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CH-4 Chinese UCAV Arrives in Pakistan for Army

We have our own data link as well as beidou system.. its some other reason bro..

CH-4 has roomy housing on the nose for a large SATCOM antenna which allows you to control the done with a range far beyond 200km by using satellite relayed communications. Theoretically it can be as far as 10,000km. In that case the control station and the drone will be using one of China's constellations.


Otherwise the drone can only fly on planned routes if it tries to fly more than 200km away from the control station. Satellite navigation like GPS, GLONASS or BDS can only help on routing.

BTW, as mechanic components are required to turn the SATCOM antenna for tracing satellites, the size of the nose can definitely tell you if the control station can send arbitrary commands to and receive live videos from the drone when it flies more than 200km away.
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How many hard points they have. I mean how many weapons they can carry ?

Air Ships can hold an answer for our needs in continuous surveillance of Balochistan, it can stay in the air for much longer than a drone can and plus its got the ability to monitor any location by loitering the area for days if needed, it can be a mobile command center as well directing activity on the ground and it can carry troops who if needed can parachute into action.

need to think long term security beyond some drones. Even drones have their limitations. the surveillance and needed rapid action is where we are faltering as the cockroaches have easy movements in a large area to set up ambushes and plant IED's
What it will do Khanewal? Is the requirement in KP & Baluchistan not more critical?

I hear you man, I keep asking our airforce what is the purpose of keeping JF-17 in Sargodha, they are required to bomb India, shouldn't we keep them in India?
Although 'we' wrote a proposal for way forward in the Balochistan but i will touch base on Drones:
  • Conduct Surveillance & Recon operation along border region & hotspots with in Pakistan. These Hotspots are the areas with high incident / attack rate
  • SIGINT operation
  • Drone Strikes for targeted attacks
  • Special Ops to be deployed following the strike for BDA (Battle Damage Assessment). Verify target was neutralize
  • Ensure open communication to the Public on the drone attacks in order to avoid negative propaganda. There will be negative PR once we start carrying out drone strikes. Hence it is imperative that public be made aware of the situation.

I would rather suggest political effort must be preferred. We have long insurgency in Aceh region and only political solution that can bring peace to the region.
Who said it was, wah! At making generalisations.
At this point you have foreign backed milita taking pot shots at the military, and if that wasn't bad enough killing non-Baluch Pakistanis whenever they like, what do you propose should be done about them?
I suggest IBOs, AVs, MRAPs, and better training.

But the long-term fix is the devolution of power to local governments and the establishment technology intensive SMEs. That's the only way to peace in Balochistan.
Is any base in khanewal?
They will be operated by Army. So they would be based on Aviation bases of Army. One of those base is in Khanewal cant.

Pakistan if really has decided to go on CH path then Pakistan should seriously consider CH 5.
48 CH-4s are just the initial order... deal was actually signed a few years ago. This is in addition to the domestic Buraq that is in production and in use with the army for over a decade now.

The Ch-4s are longer range and more payload in comparison to the Burraq. They will provide immense capability especially in such large numbers. I expect the Pakistani military to also focus on a co-production with Turkey (Burraq 2?), word is Pakistani military officers are greatly impressed and interested in Turkish drones as well due to their success in the recent azeri conflict.

In the medium term (5-10) years I would not be surprised if Pakistans UCAV fleet easily surpasses 200+ systems and becomes amongst the worlds largest and most advance. Critical technologies and systems will have to be procured from key partners such as China and Turkey. I expect these 2 countries to become Pakistans largest defence partners.

Pakistan UCAV fleet currently:
- 50 Burraq (expect total production to be 100+)
-19 CH-4s (30 more on order. Expect follow up orders of CH-5)
- 50 Turkish MALE drones (More than likely)

The CH-4s do not provide the Pakistani military with any new capability vis via Balochistan/FATA. Pakistan has used the Burraq to conduct domestic drone strikes since 2009. We could have used Burraq drones to decimate BLA/TTP terrorist many years ago. Why do you think even the US calls our generals lazy?

Yeah sure a single CH-4 might be able to do the job of 2-3 Burraqs but have we even used 2-3 burraqs against terrorist in balochistan/afghanistan/iran ? answer is NOOOO.

hell our civilians are being bombed daily in kashmir and we havnt annihalated even 1 indian 155mm gun using a drone strike?

You know why our fat arse generals send soldiers in pick up trucks without any body armor, night vision, or basic gear to fight terrorist equipped to the teethe? Because they dont wanna spend a few extra thousand to use a missile to kill these bastards... they wanna save that $$$ for the luxury plots they wanna get or the fees they wanna pay for their kids at harvard...

There is a lack of political will. Even 100+ CH-4s/Predators/Etc... will not change anything without strong political will to annihalate terrorist foreign and domestic.
CH-4 with bigger payload and sensor can do wonder which limit Buraq. The head nose of CH-4 can house mini radar/satcom which Buraq lack. CH-4 also has higher service ceiling which put is at lesser risk to low level gun anti-aircraft gun.
CH-4 has roomy housing on the nose for a large SATCOM antenna which allows you to control the done with a range far beyond 200km by using satellite relayed communications. Theoretically it can be as far as 10,000km. In that case the control station and the drone will be using one of China's constellations.


Otherwise the drone can only fly on planned routes if it tries to fly more than 200km away from the control station. Satellite navigation like GPS, GLONASS or BDS can only help on routing.

BTW, as mechanic components are required to turn the SATCOM antenna for tracing satellites, the size of the nose can definitely tell you if the control station can send arbitrary commands to and receive live videos from the drone when it flies more than 200km away.
Finally , someone with better technical knowledge speaks! There is reason why CH-4B are needed.
CH-4 with bigger payload and sensor can do wonder which limit Buraq. The head nose of CH-4 can house mini radar/satcom which Buraq lack. CH-4 also has higher service ceiling which put is at lesser risk to low level gun anti-aircraft gun.

Finally , someone with better technical knowledge speaks! There is reason why CH-4B are needed.

Please read what I wrote. What difference would CH-4 make in relation to terrorist in balochistan/FATA/Iran/Afghanistan/India when we have no even used the Burraqs we have??? We lack the political will to even use these drones. Im afraid all they will be used for is march 23rd parades and for the self esteem of most fan boys here.

Stop living in LALA land. Higher ceiling? so they can get caught in high angle radars which are abundant in military C4I systems and SAMS. Drones are better off flying at a low service ceiling to begin with. Most successful drone strikes have occurred at 5000 feet or less.
I hear you man, I keep asking our airforce what is the purpose of keeping JF-17 in Sargodha, they are required to bomb India, shouldn't we keep them in India?

I am little less intelligent than you, So idea of having base in Afghanistan or Iran didn't come to my mind.
They will be operated by Army. So they would be based on Aviation bases of Army. One of those base is in Khanewal cant.

Pakistan if really has decided to go on CH path then Pakistan should seriously consider CH 5.
More likely turkish drones TB2 anyway congratulations to You I hope streak will continue one by one
More likely turkish drones

Agreed CH-4 meets the requirement for a long range drone similar to the predator. Dont forget with Drones we do not need to buy a whole new drone, we can simply upgrade the sensors/radars/pods attached to the drone to get the latest tech. We dont have many targets to strike beyond 1000km radius. 48-70 CH-4/5 are enough for our long range drone fleet.

Pakistan should focus on improving Burraq and making it similar to the Turkish TB2.

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