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Car Manufacturing Mafia Fleecing the Ordinary Pakistani

Through addition of more game players in the market, through increased foreign investment and competition in the automobile sector. Renault was about to enter into the Pakistani market back in Musharraf's era. Volkswagen was pretty much interested to invest in Pakistan 5 years back but the sad inconsistent economic state of affairs have led us down many times.

Clearly, the present (and likely near-future) economic situation makes such expectations a bit of an overreach, for the moment.
Pakistan is the only country on the face of earth which has imposed a duty exceeding than 300 %.
Pakistan didn't have protected industries during dictator Ayub Khan. The destruction was started by Bhutto the democrat.
Correction Bhutto wasn't a democrat, he was launched by and became part of the military establishment, became martial law administrator and finally usurped Mujib's mandate.
Same people who brought in Bhutto the champion of democracy and incompetency. Dictator Musharaf tried to privatize Steel Mills. Look how judiciary punished him for that.
Musharraf was faku like the 56" variety we have next door.

If he really wanted to do something for the country, instead of endearing himself to the western audiences, he would have suspended the whole judiciary and started over, he had that power but decided to use it for his selfish goals.
All the successive Govts have missed out on putting the car manufacturing mafia at bay in Pakistan. The cars in Pakistan cost near to the poor man's dwellings. What a shame below is just one regional example compared to the neighbour.
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Its not due to car manufacture but lack of industrialization.

Pakistani cars 50% are based on imported kits ... Even remaining 50% are based on imported materials.

If we want cheap cads we need fo have steel industry capable to manufacture high tensile strength metal sheets and different grades of steel require foe drive line and engine.

Fhen u need polymer industry for plastic parts.
All of the characters you mention were Pakistanis doing what is best for Pakistan, in their views. And look where we are, and continuing down the same path even now.
No they were not. They were only doing it all in their own self interest.
Bhutto rigged 1977 elections to remain in power
Musharraf rigged 2002 elections to remain in power
Iftikhar Chaudhary sat as judge in corruption cases of his own son just to remain in power.
Its not due to car manufacture but lack of industrialization.

Pakistani cars 50% are based on imported kits ... Even remaining 50% are based on imported materials.

If we want cheap cads we need fo have steel industry capable to manufacture high tensile strength metal sheets and different grades of steel require foe drive line and engine.

Fhen u need polymer industry for plastic parts.
Very easy to fix this, do a phased ban of all car imports and material/parts until these manufacturers establish local production.
No they were not. They were only doing it all in their own self interest.
Bhutto rigged 1977 elections to remain in power
Musharraf rigged 2002 elections to remain in power
Iftikhar Chaudhary sat as judge in corruption cases of his own son just to remain in power.

In their view, what was good for them was good for the country. It still is the same mindset, top to bottom. After all, this is what happens naturally when there is cult worship of any kind without any checks and balances.
Did your NAWAZ SHARIF BHAGORA fix the auto industry or any industry as three times PM? If not why are you complaining? He was an industrialist after all
whenever someone points out some mistakes of the current govt u start the comparison with the previous corrupt rulers. so we cant even criticise the current govt now??
a friend of mine in Pakistan bought a chineese sedan (i forgot the name of the company) for 27 lac rupees. In australia u can get almost brand new sedan with pretty much the same amount.
tht tells u how much our currency is devalued.
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tht tells u how much our currency is devalued.
It's not because of currency devaluation but because of unproductivity in the economy. Govt must stop giving subsidies to importers, exporters, consumers to increase productivity by allowing free competition.
Indian Suzuki is manufactured within India A to Z. Govt should force manufacturers to increase domestic input considering ever increasing price of dollar.

Yes! Until this is not done, there will be small group of extortionist. Also important to note is size of market so economy of scale.

I m in no way in favor of business model in Pakistan of assembling cars. But you cant expect these prices if volumes are few thousands. And assemblers too know how to extort money. They slow down production, to keep demand high. On a slight increase of dollar, they increase prices multiple times. Their excuse, they import most of the components. The government should step in and induct this mafia to either export vehicles or pack up.

To give an example. Honda Civic in Canadian market is made in Canada, entirely. Its price is slightly less than the price of Civic in Pakistan! In last year's exchange rate, Civic in Pakistan costs C$27,000. Top class model here costs C$30,000. The one comparable to Pakistan is $25,000. These are prices which approximately include dealer discounts. As dealers here compete with each other to sell cars, not like Pakistan.

Now compare the Canadian economy to Pakistan's.

I can tell you I have seen both models in showrooms. The Canadian Civic is so much better built.

Not unless the government takes a stiff stance on local production of automobiles and parts, be It through joint ventures or shifting of production lines from import to local.
Not many people realise India built its automobile industry through joint production.
Very easy to fix this, do a phased ban of all car imports and material/parts until these manufacturers establish local production.
So u want car manufacture to establish steel plant? Or u want them to establish establish polymer manufacturing plant.

U need to establish an eco system of industries only then car companies can not only sustain but also it will be easy for new entrants to create competition.

It not the job of car manufacture but givernment to work on establishing steel industry, polymer industty, battery industry, electronics industry
So u want car manufacture to establish steel plant? Or u want them to establish establish polymer manufacturing plant.

U need to establish an eco system of industries only then car companies can not only sustain but also it will be easy for new entrants to create competition.

It not the job of car manufacture but givernment to work on establishing steel industry, polymer industty, battery industry, electronics industry
Our SME sector need loans and investment to grow
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