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China Claims 90% of Spratly Islands, Actually Controls 13%

The title of this thread should be:

Vietnam occupies 75% of Spratly Islands and wants to claim 100%

Vietnam 40 China 7 Who is the aggressor here!

Pls not prove to others that you no brain! read the International Convention on the Law of the Sea. You will feel why the neighboring countries of China contemptuous words of the chinese.
Well , I tried to explain the state of Vietnam's Navy in that particular phase since you said that Chinese were better for them ... Why couldn't the VN deploy more ships ? ... They had state of the art equipment at that time ... I fail to understand it ...
but the fact is chinese brought reinforcement instead of vietnam .Yes they knew it's all over for them in parcel islands case so they didnt made any reinforcement.

If/Would/Could/Should scenarios are no use since Vietnam doesn't possess that capability now ... If i use this logic , then even the Chinese are getting the AC's ... Makes the whole logic flawed , right ?
no becoz if the vietnam gets hand to supersonic cruise missile then they can equally damage the chinese ship as the chinese could do to vietnam .Yes numbers advnatge is the deciding factor .U see china beleives in outnumbering it's enemy in war .Any
war u see in history china always have the number advantage against it enemy .

Now , it would be foolish to assume bro that the other person hasn't studied history :P ... I am well aware of the 3rd Taiwan Strait Crisis ... The situation then and now is different ... US economy is in a particular bad shape ... The Dragon is rising and its Navy is acquiring state of the art and game changing weapons ... This is not the time for Washington to mess up things for itself ...
dude dont worry about US & it's economy it knows until Dollar is the reserve currency of the world ,it is immune to any financial
disaster like Soviet union.Dragon is rising but u forgot one thing after 1990 china never dare to attack anyother country becoz
it know it might spell end of CCP party rule if they lose in that war , U See CCP had always got some external power backing during cold war like they had soviet backing when they were friends before sino
soviet war & after the SINO soviet war it had US backing .But after coldwar & tianmen square
massacre they dont want to take any chances as Russia is not in the same stature as that of
soviet union & US has gone against it now, so they are more cautious now rather they were used
to be earliear during cold war.

The US allies lost faith in it the day when Georgia was literally kicked up by Russians ... Just tell me what has the NATO been able to do in Syria and Iran ? Just because the Russia is providing its back to it ... The truth is that US is a bully which can only muster courage to attack countries when accompanied by a dozen allies and the country is defenseless like Afghanistan and Iraq ..
Dude tell u what US is smart country he knew that any interference on georgian war from it's side would eventually lead to conflict with Russia .So they knew georgia is no worth to go for war with RUSSIA .& BTW RUSSIA is the only country which
can anhilllate USA . But US is more paranoid about china than russia as it is determine to contain's china's rise & he always needs
situations like this in south china sea to interfere & creates some indirect war through proxy means exactly they did agaisnt the
soviets in afghanistan .Well how they would involve either directly or indirectly that depends upon them but they would interefere ,or elze all satellite countries which have it's ,military presence would lose faith in him
& uncle sam would nt be that same old UNCLE SAM :lol: .

No , they didn't attain their strategic objectives ... Their economy just went downhill because of the war with China ...
well their motto was to end reign of ruthless Kyber rouge in cambodia & to humilate china that they could nt protect it;s ally
cambodia .Well eventually they had to leave it as both north & south vietnam reunified & they felt there is no need for holding their ground in cambodia.But their econmy is one of the most succeful in asean region
You could have commented you know :P ... I would have been banned since i mentioned it first :lol: But still the China ceded more territory to Pakistan than we did ... So , China isn't what you think it to be ... All of the problems between our countries were created by the British by vague demarcation of borders ... Nothing else ...
LLLOLLLL thats why i said plz excuse me i cant:lol:
anyways we have stretched this vietnam china issue a lot Is int ??? & the funniest part is neither ur chinese nor am i vietnamese :rofl:
but the fact is chinese brought reinforcement instead of vietnam .Yes they knew it's all over for them in parcel islands case so they didnt made any reinforcement.

no becoz if the vietnam gets hand to supersonic cruise missile then they can equally damage the chinese ship as the chinese could do to vietnam .Yes numbers advnatge is the deciding factor .U see china beleives in outnumbering it's enemy in war .Any
war u see in history china always have the number advantage against it enemy .

dude dont worry about US & it's economy it knows until Dollar is the reserve currency of the world ,it is immune to any financial
disaster like Soviet union.Dragon is rising but u forgot one thing after 1990 china never dare to attack anyother country becoz
it know it might spell end of CCP party rule if they lose in that war , U See CCP had always got some external power backing dung cold war like they had soviet backing when they were friends before sino
soviet war & after the SINO soviet war it had US backing .But after coldwar & tianmen square
massacre they dont want to take any chances as Russia is not in the same stature as that of
soviet union & US has gone against it now, so they are more cautious now rather they were used
to be earliear during cold war.

Dude tell u what US is smart country he knew that any interference on georgian war from it's side would eventually lead to conflict with Russia .So they knew georgia is no worth to go for war with RUSSIA .& BTW RUSSIA is the only country which
can anhilllate USA . But US is more paranoid about china than russia as it is determine to contain's china's rise & he always needs
situations like this in south china sea to interfere & creates some indirect war through proxy means exactly they did agaisnt the
soviets in afghanistan .Well how they would involve either directly or indirectly that depends upon them but they would interefee ,or elze all satellite countries which have it's ,military presence would lose faith in him
& uncle sam would nt be that same old UNCLE SAM

well their motto was to end reign of ruthless Kyber rouge in cambodia & to humilate china that they could nt protect it;s ally
cambodia .Well eventually they had to leave it as both north & south vietnam reunified & they felt there is no need for holding their ground in cambodia.But their econmy is one of the most succeful in asean region

anyways we have stretched this vietnam china issue a lot Is int ??? & the funniest part is neither ur chinese nor am i vietnamese :rofl:

Not Chinese fault is it ? ... They should have brought reinforcement and fought ... Who was stopping them ? :azn:

Again , you are talking about future ... In future , even PLAN would get AC's and new generation submarines ... The acquisition time is less for them since they produce it themselves unlike Vietnam which has to buy them ... Even if they get their hands on supersonic missiles , you seriously think they can equally harm PLAN ? :rofl: ... Are you aware of the missiles that 2nd artillery corps of PLA possesses ? :azn: ... Every country does so ? :lol: ... What is so significant about China ?

No , with the US economy in shambles ... The Washington needs to worry badly ... I know about the reserve currency status thing but even to that there's a limit ... China hasn't fought thousands of km's away in 10 years whilst the US has literally fucked up its economy with useless wars with no desired results ... So Georgia wasn't worth to go to war with ? What did they sign the defense pact for ? :azn: Showing off to the world ? ... If US couldn't go to war because of a fear of a conflict with Russia , what makes you think they will fight with China ( their largest trading partner ) just for Vietnam ? I will love to see those proxy wars which US will try to create ...

I am not talking about the present economic condition of Vietnam ... I was referring to the post war economic state of Vietnam which made it to leave Cambodia without achieving its objectives ... Humiliate China ? :lol: What with 180 , 000 civilians dead , infrastructure destroyed and leaving Cambodia ?

Yes we aren't ... Consider it a " proxy discussion " :rofl:
LOL China is the only country to have fought a naval war in the South China Sea and won. We spanked Vietnam in 1974 to take Paracels and then we spanked Vietnam against in 1988 to take the Spratlys. Very soon it will be time for another spanking.

Actions of robbers, same aggressive natures of Somali sea pirates.
Pls not prove to others that you no brain! read the International Convention on the Law of the Sea. You will feel why the neighboring countries of China contemptuous words of the chinese.

The OP said China owns 7 islands and Vietnam own 40 and you boys and your minions here crying Vietnam is the victim. I'm just a number man and it seems to me who is the aggressor here.

I have neither brain nor feeling, as you said. So I assume you can give me a brain and resurrect my feeling by tell me who is the aggressor.
well..we fought a two front war and captured Bdesh in 11 days..how long we have to capture pakistan????

actually solving problems not using threats or power...but using diplomacy that is the topic of this thread...

LOL it wasn't even your war... Bdesh was never captured by India and India was just some weirdo that barged in at that time
The OP said China owns 7 islands and Vietnam own 40 and you boys and your minions here crying Vietnam is the victim. I'm just a number man and it seems to me who is the aggressor here.

I have neither brain nor feeling, as you said. So I assume you can give me a brain and resurrect my feeling by tell me who is the aggressor.

Occupations by force what belong to others from long time in the past, it is Aggression. You don't have normal brain so don't feel ashamed by yourself.
Vietnam should be grateful that China decided to have mercy on them. China can take control of these islands anytime it wishes to. All it has to do is to stare at Vietnam. It will be like a lion staring at a monkey and demanding something.

yes, you can stare at them


A soldier protects Truong Sa Dong island that endures most adverse weather conditions on the Truong Sa archipelago.

or visit us. As a peaceful guest you are always welcome.

The community house that was inaugurated on May 14 on Da Tay island in the Truong Sa

pls also show respect for the fallen soldiers

Offering flowers to commemorate late soldiers at sea in Truong Sa (Photo: Tuoi Tre)

pls avoid hateful phrares.

thank you, and hope to see you again!
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