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China Claims 90% of Spratly Islands, Actually Controls 13%

DUDE vietnam is not a sitting duck that any X,Y Z country would pee on it's face & say this island is ours.:lol:
It has many foreign nation backing now also they are upgrading their navy & airforce a lot .Of course china is stronger navy ,but
understimating vietnam is a big mistake

Tell this to little Georgia.. Where is uncle Sam assist when Russia kick his *** in 2008? Lol...

Georgia sign an defence pact with US and everybody knows it just a piece of paper with no value.

U really expect US come out and fight for Vietnam? Arent u naive?
As i said before Vietnam is alway been use and dump like gabage...Vietnamese diplomatic skills are over-rated...they thought that they could use U.S.S.R and U.S against China...end up to the other way around..
tell u what ur posts have always been as usual an utter garbage regarding history:D .
I qoute from wikipedia
The Chinese also achieved another strategic objective of demonstrating to their Cold War foe, the Soviet Union, that they were unable to protect their Vietnamese ally

On November 3, 1978, the USSR and Vietnam signed a twenty-five year mutual defense treaty,[18] which made Vietnam the "linchpin" in the USSR's "drive to contain China."

The reason cited for the attack was the mistreatment of Vietnam's ethnic Chinese minority and the Vietnamese occupation of the Spratly Islands (claimed by the PRC). To prevent Soviet intervention on Vietnam's behalf, Deng warned Moscow the next day that China was prepared for a full-scale war against the USSR; in preparation for this conflict, China put all of its troops along the Sino-Soviet border on an emergency war alert, set up a new military command in Xinjiang, and even evacuated an estimated 300,000 civilians from the Sino-Soviet border.[21] In addition, the bulk of China's active forces (as many as one-and-a-half million troops) were stationed along China's borders with the USSR.[22]

In response to China's attack, the USSR sent several naval vessels and initiated a Soviet arms airlift to Vietnam. However the USSR felt that there was simply no way that they could directly support Vietnam against the PRC; the distances were too great to be an effective ally, and any sort of reinforcements would have to cross territory controlled by the PRC or U.S. allies. The only realistic option would be to indirectly re-start the simmering border war with China in the north. Vietnam was important to Soviet policy but not enough for the Soviets to go to war over. When Moscow did not intervene, Beijing publicly proclaimed that the USSR had broken its numerous promises to assist Vietnam. The USSR's failure to support Vietnam emboldened China to announce on April 3, 1979, that it intended to terminate the 1950 Sino-Soviet Treaty of Friendship, Alliance, and Mutual Assistance.

so soviet union had tried to help vietnam but logistically & practically it was impossible for soviet union to defend vietnam
against china .
United states on the other hand was neutral & was happy that soviet influence would be reduced in that region aftermath that war.

As India thought they can use Soviet as counter-weight to China and draw China far away from Tibet in 90s..but Gorbashev was not stupid...stroke an agreement with Deng and have a peace border...since then you India don't have this leverage

blah ....
india had never thought infact india always had used soviet union as a counter weight to china & if that not true china would
have definetely helped pakistan against india in 1971 wars ,but they didnt.Soviet union after the border war with china
knew that china wasnt trustworthy ally so they prefer india to support rather than china aftermath that war .

Gorbachev was a weak leader & he knew that soviet were economically & military weakened after the debacle of afghanistan war,so he decided to improve ties with west & also china & eventually soviet union was collapsed.

After the collapse of soviet union russia was formed which had financial problems to sustain it's defence industry for that
it needed help from other important countries like india ,china to help it financially by buying it's weapons.But china after
the tianmanen square massacre had sanctions imposed against it & all the european & us weapons sale to it was prohibited ,so
the russian weapons were the only weapons available to them at that time .So they improved their ties with russia by solving
border disputes with them & formed SCO union.

Yes...nice try to stir up Sino-Russia relation...you're not in the league ...not yet.
dude u forgot that india is russia's no 1 weapon's market & india is one of the most important ally of russia .

They sell those weapons to india which no other country would dare to share it with other country no matter how close that nation may be to that country.:lol:
You know better than me about Vietnamese equipment and the Chinese one :lol:

I didn't expect this comment from you bro ...
bro, u failed to comprehend what i said ,i had never said that vietnam navy is stronger than chinese navy check my post again.

Mischief Reef or Meiji Reef (Chinese: ???; pinyin: Meiji Jiao; Tagalog: Panganiban; Vietnamese: Ðá Vành Khan) is a reef in the Spratly Islands in South China Sea. Some rocks above water at low tide. It has a lagoon.[1] The reef is controlled by the People's Republic of China The Philippines once largely controlled this feature. Filipino fishermen used to fish at the reef.[2][3][4] The Philippines decided not to attack since it could have led the two countries into a war, the consequences of which could have escalated into a wider conflict. The Philippines is a treaty military ally of the United States.

The Johnson South Reef Skirmish of 1988 (Vietnamese: H?i chi?n Tru?ng Sa?; Chinese: ?????; pinyin: Chìgua jiaohai zhàn) was a naval battle that took place between Chinese and Vietnamese forces over Johnson South Reef in the Spratly Islands on March 14, 1988. Result
Vietnamese soldiers massacred by Chinese heavy artillery
Chinese naval victory, 6 islands captured by the PLAN

The Battle of the Paracel Islands was a military engagement fought between the naval forces of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the Republic of Vietnam (South Vietnam) in the Paracel Islands on January 19, 1974.
Chinese victory
People's Republic of China gaining total control over Paracel Islands

History tells us otherwise mate ... Seriously , Vietnam just doesn't have the capacity to stop China if it once decides to attack ...

well mate history says vietnam got defeated ,but it is in history ,u should look the situation now ,vietnam navy of now is not the same navy of those 70's or 80's .They have acquired many new stealth gepard class warships & kilo submarines from russia ,also not to forget the Su 30 jets they have acquired too.Yes numerically those are inferior to chinese navy but they have much better
chance to defend themselves as compare to previous wars .

well as u mentioned history then u should also notice that even in parcel islands war in 74 ,they did manage to sink type 271 corvette of china which the chinese deny & damage many other ships.

i quote from wikipedia
Chinese casualties
According to South Vietnam, corvette #271 of China sank, #396 ran aground, and #274 and #389 were both heavily damaged. The Western press also reported at least one Chinese vessel had been sunk.[citation needed]
According to China, however, although all Chinese ships were hit numerous times, none of the vessels sank. China said warships #271 and #389 suffered speed-reducing engine damage, but they returned to port safely and were rapidly repaired. Warship #274 was damaged more extensively and had to stop at Yongxing Island for emergency repair, returning to Hainan under its own power the next day. Warship #396 was damaged the most, with an engine room explosion: with the help of the minesweepers, it managed to run aground and put out the fire, and was towed back to its base. The Chinese confirmed 18 deaths among their various forces; Vietnamese estimates were markedly higher.
Because the Vietnamese force was not a high-seas fleet, their radar and surveillance equipment was perhaps inadequate for assessing actual combat damage. According to the Chinese, the heavy smoke reported around #271 and others was not the result of damage but a deliberately laid smokescreen, although this explanation has been viewed skeptically.[who?] The reluctance of the Chinese military to release further details or evidence has left the issue clouded. In any case, the Chinese squadron left the pursuit of the Vietnamese to their reinforcements (ships #281 and #282, among others), giving the impression that they were unable to continue.

yes the chinese navy is stronger but that doesnt mean that vietnam navy cant fight :D

You said it yourself ... Changing your statement , are you ? What is Vietnam buying ? DF-21 D ? :azn:
no they are not buying DF21d & they dont need that kind of missile
But yes they are heavily interested in Brahmos supersonic AsCM or even russian yakhont which can give them remarkable fire power against the chinese navy. As the chinese navy dont have any air defence like the american SEA ram OR the french PAAMS (aster 15-30) ship based SAM missile which can engage anti ship supersonic missile.

Tell this to little Georgia.. Where is uncle Sam assist when Russia kick his *** in 2008? Lol...

Georgia sign an defence pact with US and everybody knows it just a piece of paper with no value.

U really expect US come out and fight for Vietnam? Arent u naive?
oh boy!! what makes u think that they wouldnt come out & fight for vietnam .Hadnt they deployed their carrier fleet group near
japan during the 3rd taiwan straight crisis .If the US wouldnt show up then why had it made naval bases in those countries nearby china (JAPAN ,south korea & phillpines ).:lol:

If the US dont come out for vietnam then automatically all those allies of US in that region would lose faith in US
Vietnam should be grateful that China decided to have mercy on them. China can take control of these islands anytime it wishes to. All it has to do is to stare at Vietnam. It will be like a lion staring at a monkey and demanding something.

You think same in 1979. And the result was evident for whole world. Wish you more and more overconfidence.
bro, u failed to comprehend what i said ,i had never said that vietnam navy is stronger than chinese navy check my post again.

well mate history says vietnam got defeated ,but it is in history ,u should look the situation now ,vietnam navy of now is not the same navy of those 70's or 80's .They have acquired many new stealth gepard class warships & kilo submarines from russia ,also not to forget the Su 30 jets they have acquired too.Yes numerically those are inferior to chinese navy but they have much better
chance to defend themselves as compare to previous wars .

well as u mentioned history then u should also notice that even in parcel islands war in 74 ,they did manage to sink type 271 corvette of china which the chinese deny & damage many other ships.
yes the chinese navy is stronger but that doesnt mean that vietnam navy cant fight :D

I didn't fail to comprehend anything ... You are allowing your bias to cloud your judgement ...

Actually the Vietnamese Navy in 1974 was in much better shape than Chinese Navy and despite that we know what happened on Paracels ... 1 Corvette sunk and 3 Frigates Damaged not to mention the causalities on Vietnamese side ... The sinking of any Chinese ship wasn't confirmed by any neutral source ... Just check that " citation needed " label on the information ... I am well aware how they would fight buddy ... I dont think these equipment you mentioned which they haven't even bought yet would make any difference ... SU 30 ? The ones which were locked on by J10's 10 times months ago ? ... There's no unconventional power to play its part too ... Yes , they can fight but the people already know the result ... The Chinese Navy isn't even the same as 1970's or 80's , is it ?

You think same in 1979. And the result was evident for whole world. Wish you more and more overconfidence.

I would hardly called half of Vietnam destroyed as defeat ... :azn:
china can just nuke vietnam if we want.

Yeah, emphasis on rolling out with their tails in between their legs. :agree:

To reduce Vietnam's military capability against China, the Chinese implemented a "scorched-earth policy" while returning to China, causing extensive damage to the Vietnamese countryside and infrastructure.[30]China improved relations with ASEAN by promising protection to Thailand and Singapore against "Vietnamese aggression". In contrast, Vietnam's decreasing prestige in the region led it to be more dependent on the Soviet Union, to which it leased a naval base at Cam Ranh Bay.[31]Border skirmishes continued throughout the 1980s, including a significant skirmish in April 1984. Armed conflict only ended in 1989 after the Vietnamese agreed to fully withdraw from Cambodia. In 1999 after many years of negotiations, China and Vietnam signed a border pact, though the line of demarcation remained secret.[32] There was a very slight adjustment of the land border, resulting in land being given up to China, which caused widespread complaints within Vietnam.[33]

What else did they need ? :azn:
Nice, you read that all on wiki?

Did you also read that their main objective wasn't met? That there are tensions because of territorial disputes to this day? Whiy don't you link that part that says the Chinese only fought local militias and had a tough time with them. Or why don't you link the part where it says Vietnam for the whole of 79' war hadn't recalled invasion troops from Cambodia.
Bias much?
I didn't fail to comprehend anything ... You are allowing your bias to cloud your judgement ...

Actually the Vietnamese Navy in 1974 was in much better shape than Chinese Navy and despite that we know what happened on Paracels ... 1 Corvette sunk and 3 Frigates Damaged not to mention the causalities on Vietnamese side ... The sinking of any Chinese ship wasn't confirmed by any neutral source ... Just check that " citation needed " label on the information ... I am well aware how they would fight buddy ... I dont think these equipment you mentioned which they haven't even bought yet would make any difference ... SU 30 ? The ones which were locked on by J10's 10 times months ago ? ... There's no unconventional power to play its part too ... Yes , they can fight but the people already know the result ... The Chinese Navy isn't even the same as 1970's or 80's , is it ?

I would hardly called half of Vietnam destroyed as defeat ... :azn:

What would you called germany's defeat againest Russia or US/USSR beating against Taliban/ Afghans. No need to please chinese friends always.
Nice, you read that all on wiki?

Did you also read that their main objective wasn't met? That there are tensions because of territorial disputes to this day? Whiy don't you link that part that says the Chinese only fought local militias and had a tough time with them. Or why don't you link the part where it says Vietnam for the whole of 79' war hadn't recalled invasion troops from Cambodia.
Bias much?

Possibly , it would have been much better if you could provide other sources ?

What main objective ? The punishment of Vietnam ? The scorched earth policy made sure of that ...

Yes , only on Spratly Island because the Paracels has already been taken by China ...

No bias , just stating the end result ... Is Vietnam in Cambodia today ? :azn:
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