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Çay Bahçesi

@xenon54 i read the thread. just some points. @rmi5 is right on turkey not helping turkmens. the links you provided about camps for turkmens is ok. but the problem is that isis began its iraq offensive on june 5, turkmens started fleeing from 9-10 june. turkey provided camps for them around september 20-25, when almost all turkmens either fled to southern iraq (shia turkmens were airlifted by iraqi and iranian planes to shia controlled southern iraq) or were dying under the scorching sun in and around kirkuk or moving to erbil. at the same time turkey provided shelter for yazidis and kurds immediately and some of yazidis even participated in riots whick tool place in southern turkey (you remember, when kurds killed each other for days). and that arms shipment wasn't for turkmens. it seems you believed akp rhetoric. if it was for turkmens, it would be coordinated between army and intelligence, as was always the case in 1990ies and beginning of 2000s. arms went to iraqi turkmens without any problems.

second point is, rmi5 is correct when he says that turkey can't provide help that israel does. turkey couldn't sell azerbaijan t-155 (it uses german engine), but israel sells everything it wants, which is positive side of good lobbying. if some war starts between russia and azerbaijan, i'm sure turkish people will fight besides azerbaijanis, but i'm not so sure about government (tho, i don't believe russia will openly attack azerbaijan).

third, hakan (or whatever his name is) used "israel (hostile country)" in one of his posts without thinking who made it hostile. he also used "self-proclaimed state of israel" in one of his posts some time ago. also, it was him who wrote something like "yet, you buy t-90s from russia" (which i believe was the spark that started all this discussion and was actually another way of saying "you buy israeli arms") as if there's some other choice. i'm sure if turkey could provide what azerbaijan buys from others (it buys what turkey offers tho, like t-300 and cobra and some other stuff), they would buy from turkey.

lastly, hakan's post about erdogan showing all turkic empire flags during ceremonies in front of his new palace (which was built illegally by the way, as court ordered it to be stopped) just shows his ambitions about being sultan. if turkish government really wanted good relations between turkic countries, they wouldn't raise the education fee for CA students by 700% (it was 120-140$/year last year, it's 1000-1200$/year right now). besides, students from turkic countries are obliged to pay around 500$ for obligatory health insurance which was free before. rant is good when it serves your internal politics (like erdogan visiting uyghurs or him first visiting azerbaijan after becoming president, which is a tradition since 1990ies, so no biggie there or cursing israel), but what makes people know each other are things like people visiting/studying in your country, which is a little hard for CA students now. instead of CA students, akp is bringing lots of students from arab countries and it shows its intends.

P.S. what is that rant about crimea? turkey didn't (actually, couldn't) do anything and you expect azerbaijan to do something? that's called flaming LOL neither turkey, nor azerbaijan are strong enough to say "**** you" to russia.
All these was discussed and i made my point but it doesnt matter anymore since they are just products of diverting from original topic which began with my question to rmi5 in which i asked him if he really believes that Israel will be a bigger support for Azerbaijan than Turkey in case of a war with Armenia, so let me as you the same question.

Also interesting that you only try refute my points while not mentioning his behavior as if Turkey did nothing except talking which is obviously wrong, not to mention his insultings and spreading lies about my postings which made you believe i was trolling.
Just American.

You probably have to go to the Great Plains and further west.

You know when I visited George Washington's home up in Washington (I dunno what that mountain or hillside place is called) amongst the timeline carved on the walls depicting US's foreign policy (or something) through the ages there was a photograph of the Pakistani President of the '50s Ayub Khan with a description about his visit to the US and a grand reception being held in his honor ! :o:
You know when I visited George Washington's home up in Washington (I dunno what that mountain or hillside place is called) amongst the timeline carved on the walls depicting US's foreign policy (or something) through the ages there was a photograph of the Pakistani President of the '50s Ayub Khan with a description about his visit to the US and a grand reception being held in his honor ! :o:
Mount Vernon, Washingtons plantation, never been there. Didn't know about the Pakistani President.
''they wouldn't raise the education fee for CA students by 700% (it was 120-140$/year last year, it's 1000-1200$/year right now). besides, students from turkic countries are obliged to pay around 500$ for obligatory health insurance which was free before''
Didnt know this,it shows the mindset of the current government.
@xenon54 i read the thread. just some points. @rmi5 . if turkish government really wanted good relations between turkic countries, they wouldn't raise the education fee for CA students by 700% (it was 120-140$/year last year, it's 1000-1200$/year right now). besides, students from turkic countries are obliged to pay around 500$ for obligatory health insurance which was free before. but what makes people know each other are things like people visiting/studying in your country, which is a little hard for CA students now. instead of CA students, akp is bringing lots of students from arab countries and it shows its intends.
Not good,not good at all.
''they wouldn't raise the education fee for CA students by 700% (it was 120-140$/year last year, it's 1000-1200$/year right now). besides, students from turkic countries are obliged to pay around 500$ for obligatory health insurance which was free before''
Didnt know this,it shows the mindset of the current government.
I'm lost....
''they wouldn't raise the education fee for CA students by 700% (it was 120-140$/year last year, it's 1000-1200$/year right now). besides, students from turkic countries are obliged to pay around 500$ for obligatory health insurance which was free before''
Didnt know this,it shows the mindset of the current government.

Oh come on; if I were to study in Turkiye I'd be charged crazy amounts of international fees ! :mad:

A $1000-1200 p.a in tuition fee sounds like a joke in comparison ! :o:
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