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Çay Bahçesi

I saw that brother :) I read your translations, too LOL old people, be it ottomans or safevids or whatever, as a society were as diverse as we are. Thinking of them as sinless, pious, devoted muslims would be fallacy and betrayal to the truth. Some were really pious muslims, some were not so pious and loved to drink and some were pious and drinking and homosexual LOL and the last two cases were not an isolated examples within society.
how d u find my translations

Drinking was very popular among soldiers. Pedophile or homo stuff was more common in higher social casts including religious Imams, merchants, kings, governors, ... . It may give Nefer another heart attack :lol:
In Iran, Iranic soldiers were more into smoking, and Turkic ones were more into drinking.
Anyway, I think it's enough for Nefer to handle for today :lol:
yea i think it's still remain among our social still drinking is popular among turkic people it have old deep root
No, I believe it, I didn't mean like that. :D

How could one be a "pious Muslim" and "love to spend his time with moon-faced boys" at the same time?

similar to how it happens now. People are complicated. Being/not Being religious, does not guarantee anything. BTW, such thing is not even "Haram" due to the Fatwa of some Hanafi scholars in Afghanistan. Although, it happens in both sects.

yea i think it's still remain among our social still drinking is popular among turkic people it have old deep root
Yup ;)
than u didn't need to open that disscustions with me here !

Incase you have a hard time progressing english,

I want a status and description of current situation Turkmenistan.
I want a short explanation what changed after that guys death. ||v||
I want a short future view of where Turkmenistan is going towards. ||v||

If off course you are from Turkmenistan.

edit: ||v|| these are the questions I asked in that thread
No, I believe it. :D

How could one be a "pious Muslim" and "love to spend his time with moon-faced boys" at the same time? Ben de bu kafadan istiyorum.

Ah, sorry. I misunderstood your post :D I read somewhere that its rooted within seleucid era and greek soldiers who were stationed along ME and CA. During medieval period islam just overlapped with that custom and it was like this: the one with higher status within society can show homosexual tendencies towards the lower one in the hierarchy. Equals can show towards each other. But it's strictly forbidden for the lower one to show affection for the higher one. Sultan can play with some boys, boys can play with each other, boy can't play with sultan LOL its the unwritten code of conduct. It's still quite popular in a-stan. There, soldiers of northern alliance raped captured talibans, some of whom were as young as 13. And it's normal procedure. Btw, a friend of mine is making doctorate in arabic language and that friend's thesis is "eyyubiler doneminde escinsellik" LOL
Incase you have a hard time progressing english,

I want a status and description of current situation Turkmenistan.
I want a short explanation what changed after that guys death.
I want a short future view of where Turkmenistan is going towards.

If off course you are from Turkmenistan.
im not from turkmenistan but i'm fully aware about its affairs i can say this i didn't see some one else to know more than me i usully see some people read some russian propaganda about turkmenistan and clamid they know a lot but they dont each of your 3 questions has very large awnser which i will not give today , right now im enterd with @rmi5 @telkon @Targon on intrested subject and i will remain on it u may ask it some days later

Incase you have a hard time progressing english,
dude im talking with several people at same time
Rats are killing rats. :victory:

First to make it clear, I do not support the PKK and any organization and people working with them to their goal, but that quote... that hurted me more than the stuff which I am gona read from that list.
First to make it clear, I do not support the PKK and any organization and people working with them to their goal, but that quote... that hurted me more than the stuff which I am gona read from that list.
You are weird bro :what:
What else do you expect me to call them? freedom fighters?
PS. I apologize the rat community for calling PKK as rats.
Ah, sorry. I misunderstood your post :D I read somewhere that its rooted within seleucid era and greek soldiers who were stationed along ME and CA. During medieval period islam just overlapped with that custom and it was like this: the one with higher status within society can show homosexual tendencies towards the lower one in the hierarchy. Equals can show towards each other. But it's strictly forbidden for the lower one to show affection for the higher one. Sultan can play with some boys, boys can play with each other, boy can't play with sultan LOL its the unwritten code of conduct. It's still quite popular in a-stan. There, soldiers of northern alliance raped captured talibans, some of whom were as young as 13. And it's normal procedure. Btw, a friend of mine is making doctorate in arabic language and that friend's thesis is "eyyubiler doneminde escinsellik" LOL
lol very well said no need to add someting else i also heard about a-stan but i couldn't belive these things exist in our era

First to make it clear, I do not support the PKK and any organization and people working with them to their goal, but that quote... that hurted me more than the stuff which I am gona read from that list.
i wish death of all turkish soldiers and also the police officer whom recently assassinated by those rats hurted u
First to make it clear, I do not support the PKK and any organization and people working with them to their goal, but that quote... that hurted me more than the stuff which I am gona read from that list.
Last weeks they killed unarmed Turkish soldiers. One Turkish soldier got shot in the head in front of his wife. How would you call these PKK sub-humans?

You are weird bro :what:
What else do you expect me to call them? freedom fighters?
PS. I apologize the rat community for calling PKK as rats.
You can call them terrorists, and why has my previous post been ignored.:mad:
You are weird bro :what:
What else do you expect me to call them? freedom fighters?
PS. I apologize the rat community for calling PKK as rats.

that answer literally made me shed a tear and made me dizzy for a moment.

I don't expect you calling them anything, but there is one thing from my bloodline, which is whoever your enemy may be respect the dead.

The reason why these people joined such a ill organization and cause such harm, is understandable if you know the full picture and personally wish we had never come to this situation in the first place and their current deeds cannot be talked good. but respect the dead.

when talking about understandable I am not sympathizing. But holding into account their access to information and the pressure they are getting subjected to, getting the blame them indoctrination. you can understand why an organization like that keeps getting members.

Last weeks they killed unarmed Turkish soldiers. One Turkish soldier got shot in the head in front of his wife. How would you call these PKK sub-humans?

humans killing humans in a cowardly fashion

i wish death of all turkish soldiers and also the police officer whom recently assassinated by those rats hurted u

And here we are again, football mentality, if you are not with us that means you are against us
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that answer literally made me shed a tear and made me dizzy for a moment.

I don't expect you calling them anything, but there is one thing from my bloodline, which is whoever your enemy may be respect the dead.

The reason why these people joined such a ill organization and cause such harm, is understandable if you know the full picture and personally wish we had never come to this situation in the first place and their current deeds cannot be talked good. but respect the dead.

when talking about understandable I am not sympathizing. But holding into account their access to information and the pressure they are getting subjected to, getting the blame them indoctrination. you can understand why an organization like that keeps getting members.

Please spare me of these liberal BS.
Do you want to know what is the meaning of respecting dead by them? My dad's friend, an Iranian army officer, fought kurds in Iranian kurdistan. He once shared the story that when kurds captured an Iranian officer, they skinned him alive, separated his bones and muscles, then put his bones and his head into the skin, and directly sent it to his home for his wife.
Tell your BS, and keep your tears for people that care for those sub-animals, not bash the ones who bring peace for your nation.
Ungrateful morons like you make me puke.
that answer literally made me shed a tear and made me dizzy for a moment.

I don't expect you calling them anything, but there is one thing from my bloodline, which is whoever your enemy may be respect the dead.

The reason why these people joined such a ill organization and cause such harm, is understandable if you know the full picture and personally wish we had never come to this situation in the first place and their current deeds cannot be talked good. but respect the dead.

when talking about understandable I am not sympathizing. But holding into account their access to information and the pressure they are getting subjected to, getting the blame them indoctrination. you can understand why an organization like that keeps getting members.

humans killing humans in a cowardly fashion

Respect is given to a soldier who fought and died in a battle, not to terrorist who assassinates soldiers and blows up people in a crowded mall. I myself survived one of their suicide bombers back in 2007 and I'm never gonna respect those rats. Go cry me a river.
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