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China demands territorial concessions to bring it closer to India's sensiti

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We are all original Chinese,Hans are part of Chinese.like how many ethnic groups in India?you can't have just one ethnic group.China is a stable country,not like India,ethnic fighting happens on daily basis all across India.so I don't know why Indians always like to bring ethnicity card against China when its own is nothing short of a disaster.

Do anyone read Japanese??according to their map,India was consisted of several small countries during China's Han dynastry.
Thanks for proving that these empires are for themselves, not empires called India. A quick question, who did the Mughals replace and did Mughals regard itself as the continuation of this empire? Of course not as they regard themselves as the continuation of Timur and Ganghis Khan. And they replaced Dehli Sultanate, which was a previous invader. So its just one invasion of India after one another until India was united by the British. And British did not trace itself from the Mughals or Maratha. The present day India can only trace itself to British India.
What a miserable history. No wonder they are so jealous of China.
as for Mongol Empire,have to admit that it was the greatest empire ever created by man,they conquered most of the known world,but Chinese song dynasty held off Mongols pretty successful and was one of the last kingdoms fell to Mongols.and Chinese Ming troops conqured Mongol empire and finally brought the very end to this greatest empire in human hisotry.

In 1380 the Ming army marched into Mongolia and laid waste the capital Karakorum
We are all original Chinese,Hans are part of Chinese.like how many ethnic groups in India?you can't have just one ethnic group.China is a stable country,not like India,ethnic fighting happens on daily basis all across India.so I don't know why Indians always like to bring ethnicity card against China when its own is nothing short of a disaster.

Ethnic cleansing is happening in China "hannizing" is a joke.

Minorities in China are persecuted and India is the one country which was based on "Unity in Diversity" and a model state. A country where all top positions including Army chief are minorities.

Chinese saying about ethnicity is nothing but laughable.

Delusion at its best.

Do anyone read Japanese??according to their map,India was consisted of several small countries during China's Han dynastry.

This is laughable at its best :lol:

Indian Mauryan Empire existed for almost 400 years. Id China which occupied Tibet and xingxang for alomost 60 years is considered as a single country why not India which stayed united for more than 400 years under Mauryan rule.

You show Yuan dynasty which is a mongol dynasty and try to grab SCS and east sea. And Yuan Dynasty existed for a mere 100 years :lol::lol::lol:.

Mughal empire existed more years than Yuan Dynasty.

Fact is there is no rule how an empire should have its history.
^ You are proud of being ruled by Central Asian conquerors for a long time :lol: They did Hindu Kush on you.
The entire thread looks like "whose carrot was bigger" contest:lol:
Ethnic cleansing is happening in China "hannizing" is a joke.

Minorities in China are persecuted and India is the one country which was based on "Unity in Diversity" and a model state. A country where all top positions including Army chief are minorities.

Chinese saying about ethnicity is nothing but laughable.

Delusion at its best.

India is consist of all minorities as there is not a solid majority. The reason is that each state has its own series of sub castes. Each sub caste is pretty much like an ethnic group as members of the sub caste generally do not intermarry outside of the caste.

In this regard, everyone in India is some form of minority as each sub caste is just a very small percentage of the country. The fact that India can be united with these differences are British government system and English language, in addition to the caste system that place each individual into the define role.
Ethnic cleansing is happening in China "hannizing" is a joke.

Minorities in China are persecuted and India is the one country which was based on "Unity in Diversity" and a model state. A country where all top positions including Army chief are minorities.

Chinese saying about ethnicity is nothing but laughable.

Delusion at its best.

tell me why there are so many rebel and insurgent groups fighting your government in India,make India the worst terrorist hit region in the world.the fact goes against yourself claimed""Unity in Diversity"


This is laughable at its best :lol:


then you can laugh at Japanese historians
This is laughable at its best :lol:

Indian Mauryan Empire existed for almost 400 years. Id China which occupied Tibet and xingxang for alomost 60 years is considered as a single country why not India which stayed united for more than 400 years under Mauryan rule.

You show Yuan dynasty which is a mongol dynasty and try to grab SCS and east sea. And Yuan Dynasty existed for a mere 100 years :lol::lol::lol:.

Mughal empire existed more years than Yuan Dynasty.

Fact is there is no rule how an empire should have its history.

400 years of Mauryan empire is a clear lie. Stop telling lies or I have to tell you more embarrassing truth about your country. India was never a country. Empires and nations existed in the geographical location of Indian subcontinent. But besides religious caste system, these empires are their own nation states that come and go. The history of India is more like Anatolia, with conquerors come and gone. At first, there were Greeks, and then Persians and then mostly Greeks and Kurds until various Turks come along culminating with the Ottoman Turks. Todays Turkey is the continuation of Ottoman Turks. Just like today's India is a continuation of the British.

AS for the Unity in India, Ashoka the great unify India and his unification lasted for 50 years. So stop lying.

It was an Empire because nation state is recent westen import. But orginal Han homeland or the real China lies in South and East of the Great wall while our Bharat lies between Himalayas and the three seas since ancient time.

The point is that the land of India was never truly unified, like western Europe, until British unified it. If Britain was not able to unify it, and India was divided among the European powers with independent princely states mix in, than India would not be a single nation today but a bunch of smaller nations.
^ You are proud of being ruled by Central Asian conquerors for a long time :lol: They did Hindu Kush on you.

India was ruled by invaders for 1000 years, just like how Vietnam was in control by China for 1000 years. But above all, even the Hindu religion was brought into India by Aryans, which put themselves as the Brahmins and the indigenous Indians as the lower caste or untouchables. To say India has a sad history would be incorrect as India was not nation until British unification. But if we meant Indian subcontinent, then it would make more sense. Winston Churchill was correct when he said that India was a geographical expression. Average Indians would be better off if they still sing God bless the Queen as their national athem.
@faithfulguy your history is wrong you have no idea about Indian history :wave:

1000 years of foreign rule is also lie.

Aryan is not a race but a position in ancient Hindu society. Winston churchill is a guy who lost his election after winning the greatest battle in the history of mankind.

You people are brainwashed by CCP propaganda and you will never know the true history.

400 years of Mauryan empire is a clear lie. Stop telling lies or I have to tell you more embarrassing truth about your country. India was never a country. Empires and nations existed in the geographical location of Indian subcontinent. But besides religious caste system, these empires are their own nation states that come and go. The history of India is more like Anatolia, with conquerors come and gone. At first, there were Greeks, and then Persians and then mostly Greeks and Kurds until various Turks come along culminating with the Ottoman Turks. Todays Turkey is the continuation of Ottoman Turks. Just like today's India is a continuation of the British.

AS for the Unity in India, Ashoka the great unify India and his unification lasted for 50 years. So stop lying.

The point is that the land of India was never truly unified, like western Europe, until British unified it. If Britain was not able to unify it, and India was divided among the European powers with independent princely states mix in, than India would not be a single nation today but a bunch of smaller nations.

This shows you do not know any history.
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since when CCP can brainwash people in Taiwan..?your knowledge about China is so..... messed up.

Are we talking about Chinese histroy ???

You people do not know anything about ancient Indian society or mighty Indian empires.
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