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China leaders preside at WWII massacre remembrance

How am i trolling? I state obvious facts and call for peace. You bring up some 19th century nationalist bullshit. That is trolling in my opinion.

I think Japan gives a shit if you forgive. Its about business. And business between China and Japan is doing great. Thats all what matters.
My point is:
1, you can't present 99% of people. Do you admit that? I think, some of your Replys are just shit.
2, do you think the German and Isral should forget the past and don't mention it again?
3, Japan do care how others think about them. And they are hiding the truth.
4, before 1970 Japan admit warcrims and after 1978, they are changing and beging to visit Yasukuni Shrine. Thats why we begin to mention that after 1980.

If you realy want to talk about it, please do read some real books, not Comic book. If you know nothing, then shut up.
My point is:
1, you can't present 99% of people. Do you admit that? I think, some of your Replys are just shit.
2, do you think the German and Isral should forget the past and don't mention it again?
3, Japan do care how others think about them. And they are hiding the truth.
4, before 1970 Japan admit warcrims and after 1978, they are changing and beging to visit Yasukuni Shrine. Thats why we begin to mention that after 1980.

If you realy want to talk about it, please do read some real books, not Comic book. If you know nothing, then shut up.

I have japanese friends (two of them) and both tell me that it is not chinas business what religion they perform. Yasukuni represents all japanese who died while fighting for their country. China has nothing to care about this. China can´t change Shinto nor does China has the right to dictate others religion. You may complain that some persons who are in this shrine are in combination with war criminal charges. And? There is no guilt after death in shintoism. When you die your soul goes back into heaven. Just like a drop of water that goes back into the sea.

And i don´t see japan hiding the truth. They simply don´t care. And i understand this. Thats past and does not effect their life anyways.
I have japanese friends (two of them) and both tell me that it is not chinas business what religion they perform. Yasukuni represents all japanese who died while fighting for their country. China has nothing to care about this. China can´t change Shinto nor does China has the right to dictate others religion. You may complain that some persons who are in this shrine are in combination with war criminal charges. And? There is no guilt after death in shintoism. When you die your soul goes back into heaven. Just like a drop of water that goes back into the sea.

And i don´t see japan hiding the truth. They simply don´t care. And i understand this. Thats past and does not effect their life anyways.

Its not just China. South Korea also doesn't like it. Japan has conflicts with literally every single one of its neighboring countries, but conversely, has a good relationship with countries far away from it. Why do you think that is? Maybe its because their neighbors see things differently.
Germany denounces their war crimes esp with respect to the jews but why japan not doing that?

is that due to a religious reason or racial issue?

a religious reason or racial issue?

All Japnese religions have been derived from the original Chinese religions.

The Japanese are a sub-race of Mongoloid. 9 out of 10 Mongoloid are Chinese.

Japanese civilisation is a sub-civilisation of the Chinese civilisation - the entire world recognises it.

The behaviours of the Japanese on this issue reflect a heavy chip on their shoulder and a deep racial inferiority in comparison to the Chinese:

Most Japanese and their think tanks/govts are misguided by a deranged "sub-culture" of "national glory" , unrealisticly dreaming to continue their short-lived "Asia's #1" title gained from the Chinese recently since Japan's industrialisation at the end of the 19th century to the late 20th century when China was in chaos. That was the only period, however short it was, that Japan has achived so in the entire history.

How else would explain Japan's deranged behaviours in China in WW2?

Did Germany massacre millions of defenceless Dutch civilians once it occupied Holland? or killed off every French civilian they could find after Paris sank? NO!

Did the Americans eliminate all English or German armless civilians it could get its hands on once it won its own civil war or during WW2? NO!

Why the Japanese wanted to do that to the Chinese in Nanking and in WW2???????

it's because:

Killing off millions upon millions armless and defenceless Chinese civilians is a clear evidence of racial inferiority under a deranged mentality of eliminating once for all future competitors who happened to be Japan's very mother culture. That's how twisted many Japanese were/are.

A true #1 without chips on the shoulders will honour the history as it is, and admit wrong-doings as they were, apologise sincerely and move on from there, which Japan's twisted militarism sub-culture grown out of sheer uncivilised barbarism would never readily accept.

Deliberately denying what happened and covering it with lies will not earn you glory, except reflecting obvious fears of revenge of justice out of true inferiority - and deep in their minds, most Japanese know this.
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I have japanese friends (two of them) and both tell me that it is not chinas business what religion they perform. Yasukuni represents all japanese who died while fighting for their country. China has nothing to care about this. China can´t change Shinto nor does China has the right to dictate others religion. You may complain that some persons who are in this shrine are in combination with war criminal charges. And? There is no guilt after death in shintoism. When you die your soul goes back into heaven. Just like a drop of water that goes back into the sea.

And i don´t see japan hiding the truth. They simply don´t care. And i understand this. Thats past and does not effect their life anyways.
You can do whatever you want but if you depend on your neighbours for survival then you better needs to listen up and try to please us. Abe is naive to think that Japan is still a powerful economy power that can grow itself without external market. He is outright wrong and if he wants China market then you better stand up and listen to Big brother China. We dont want Yasukuni Shrine with war crime criminal and he better do it.

Japan′s economy contracts more than expected | Business | DW.DE | 08.12.2014

Same counts for China. Japan is basicly a western country by its soul and we stand with them.

Abe can´t change Shinto. And it looks like he gives a shit about it since he visited Yasukuni and basicly spits in chinas face with this. Also China is not Japans brother. The two nations have zero in common. China has no right to dictate another country its religion. You should be smart enough to realize that outside pressure is counter productive and only achieves the oppossite. Also Japan never depended on its neighbours for survival. Japan has USA and EU.

The basic fact is, you say Japan should "please you". I ask: Why should they? They are an independend nation and not a vasall.

:lol: Sorry you are not Japanese and of cos Japan is dead or not is not your concern. YOu can continue to big mouth and talk trash with things that doesn't concern you. Abe do realise he needs to please the Chinese abit to kick start his abeomic plan which success will lies on China market.

Fraught with controversy - Japan′s Yasukuni Shrine | Asia | DW.DE | 18.08.2014

I though you say he can do whatever he wants? What makes him miss this visit?
You can do whatever you want but if you depend on your neighbours for survival then you better needs to listen up and try to please us. Abe is naive to think that Japan is still a powerful economy power that can grow itself without external market. He is outright wrong and if he wants China market then you better stand up and listen to Big brother China. We dont want Yasukuni Shrine with war crime criminal and he better do it.

Japan′s economy contracts more than expected | Business | DW.DE | 08.12.2014

:lol: Sorry you are not Japanese and of cos Japan is dead or not is not your concern. YOu can continue to big mouth and talk trash with things that doesn't concern you. Abe do realise he needs to please the Chinese abit to kick start his abeomic plan which success will lies on China market.

Fraught with controversy - Japan′s Yasukuni Shrine | Asia | DW.DE | 18.08.2014

I though you say he can do whatever he wants? What makes him miss this visit?

Abe visited Yasukuni this year and also Ise Shrine. He also plans to intensify this. So far Japan does nothing to please China. Why should they? Japan never bowed down infront china.

What exactly do you want from them? :) Tell me. Just tell the points that you want from japan and explain how they should do this and still show self respect.

I'm interested about this and would like to hear what a chinese really wants from Japan and if he would be willing to do the same.

Mao for example was a mass murderer and killed millions of people. I think its time to remove his picture in beijing.

Btw your own article states that it is impossible n shinto to relocate the shrine and also impossible to remove certain persons from the list.
Abe visited Yasukuni this year and also Ise Shrine. He also plans to intensify this. So far Japan does nothing to please China. Why should they? Japan never bowed down infront china.

What exactly do you want from them? :) Tell me. Just tell the points that you want from japan and explain how they should do this and still show self respect.

I'm interested about this and would like to hear what a chinese really wants from Japan and if he would be willing to do the same.

Mao for example was a mass murderer and killed millions of people. I think its time to remove his picture in beijing.

Btw your own article states that it is impossible n shinto to relocate the shrine and also impossible to remove certain persons from the list.

Remove A-class WWII Japanese war criminal and set up memorial to remind their atrocities of WWII. Return Diaoyutai.
Anything less than that. Abe can continue his Japan revival with a continue contracting economy and an aging nation. China economy is already twice the size of Japan at 10 trillion while Japan stands at 4.8 trillion. You can imagine few years ago, China just barely surpass Japan economy as world number 2. Abe can continue his nonsense and hope he do not regret.
Remove A-class WWII Japanese war criminal and set up memorial to remind their atrocities of WWII. Return Diaoyutai.
Anything less than that. Abe can continue his Japan revival with a continue contracting economy and an aging nation. China economy is already twice the size of Japan at 10 trillion while Japan stands at 4.8 trillion. You can imagine few years ago, China just barely surpass Japan economy as world number 2. Abe can continue his nonsense and hope he do not regret.

1. it is impossible in Shinto to remove any person out of the shrine. So your first wish is impossible to fulfill.

2. a memorial? cool, can be done. no,problem.

3. why should japan give senkaku away? It is part of their nation and even if japan agrees to hold talks, what islands will china give in exchange? You sure would not want a deal that brings no positive aspects for yourself.

4. Japans economy is only half size compared to china...but japams population is only one tenth, I think thats quite dine and guarantees japan one of highest living standards worldwide. Uncontrolled growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.
1. it is impossible in Shinto to remove any person out of the shrine. So your first wish is impossible to fulfill.

2. a memorial? cool, can be done. no,problem.

3. why should japan give senkaku away? It is part of their nation and even if japan agrees to hold talks, what islands will china give in exchange? You sure would not want a deal that brings no positive aspects for yourself.

4. Japans economy is only half size compared to china...but japams population is only one tenth, I think thats quite dine and guarantees japan one of highest living standards worldwide. Uncontrolled growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.

1. Do you know anything about Shinto? The shrine isn't even the original shrine - the current Yasukuni shrine only had the war criminals put in there in the 1970's, decades after they were already dead. Originally they were not part of the shrine.

2. You are not in a position to agree to it. The Japanese obviously have a problem with a memorial, you can't agree for them.

3. It is not part of their nation, it is disputed territory. The US held administrative power over it until the 1970's, and the US neither affirmed nor denied Japanese sovereignty over the islands.

4. In terms of national power, only total GDP matters.
I have japanese friends (two of them) and both tell me that it is not chinas business what religion they perform. Yasukuni represents all japanese who died while fighting for their country. China has nothing to care about this. China can´t change Shinto nor does China has the right to dictate others religion. You may complain that some persons who are in this shrine are in combination with war criminal charges. And? There is no guilt after death in shintoism. When you die your soul goes back into heaven. Just like a drop of water that goes back into the sea.

And i don´t see japan hiding the truth. They simply don´t care. And i understand this. Thats past and does not effect their life anyways.
So can you tell me, why before 1945 Yasukuni only contral by the japan army? Why only after 1978 Japanese politiker move the Warcrimnals into Yasukuni? Why since that Emperor never go there again?
And the same Idea, then German Army did either nothing wrong during WW2, because they only fight for their fatherland german?

Can you be more stupid? You totaly show me, how stupida can a people from Italy been, if only you are a Italian. I will never reply you again, because you are so stupid. And also you are make a group people think bad about Italy, though you take no shit about it. We will translate your words into Chinese and show them. So many people will see your stupid.

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1. Do you know anything about Shinto? The shrine isn't even the original shrine - the current Yasukuni shrine only had the war criminals put in there in the 1970's, decades after they were already dead. Originally they were not part of the shrine.

2. You are not in a position to agree to it. The Japanese obviously have a problem with a memorial, you can't agree for them.

3. It is not part of their nation, it is disputed territory. The US held administrative power over it until the 1970's, and the US neither affirmed nor denied Japanese sovereignty over the islands.

4. In terms of national power, only total GDP matters.

1. yes i do know about sinto. Once you implemented a soul in there it cant be removed. Thats a religious imperative. It has become a kami.

2. japan has no problem with a memorial. Will you remove Mao as well? i mean, show some positive feelings there.

3. The senkaku islands are japanese land. Evry world map shows this and no country in the world denies it beside china. If you want a deal, you have something to offer. You know as well as i do that japan will never give up senkaku without proper compensation. Their population would not accept it. So what can you offer? You made similar deal with russia. If you want something from me you have to give me something equal in worth. A great nation like china should be able to offer something substantial. You can't feed people with chinas good wishs.

4. GDP says nothing about national power. Nations with high GDP but high poverty tend to become instable internal. If china is not able to provide the masses equal living standards you create internal weakness.

So can you tell me, why before 1945 Yasukuni only contral by the japan army? Why only after 1978 Japs move the Warcrimnals into Yasukuni? Why since that Emperor never go there again?
And the same Idea, then German Army did either nothing wrong during WW2, because they only fight for their fatherland german?

Can you be more stupid? You totaly show me, how stupida can a people from Italy been, if only you are a Italian. I will never reply you again, because you are so stupid. And also you are make a group people think bad about Italy, though you take no shit about it. We will translate your words into Chinese and show them. So many people will see your stupid.


1. Why do you call japanese persons "japs"? Would you like to be valled chink? I doubt so. The word jap is racist and an insult.

2. I dont speak for italy. I speak for myself. I find it disturbing that you twist my opinion into my ethnicity. Are you some kind of nazi? Beside that...the opinion of people who live thousands of miles away does not matter for me. We have freedom of speech. A concept maybe alien for you. You dont like my opinion? fine. That wont change it.
2. japan has no problem with a memorial. Will you remove Mao as well? i mean, show some positive feelings there.

3. The senkaku islands are japanese land. Evry world map shows this and no country in the world denies it beside china. If you want a deal, you have something to offer. You know as well as i do that japan will never give up senkaku without proper compensation. Their population would not accept it. So what can you offer? You made similar deal with russia. If you want something from me you have to give me something equal in worth. A great nation like china should be able to offer something substantial. You can't feed people with chinas good wishs.

4. GDP says nothing about national power. Nations with high GDP but high poverty tend to become instable internal. If china is not able to provide the masses equal living standards you create internal weakness.

Mao is an internal affair problem but Japanese invaded and killed another national citizen? Can you claim that as external affair?

Nobody think Senkaku/Diaoyutai is Japan. In fact, i posted a link about Abe europe tour to gain support for his claim end up achieved nothing. Most countries classify that island as disputed. They don't favour which island belongs to who. It will see who has bigger influence to swing others countries recognition and that will put China in favour in the long run.

As for High per GDP, if go by your analogy. Luxumberg shall be super power command the world most powerful airforce or army and has a permanent seat in UN,do they? :lol: Dont make me laugh with silly comment.
a religious reason or racial issue?

All Japnese religions have been derived from the original Chinese religions.

The Japanese are a sub-race of Mongoloid. 9 out of 10 Mongoloid are Chinese.

Japanese civilisation is a sub-civilisation of the Chinese civilisation - the entire world recognises it.

The behaviours of the Japanese on this issue reflect a heavy chip on their shoulder and a deep racial inferiority in comparison to the Chinese:

Most Japanese and their think tanks/govts are misguided by a deranged "sub-culture" of "national glory" , unrealisticly dreaming to continue their short-lived "Asia's #1" title gained from the Chinese recently since Japan's industrialisation at the end of the 19th century to the late 20th century when China was in chaos. That was the only period, however short it was, that Japan has achived so in the entire history.

How else would explain Japan's deranged behaviours in China in WW2?

Did Germany massacre millions of defenceless Dutch civilians once it occupied Holland? or killed off every French civilian they could find after Paris sank? NO!

Did the Americans eliminate all English or German armless civilians it could get its hands on once it won its own civil war or during WW2? NO!

Why the Japanese wanted to do that to the Chinese in Nanking and in WW2???????

it's because:

Killing off millions upon millions armless and defenceless Chinese civilians is a clear evidence of racial inferiority under a deranged mentality of eliminating once for all future competitors who happened to be Japan's very mother culture. That's how twisted many Japanese were/are.

A true #1 without chips on the shoulders will honour the history as it is, and admit wrong-doings as they were, apologise sincerely and move on from there, which Japan's twisted militarism sub-culture grown out of sheer uncivilised barbarism would never readily accept.

Deliberately denying what happened and covering it with lies will not earn you glory, except reflecting obvious fears of revenge of justice out of true inferiority - and deep in their minds, most Japanese know this.

my opininon is that china was weak & corrupt then that precipitated japan's sense of superiority that led to invasion.
that sense still prevails today in her refusal to apologize.

i think until china has overwhelming military & economic might & developed a good civic mind & behaviour (I mean look at many bad practices in china in food safety, environment etc.....) japan will not apologize.

anyway if you were somebody people are willing to give you respects that you dont ask/ beg.
there is a saying power is might...it is so sad yet true.
my opininon is that china was weak & corrupt then that precipitated japan's sense of superiority that led to invasion.
that sense still prevails today in her refusal to apologize.

i think until china has overwhelming military & economic might & developed a good civic mind & behaviour (I mean look at many bad practices in china in food safety, environment etc.....) japan will not apologize.

anyway if you were somebody people are willing to give you respects that you dont ask/ beg.
there is a saying power is might...it is so sad yet true.

It is coming. Abenomic is failing badly. Our economy has double that of Japan in just 4 years time. Japan will need to make a choice of compromising to China for sake of economic growth to revive their fortune or stick with a no benefit US that cant help much for their economy.

I think Japanese is smart people to pick the correct choice. Abe refusing to visit shrine and their party members keep trying to contact Chinese side for communication is a sign of their soften stance. Soon more concrete action will be taken by Japanese once their economy growth negative more. It will be a step by step scenario.
You cant help the Japanese from dwarfing themselves under the blatant glare of history
They try to shove their dirts under a beautifully k nitted rug. Many people only want to see the pattern of the rug on the surface even some have seen the shoving.
The people who suffer are aging with their pains which are brutally inflicted onto them by the Japanese since WW2
They will die. They will put an end to their pain at last.
History will live on.
This memorial event will live on.
The Chinese will live on, ever stronger to defend ourselves.:china:

i think china should put her house in order first (good governance, media watch & law to check ruling party over internal issues) when the society as a whole achieve a certain high level of welness then commands will follow naturally.

it is akin to good human body immune systems that keep invaders away!!
if the body is weak then dont blame virus invasion & expect apology from them.:-)
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