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Car bomb in Iran, University professor killed.

No one wants your country Israel to have nukes
Israel has nukes for 40 years and no one gives a damn. Well, they say on public that they are consernbed about the Israeli nukes, but in real they dont care. All Arab rulers perfectly know that Israeli nukes dont threat them.

On the other hand nuclread Iran may trigger nuclear arm race in middle east. It already triggered reguar arms race: recent 70 billion F-15 Saudi deal, THAAD UAE deal. Gulf countries are very worried about Shia communities, Hormuz closing threats. They saw how Iran took over Lebanon using Hezbollah.

and no one wants my country of origin Pakistan to have nukes either.
Sorry, but except India no one gives a damn about Pakistani nukes. Even India does not care much.
Dude wtf are you talking about Hamas and rockets coming into Israel? What does this have to do with Iran? Because Iran supports Hamas? Every country in the region and the vast majority of its people support Hamas and its ressistance. I don't even see how the two are comparable, these are assassinations which are politically motivated, has nothing to do with Hamas throwing metal scrap rockets into Israel.
Iran finances, arms and trains Hamas. Only two countries in the world are doing that: Iran and its ally Syria. Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad are direct creations and proxies of Iran.

Well when it comes to threatening Israel doesn't do too bad. You do have your Samson option that is often brought up.
So called Samson option is just journalist rumour. By the way there are countries whos doctrine allows even preemptive nuclear strike if it is needed.

Iran needs to be engaged, you don't make peace by being bellicose and no offence but Israeli and Iranian pronouncements about each other are just as bad.
Israel does not have any conflicts with Iran and is ready to restore peace anytime. In fact Israel helped Iran even after 1979, during Iran Iraq war. This help was very vital and saved lives of many thousands of Iranians.
It is upto you. But you are comparing yourself with US? Are you serious? The country that spends more on its military and intel agencies than the rest of the world combined. Also US does not have the same problem as Iran. If I have to compare a similar situation, I would take Chinese and Russian model of doing things. They had built special purpose cities for their science and military projects in order to keep them secret and safe. Doing a scientific project of immense significance in Tehran neither can be kept secret nor it can be safe. As for United States, you should also know that only non-military research goes in major cities and all military and important research in US is done in designated science cities which are super secret for example, have you heard about this site and there are many more as well: Mercury, Nevada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

---------- Post added at 01:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 AM ----------

Read this as well to understand how to keep your scientists safe: Secret Cities

we don't have special purpose built cities for scientists to live in, our scientists live in the cities like everyone else. indeed, one of our space program directors was assassinated in september in a very strange car accident.
I did not say put a bomb in their car, a stimulated heart attack would do it. Even regular homicide case solutions are nowhere near a satisfactory rate. If Israel can do this in Iran, Iran can do it anywhere without it being connected to Iranian intelligence. The Iranian state has right to protect itself and his citizens from these acts.

You should let them bleed as they are bleeding you so that these acts of international terrorism and cowardice would stop.
It is easily said than done.

An intelligence operation require resources,both human and material.It require clinical precision on part of agents who would be working undercover.A person whose motivation to infiltrate is to fight for his god usually fails as the motive being basal,it leads to commission of mistakes which could lead to blowing up of cover.A sloppy operation only has a chance against a incompetent enemy.The recent operation by Iran to assassinate Saudi ambassador is an example.An Iranian operation against an Israeli scientist has a lesser chance of success.For starters they would have to find a team which is well versed in Israeli way of life.Israel being a free country(It does not compel it's citizens to recite propaganda) would be difficult to infiltrate for a true Persian.Add to that the better policing prevalent in Israel.
Personally know two different families who are half Israeli(Jewish) and half Taiwanese :lol:

then it depends which side is dominant, Israeli or East Asian.

I agree with Chinese Dragon though. Half western white half East Asians are huge threats to Chinese security. Gordon Chang is the biggest anti-China racist in the world even though he has a Chinese father. The biggest deterrent we can make is a race specific virus. There are definitely manipulable genetic commonalities within each race which the Human Genome Project has not publically made avaliable.
then it depends which side is dominant, Israeli or East Asian.

I agree with Chinese Dragon though. Half western white half East Asians are huge threats to Chinese security. Gordon Chang is the biggest anti-China racist in the world even though he has a Chinese father. The biggest deterrent we can make is a race specific virus. There are definitely manipulable genetic commonalities within each race which the Human Genome Project has not publically made avaliable.
Take it easy....They are all Australian citizens...normal people...nothing to do with Israel and China :lol:
Secondly they can hire local chinese for that kind of jobs $$$$$$$ :P
They are feeding each other now, anyways. Greens have not come out to condemn these terror acts and if I remember correctly they tried to paint these terrors as something which can benefit them politically and militarily by saying that it was Iran that was killing the scientists and not Israel. Now that is unique. They are protecting MEK by doing such things. So from the neutral point of view they are in the same league having the same goals. To keep their American masters happy.
stop your stupid ignorant comments.
Of course green leader have always condemned this group.
Just check their website full of hatred towards Khatami Mousavi and so. Mek hates Mousavi even more than Khamenei because they cry everywhere that they are the only possibility for Iran. But everyone hates them for what they did .

It is really a shame that you make such accusations on this topic.
Based on nothing except your stupidity.
then it depends which side is dominant, Israeli or East Asian.

I agree with Chinese Dragon though. Half western white half East Asians are huge threats to Chinese security. Gordon Chang is the biggest anti-China racist in the world even though he has a Chinese father. The biggest deterrent we can make is a race specific virus. There are definitely manipulable genetic commonalities within each race which the Human Genome Project has not publically made avaliable.

What you say is sick in so many ways, I do not know where I should start:eek:
stop your stupid ignorant comments.
Of course green leader have always condemned this group.
Just check their website full of hatred towards Khatami Mousavi and so. Mek hates Mousavi even more than Khamenei because they cry everywhere that they are the only possibility for Iran. But everyone hates them for what they did .

It is really a shame that you make such accusations on this topic.
Based on nothing except your stupidity.

I am just being truthful. Bring me a link proving that Mosavi or Karoubi had condemned assassination of Iranian scientists and then I call it even.
I am just being truthful. Bring me a link proving that Mosavi or Karoubi had condemned assassination of Iranian scientists and then I call it even.
You understand that they are "jailed" at home and we have news from them only from their families ?

And reformist newspapers are all closed !

But wife of Mousavi said a time ago that green movment accepts everyone except Mek.
Israel has nukes for 40 years and no one gives a damn. Well, they say on public that they are consernbed about the Israeli nukes, but in real they dont care. All Arab rulers perfectly know that Israeli nukes dont threat them.

On the other hand nuclread Iran may trigger nuclear arm race in middle east. It already triggered reguar arms race: recent 70 billion F-15 Saudi deal, THAAD UAE deal. Gulf countries are very worried about Shia communities, Hormuz closing threats. They saw how Iran took over Lebanon using Hezbollah.


Seems like you are advocating double standards. Simply you are stating that Israel is entitled to nukes and Iran inst even allowed to have nuclear for energy purposes. The rest is just mitigation and reasons why you and or Israel think that you should have nukes but Iranians shouldn't even have nuclear energy. I could and am sure that Iranians could give you reasons why they should be allowed to and you shouldn't. Why should America or you be the judges of who can and who cant?

I also believe that Arab nations and Iran have put forwarded at times suggestions that the Middle East should have no nuclear weapons.

Iran and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

On ideological grounds, a public and categorical religious decree (fatwa) against the development, production, stockpiling and use of nuclear weapons has been issued by the supreme leader of the Islamic Republic Ali Khamenei along with other clerics (bearing in mind that Israel can hide behind American nuke umbrella I think this is generous).

Even a majority of Israelis want a nuclear free Zone

Israeli public supports middle east nuclear free zone: UMD poll

Yet your position and the Israeli governments position would appear to be that Israel can have nukes, Iranians are not to be allowed even nuclear energy and for that they want to go to war that will cause immeasurable damage to all.
Agreed. what he says is sick but unfortunately it has some truth in it.
This is racist and stupid. I don't understand how you can say there is a part of truth in it.
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