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Car bomb in Iran, University professor killed.

Perhaps we could just send these people for these activities to America? Its good for them they get what they want and Americans get what they want??

I guess that is a good idea. But some of these guys have been in government for too long and know alot of national secrets which they will tell their masters as soon as they start tasting American urine. For them American urine is like the most delicious drink on earth. They just love it. So I guess for now Iran has not other option but to keep them away from their favorite drink.

He can never become an American. Though he can become a slave for them, which he already is and very much enjoys it too. You read his comments, they are so pathetic. While US is about to attack his country of origin and is already killing scientists and cyber attacking it, he gets angry when we bring up the US in discussion. He gets insulted when we talk about his master or his urine. Such people get so emotional about something they love so much.
Again you have lied. The video message is from 18th March 2010, after elections and just weeks after killings of an Iranian scientist. So stop lying.

And these are only video messages, there are literally tonnes of his printed statements on the net, all of them criticizing Iran but not one of them mentioning killings. So pathetic. I am sure he likes American urine too.
Iran opposition leader Mousavi condemns professor's assassination

I wonder who is saying big lies . you are su ch a joke.
Iran opposition leader Mousavi condemns professor's assassination

I wonder who is saying big lies . you are su ch a joke.

So now you have proven what I have said about you. You bring here a link whose source is from Radio Zamaneh which is an Israeli radio, funded by government of Israel, broadcasting in Farsi into Iran. I am sure you have taken your special drink today. The article basically tries to pin the murder on Iranian government and is a piece of propaganda. The greens infact upon the murder of Mohammadi, an Iranian scientists had tried to paint him a green and show that he was killed by Iran and not by Israel and Mosavi actually condemns it in that way protecting Israelis. It shows you were lying about he being forcibly shut up. In reality he has been issuing statements benefiting Israel and covering up for them while getting media coverage and reported on Israeli media. Thank you for proving to us that you minions are pathetic puppets of Israel. Now go back and drink some more of that special stuff of yours.
He can never become an American. Though he can become a slave for them, which he already is and very much enjoys it too. You read his comments, they are so pathetic. While US is about to attack his country of origin and is already killing scientists and cyber attacking it, he gets angry when we bring up the US in discussion. He gets insulted when we talk about his master or his urine. Such people get so emotional about something they love so much.
The problem with you is that you are so much missing honesty that your lies are your own personality.

I was not upset about discussion USA but your words about green being the same than MeK... just see the beginning of the discussion , instead of lying again.

You cannot speak about USA without speaking about Urine? Because a few soldiers did this it means it is US characteristic to urinate on muslims? You didn't wonder why they will condemn these guys if USA was such bad country that they think it is ook people urinate on dead bodies?

USA is going to attack Iran? Did i ever write anything saying i am happy that would happen?
did i write anything saying i am happy the scientists are killed? No i said the opposite . So at least don't make such big lies and unrespect the intelligence of other people by giving me words on my mouth that i never said.

Again about urine, this is terrible behavior but even USA is saying so. What is normal behavior is condemning it and waiting for a fair court judging this crime, but what is not smart and fair IS MAKING a GENERALISATION On AMERICANS, as you do.

And by the way yes i am upset against both Iran and USA politics: both are having stupid bahavior that lead to insults, threatening, sanctions, not listening, and caricature. In the protests one of the slogan was "No East No West, Iran". Normalized relations, respect BUT no dependency, no sicky relation which would create probem to our sovereignity. And by the way i am not fan of Mousavi , even i respect him for two reasons: he was a great manager of economy during war (it was impressive how we managed not suffering so much during the war) and he changed his mind about politics: reformist didn't trust him at first but after time he could convince them (even still i will always believe i prefer many other candidates but he ws famous ))
So now you have proven what I have said about you. You bring here a link whose source is from Radio Zamaneh which is an Israeli radio, funded by government of Israel, broadcasting in Farsi into Iran.
This link is among many saying the words of Mousavi and the link here is a famous persian website.

About Radio Zamaneh:
Radio Zamaneh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Radio Zamaneh is founding by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs but in content an independent broadcasting organization, registered as a non-profit organization in the Netherlands, with its headquarters and studio in Amsterdam. The coordinator of the radio is the Dutch NGO Press Now.
Mehdi Jami was the director of Radio Zamaneh from the beginning until October 2008. Persian-born Dutch politician and MP, Farah Karimi, was among the founding members of the media. After Jami, from November 2008 until July 2009, Zoran Djukanovic, who is program coordinator of Radio Zamaneh at Press Now, was the Interim Director, with Hossein Alavi as Interim Editor-in-Chief. In July 2009, Farid Haerinejad and Ruth Kronenburg joined Radio Zamaneh as the new Editor-in-Chief and Director of the organization. In January 2011 Arjen de Wolff was appointed as the new director and Haerinejad remained as the editor.
Explain me what it has to do with Israel ???
Get some education and live a normall life, without lies please.
This link is among many saying the words of Mousavi and the link here is a famous persian website.

About Radio Zamaneh:
Radio Zamaneh - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Explain me what it has to do with Israel ???
Get some education and live a normall life, without lies please.

Hahaha, Dutch? Who believes that. The truth is as I said, it is funded and staffed by Israelis. Dutch is just a cover as it is usual in such types of things.

And as I said, Greens tried to paint the murder of Mohammadi as a murder by Iran itself in order to cover up for Israel. Go and read the statements of green leaders from that time in early 2010. Such a pathetic self selling behavior can only be expected from you or MEK. What Israel has got to do with it? Israel is killing those guys and you are protecting them with your lies. You are all exposed.
Hahaha, Dutch? Who believes that. The truth is as I said, it is funded and staffed by Israelis. Dutch is just a cover as it is usual in such types of things.
Yeah yeah yeah
And as I said, Greens tried to paint the murder of Mohammadi as a murder by Iran itself in order to cover up for Israel. Go and read the statements of green leaders from that time in early 2010. Such a pathetic self selling behavior can only be expected from you or MEK. What Israel has got to do with it? Israel is killing those guys and you are protecting them with your lies. You are all exposed.
you understand your own words?
MeK is hatred by everyone in Iran: from royalists outside even to the reformists, the conservative, the anti ISlamic republic, except them. It is a sect .
Sadly i know they have strong support . I don't know exactly USA and Israel support and how they support them. But i can just notice what i know about these supports :
- their political vitrine is in France
- UK is strongely supporting this group
- this group has convinced many US politics even one member of Kennedy family ! I heard that they pay people to promote their group
- they are insulting any Iranian outside that is saying the truth about them: if you go to a protest they come to threaten you
- USA gave them an old US base in Iraq, they say for humanitarian reason but i wonder why there people need a base and cannot have a normal life

Still there is NO LINK between them and green. And that was the reason why i was upset, not USA (as you said).
perhaps you should tell your and American government along with all the people that advocate going into Pakistan to remove Pakistani nukes
We dont.

You mean like the rumour incorrectly propagated that Iranian President wants to wipe Israel off the map?
These threats they write in English on their ballistic missiles during parades and on posters. Ask Iranian members.

But uniquely all fingers point at Israel making orphans with Israel's assassination policy. What you going to do when the Iranians start replying in kind
If you are right that means:

* Irans's proxies killed hundreds of Israeli women and chilldren (after Israel helped Iran during Iran-Iraq war).

* Israel's proxies retaliated by killing 4 Iranian nuclear project guys.

But there is no any proof that Israel is behind it. Arab countries are interested in stopping Irans nuclear program just like Israel, even more. Very possible he was killed by Iranians themselves. Iranian currency just recently crushed vs. dollar, they need something to distract people.
(after Israel helped Iran during Iran-Iraq war)
First of all,your discussion that Israel helped Iran was never proved.Both countries denied this.secondly,If this is really true,it wasn't so much help.maybe a few missiles or tanks.and third,if you really did that,surely it wasn't for God's sake or for helping Iranians win the war.But you did this because you scared the hell of Saddam with his huge army.
First of all,your discussion that Israel helped Iran was never proved.Both countries denied this.secondly,If this is really true,it wasn't so much help.maybe a few missiles or tanks.
Deteals were revealed during Iran contrast scandal. Israel supplied large quantities of TOW anti tank missiles which helped to stop Iraqi tanks, Hawk air defence missiles which helped to stop Iraqi bombardments of towns and objects. Spare parts for planes and tanks. Overall a huge helps that saved many many thousands of Iranian lives.

and third,if you really did that,surely it wasn't for God's sake or for helping Iranians win the war.But you did this because you scared the hell of Saddam with his huge army.
Everyone acts due to some interests.
First of all,your discussion that Israel helped Iran was never proved.Both countries denied this.secondly,If this is really true,it wasn't so much help.maybe a few missiles or tanks.and third,if you really did that,surely it wasn't for God's sake or for helping Iranians win the war.But you did this because you scared the hell of Saddam with his huge army.

They never helped Iran. It was just a routine Zionist war propaganda. During Iran Iraq war many such propaganda were created some still persist to this day. One those propaganda was that it was Iran which was using chemical bombs against Iraq. And US and Israel stood by to this news till, Iraq invaded Kuwait. Infact if Saddam had remained a faithful US servant and never invaded Kuwait, to this day, they would have blamed Iran for all the chemical bombs. Another such propaganda reported by US media was that Flight 655 which was shot down by US navy in support of Saddam, actually was fault of Iran, and that Iran had put political prisoners in it and flew it on a suicide mission towards US ship and that is why it was shot down. We now know the truth. It is all propaganda. they are big liars and they have been lying for a long long time. It is not like they only lied in 2003 WMD of Iraq etc etc. They have been lying forever.
Deteals were revealed during Iran contrast scandal. Israel supplied large quantities of TOW anti tank missiles which helped to stop Iraqi tanks, Hawk air defence missiles which helped to stop Iraqi bombardments of towns and objects. Spare parts for planes and tanks. Overall a huge helps that saved many many thousands of Iranian lives.

Everyone acts due to some interests.

It is not constrast scandal, you moron, it was contra scandal. And it was a psyop and full of lies. It was investigated by US, how convenient. Of course it was any more different than US investigation of Iranian plot to kill Saudi ambassador. It was all full of lies and BS.
So you saved thousands of Iranians lives with a few TOW missiles?That's ridiculous.
Iranians fought the war only by themselves and didn't receive help from other countries (except some little helps),while almost the whole world was helping Iraq,from U.S to Soviet Union,Germany,France,U.K,Brazil,Belgium and others.It was the first and only time in history when U.S and USSR both helped the same country against one other country in a war.So surely it wasn't for few TOW missiles which we could resist and push Iraq back to it's country.We sacrificed about 500,000 of our people.
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