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China demands territorial concessions to bring it closer to India's sensiti

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Qin? ???? The first empire that was in 221B.C.? Where is India in 221 B.C.

Why don't you post the maps from Han Dynasty, Tang Dynasty, Ming Dynasty?

Shall we redivide the world by the maps from B.C.? Well, then most of countries didn't even exist, maybe some of you Indians can help.

Some of the Indians in this thread are pathetic and some of them even laughed at China for being invaded by Mongols and Japan? The Mongols invaded India too and half of Europe. In fact, China is the last that fell to Mongol, for 60 years. How is this a matter that can be funny to some of the Indian members? Japanese invasion? That's WWII when most of humanity descended into hell and Indians are making fun of brutality of imperialism?


Maurya Empire in 265BC

Maurya Empire in 265BC


Is this the map where so called "original" Indians lived? Good luck telling people living in Afghan and Pakistan as Indians.
In fact, the original empire is tiny.

File:Magadha.GIF - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Maybe that's where original Indians lived?

Also please define "Indian." Do Indians mean people living in India Subcontinent? A particular ethnicity?
Magadha empire may refer to the following, for a general view of the states based on Magadha, see Magadha.

Haryanka Empire (Bimbisara dynasty) (684 BC–413 BC)
Shishunaga Empire (413 BC–345 BC)
Nanda Empire (424 BC–321 BC)
Maurya Empire (322 BC–185 BC)
Sunga Empire (185 BC–75 BC)
Gupta Empire (AD 320–AD 600s

Magadha - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You forget to post the extent of the empire.

God save the world if we behave like Chinese and start claiming terrotaries basis " once upon a time" maps like Chinese.....
The Indian history and extent of empire is well documented...what we have now is lesser then the Indian Empire of Past..

On the Other Hand the Chinese and China was only upto the Great Wall of China... So the China which we see now days is just a recent entity... it has no historical record or validity.. China ends at the great wall.. the rest is just invaded territories...


Is this the map where so called "original" Indians lived? Good luck telling people living in Afghan and Pakistan as Indians.
In fact, the original empire is tiny.

File:Magadha.GIF - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Maybe that's where original Indians lived?

Also please define "Indian." Do Indians mean people living in India Subcontinent? A particular ethnicity?

Not Afghanistan. But Pakistan and India share same history. Lot many people migrated to both sides after Partition. Two of our Prime Ministers were born in Present day Pakistan including current PM Manmohan Singh. Former Pakistan President Parvez Musharraf family originally hailed from Delhi, Musharraf was born in Delhi.

Here is the ancient Sanskrit verse which defines Bharat(India) in ancient time.

"uttaraṃ yatsamudrasya himādreścaiva dakṣiṇam
varṣaṃ tadbhārataṃ nāma bhāratī yatra santatiḥ"

"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhārat(India); there dwell the descendants of (Emperor) Bharata.

Magadha was only one of numerous Mahajanpada.
The Indian history and extent of empire is well documented...what we have now is lesser then the Indian Empire of Past..

On the Other Hand the Chinese and China was only upto the Great Wall of China... So the China which we see now days is just a recent entity... it has no historical record or validity.. China ends at the great wall.. the rest is just invaded territories...



Many parts of Tibet are historically Indian land like Mansarovar Lake and Kailash mountains. We had presence there long before Qin Dynasty east and South of Great wall.
People with Indian citizenship. Is it different in China ?
Yes, because India was created by the British. They gave you British law and institutions, including citizenship :rofl:

Before that Indians were just slaves of Middle East / Central Asian conquerors for 1000 years.

When we tested Agni-5 no country protested except for India bashing articles in CCP's mouthpiece globaltimes. ;)
That's because everybody knows Agni-5 is just a public propaganda campaign. Reality is India only deployed Agni-1 and even that isn't working properly the last time the army tested it.
The Indian history and extent of empire is well documented...what we have now is lesser then the Indian Empire of Past..

On the Other Hand the Chinese and China was only upto the Great Wall of China... So the China which we see now days is just a recent entity... it has no historical record or validity.. China ends at the great wall.. the rest is just invaded territories...
Yes you are correct. The Empire expanded enormously in the past few hundred years. Even Manchuria and Taiwan were not fully secured by China until the end of WW2 -- the Japanese Empire contested those territories but China annexed them in the end. Once India loses another war to China and becomes partitioned, then entire Indian states would become our vassals just like Korea and Vietnam were China's vassals.
Once India loses another war to China and becomes partitioned, then entire Indian states would become our vassals just like Korea and Vietnam were China's vassals.

Good wishes:blah:
Not Afghanistan. But Pakistan and India share same history. Lot many people migrated to both sides after Partition. Two of our Prime Ministers were born in Present day Pakistan including current PM Manmohan Singh. Former Pakistan President Parvez Musharraf family originally hailed from Delhi, Musharraf was born in Delhi.

Here is the ancient Sanskrit verse which defines Bharat(India) in ancient time.

"uttaraṃ yatsamudrasya himādreścaiva dakṣiṇam
varṣaṃ tadbhārataṃ nāma bhāratī yatra santatiḥ"

"The country (varṣam) that lies north of the ocean and south of the snowy mountains is called Bhārat(India); there dwell the descendants of (Emperor) Bharata.

Magadha was only one of numerous Mahajanpada.

So "India" is based on a quote in ancient history that was not recognized by empires or states in India subcontinent since. When the British landed in Bangal and gained the tax collection rights there, how many Indians then believed that India was being invaded and claimed, "we need to organized an army and expel the invader that had invaded Bharat"?

As you guys know the answer already, this prove that no Indians has any concept of the term "country" with a defined border until the British taught you guys what are borders. Since than you guys discovered what is a border, India have been behaving like the 2nd hand imperialist and have border conflicts with all of its neighbors. India is acting like Germany and Japan in the first half of the 20th century. The only reason that there are less war now in South Asia is because Indian arm forces are fighting more like Italians before WWII than either German or Japanese.
So "India" is based on a quote in ancient history that was not recognized by empires or states in India subcontinent since. When the British landed in Bangal and gained the tax collection rights there, how many Indians then believed that India was being invaded and claimed, "we need to organized an army and expel the invader that had invaded Bharat"?

As you guys know the answer already, this prove that no Indians has any concept of the term "country" with a defined border until the British taught you guys what are borders. Since than you guys discovered what is a border, India have been behaving like the 2nd hand imperialist and have border conflicts with all of its neighbors. India is acting like Germany and Japan in the first half of the 20th century. The only reason that there are less war now in South Asia is because Indian arm forces are fighting more like Italians before WWII than either German or Japanese.

here comes our "India Expert"..why do you guys post same rant over and over again in different threads and get your @$$$ kicked??how many times i've to post same links and quotes again??
So "India" is based on a quote in ancient history that was not recognized by empires or states in India subcontinent since. When the British landed in Bangal and gained the tax collection rights there, how many Indians then believed that India was being invaded and claimed, "we need to organized an army and expel the invader that had invaded Bharat"?

As you guys know the answer already, this prove that no Indians has any concept of the term "country" with a defined border until the British taught you guys what are borders. Since than you guys discovered what is a border, India have been behaving like the 2nd hand imperialist and have border conflicts with all of its neighbors. India is acting like Germany and Japan in the first half of the 20th century. The only reason that there are less war now in South Asia is because Indian arm forces are fighting more like Italians before WWII than either German or Japanese.

That quote is deeply embeded in our Indian culture. No need to put pressure on your mind. Our great walls were and still Himalayas.
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