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Vietnam demands China investigate, compensate for boat attacks

I don't get why chinese insist on making fun of vietnamese poverty, when you were just as poor just a few years ago. I mean have some humility.
Chinese economy is bigger than many of the economies in the G7 combined.

BRIC is the future. G7 is an old bloc created decades ago.

Where is Vietnam? :lol:

Incredible achievement from Vietnam.
your GDP per capita is much lower than any other nations of G7. Poor Chinese. BRICS is a no name club.

I don't get why chinese insist on making fun of vietnamese poverty, when you were just as poor just a few years ago. I mean have some humility.
Chinese are poorer than their former vassal: South Korea! I think that sucks. :rofl:
the key to the success is Japan. We need to work and cooperate closer with the Japanese. They know how a country to become a modern economy. Thus the many visits of Vietnam to Japan. In 2020 Vietnam would no longer be a backward country. Who cares of how much GDP of Vietnam would be by then.
Good but its my freind is not about being rich or poor but about having a big GDP.For e.x. if you have 500 billion GDP and you are spending lets say 5% of your budget on your defence which translates to a mearge 25 billion dollars defence buget per year.i.e. not enough to deter China and not to mention that maintaining 5% defence budget is very tough.
Now if Vietnam somehow manages to raise the economy to 1 trillion dollars then and spends 5% of defence budget which translates into 50 billion dollars.Now it will be enough to deter China and CHina will avoid any misadventure with Vietnam.
Add to that India can help Vietnam in builidng frigates,submarines locally or help in manufacturing small arms like grenades,assault rifles e.t.c.
On top of that Japan and Russia can help you in high technology sector like engines,aeronautics and tanks.South Korea can help you in electronics sector.
All these things are difficult to achieve but Vietnam is not a democracy where implementing policies is very difficult so if you play your cards then you can safeguard your interests.

OR second option is to devlop your own nuclear bombs but then in that case you will losse support of all America and Japan.Whole world can also sanction you.
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Weak and incompetent? No, that is not true.

Vietnam attends the current Nuclear security summit in The Hague. Vietnam PM Nguyen delivers a speech at the forum, where all major powers including America and China are gathering. He meets on the sidelines with leaders of America, China, Japan and South Korea, and many others. Yes, he meets with Xi Jingping, too.



VGP News | PM Dung to deliver speech at Nuclear Security Summit 2014 - PM Dung to deliver speech at Nuclear Security Summit 2014
Old picture. Pakistani PM sitting was kicked many years ago!!
What is Russia waiting ? They must declare war to China ! They must protect VN ! Same with US SK JP etc
Good but its my reind not about being rich or poor but about having big GDP.For e.x. if you have 500 billion GDP and you are spending lets say 5% of you budget on your defence which translates to a mearge 25 billion dollars defence buget per year.i.e. not enough to deter China and not to mention that maintaining 5% defence budget is very tough.
Now if Vietnam somehow manages to raise the economy to 1 trillion dollars then and spends 5% of defence budget which translates into 50 billion dollars.Now it will be enough to deter China and CHina will avoid any misadventure with Vietnam.
Add to that India can help Vietnam in builidng frigates,submarines locally or help in manufacturing small arms like grenades,assault rifles e.t.c.
On top of that Japan and Russia can help you in high technology sector like engines,aeronautics and tanks.South Korea can help you in electronics sector.
All these things are difficult to achieve but Vietnam is not a democracy where implementing policies is very difficult so if you play your cards then you can safeguard your interests.

OR second option is to devlop your own nuclear bombs but then in that case you will losse support of all America and Japan.Whole world can also sanction you.
To get to $1tn economy in year 2020, Vietnam must increase population to 100m and GDP per capita to $10,000.
the latter is harder to achieve. the government projects $4,500 by then. So what we need is a push in investments and stronger inflow of FDI. Yes, you are right. We need to convince Japan, Russia, America and India and others to transfer us with weapons technogies.

I think to deal with the Chinese navy, we bring the jungle to the SC Sea. ;)
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where is China in the G7? I don´t see you :laugh:

Hehe, Idiot, If Viet was in G7, you will "big"?:coffee:

your GDP per capita is much lower than any other nations of G7. Poor Chinese. BRICS is a no name club.
poorer than nations of G7, So what? Qatar is richer than nations of G7, So what?
Where is Viet? In the UN club? woo, very "famous", China is poor, but much richer than your viet, that's encough.

Chinese are poorer than their former vassal: South Korea! I think that sucks. :rofl:
How suck? worse than your viet?! can't understand your logic, idiotic logic?

ahem...Russian warships may be seen soon in the SC Sea.
Russia Seeks Access to Bases in Eight Countries for Its Ships and Bombers | CNS News

oh...did not notice it. But the second pic is new.

Very naive, chess piece is chess piece, hehe!
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I wonder why you always come up with Viet girls. :undecided:

Let me tell you: Viet girls that only eye your money, will not stay long. They will wander to the next ones, who have more money than you. Personally I find Chinese girls are more beautiful.

Bottom line is we are a MASSIVE power with increasing global influence.

Vietnam? Not so much!
What do you mean by "prior to dispute" ??? Arent thsese disputes back to date when China was formed??
@NiceGuy @Viet What he is saying,is it true?? Parcel Islands are administered by China?? but the article says otherwise.

@xunzi Lets agree that Islands are administered by China but China is a big and rich country with 9 trillion dollar economy and 4 trillion dollar foreign reserves,even if you allow some Viet fisherman to fish near that islands your country wont die unlke Vietnam which is mainly a poor country(like most of the Asian countries).

Also what justification do you give of China backstabbing Vitnam during America-Viet war??

ALL these points prove that China is a hegemony and wants to bully its weak neighbours and forcefully annex lands of weak countries and then also when it plays the victim card of Japanese attrocities during WW2.Chinese leaders talk about peaceful rise is just farce and no walk the talk.
It is a matter of principle and territorial integrity. Do you understand, my friend? Indian don't have any principle like we do. What we say and what we give is an agreement. These little Vietnamese continue to violate our territorial principle and then cry when they get chase away. Thief is a word to describe them.

where is China in the G7? I don´t see you :laugh:

LOL G7! They been wanting us to join but our official stance is non-committed. We never lobby to join and no reason to join. They will only use us to fund the operation. Vietnamese, as international prestige, you have none. Please, don't compare you with us.

Chinese not only chase our fishermen, but also loot their properties. A act of piracy.
You are a plague, like Somalian pirates.
Those resources and fishes around our administrator islands are not your. A thief is accusing other of piracy. Is this a new joke of today? LOL
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