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Chennai police to hotels: Ban Lankans

Well, what I have to say southern Indians are so sensitive, but I believe people from Kerala are moderate, I personally studying how Indian members views and how they respond to others when I read threads here, still didn't able to find member from Kerala though. Even in this thread you can see how they sensitive are, when someone too much sensitive to anything it's bring pain and anger to themselves, then they won't able to see anything new or accept anything beyond the things what they have sensitively believing. when Uncle talks with me about his trips to India he always tells Indians from North and upper middle areas are more good than other parts. what he had said about southern apart if you got into some trouble in southern states don't argue with them try to get out from there asap. :)

Now you are changing this to North Vs South India?
Well, what I have to say southern Indians are so sensitive, but I believe people from Kerala are moderate, I personally studying how Indian members views and how they respond to others when I read threads here, still didn't able to find member from Kerala though. Even in this thread you can see how they sensitive are, when someone too much sensitive to anything it's bring pain and anger to themselves, then they won't able to see anything new or accept anything beyond the things what they have sensitively believing. when Uncle talks with me about his trips to India he always tells Indians from North and upper middle areas are more good than other parts. what he had said about southern apart if you got into some trouble in southern states don't argue with them try to get out from there asap. :)

As your uncle to visit the Naxal affected zones.
Why should We worry about Sri Lankan Tamils,unless they are Indian citizens?

We should worry about them. Please do not get me wrong. I am in no way advocating that we make an overt or agressive act towards Sri Lanka. However, if you would know them, the Indian Tamils and Sri Lankan Tamils have intertwining family histories and roots. They also regulary marry across the strait. It is quite natural that Indian Tamils will be upset.

Even if there was terrorism (and it definitely was), it is now over and it is the duty of the Indian governmet to continuously work with the Sri Lanka government to ensure that the Sri Lankan Tamils are not persecuted any more. While it is correct that GoI as a national policy should not discrimate with the visitors to the country but then expecting some sort of residual animosity in Indian Tamils should not come as a surprise.

While I would not support such a move from JJJ, but then we need to respect the fact that Indian Tamils are aggrived with the continuing discrimation of Tamils in Sri Lanka and they will be bitter about it.

We need to stand up for our own and make it clear that persecution of people of Indian origin is something that we are not happy about.

This is rubbish.

I don't know whatever happened to our prized and fabled democracy.

This in fact is a classic example of a internal dillema being solved via democracy my friend. While it is clear that GoI should not interfere directly in the affiars of any other state but it in no way means that we should not empathize with the sentiment of a strata of our country and population. The continuing discrimination is wrong and that needs to stop. The surgery is over. Sri Lanka now needs to heal the people who are hurt. That is the only way, otherwise this peace will not be permanent if there is more humiliation. If you read why this all started, you will know bro.
this is pathetic :hitwall:

whatever is situation between two countries , people to people contact should not be affected. we should act like a mature nation and welcome srilankans tourists....this tamil issue should be handled through diplomatic channels. such issues can only be solved through diplomacy.....severing ties will only hurt India and srilanka and wont achieve anything.

Not caring for the sentiment of the India Tamils will hurt India. While there needs not be any overt hostility and the means that GoI should use must be diplomatic, but that does not mean that we undermine the hurt that Indian Tamils are suffering due to the predicament of the Sri Lankan Tamils in the current aftermath even after the cessation of the hostilities.
nope, just mentioned difference between some of parts.

Nope, I hope it is not correct differences! Put yourselves in their shoes and understand.... India is being considered as a soft power....Major chunk of S/W companies are in south India ask the visited Americans or Europeans as how we treated them! Let SL pass laws and treat Tamils equally... find a workable solution to Rameshwaram fishermen issue and then see how Indian Tamils treat Sinhalese! But the ball is in SL's court!
If we let them come then Sri Lanka would be like 'India sponsoring/supporting LTTE.' [Because they are Tamils.]

and now we don't want Sri Lanka - India relations to be damaged so we didn't allow them and now they're like 'Chennali police:Ban Lankans'!

The only people who suffer from all these are Hindus in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Their condition is like 'Dhobi's k*tta'.

'Na ghar ka, na ghat ka.'
nope, just mentioned difference between some of parts.

what you are mentioning, you see where ever you go you'll find that there is Ups and Downs. North has some +ves South has some +ves. But 90% of the population are not violent the rest of the rest of the 10% who are violent are either Habitual offender are First Time offenders who try to make money via short cuts. So just don't say that North is Good and South is bad, you say that because you have a problem with Tamils.

As far as Hostility towards SL in tamil nadu is concerned, its primaryly because of the murders and raps your army did to tamil brothers and sisters.
Even some Indian members against Sri Lanka, India Sri Lanka relations remain stable. With more investment deals, even soon a civil nuclear deal possible.
Nope, I hope it is not correct differences! Put yourselves in their shoes and understand.... India is being considered as a soft power....Major chunk of S/W companies are in south India ask the visited Americans or Europeans as how we treated them! Let SL pass laws and treat Tamils equally... find a workable solution to Rameshwaram fishermen issue and then see how Indian Tamils treat Sinhalese! But the ball is in SL's court!

In Sri Lankan constitution every ethnic has same rights, Sri Lanka is not only for Sinhalese or Tamils, There are 7-8% of muslims (moors), burgher people, malay people and some more ethnic.

...fishermen issue, it's up to both governments. we should educate them to respect each other borders!
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