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China leaders preside at WWII massacre remembrance

We will repay what is cause of us when the time is right.
P5 + 1 = P5 + Germany.
If there's P5 + 2, I think that is Japan.
May prevent those atrocities forever and ever.

Another tragedy,the Cultural Revolution of China,we should not forget,too.

On Topic
RIP to the victims

May prevent those atrocities forever and ever.

Another tragedy,the Cultural Revolution of China,we should not forget,too.

But good thing is that China is now strong & no such thing would happen again

there is a good documentary on this topic...

The Good Nazi on Nanking...you should watch it..his name was John Rabe who saved some two hundred thousands civilians from getting killed.he also blamed Chinese Govt for ditching the civilians in Nanking.at the last leg before Battle of Nanking,they simply boxed these civilians along with thousands of soldiers in a walled city and flee(the number of civilians before Attack by Japanese were reduced from 1 million to half a million,still a massive amount of number who remained in war zone).and when Japanese Soldiers,who faced so much death to reach this city(its true,Japanese Soldiers faced massive amount of deaths in their ranks too) came,there was no one who could either defend or can negotiate with them.Chinese Govt never allowed civilians to leave the city and thus,inevitable happened.Japanese destroyed nearly everything inside city walls,that is Nanking Garrison as well as civilians.but there was atrocities of Chinese Army's part in the Nanking as well,who shot thousands of soldiers of its own for "Betrayal and retreat" as well as there were incidents that Chinese Barrier Troops killed its own civilians and soldiers for fleeing the city...in fact it was China's own Tank fleet who busted through their own Barrier Troops..there were so many views on this massacre..Japanese Troops killed all these people for being guerrilla soldiers as Chinese Army Soldiers ditched their uniform and tried to mix with the civilians.China blame entire Chapter to Japan where they're also to blame for what happened.

its was John Rabe for whom the world could know what happened in Nanjing.its he who was behind Nanking Safety Zone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia which saved those civilians.
How's about last year memory day?
After it,Ye Jianying,former Chinese top leader,has said that about 20 million of people directly and indirectly killed and suicide.
Deng Xiaoping has also replied the question about the death number of Cultural Revolution ,he said it's a astronomical figure.And he take a example of Zhao Jianmin,former Yunnan provincial governor.Zhao was slandered as a special task and 1.38 million of people were implicated for that.17 thousand of people were killed,60 thousand of people were injured to disability.
Nowadays,there are more and more Chinese remember,talk and research this disaster.Even our history textbook has talked more about that.It's the darkest and most shame history in modern China.
Hi @GR!FF!N .

This form of jigai (suicide) is extreme and is done by those who really observe Bushido. It is also an excruciating way to die, the plunging of a dagger to one's abdomen then sawing it from one one lateral side to the other lateral side. One is lucky if one pierces the abdominal aorta thus death will be quick, but if not, it takes minutes, if not hours. Usually this form of jigai is done by Japanese, tho it was rarely done by soldiers. Probably by politicians , or high ranking officers who were of the Samurai class.

Truly a sad and dark day in our two nations' history.
First of all,that's not suicide.If you have time,you can read the book,John Rabe,it will tell you part of the truth about Nanking massacre.
Secondly,both present Chinese and Japanese should remember these history.Many innocent Japanese were died because of the war,too.
Hope we can erase the pain and enjoy the peace time forever together.
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i think 99% of humanity give a shit about "japanese warcrims". Most people here love japan. I love sushi, nintendo and sony. I would love to visit japan, mostly kyoto and hope i can participate in a business trip there. Since JAL signed a huhe deal with airbus this might come true soon.

P.s.: Japan erased any war guilt with the creation of "The Legend of Zelda"
"99% of humanity give a shit about "japanese warcrims"", how Ignorance can you be? Since you are in Germany, don't you be tired to hide your true thinking? I dare you have the balls to tell you collage that, you give shit about "germany warcrims". And also you dare to say, Italy did nothing wrong during WW2.
"99% of humanity give a shit about "japanese warcrims"", how Ignorance can you be? Since you are in Germany, don't you be tired to hide your true thinking? I dare you have the balls to tell you collage that, you give shit about "germany warcrims". And also you dare to say, Italy did nothing wrong during WW2.

I can turn this. Since you live in germany you can know for sure that 99% of germans don´t even know about Nanjing nor do they care.
I'm not sure if humanity will ever forgive the Japanese for their war crimes.

One cannot blame current generation Japanese or Germans for the unimaginable atrocities their grand and grand grand fathers committed.
Besides, both countries got literally bombed back into the stone age (while Japan got nuked twice), were occupied for years (Germany split into two for decades) and lost large chunks of their former territory.... which I guess is an adequate punishment for their mistakes.

And in these days, Germans and Japanese people are among the most tolerant, world open, hard working and democratic people on this planet.
I can turn this. Since you live in germany you can know for sure that 99% of germans don´t even know about Nanjing nor do they care.
You stay in Europan, you should know that the comonn ideas in EU is: you habe no right to present others. And you also you have no date or Evidence to prove that "99%".Very few Europans know about that mostly because China was a poor communist country, western have no interesting to report that, which is changing. You can find some articals on Spiegel or other magezins. And also if you understaood Germans good, you should know that, if the common Germans heard that, Japan Gov deny the Warcrims, they will give a shit, because they want to seek the Justice and at least they think, they are justic.
I love Rom, but also think Italian people are disorderly and may too Romantik and not punctual and Italy pull back the EU Econmics. Don't make me or others to make the list longer.
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You stay in Europan, you should know that the comonn Ideas in EU is: you habe no right to present others. And you also you have no date to Evidence to prove that 99%. Mostly it's because China was a poor communist country, western have no interesting to report that, which is changing. If you understaood Germans good, you should know that, if the common Germans heard that, Japan Gov deny the Warcrims, they will give a shit, because they want to seek the Justice and at least they think, they are justic.
I love Rom, but also think Italian people are disorderly and may too Romantik and not punctual and Italy pull back the EU Econmics. Don't make me or others to make the list longer.

what are you talking about? China is far away. Nanjing has zero influence on our daily life. What does it matter for us?
what are you talking about? China is far away. Nanjing has zero influence on our daily life. What does it matter for us?
So what do you mean by "i think 99% of humanity" or it's just another evidence of that Italians have no Logic and are not rigorous?
I'm not sure if humanity will ever forgive the Japanese for their war crimes.

The "world" has already forgiven and forgotten it.

The ones who were victims will never forget, and there are 1.3 billion of us in China alone.

Not to forget all the other victims of the Imperial Japanese Army, including much of Asia and even America itself.

You can forgive but you can never forget.
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