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Should japan also never forget various invasion attempts from china?

Except China never tried to invade Japan?

The Mongols did once, and they failed.

We never nuked them either, despite having nukes since the 1960's. America did nuke them though, and I'm sure the Japanese won't forget that either. Forgive but never forget.
Except China never tried to invade Japan?

The Mongols did once, and they failed.

We never nuked them either, despite having nukes since the 1960's. America did nuke them though, and I'm sure the Japanese won't forget that either. Forgive but never forget.

Kublai Khan was emperor of China. He was a mongol but his army was chinese. You cant ditch out of this. 90% of the invasion army were chinese.

Look...my nation has a long history as well. Do you think we italians should hold a grudge against evry country we had war with?
Kublai Khan was emperor of China. He was a mongol but his army was chinese. You cant ditch out of this. 90% of the invasion army were chinese.

Look...my nation has a long history as well. Do you think we italians should hold a grudge against evry country we had war with?

That's why Xi Jinping will push China's power to another level.


Kublai Khan was emperor of China. He was a mongol but his army was chinese. You cant ditch out of this. 90% of the invasion army were chinese.

Look...my nation has a long history as well. Do you think we italians should hold a grudge against evry country we had war with?

I didn't say hold a "grudge".

What I said is forgive, but don't forget.

I've always said I do not blame the current generation of Japanese for the crimes of their ancestors 70 years ago, you can ask @Nihonjin1051.

They don't forget the nuclear bombs, Europe does not forget WW2, Asia does not forget WW2, America does not forget WW2.

Some can forget, because they were not participants.
I didn't say hold a "grudge".

What I said is forgive, but don't forget.

I've always said I do not blame the current generation of Japanese for the crimes of their ancestors 70 years ago, you can ask @Nihonjin1051.

They don't forget the nuclear bombs, Europe does not forget WW2, Asia does not forget WW2, America does not forget WW2.

Some can forget, because they were not participants.

as time moves on, it will be forgotten. My ancestors killed many helvetians but i assure you most swiss people dont remember when roman army invaded
Kublai Khan was emperor of China. He was a mongol but his army was chinese. You cant ditch out of this. 90% of the invasion army were chinese.

Look...my nation has a long history as well. Do you think we italians should hold a grudge against evry country we had war with?

No, the majority of that particular army was Mongol with some Koreans and Chinese thrown in, who weren't too excited about the campaign.
No, the majority of that particular army was Mongol with some Koreans and Chinese thrown in, who weren't too excited about the campaign.

i never understood the idea behind this anyways. Japan is a homogenous, fiercly independend thinking nation. Its virtually impossible to launch an invasion. How did Kublai think he can deliver nonstop supplies and new soldiers over the sea. This entire campaign was a failure from the beginning
i never understood the idea behind this anyways. Japan is a homogenous, fiercly independend thinking nation. Its virtually impossible to launch an invasion. How did Kublai think he can deliver nonstop supplies and new soldiers over the sea. This entire campaign was a failure from the beginning

The campaign failed because the Koreans and Chinese sabotaged the ships, even though many of them were going to be carried on it. They weren't going to help the Mongols attack Japan which was a lifelong friend up until that point.
as time moves on, it will be forgotten. My ancestors killed many helvetians but i assure you most swiss people dont remember when roman army invaded

People won't remember having personally experienced it of course, since we are talking about history.

But history is important to us. We still remember the Battle of Red Cliffs that took place almost two thousand years ago.

It's not about holding "grudges", it's about remembering history and learning from it.
People won't remember having personally experienced it of course, since we are talking about history.

But history is important to us. We still remember the Battle of Red Cliffs that took place several millennia ago.

It's not about holding "grudges", it's about remembering history and learning from it.

histors way too often is used as excuse for new crimes now. Thats the danger i see.
The campaign failed because the Koreans and Chinese sabotaged the ships, even though many of them were going to be carried on it. They weren't going to help the Mongols attack Japan which was a lifelong friend up until that point.

I havent read anything about sabotage or view japanese as anything like friend on the part of korean or chinese soldier, there are however overwhelming records of suffering caused by mongols on behalve of koreans, chinese and countless others, most of those non mongols forced into "employment" under the mongolian commanders who were responsible for the invasion certainly wont cooperate if there is oppertunity to escape, and the moral was in the gutter.
histors way too often is used as excuse for new crimes now. Thats the danger i see.

Well, China hasn't had any wars for the past 30 years. Despite having a nuclear weapons since the 1960's.

This is due to our official policy of "China's Peaceful Rise".

Japan can take care of itself in a conventional and non-conventional sense, they don't have to worry about a Chinese invasion since that is impractical to the point of lunacy.

The only territories that are being contested in East and Southeast Asia are uninhabited rocks and reefs in the middle of the ocean. There is zero chance of a land war like what is happening in Ukraine, over massively populated regions.
I"m getting fucking tired of talking about this issue. We will never forget who cause our suffering. As I said, talking is cheap right now. When the time arise and present an opportunity, we will strike a rude awakening to our enemy. As far as I'm concern about some Italian, nobody gives a shit about that country. In fact, Europe is a just a business partner to us. We are not delusion to beg for their support. We are not seeking sympathy. We are seeking the truth and remind our people of the one causing us the most suffering and they are currently laughing behind our back.
I"m getting fucking tired of talking about this issue. We will never forget who cause our suffering. As I said, talking is cheap right now. When the time arise and present an opportunity, we will strike a rude awakening to our enemy. As far as I'm concern about some Italian, nobody gives a shit about that country. In fact, Europe is a just a business partner to us. We are not delusion to beg for their support. We are not seeking sympathy. We are seeking the truth and remind our people of the one causing us the most suffering and they are currently laughing behind our back.

I would advise everyone I know to stop buying European luxury goods, period. No need to feed their incredible arrogance.
Should japan also never forget various invasion attempts from china?

why you get racist now?
1, Japanese Warcrims should not be forgeten is because, Japan at 1937 call himself a Civilized Country and also known as Civilized Country in EU, a Civilized Country should not do this. And for the Chinesisch Atack to Japan. If you consider Mongolia didn't belong to China, then you should go ask Mongolia. China never did that. If you consider Mongolia did belong to China. Then it's a old thing during the babarric time, and Mongolia didn't have Warcrims in Japan. Even they did something, can it make the warcrims during ww2 right? Same as, Roman kill all the Jewish People don't mean German can do the same thing during WW2. Isn't it?

2, My Idea about "Italians have no Logic and are not rigorous." is just a truth I find from you. And "not rigorous" thing it's not just me, it's a common Idea in Germany. Same as you people are always not on time. Just like you will also think Germans are less of humor. Of cause it's not totaly, but mostly true. And also if you say Chinese have bad behavor, I will not deny it. Because in Europan Standerd, many Chinese do have bad behavors. If you think this is racist, then I can say racist is everywhere.
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