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China leaders preside at WWII massacre remembrance

haven't japanese leaders apologized for nanking??
many times, then put the apologies made by themselves into question at next occation.

i think china should put her house in order first (good governance, media watch & law to check ruling party over internal issues) when the society as a whole achieve a certain high level of welness then commands will follow naturally.

it is akin to good human body immune systems that keep invaders away!!
if the body is weak then dont blame virus invasion.:-)

Exactly, thats why human should cease battling virus which are threathening our health and life, its our own fault for being weak, virus are blameless and should be forgotten/forgiven
It is coming. Abenomic is failing badly. Our economy has double that of Japan in just 4 years time. Japan will need to make a choice of compromising to China for sake of economic growth to revive their fortune or stick with a no benefit US that cant help much for their economy.

I think Japanese is smart people to pick the correct choice. Abe refusing to visit shrine and their party members keep trying to contact Chinese side for communication is a sign of their soften stance. Soon more concrete action will be taken by Japanese once their economy growth negative more. It will be a step by step scenario.

it is not so much about external or for that matter japan per se but rather china needs to retro-inspect herself internally.
Mao is an internal affair problem but Japanese invaded and killed another national citizen? Can you claim that as external affair?

Nobody think Senkaku/Diaoyutai is Japan. In fact, i posted a link about Abe europe tour to gain support for his claim end up achieved nothing. Most countries classify that island as disputed. They don't favour which island belongs to who. It will see who has bigger influence to swing others countries recognition and that will put China in favour in the long run.

As for High per GDP, if go by your analogy. Luxumberg shall be super power command the world most powerful airforce or army and has a permanent seat in UN,do they? :lol: Dont make me laugh with silly comment.

Mao is an internal affair of China and Shinto is an internal affair of Japan. If you demand that Japan alters its religion, Japan should also be able to ask you to alter something so internal as well.

Evrybody thinks Senkakus is Japan.

USA says Senkaku is Japan and USA will defend Japan in this dispute:

Obama says US will defend Japan in island dispute with China | US news | theguardian.com

And you know as well as i do who the EU will support if the shit hits the fan. I doubt you are deluded enough to think that the Eu would side with China and against Japan and the USA. I might remind you that China is still under EU weapon sanctions. The Eu sees no reason now to boil up the issue any more than it already is. Japan controls the Senkaku islands. China is too weak to get them and it appears that China is also to weak in offering something substantial. So why boil up the crisis even more?

As for GDP comment. Yes i do think Luxemburg is far more stable than China. We see uprisings in china. People demand betetr lifes. They see the rich and their own poverty. And i think the west is very good in supporting those people who struggle for democracy and freedom. In the ed it could not go about Senkaku but about the CCP to try to hold their power in a revolution and uprising. Wouldn´t be the first time that a revolution hits China.

In the end you failed to name even one thing you could give Japan. Your good wishs are worthless and can´t feed people. If you have nothing substantial to offer, don´t try to bid.
why not?

and that how? isnt japan have huge investment in china??
i have some japanese friends and they really feel sorry for what their ancestors did in WW2.

The reason why some Chinese are still angry about the atrocities that were committed against them during WW2 is because of Japan’s revisionism / denial (removing all mention of Nanking massacre from Japanese school text books) or lessening of the crimes that were committed (e.g. comfort ladies were volunteers). That's only a few examples. Imagine if Germany did the same thing? There would be a huge outrage and rightly so.
it is not so much about external or for that matter japan per se but rather china needs to retro-inspect herself internally.

I disagree. US not having the best behaviour internally(High crime rate, violences) and externally(Global bully) , is still revert as a world leader not becos she is saint for leading the world in behaviour or leadership but more for its economic power and military influence. If Chinese overseas is the most well behaviour and civilises people but has an economy 3 times smaller than Japan. Do you think Japan care a shit about China bitter response about Japanese insincere apology of their atrocious in WWII? A real world do not work that way.
i think it the most excellent to germany building a brand in europe or even in the world .
But the French can turn something simplistic like a handbag into a brand that can sell for thousands to tens of thousands. Germany has luxury cars, but even their BMW, Mercedes are not as reliable as Japanese cars in general. A Lexus is more comfortable and reliable than a German car costing twice the amount.
I disagree. US not having the best behaviour internally(High crime rate, violences) and externally(Global bully) , is still revert as a world leader not becos she is saint for leading the world in behaviour or leadership but more for its economic power and military influence. If Chinese overseas is the most well behaviour and civilises people but has an economy 3 times smaller than Japan. Do you think Japan care a shit about China bitter response about Japanese insincere apology of their atrocious in WWII? A real world do not work that way.

What happened in China during WWII was definitely a dark period in our two nations' history. And i doubt anyone in this generation, or in the next 2 generations will see a major change in terms of angst when referred to its occurrence. Perhaps in 1-2 centuries from now? Possibly.

Afterall, only time heals old wounds...

But i agree with my brother @Chinese-Dragon, forgive but never forget. And as filial brothers, I hope Japanese and Chinese can move past this and work together for our common good. One can always hope for that...
In fact, most Chinese dislike Vietnamese in general, so we don't need any good word from you.

BTW, as for the anti-war Americans, because they were worrying that a long term war might strangle the US economy which in result their livelihood would eventually get suffered. It is not that they did care about the Vietnamese peasants who got bombed daily by the napalm and agent orange.

Today in China, at least most of Tibetan, Hui, Mongolian, Pai Pu, Manchurian... etc they don't have problem with us now. We don't care what brainwashed Han Jian (sinized) troll on this forum.
Today in China, at least most of Tibetan, Hui, Mongolian, Pai Pu, Manchurian... etc they don't have problem with us now. We don't care what brainwashed Han Jian (sinized) troll on this forum.

Hanjian means the Han traitors, and we should regard them as your natural allies, not despise them like this. :coffee:
What happened in China during WWII was definitely a dark period in our two nations' history. And i doubt anyone in this generation, or in the next 2 generations will see a major change in terms of angst when referred to its occurrence. Perhaps in 1-2 centuries from now? Possibly.

Afterall, only time heals old wounds...

But i agree with my brother @Chinese-Dragon, forgive but never forget. And as filial brothers, I hope Japanese and Chinese can move past this and work together for our common good. One can always hope for that...

Well said.
it is not so much about external or for that matter japan per se but rather china needs to retro-inspect herself internally.

Stop with the introspection. Chinese have been introspecting for the past century. It is time to start having confidence in ourselves. Always blaming yourself is a type of inferiority complex - it is victim blaming.
@ Chinese members:

you waste your time respond to an Indian troll who chooses Italian & German flags??

If I put on a Norwegian flag, can I become a Norwegian then? What you say about Norway has 0 to do with me!

One thing about Italians is generally true though, all ethnic Italians I know of from Italy can not speak & write English as fluent as this troll. Yes, English level of Italians sucks big time even for most if not all Italians from junior high schools to very high level Italian professors/scholars from universities or govt bodies. Their English is even worse than most Chinese usually packed with spelling errors and grammar mistakes, drastically different from most online-Indians.

He is ethnic Indian or a close Indian-derivative!!! - I spelt that out a year ago! Go look up my previous posts on him.

That's why he smiles when you say sth bad about Italians, simplely because your remarks about Italy/Italians have 0 to do with this troll.

Some Mods here being too stupid and/or too unwilling to identify this false-flagger despite my repeated warning for a year in numerous occasions doesn't mean you guys too, blindly putting your trust on them.
yes, I'm as danish as Markus is Italian or was it German? :lol:
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