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China Claims 90% of Spratly Islands, Actually Controls 13%

I didn't fail to comprehend anything ... You are allowing your bias to cloud your judgement ...
no dude i know what i am saying infact u r doing the same thing here again just see below

Actually the Vietnamese Navy in 1974 was in much better shape than Chinese Navy and despite that we know what happened on Paracels ... 1 Corvette sunk and 3 Frigates Damaged not to mention the causalities on Vietnamese side ... The sinking of any Chinese ship wasn't confirmed by any neutral source ... Just check that " citation needed " label on the information ...
no they were not infact chinese navy was much powerful than them at that time as they had 4 corvettes & 2 submarine chasers compare to vietnam's 3 frigates & 1 corvette.
infact u r getting biased & failed to comprehend what i deliberately posted u earliaer that south vietnam said that type 271
corvette was indeed sunked but chinese didnt accept it & in the same post where citation is needed is a failure to locate that
western press source article by WIKIPEDIA but not that article has never been published:lol:
But the chinese did brought reinforcements for their navy & obviuosly a country does that when it's ships are badly damged by
enemy fire
i quote
In any case, the Chinese squadron left the pursuit of the Vietnamese to their reinforcements (ships #281 and #282, among others), giving the impression that they were unable to continue.

I am well aware how they would fight buddy ... I dont think these equipment you mentioned which they haven't even bought yet would make any difference ... SU 30 ? The ones which were locked on by J10's 10 times months ago ? .
well 2 gepard class corvette had arrived ,Kilo class sub deal has been signed .
LOLL that j10 locking issue is to be taken exactly like J10 shot down F22 raptor :D It is upto u how u take it
yes that doent make any numerical advantage to vietnam against china but they would procure more weapons for sure

Combat Fleets Of The World: Future of the Vietnamese Navy
Sub order leads Vietnam

There's no unconventional power to play its part too ... Yes , they can fight but the people already know the result ... The Chinese Navy isn't even the same as 1970's or 80's , is it ?
well time would tell how would they fight ,but chinese navy is obviously a stronger navy & vietnam is underdog but if external
force miltary backing arrives then who knows what would be the result :lol:???

No bias , just stating the end result ... Is Vietnam in Cambodia today ? :azn:
becoz the vietnam doent need to stay in cambodia as it motives had been achieved in 79 war,why would they stay their forever & unnecessary invite suspicion from it's ASEAN allies .
What main objective ?

the main objective was to make vietnam withdraw their main force from Combodia..main force of Vietnam never engaged in battle..and as China's casualty ran high...they retreated to their country but destroyed everything they got...Vietnam threw Khemer Rogue out of Combodia...so they fulfill their main objective..now...you draw your conclusion.
Nope you can't, not unless they strike first ....China has a no-first use policy since the early 2000's

China announced no first use of nuclear weapons in the 1960s. There is also the commitment not to use or even threaten to use such weapons against non-nuclear states.
Apr. 9 – China suffered a blow at the recent ASEAN meetings in Phnom Penh, losing a motion not to have South China Sea disputes discussed during the summit
. China is not a member of ASEAN, but has been granted observer status and the request to interfere with the ASEAN agenda did not seem to sit well with the 10 countries that make up the Southeast Asian bloc. In particular, four ASEAN countries – Vietnam, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines – are directly engaged in disagreements with China over ownership of the Spratly Islands.

China has long held a view that the South China Sea is Chinese, and that disputes should only be settled with Beijing directly on a bilateral basis. ASEAN, however, provides a multilateral forum and a bloc that allows disputes to be discussed collectively. Much of the debate focuses on the Vietnamese government’s decision to allow a joint venture between an Indian oil drilling company in blocks controlled by Vietnam. China has criticized the move, suggesting that significant “economic and political risks” await both Vietnam and India should exploration commence.

“China will not dilute its claims over the disputed islands…because nationalism strongly prevails in China,” commented Wu Shicun, president of the state-funded National Institute of South China Sea Studies.

Of the islands and sandbars themselves, China only actually controls a small percentage. The 52 Spratly Islands plus smaller territories are currently controlled by Vietnam (40), the Philippines (9), China (7), Malaysia (5) and Taiwan (1).

China Claims 90% of Spratly Islands, Actually Controls 13% | 2point6billion.com - Foreign Direct Investment in Asia

Vietnam has been controlled Islands and related area from long time of our History. Chinese are greedy, they began robbed 1974.



A 16th-century Vietnam map depicting the Paracel and the Spratly
Islands as a single archipelago located to the east of Vietnam’s mainland.
no they were not infact chinese navy was much powerful than them at that time as they had 4 corvettes & 2 submarine chasers compare to vietnam's 3 frigates & 1 corvette.
infact u r getting biased & failed to comprehend what i deliberately posted u earliaer that south vietnam said that type 271 corvette was indeed sunked but chinese didnt accept it & in the same post where citation is needed is a failure to locate that western press source article by WIKIPEDIA but not that article has never been published:lol:
But the chinese did brought reinforcements for their navy & obviuosly a country does that when it's ships are badly damged by enemy fire
well 2 gepard class corvette had arrived ,Kilo class sub deal has been signed .
yes that doent make any numerical advantage to vietnam against china but they would procure more weapons for sure

well time would tell how would they fight ,but chinese navy is obviously a stronger navy & vietnam is underdog but if external force miltary backing arrives then who knows what would be the result :lol:???

Seriously the Chinese Navy was better than Vietnam's at that time ? Do you remember who supplied equipment to them in those days ? :azn:

The Republic of Vietnam Navy (Hải quân Việt Nam Cộng hòa) (VNN) was the naval force of the former Republic of Vietnam (or South Vietnam) from 1955 to 1975. The early fleet consisted of boats from France. After 1955 and the transfer of the armed forces to Vietnamese control, the fleet was supplied from the United States. With assistance from the U.S., the VNN became one of the world's largest navies with 42,000 men and women and 672 amphibious ships and craft, 20 mine warfare vessels, 450 patrol craft, 56 service craft, and 242 junks.

Even if i accept for the sake of argument , the sinking of the corvette even though it is debatable ... It doesn't make any difference ... The end result was Chinese getting control of the whole Islands ... Yes , I am aware of the 6 Kilo Class sub's deal ... But I wont put my faith in it as the Chinese operate close to 70 sub's at the moment ... How can those Kilo's defend the 40 Islands if they are attacked ? At best , they will be scattered defending those Islands and you obviously are aware that a scattered defense is no defense at all ... How many SU 30 does Vietnam operate again ? Again there will be overwhelmed by the Chinese ... Yes , How many weapons do you want them to buy ? :lol: ... They will surely put their economy in the ruins ...

Now , what would that external force backing be ? Hoping for the US xx Fleet to come and save the Vietnamese ... Sorry , not happening ... US cant afford to go to another war that too with a fully equipped army , can it ? :azn: ... Both Philippine and Vietnam repeatedly called for help in 1974 , 1988 and 1994 , when the US didn't attack China when it wasn't that powerful back then , Interesting to note that Philippine has signed a defense pact with the Americans at that time ... What makes you time they will do this time when the situation has changed considerably ? :azn:

becoz the vietnam doent need to stay in cambodia as it motives had been achieved in 79 war,why would they stay their forever & unnecessary invite suspicion from it's ASEAN allies .
No mate , they would have occupied it forever if it was possible ... The toll on their economy became very high after the war with Chinese ... Thus , Vietnam couldn't simply afford to continue their occupation ... They already drew suspicion from ASEAN !

hmm true this communist china & CCP are land greedy ,they claim every neighbour's land as their own :lol:

I will disagree ... You haven't heard of the 1963 border agreement with Pakistan , have you ?
LOL China is the only country to have fought a naval war in the South China Sea and won. We spanked Vietnam in 1974 to take Paracels and then we spanked Vietnam against in 1988 to take the Spratlys. Very soon it will be time for another spanking.
Seriously the Chinese Navy was better than Vietnam's at that time ? Do you remember who supplied equipment to them in those days ? :azn:

The Republic of Vietnam Navy (Hải quân Việt Nam Cộng hòa) (VNN) was the naval force of the former Republic of Vietnam (or South Vietnam) from 1955 to 1975. The early fleet consisted of boats from France. After 1955 and the transfer of the armed forces to Vietnamese control, the fleet was supplied from the United States. With assistance from the U.S., the VNN became one of the world's largest navies with 42,000 men and women and 672 amphibious ships and craft, 20 mine warfare vessels, 450 patrol craft, 56 service craft, and 242 junks.

dude u have to take only the account of ships involved only in that particular conflict only, not entire inventory .At that time chinese used more warships as compare to vietnamese navy at that particular conflict in parcel islands

Even if i accept for the sake of argument , the sinking of the corvette even though it is debatable ... It doesn't make any difference ... The end result was Chinese getting control of the whole Islands ...
hmm right but the point is they did fight & gave them a tough fight like they did in land .

Yes , I am aware of the 6 Kilo Class sub's deal ... But I wont put my faith in it as the Chinese operate close to 70 sub's at the moment ... How can those Kilo's defend the 40 Islands if they are attacked ? At best , they will be scattered defending those Islands and you obviously are aware that a scattered defense is no defense at all ... How many SU 30 does Vietnam operate again ? Again there will be overwhelmed by the Chinese ... Yes , How many weapons do you want them to buy ? :lol: ... They will surely put their economy in the ruins ...
well i had said that earliear & i am repeating it again that CHINESE navy is stronger & would have numerical advantage to vietnamese navy .But the point is the vietnamese would try to acquire assymetric weapons like supersonic Anti ship cruise missile,smart naval mines & change their strategy to defend themselves properly against the chinese navy.

Now , what would that external force backing be ? Hoping for the US xx Fleet to come and save the Vietnamese ... Sorry , not happening ... US cant afford to go to another war that too with a fully equipped army , can it ? :azn: ... Both Philippine and Vietnam repeatedly called for help in 1974 , 1988 and 1994 , when the US didn't attack China when it wasn't that powerful back then , Interesting to note that Philippine has signed a defense pact with the Americans at that time ... What makes you time they will do this time when the situation has changed considerably ? :azn:
LOLLZ in 1974 ,1988 US knowingly didnt come to vietnamese aid as they know vietnam had close ties with SOVIETS & they wanted that soviets should be humbled .
PLZ educate urself about 3rd taiwan strait crisis didnt the US navy moved their carrier fleet near the coast of taiwan & japan .
check wiki u would find it
Third Taiwan Strait Crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If that the case then why had it made naval bases in those countries nearby china (JAPAN ,south korea & phillpines ).

If the US dont come out for vietnam then automatically all those allies of US in that region would lose faith in US .
It is only the US that detering CHINA to invade taiwan or any country in that region becoz they knew US navy has the capacity
to choke MALACCA strait for entry of chinese oil carrying ships thats why they are trying to bypass malacca strait by buiding a
port at gwadar .

No mate , they would have occupied it forever if it was possible ... The toll on their economy became very high after the war with Chinese ... Thus , Vietnam couldn't simply afford to continue their occupation ... They already drew suspicion from ASEAN !
i dont think so ,as they had attained their strategic objective there is no point staying there for ever .Do u know vietnam is one of the most succesful economies of ASEAN region.plz do read this article if u have time or elze leave it

I will disagree ... You haven't heard of the 1963 border agreement with Pakistan , have you ?
woHHO ,plz excuse me mate i cant comment on that part ,more i stay away from this ,better for me .I hope u know very well that why i cant comment on that & i hope that i dont need to elaborate the reason why i cant .:lol:

LOL China is the only country to have fought a naval war in the South China Sea and won. We spanked Vietnam in 1974 to take Paracels and then we spanked Vietnam against in 1988 to take the Spratlys. Very soon it will be time for another spanking.
ok good until then keep lollling :lol:
now answer my question mr SINO LOL ,that how many wars china had fought after year 1990 ???
why couldnt china spank Taiwan at 1995-96:D
dude u have to take only the account of ships involved only in that particular conflict only, not entire inventory .At that time chinese used more warships as compare to vietnamese navy at that particular conflict in parcel islands

well i had said that earliear & i am repeating it again that CHINESE navy is stronger & would have numerical advantage to vietnamese navy .But the point is the vietnamese would try to acquire assymetric weapons like supersonic Anti ship cruise missile,smart naval mines & change their strategy to defend themselves properly against the chinese navy.

LOLLZ in 1974 ,1988 US knowingly didnt come to vietnamese aid as they know vietnam had close ties with SOVIETS & they wanted that soviets should be humbled .
PLZ educate urself about 3rd taiwan strait crisis didnt the US navy moved their carrier fleet near the coast of taiwan & japan .
check wiki u would find it
Third Taiwan Strait Crisis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If that the case then why had it made naval bases in those countries nearby china (JAPAN ,south korea & phillpines ).

If the US dont come out for vietnam then automatically all those allies of US in that region would lose faith in US .
It is only the US that detering CHINA to invade taiwan or any country in that region becoz they knew US navy has the capacity
to choke MALACCA strait for entry of chinese oil carrying ships thats why they are trying to bypass malacca strait by buiding a
port at gwadar .

i dont think so ,as they had attained their strategic objective there is no point staying there for ever .Do u know vietnam is one of the most succesful economies of ASEAN region.plz do read this article if u have time or elze leave it

woHHO ,plz excuse me mate i cant comment on that part ,more i stay away from this ,better for me .I hope u know very well that why i cant comment on that & i hope that i dont need to elaborate the reason why i cant .:lol:

Well , I tried to explain the state of Vietnam's Navy in that particular phase since you said that Chinese were better for them ... Why couldn't the VN deploy more ships ? ... They had state of the art equipment at that time ... I fail to understand it ...

If/Would/Could/Should scenarios are no use since Vietnam doesn't possess that capability now ... If i use this logic , then even the Chinese are getting the AC's ... Makes the whole logic flawed , right ?

Now , it would be foolish to assume bro that the other person hasn't studied history :P ... I am well aware of the 3rd Taiwan Strait Crisis ... The situation then and now is different ... US economy is in a particular bad shape ... The Dragon is rising and its Navy is acquiring state of the art and game changing weapons ... This is not the time for Washington to mess up things for itself ...
The US allies lost faith in it the day when Georgia was literally kicked up by Russians ... Just tell me what has the NATO been able to do in Syria and Iran ? Just because the Russia is providing its back to it ... The truth is that US is a bully which can only muster courage to attack countries when accompanied by a dozen allies and the country is defenseless like Afghanistan and Iraq ...

No , they didn't attain their strategic objectives ... Their economy just went downhill because of the war with China ...

You could have commented you know :P ... I would have been banned since i mentioned it first :lol: But still the China ceded more territory to Pakistan than we did ... So , China isn't what you think it to be ... All of the problems between our countries were created by the British by vague demarcation of borders ... Nothing else ...
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