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New Delhi sees Bhutan as little more than potential protectorate

Or we can join with the Nepalis and crush you like what happened in 648.


Since you are interested in history, you would be sad to know that your earliest home land the Ganga valley gradually turned into the land of the Aryas (Aryavarta) as you were simply exterminated from the Gong. You could not even protect your Mekong and is left with Heilong only.

Ethnography of Ancient India by Robert Shaffer.


The rice eating (rice was first planted in China) Chinese populations living on the banks of Gong river (Ganga/Ganges) stretching southward across the banks of Mekong river and then going northward up to the Heilong river encountered Rig Vedic Aryans and were engaged in a bloody life or death war in a time beyond human memory. They lost. The invincible Rig Vedic Aryans destroying all the obstacles in its way penetrated deep into Southern Asia.

Rig Veda does not mention rice. Whatever mention has recently been discovered does not hold much ground. Rig Veda does not mention tiger but mentions lion. Rig Vedic Aryans didn't eat rice. Rice was originally Chinese staple food.

The land of the seven rivers (Sapta Sindhu, Arabic pronunciation Hapta Hindu) was the original eastern frontier of the Rig Vedic Aryans while the Gong (Ganga/Ganges) the western frontier of the archaic Chinese. Ganga is absent in the Rig Veda.

Gong-Mekong-Heilong = rice eating Sinitic populations.

Does this pattern of history suggest that the Chinese or the rice eating Sinitic people, as they have always retreated, are supposed to retreat again when confronted by the wheat eating Aryans?

This is a deductive logic. In the past, we saw whenever cloud covered the sky, it started raining. So we can conclude from our past experience that if again cloud covers the sky, it shall start raining.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...mbols-say-important-thread.html#ixzz2b8ZjWdCW

You lost the most fertile land in Asia and are left with rugged mountains and deserts. Lol who is the loser now?

Inferior Chinese were colonized by the superior Aryans and accepted the Indian king Buddha as their God and his preaching as their social norms. This is the fact and this is why Buddhism is in China if we leave aside political correctness.

You should read William Kirkpatrick's An Account of the Kingdom of Nepaul.
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Since you are interested in history, you would be sad to know that your earliest home land the Ganga valley gradually turned into the land of the Aryas (Aryavarta) as you were simply exterminated from the Gong. You could not even protect your Mekong and is left with Heilong only.

Ethnography of Ancient India by Robert Shaffer.


The rice eating (rice was first planted in China) Chinese populations living on the banks of Gong river (Ganga/Ganges) stretching southward across the banks of Mekong river and then going northward up to the Heilong river encountered Rig Vedic Aryans and were engaged in a bloody life or death war in a time beyond human memory. They lost. The invincible Rig Vedic Aryans destroying all the obstacles in its way penetrated deep into Southern Asia.

Rig Veda does not mention rice. Whatever mention has recently been discovered does not hold much ground. Rig Veda does not mention tiger but mentions lion. Rig Vedic Aryans didn't eat rice. Rice was originally Chinese staple food.

The land of the seven rivers (Sapta Sindhu, Arabic pronunciation Hapta Hindu) was the original eastern frontier of the Rig Vedic Aryans while the Gong (Ganga/Ganges) the western frontier of the archaic Chinese. Ganga is absent in the Rig Veda.

Gong-Mekong-Heilong = rice eating Sinitic populations.

Does this pattern of history suggest that the Chinese or the rice eating Sinitic people, as they have always retreated, are supposed to retreat again when confronted by the wheat eating Aryans?

This is a deductive logic. In the past, we saw whenever cloud covered the sky, it started raining. So we can conclude from our past experience that if again cloud covers the sky, it shall start raining.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/chines...mbols-say-important-thread.html#ixzz2b8ZjWdCW

You lost the most fertile land in Asia and are left with rugged mountains and deserts. Lol who is the loser now?

Inferior Chinese were colonized by the superior Aryans and accepted the Indian king Buddha as their God and his preaching as their social norms. This is the fact and this is why Buddhism is in China if we leave aside political correctness.

I can't tell if you are a lame troll or if are are trying to prove yourself the dumbest amateur historian alive.

"sinitic" is a sub group of Sino Tibetan. The other branch of Sino Tibetan is Tibeto-Burman. They are not sinitic. Ad neither Sinitics nor Tibeto Burmans ate rice thousands of years ago. Rice farming started with the Baiyue in southern China who spoke non Sino Tibetan languages like Tai, Austronesian, and Mon Khmer.

Sinitics originated in the Yellow River Valley. They planted wheat and millet, not rice. They later expanded into southern China and displaced the Baiyue.

The Mekong River is entirely located in China, the Laotian-Burmese-Thai border, Cambodia, and Vietnam. There are no Indo-aryans living along the Mekong.

Buddhism was introduced to China by the Iranic Parthian Prince An Shigao during the Han dynasty. It had nothing to do with aryan invasions and actually Chinese don't regard Buddha as their god or accept Buddhist teachings as social norms. In the Chinese religion Heaven (tian) 天 or (shangdi) 上帝 is the supreme God and this was the official religion of China until 1912. The Temple in Beijing is Temple of Heaven, not temple of Buddha. The social norms practiced in China is Confucianism, not Buddhism.

Buddhist teachings are still alien to China. Cremation is a severe taboo in Chinese culture and today its only practiced because the Communist party decided that they ran out of space for graveyards. Celibacy is also alien and so are other Buddhist teachings.

Go boast about your ancestors wiping out the Tibeto-Burmans. They are not Sinitics.
How stupid the Chinese are to engage Indian military in Aksai Chin whereas the capital Lhasa is the nearest to Bhutan! I am sure already in Bhutanese mountains Indian missiles, stored in the tunnels, are ready to ignite, launch and mercilessly strike Lhasa. Chinese military will fight Indian soldiers in Aksai Chin but Indian soldiers will easily capture Lhasa crossing Bhutan's northern border with Tibet.

I think the Chinese military after decades suddenly woke up to see that Lhasa is vulnerable.

Poor guy with poor tactic: Nothing more delight Chinese military planner better than if Indian Army take your advice to use Bhutan as launching point to attack Lhasa, this will give PLA perfect excuse to use Bhutan as war theater and battle ground, no only there will be a regime change but also allow China to cut your Chicken neck so effectively if the battle has to be decide in Bhutan. China can coordinate the join force with ULFA and Maoist to eradicate Indian force in the NE once for all.

facepalm, one doesn't need to match, that would be wasteful.
one simply needs to make it cost prohibitive to take on India militarily.

you ever wonder why you lot run from japanese water cannons??

Here we come again Mr. repeat_until, for over 3 years you keep repeat same few keywords to build up your 5000 posts, conglatulation:omghaha:

Bhutan is an integral part of India.

Not quite sure about that, we just keep watching with great interest that this mighty thunder dragon is eating India's whealth while millions Indians are living in hunger, Once there is nothing else to milk from India this thunder dragon will return to join the Imperial dragon.

And by the way conglatulation to make Bhutanese the most happiest people in the world for fuel subsidy and other good wills gesture, Indians won't die with one meal per day :lol:

I can't tell if you are a lame troll or if are are trying to prove yourself the dumbest amateur historian alive.

"sinitic" is a sub group of Sino Tibetan. The other branch of Sino Tibetan is Tibeto-Burman. They are not sinitic. Ad neither Sinitics nor Tibeto Burmans ate rice thousands of years ago. Rice farming started with the Baiyue in southern China who spoke non Sino Tibetan languages like Tai, Austronesian, and Mon Khmer.

Sinitics originated in the Yellow River Valley. They planted wheat and millet, not rice. They later expanded into southern China and displaced the Baiyue.

The Mekong River is entirely located in China, the Laotian-Burmese-Thai border, Cambodia, and Vietnam. There are no Indo-aryans living along the Mekong.

Buddhism was introduced to China by the Iranic Parthian Prince An Shigao during the Han dynasty. It had nothing to do with aryan invasions and actually Chinese don't regard Buddha as their god or accept Buddhist teachings as social norms. In the Chinese religion Heaven (tian) 天 or (shangdi) 上帝 is the supreme God and this was the official religion of China until 1912. The Temple in Beijing is Temple of Heaven, not temple of Buddha. The social norms practiced in China is Confucianism, not Buddhism.

Buddhist teachings are still alien to China. Cremation is a severe taboo in Chinese culture and today its only practiced because the Communist party decided that they ran out of space for graveyards. Celibacy is also alien and so are other Buddhist teachings.

Go boast about your ancestors wiping out the Tibeto-Burmans. They are not Sinitics.
Not knowing what Sinitics are,my bad knowledge,and is it's necessary to emphasize the differences between Tibeto-Burmans and Sinitics?
Bhutan and India relations are very close . You won't understand. We haven't occupied them and won't until they agree to join us.

They are a willing protectorate of India.

India's days of interference in Sri Lanka are long gone until you are still living in the 1980s.

Willing to be protectorate of India :lol:, India can't even protect itself from so call "chinese incursion" let alone to make such claim but the the other way around is true that India is a protectorate of Bhutan since China is not engaged hostility toward Bhutan so India can hide behind Bhutan's shadow and be protected :omghaha:

We have more than enough resources and rivers to run our country. Tibet has nothing that we are in dire need of.

Don't tell other Indians that you don't need water from Tibet :coffee:

Of course Bhutan is an integral part of India. Very soon Tibet too will be another integral part of India.

???? - ??

You must so envy of Tibet water tower :omghaha:, at mid and end 21th century, water will be the primary resource for the destiny of the country: control the water, control the future...we Chineses are on the king of the hill, come to get us :azn:

The 1864 Duar War, after which Bhutan ceded 18 of its most fertile Duar plains to British India

Maybe Bhutan knows that China is the only hope to help them to get their lost lands back.
Hope China start helping Bhutan in terms of supply and cut india from siphoning off from Bhutan and its water resource.
I can't tell if you are a lame troll or if are are trying to prove yourself the dumbest amateur historian alive.

"sinitic" is a sub group of Sino Tibetan. The other branch of Sino Tibetan is Tibeto-Burman. They are not sinitic.

That's true, I should have said Proto East Asian. However...




actually this how they migrated

Ad neither Sinitics nor Tibeto Burmans ate rice thousands of years ago. Rice farming started with the Baiyue in southern China who spoke non Sino Tibetan languages like Tai, Austronesian, and Mon Khmer.

Sinitics originated in the Yellow River Valley. They planted wheat and millet, not rice. They later expanded into southern China and displaced the Baiyue.

Sinitics originally ate millet and may be barley. That OK. Now, recent discoveries say rice was first cultivated in the Yangtze valley more than 10K years ago. Baiyues had already been there cultivating rice but then you came down southeast and joined them. Do you think Sinitics didn't eat rice and continued eating millet even after intermixing with the Baiyues? May be they ate both as those two regions are not that far away.

The Aryans didn't eat rice but rice had been cultivated in the Gangetic valley as evidence suggests. Now the Aryans eat rice.


From Rice origin antiquity and history by S D Sharma.
I know who they are at each arrowhead although I have no idea about the history behind it.

I think much before the Xia dynasty period Sinitics migrated in two directions and after a vast journey they met each other in the Gangetic valley. The group coming from the east introduced rice cultivation on the Ganges basin. This was before the Aryans entered the scene through Afghanistan.
I think much before the Xia dynasty period Sinitics migrated in two directions and after a vast journey they met each other in the Gangetic valley. The group coming from the east introduced rice cultivation on the Ganges basin. This was before the Aryans entered the scene through Afghanistan.
Very useful and believable.
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