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Car bomb in Iran, University professor killed.

Large amount of people who actually are posting in this thread, are in denial for the fact that Iran is developing nuclear weapons because of what the Highly Censored Iran media said in that they are not developing them. Therefore, you have to accept fact that the U.S. and Israel officials are denying being involved in this assassination too because the people making the accusations is not what you take as fact, but its the denial part.

Some call American's and Israelis terrorists, but isn't Iran funding and training Hamas? Remember, this is the same government that denies the holocaust and says that there are no gays in Iran. Some food for thought.
First: who says that Iran is developing nukes?can you bring a proof for that?Only U.S,Israel and some European countries say this without providing enough proof.Iran is first in Muslim world and region in terms of science advancement.Why haven't they built a nuke after 32 years?While Pakistan built it years ago.You really think Iran can't build a nuke?Even CIA admitted in 2003 and Leon Pannetta few weeks ago that Iran is not building a nuke now and we are worried that someday it will!So you are putting pressure on a country because you think maybe someday they they will start building nukes?Isn't that unfair?

Second:110 countries of Non-Aligned movement support Iran's nuclear program and admit that Iran is not seeking for bombs.Even Russia and China admit it.Aren't they also part of international community or you only consider the 'West' as international community.

Third: Israel and U.S are not in the place to tell Iran what to do or not to do because they both have nuclear weapons,They both bully other countries and also U.S is the only country who has used nuclear weapons in the history.

Fourth:About denying holocaust,however Iran never explicitly denied that and even Ahmadinejad said in an interview that he admits that a lot of Jews has been killed and suffered during WWII but why should Palestinians pay the price?One thing else,why should a country be punished for denying holocaust?Is it a God's law or what?Some choose to not believe in it,is that a crime?For your information,about 7 millions Iranians died because of famine and starvation after British and Russians invaded Iran in WWI.Why don't you call that holocaust or just killing Jews is crime?

And last: About supporting terrorism,Who says that Hamas is a terrorist organization?or Hezbollah?Only U.S and it's allies and others should follow them?If terrorism means killing civilians for political reasons,tell me please,who has killed more civilians,Hamas Israel or U.S?Hamas is fighting to take back their stolen land but U.S invades other countries for it's interests.

And here i want to say that you should admit your country is heavily influenced by Jewish lobby and AIPAC and even now GOP candidates(except Ron Paul) have competition to gain AIPAC and Israel support and say that they will attack Iran in favor of Israel if they become president.In fact,like it or not,Israel owns your government and you are going to fight another war for Israel.I hope someday,People of America wake up and understand who their real enemy is.It's not Iran and you know that.The only problem of Iran with U.S is it's policy toward her and and in region and Iran doesn't accept that,So as a price,it became the 'Bad Guy'.
^^^What I dont understand is that I have posted evidence here on this thread earlier that two thirds of Israelis dont want war with Iran
We dont want war with anyone. Iran is waging a proxy war with us, however.

and I am pretty sure the Iranians will respond in kind.
Iranians sent terrorists to kill our women and children. There is nothing more what they can do.

Have a read guys. Bit of a long read but not all American Jews are Zionists

Not all Jews are Zionists.
Not all Americans are Jews.
Not all Jews are Americans.
Not all Zionists are Jews.
etc etc ... :wave:
Not all Jews are Zionists.
Not all Americans are Jews.
Not all Jews are Americans.
Not all Zionists are Jews.
etc etc ... :wave:

Isn't Zionism just the ideology to set up and maintain the state of Israel?
I have a good jewish friend but Israel is another thing altogether, they're ******* up the whole Middle East due to there own paranoia.

Stay the **** outta Iran's business, you wanna deal with terrorists good go whack them all but attacking Irans nuclear program or trying to topple its government is none of your business.

People say the jews are very clever, I 100% agree they have brilliant minds but they lack Wisdom can't they see the hate building up against them?

I feel sorry for the average jew, netanyahu and his pals needs to be removed.
Isn't Zionism just the ideology to set up and maintain the state of Israel?
Yes it is. But there is no agreement among the Zionists how this state should be. There are Communist Zionsts and capitalist Zionists, religious and secular, hawks and doves, etc etc...
Yes it is. But there is no agreement among the Zionists how this state should be. There are Communist Zionsts and capitalist Zionists, religious and secular, hawks and doves, etc etc...

I am more interested to hear about Jews who are non Zionists and that article talked about that
(Reuters) - Iranian state television said on Saturday Tehran had evidence Washington was behind the latest assassination of one of its nuclear scientists.

In the fifth attack of its kind in two years, a magnetic bomb was attached to the door of 32-year-old Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan's car during the Wednesday morning rush-hour in the capital. His driver was also killed.

The United States has denied involvement in the killing and condemned it. Israel has declined to comment.

"We have reliable documents and evidence that this terrorist act was planned, guided and supported by the CIA," the Iranian foreign ministry said in a letter handed to the Swiss ambassador in Tehran, state TV reported.

"The documents clearly show that this terrorist act was carried out with the direct involvement of CIA-linked agents."

The Swiss Embassy has represented U.S. interests in Iran since Tehran and Washington cut diplomatic ties shortly after the 1979 Islamic revolution.

State TV said a "letter of condemnation" had also been sent to the British government, saying the killing of Iranian nuclear scientists had "started exactly after the British official John Sawers declared the beginning of intelligence operations against Iran."

Iran says it has evidence U.S. behind scientist's killing | Reuters
Iranians are increasingly looking stupid and incompetent. They can not even protect their top scientists and engineers. They have not yet even retaliated for such terror acts by taking out Israeli scientists and engineers. Not only that but also they have failed to make these terror acts, embargoes and war threats the basis to leave the NPT. Iran should have by now built, tested and weaponized its nukes. There is no other way to explain this except to say that Iranians have become incompetent.

I can't disagree more.

Because they can't kill the main scientists. They just want to create fear among Iranian scientists by terror.

It's working.

To catch the murderers we need to close off the border with our neighbouring countries. closing our airports will increase the chance to arrest the murderers.

Most likely they have fled from Tehran into some of the neighbouring provinces, possibly alborz province (karaj) or Qazvin. There must be done street by street alley by alley, and house to house search by the intelligence agents,police,army and airforce (search helicopters). if the security branches work together well we will find these animals and will interogate them on the Iranian way

Your action calls for desperation. Good luck though.

Losing 4,5 valuable scientist is a serious thing and if it needs some sacrifices from the people then so be it. Ive already contacted Intel ministry in Tehran and gave my opinions. They thanked me for giving them my opinion

Always a good start. You need the entire Iran people to follow you.

Do me a favor - stop sounding as stupid as your avatar looks. This is clearly Mossad and Zionist attack. They are clearly agitated and are constantly knocking at their sugar daddys door (USA) to do something regarding the advancements made by Iran. What your country and people dont realize is every one scientist you take down - there is another 10 brave souls to take their place. To kill innocent people working to benefit their nation increases the anti israeli sentiment already existing. A scumy nation to take innocent lives. Long live Irans nuclear plans....

Take a gun and do something. Don't just talk.
First: who says that Iran is developing nukes?can you bring a proof for that?Only U.S,Israel and some European countries say this without providing enough proof.Iran is first in Muslim world and region in terms of science advancement.Why haven't they built a nuke after 32 years?While Pakistan built it years ago.You really think Iran can't build a nuke?Even CIA admitted in 2003 and Leon Pannetta few weeks ago that Iran is not building a nuke now and we are worried that someday it will!So you are putting pressure on a country because you think maybe someday they they will start building nukes?Isn't that unfair?

There's nothing wrong with Iran developing nukes, only when you try to defend that you don't while your government is developing nukes, then there's something wrong with that. Don't try to defend the subject when someone is accusing you of developing nukes. Just tell them straight up that you are not the police of the world and you need them for your own protection. If they have a problem with that, then they can go f. themselves.
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