in the world :o:

The Boxer Rebellion (August 1899 – September 1901)
First Sino-Japanese War (War of Jiawu) (1 August 1894 – 17 April 1895)
Invasion of Taiwan, China (1874 and 1895)
Invasion of Manchuria (18 September 1931 – 27 February 1932)
Second Sino-Japanese War (WW II) (July 7, 1937 – September 9, 1945)
Forgive Japan? Why? They never even apologise officially.
Neither forgive nor forget!

Japan has invaded China numerous times in history:
Japanese is the country that has waged the most wars against Chinese
Japanese has killed more Chinese than any other counries in the world :o:

The Boxer Rebellion (August 1899 – September 1901)
First Sino-Japanese War (War of Jiawu) (1 August 1894 – 17 April 1895)
Invasion of Taiwan, China (1874 and 1895)
Invasion of Manchuria (18 September 1931 – 27 February 1932)
Second Sino-Japanese War (WW II) (July 7, 1937 – September 9, 1945)

and your plan is? You cant attack japan. Time for this is over and the globalized 21 st century world would not allow it. It would also ruin china. Germany and France were arch enemies too...but understood that this death cycle must end.
You are trolling and being silly all the time
Where did I mention about attacking Japan?
Did you see President Xi's reaction to the Japanese PM Abe when they met in APEC Beijing just recently?
That is one way of showing our strong disagreement to what the Japanese has done to us.
Did you read the title and the contents of the OP and related postings? The memorial ceremony is another way of showing our silent anger and disrespect towards the Japanese!
Get civilised you troll! 8-)

Why are you even trying to carry on a serious conversation with him? Present day italians are German slaves. The last time the opinion of an Italian mattered was probably 500 years ago. Ignore the troll. Italy is completely irrelevant and has no capacity to dictate nor influence the course of world events. :whistle:
Every invader is evil.
How many Vietnamese women and kids were killed in 1979 by PLA ? I have pic but I don't like to post here.

I think more Vietnamese were killed by USA than PLA. Read about Agent Orange. Vietnamese population still suffers from its effects.

I'm not sure if humanity will ever forgive the Japanese for their war crimes.

You reap what you sow. I think the atomic bombings were divine punishment for what they did in China, although that was equally tragic.
My hope is that China's luxury brand will start to creep up and challenge these European brand by 2025. If anything to learn from Europeans is branding. the frenchies and italians are very good in this field.
i think it the most excellent to germany building a brand in europe or even in the world .
This troll is just unbearable :bad:

How am i trolling? I state obvious facts and call for peace. You bring up some 19th century nationalist bullshit. That is trolling in my opinion.

I think Japan gives a shit if you forgive. Its about business. And business between China and Japan is doing great. Thats all what matters.
Germany denounces their war crimes esp with respect to the jews but why japan not doing that?

is that due to a religious reason or racial issue?
you vietnamese aways like to call others "kid" ,in fact,some of vietnamese behaved are just like kid here . they are so naive and ignorant. and you dont pretend to be a noble man here.who do your remark is intended for ? pleasecontinue to pretend to... boy!

what is stupid thing here when you are doing the comparison that: this invaders is less or more evil than others. Evil is evil, no more or less.
what is stupid thing here when you are doing the comparison that: this invaders is less or more evil than others. Evil is evil, no more or less.

There are gradings in evilness :dirol:
Look at the crimes and penalties in respect of thef, rapes, treason, murder, torture, war crimes ..etc. each of which has its own extent of penalties as stipulated in the Law
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