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I was reading some excerpts from Ottoman Turkish; I understood quite a few words from it. Maybe because it has a lot of Persian and Arabic loanwords and Urdu - our national language - has a lot of Turkish, Persian and Arabic loanwords ! :)

I didn't understand a single word of the couple of sentences in Modern Turkish that I tried to read ! :(

Thats have to do with bad vocabulary of modern Turkish.
Well, he would try to "islamize" Turkey day after day with new plans and he would succeed. ;) That's the sad truth. Also, Turkish society is getting more divided, and polarized. The bigger chunk are attracted to islamists(AKP), the lesser chunk to CHP, and MHP. That was proved to me with the recent election. It's another sad point.

better this chp freaks go out they are the worst and lowest things that could happen to us.. if they dont sold us to greeks they would throw down everything what has been achieved before.. they are moslty the fanatic antireligios kind..

I am not attacking you but I think you are moslty religion feared and anti erdogan.. my words wont reach you so let me just say there are many goods sides and some bad sides and nowadays I dont wish back any mhp or chp freak.. when I would give someone chance than anap with özal but both are dead ..

for me I like it going on to play regional power call it neoottomans, I like the link to ottomans but I would prefer also more links to other turkic empires..

I was reading some excerpts from Ottoman Turkish; I understood quite a few words from it. Maybe because it has a lot of Persian and Arabic loanwords and Urdu - our national language - has a lot of Turkish, Persian and Arabic loanwords ! :)

I didn't understand a single word of the couple of sentences in Modern Turkish that I tried to read ! :(

we have over 5000 french words.. no one is blaiming anyone to use them..

for leanwords.. we had plenty of arabic and persian in ottoman language that was about half of all words which were not turkish.. but it was not the language that the normal folk spoke.. atatürk changed the ottoman turkish to the turkish that normal pll spoke in istanbul area it was a good decision so average ppl could understand what is written in dokuments from government etc..

Thats have to do with bad vocabulary of modern Turkish.

what bad vocabulary?
Well, he would try to "islamize" Turkey day after day with new plans and he would succeed. ;) That's the sad truth. Also, Turkish society is getting more divided, and polarized. The bigger chunk are attracted to islamists(AKP), the lesser chunk to CHP, and MHP. That was proved to me with the recent election. It's another sad point.
Arabic is probably the last language I would learn. If others want to learn it they should but the biggest crawlers of Arab azz are also the one who don't want to take the effort to learn it and actually understand the prayers they are preaching five times a day.
Arabic is probably the last language I would learn. If others want to learn it they should but the biggest crawlers of Arab azz are also the one who don't want to take the effort to learn it and actually understand the prayers they are preaching five times a day.

what does arabic language have to do with rmis post that you qouted.. he is talking about islamization not learning arab language?
I think no one wants arabic as must do language in turkey..
better this chp freaks go out they are the worst and lowest things that could happen to us.. if they dont sold us to greeks they would throw down everything what has been achieved before.. they are moslty the fanatic antireligios kind..

I am not attacking you but I think you are moslty religion feared and anti erdogan.. my words wont reach you so let me just say there are many goods sides and some bad sides and nowadays I dont wish back any mhp or chp freak.. when I would give someone chance than anap with özal but both are dead ..
I am no CHP supporter. They have no functioning plans. Sometimes, I say that I like MHP, for fun, but in reality, I don't support them either. They also lack any plans, and cannot unite people of your polarized society. AKP is worse than both, since they have plans, but their plans is going backwards, with dangerous useless ambitions.
for me I like it going on to play regional power call it neoottomans, I like the link to ottomans but I would prefer also more links to other turkic empires..
Neo-Ottoman will not happen. Arabs will never consider Turks as their leader in a union. New-Ottomanism is also opposing the Turkic brotherhood. I don't wanna argue about that, but it's a simple fact for me. Turkey needs to choose. Options are:
1. A union with Arabs, aka new ottomanism >> never gonna happen
2. A Union with EU >> never gonna happen
3. Being Isolated >> It's hard to stay neutral
4. Siding with Russia, China, and Eastern block >> They will never trust a NATO country
5. A union with Turkics >> That's what I support. It is very hard to implement, but it is theoretically possible. In reality with AKP, it is not possible
I am no CHP supporter. They have no functioning plans. Sometimes, I say that I like MHP, for fun, but in reality, I don't support them either. They also lack any plans, and cannot unite people of your polarized society. AKP is worse than both, since they have plans, but their plans is going backwards, with dangerous useless ambitions.

Neo-Ottoman will not happen. Arabs will never consider Turks as their leader in a union. New-Ottomanism is also opposing the Turkic brotherhood. I don't wanna argue about that, but it's a simple fact for me. Turkey needs to choose. Options are:
1. A union with Arabs, aka new ottomanism >> never gonna happen
2. A Union with EU >> never gonna happen
3. Being Isolated >> It's hard to stay neutral
4. Siding with Russia, China, and Eastern block >> They will never trust a NATO country
5. A union with Turkics >> That's what I support. It is very hard to implement, but it is theoretically possible. In reality with AKP, it is not possible
Arabic world can only be ruled with hard power. Ottomans ruled by hard power. Erdogan would make big mistake if he thinks he can rule Arabic world with soft power. I hope he learnt from his past mistake for the sake of Turkey. Arab world is a swamp. If you put one foot in the sawmp, you will loose your whole body to the swamp
I am no CHP supporter. They have no functioning plans. Sometimes, I say that I like MHP, for fun, but in reality, I don't support them either. They also lack any plans, and cannot unite people of your polarized society. AKP is worse than both, since they have plans, but their plans is going backwards, with dangerous useless ambitions.

Neo-Ottoman will not happen. Arabs will never consider Turks as their leader in a union. New-Ottomanism is also opposing the Turkic brotherhood. I don't wanna argue about that, but it's a simple fact for me. Turkey needs to choose. Options are:
1. A union with Arabs, aka new ottomanism >> never gonna happen
2. A Union with EU >> never gonna happen
3. Being Isolated >> It's hard to stay neutral
4. Siding with Russia, China, and Eastern block >> They will never trust a NATO country
5. A union with Turkics >> That's what I support. It is very hard to implement, but it is theoretically possible. In reality with AKP, it is not possible
The only possible option at the moment is nr 4,Putin and Erdogan are ''kanka's'' (BFFs).
As long as the AKP is in power,we will go with Russia and China,so East.
Arabic world can only be ruled with hard power. Ottomans ruled by hard power. Erdogan would make big mistake if he thinks he can rule Arabic world with soft power. I hope he learnt from his past mistake for the sake of Turkey. Arab world is a swamp. If you put one foot in the sawmp, you will loose your whole body to the swamp
That's exactly right, and not only for Arabs, but for most of ME, it is the reality.
Would Erdogan learn this lesson? uhh no ... I believe he cares more for his ambitions than we thought.
The only possible option at the moment is nr 4,Putin and Erdogan are ''kanka's'' (BFFs).
As long as the AKP is in power,we will go with Russia and China,so East.

And thats the way to go ! :smokin:

'Cause China means Pakistan is right there and with the recent attempts by Russians and Pakistani Governments to patch things up and get beyond the Cold War overhang; who knows maybe SCO could actually be a viable option in the future.
The only possible option at the moment is nr 4,Putin and Erdogan are ''kanka's'' (BFFs).
As long as the AKP is in power,we will go with Russia and China,so East.
That's the mistake that Iran did as well. Iran even openly announced this "Shifting to East" policy. But, did they trust Iran? noooo, will they trust Turkey? hell no. They just took advantage of Iran. They will do the same for Turkey.
That's the mistake that Iran did as well. Iran even openly announced this "Shifting to East" policy. But, did they trust Iran? noooo, will they trust Turkey? hell no. They just took advantage of Iran. They will do the same for Turkey.
That is true but Turkey is known for playing both sides against each other Turkish benefit. WW2 was a good example of this. Turkey won't commit to Russia. It will play both Russia and the west agianst each other for the fear of being used by one side.

That's exactly right, and not only for Arabs, but for most of ME, it is the reality.
Would Erdogan learn this lesson? uhh no ... I believe he cares more for his ambitions than we thought.
Brother, lets hope he learns from his mistake for the sake of the Turkic world. :D
And thats the way to go ! :smokin:

'Cause China means Pakistan is right there and with the recent attempts by Russians and Pakistani Governments to patch things up and get beyond the Cold War overhang; who knows maybe SCO could actually be a viable option in the future.
No it is not(for you yes),we need to be neutral with good relations with both sides.
Since it is not(yet) up to me,the future looks East.:angry:

yes :)

I was wondering why gurbetçis were keep ending up like this, But I realized its psylogical, since Turks in Europe instead of incorporating in to the society, prefers to stick together, they feel different and isolate and looking for something to hang on and boost their self confidence, therefore they keep sticking to neo-ottoman bullshit, tughras on cars, dünya lideri etc.
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