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China Claims 90% of Spratly Islands, Actually Controls 13%


Sep 1, 2011
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Apr. 9 – China suffered a blow at the recent ASEAN meetings in Phnom Penh, losing a motion not to have South China Sea disputes discussed during the summit. China is not a member of ASEAN, but has been granted observer status and the request to interfere with the ASEAN agenda did not seem to sit well with the 10 countries that make up the Southeast Asian bloc. In particular, four ASEAN countries – Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines – are directly engaged in disagreements with China over ownership of the Spratly Islands.

China has long held a view that the South China Sea is Chinese, and that disputes should only be settled with Beijing directly on a bilateral basis. ASEAN, however, provides a multilateral forum and a bloc that allows disputes to be discussed collectively. Much of the debate focuses on the Vietnamese government’s decision to allow a joint venture between an Indian oil drilling company in blocks controlled by Vietnam. China has criticized the move, suggesting that significant “economic and political risks” await both Vietnam and India should exploration commence.

“China will not dilute its claims over the disputed islands…because nationalism strongly prevails in China,” commented Wu Shicun, president of the state-funded National Institute of South China Sea Studies.

Of the islands and sandbars themselves, China only actually controls a small percentage. The 52 Spratly Islands plus smaller territories are currently controlled by Vietnam (40), the Philippines (9), China (7), Malaysia (5) and Taiwan (1).

China Claims 90% of Spratly Islands, Actually Controls 13% | 2point6billion.com - Foreign Direct Investment in Asia
How is leasing a Russian sub joining an elite club with such technologies???
Indian Press and their half-truths.
^^^ loollz how many countries operate Nuke sub according to U?? :lol:

anyway leave that nuke sub part not relevant to thread concentrate on main topic
ok i edited the unnecessary part
How is leasing a Russian sub joining an elite club with such technologies???
Indian Press and their half-truths.
If you can't understand simple english, PLEASE LEARN IT.....:blah:
sure the Press messes up sometimes, but it wasn't that off the mark this time:rolleyes:
Vietnam should be grateful that China decided to have mercy on them. China can take control of these islands anytime it wishes to. All it has to do is to stare at Vietnam. It will be like a lion staring at a monkey and demanding something.
plz have mercy on SOVIET UNION mr false flagger ,Soviet union was the most biggest ally of vietnam :D & u r talking of china's mercy:lol:

It's a misleading line. Like if Dubai leases an Airbus A380 and then claims it has the technology.
^^^ really soviet union wasnt an important ally of vietnam ,then why did China attack vietnam to teach soviet union a lesson :azn:
Well , the last time it took 2 days for China to capture Paracel Islands from Vietnam in 1974 ... Just think how long will it take to do it now , with overwhelming naval power ?
Well , the last time it took 2 days for China to capture Paracels Islands from Vietnam in 1989 ... Just think how long will it take to do it now , with overwhelming naval power ?

Thts why their beloved neighbour want USA help ... and after that China not able to touch them
Thts why their beloved neighbour want USA help ... and after that China not able to touch them
What benefit does the US get in attacking China , their largest buyer of goods ? :azn: ... US isn't capable of doing everything ... Please stop this super power delusions ...
Well , the last time it took 2 days for China to capture Paracels Islands from Vietnam in 1989 ... Just think how long will it take to do it now , with overwhelming naval power ?
DUDE vietnam is not a sitting duck that any X,Y Z country would pee on it's face & say this island is ours.:lol:
It has many foreign nation backing now also they are upgrading their navy & airforce a lot .Of course china is stronger navy ,but
understimating vietnam is a big mistake
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