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Car bomb in Iran, University professor killed.

Sorry, but except India no one gives a damn about Pakistani nukes. Even India does not care much.

perhaps you should tell your and American government along with all the people that advocate going into Pakistan to remove Pakistani nukes
So called Samson option is just journalist rumour. By the way there are countries whos doctrine allows even preemptive nuclear strike if it is needed.

You mean like the rumour incorrectly propagated that Iranian President wants to wipe Israel off the map?

---------- Post added at 11:47 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:46 AM ----------

Israel does not have any conflicts with Iran and is ready to restore peace anytime. In fact Israel helped Iran even after 1979, during Iran Iraq war. This help was very vital and saved lives of many thousands of Iranians.

But uniquely all fingers point at Israel making orphans with Israel's assassination policy. What you going to do when the Iranians start replying in kind
This is racist and stupid. I don't understand how you can say there is a part of truth in it.

The truth in it is that racial weapons will soon be developed if they haven't been developed yet.
You understand that they are "jailed" at home and we have news from them only from their families ?

And reformist newspapers are all closed !

But wife of Mousavi said a time ago that green movment accepts everyone except Mek.

Actually they should be in prison for their crimes against democracy but anyways, Iranian government is soft and keeps them at their home. The reality is that both Mosavi and Karoubi have released and continue to release numerous statements and press releases widely quoted and printed all over the world. Not only that but they also write open letters to Iranian supreme leader and head of military ridiculing them. The whole western media reports whatever comes out of their mouth and other body organs but they have never condemned the killing of Iranian scientists. And of course his wife is going to accept anyone including Israel and US, since she is a traitor. Here is a TV interview which his wife had done after the killings, she never condemned the killings like her husband who regularly does interviews:

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Stop your lies . If you don't know anything about Iran then shut up.

As i said Mousavi is blocked at home. I suggest you to find any video of him outside ;)
Zahra Rahnavard is giving the new year wishes.
You see the picture of Khomeini on the table by the way.
I guess you didn't understand what she was talking about. right?

Crime against democracy?
Is is a joke?
These elections were fake elections and people are upset. If they didn't want fair elections then it would be honest not to have elections in Iran. But Khamenei is dishonnest .
For the new parliament elections: reformists , moderate, didn't want to be candidates as they say that whatever the results are already known since it is Khamenei who takes the final decision and Karroubi even said it is better he chooses directly the deputies.
Khamenei even decided to not accept some conservative candidates !!! If you are not pro Khamenei or pro Ahmadinejad in Iran , now it becomes hard to exist in politics.

Very funny that not only you post a video you clearly didn't get what she speaks about
And you are such hypocrit to blame people not speaking when they are blocked at home and we even inside the green movment cannot have much news and words from them, which leads that the instructions said to be from old reformist newspapers , we discovered a time ago that these news were given by the government to make fake releases.

You are such an hypocrit to blame people against democracy
when Iran right now not only didn't have fair elections, fair process of elections, put reformist in jail , close the newspapers, and that inside Iran there is no way to criticize Khamenei.... strange perception of democracy.

It is you who is lying here. These people should have been crushed like a potato in a prison and the fact that they living in their homes are a testimony to the kindness of Iranian government.

You failed to produce a link proving Mosavi has condemned these killings, so it is you who lying. New year message or not. There is no condemnation. So shameful, to release statements condemning elected Iranian government but no condemnation for Killings.

The fact that he regularly issues anti_Iran statements widely quoted in media is proof that he still has got media connections and your excuse that he can not issue such statements is a lie. If he can issue anti-Iran statements from his home, why he has not issued any statement condemning the killings? Is it because he is a happy about it? Not only that but also his associates even those living abroad have not been forthcoming. It says alot about them.

As for elections, in another thread I had challenged you to provide me with scientific evidence of fraud instead of popular western media hyperboles? You run away from that discussion. So I am going to put scientific evidence for the legit election here again. Any one be it one person or 20% of population who tries to bring down a democratically elected government is a traitor and should be dealt with decisively. Those who rose up against elections were traitors. There is no question about it, since all scientific evidence goes against them:
Analysis of Multiple Polls Finds Little Evidence Iranian Public Sees Government as Illegitimate - World Public Opinion


The fact is this: greens were created by western intel agencies to conduct another operation ajax. But they failed this time. Greens leaders both inside and outside of Iran get happy when Iranian scientists get killed, that is why they have never condemned it. Maybe it is because they and their supporters are involved in it too.
Stop your lies . If you don't know anything about Iran then shut up.

As i said Mousavi is blocked at home. I suggest you to find any video of him outside ;)
Zahra Rahnavard is giving the new year wishes.
You see the picture of Khomeini on the table by the way.
I guess you didn't understand what she was talking about. right?

Crime against democracy?
Is is a joke?
These elections were fake elections and people are upset. If they didn't want fair elections then it would be honest not to have elections in Iran. But Khamenei is dishonnest .
For the new parliament elections: reformists , moderate, didn't want to be candidates as they say that whatever the results are already known since it is Khamenei who takes the final decision and Karroubi even said it is better he chooses directly the deputies.
Khamenei even decided to not accept some conservative candidates !!! If you are not pro Khamenei or pro Ahmadinejad in Iran , now it becomes hard to exist in politics.

Very funny that not only you post a video you clearly didn't get what she speaks about
And you are such hypocrit to blame people not speaking when they are blocked at home and we even inside the green movment cannot have much news and words from them, which leads that the instructions said to be from old reformist newspapers , we discovered a time ago that these news were given by the government to make fake releases.

You are such an hypocrit to blame people against democracy
when Iran right now not only didn't have fair elections, fair process of elections, put reformist in jail , close the newspapers, and that inside Iran there is no way to criticize Khamenei.... strange perception of democracy.

I hope the mods will indulge me because I am going off topic a little. When an individual or external agents states that in a particular country democracy does not exist I would say this;

In America a small number of rich disciplined Jews under the guise of AIPAC have subverted democracy. No American political leader dares to say anything about Israel without their approval as they need lots of money to get elected and AIPAC can make or break a politician in America. Simply American foreign policy is dictated to by Tel Aviv to the detrement of American people.

I live in the UK and the current regime in UK lead by cameron bearly got 20% of the vote.

I am of the opinion that if significant number of people decide not to be governed any form of government is impossible. Let me give you the example of Pakistan. If just 10% of people came on the streets in Pakistan that is say 18 million even though we have one of the largest armies in the world with a very effective secret servise and nukes the country would b ungovernable. What would our army do nuke its own people?

Similarly when we were lead to believe by western press that most of the Libyan people wanted to get rid of Gadaffi. Yet the supposed rebels without NATO couldnt get out of Bengazi.

In Iran I am sure like other countries there are minorities who are not happy with Iranian government. But who are we or you or outside agencies to say that that's the majority??? Do you think Israel and America should dictate to Iranians who is legitimate and who is not???
You really have a mental problem with seeing US behind any democracy movment.

Of course i am failed to show any Mousavi because WE don't have any video or direct words written by Mousavi. How long it would take for you to understand what i explain to you: Mousavi is blocked at home and forced to shut up.

You have one site saying bullshits about elections and 100 sites saying the truth
Longbrain will take the one site as the truth.
Your hatred towards US is so high that you congratulate the dictartor regime. High sense of morality , isnt it?
You really have a mental problem with seeing US behind any democracy movment.

Of course i am failed to show any Mousavi because WE don't have any video or direct words written by Mousavi. How long it would take for you to understand what i explain to you: Mousavi is blocked at home and forced to shut up.

You have one site saying bullshits about elections and 100 sites saying the truth
Longbrain will take the one site as the truth.
Your hatred towards US is so high that you congratulate the dictartor regime. High sense of morality , isnt it?

American governments actions have killed thousands with their disproportionate attacks on muslim countries. I dont think current Iranian leadership have. So are you surprised that we dislike Americans.

Do you want the type of democracy Americans introduced to Afghanistan? Iraq? Libya? in Iran??????
You really have a mental problem with seeing US behind any democracy movment.

Of course i am failed to show any Mousavi because WE don't have any video or direct words written by Mousavi. How long it would take for you to understand what i explain to you: Mousavi is blocked at home and forced to shut up.

You have one site saying bullshits about elections and 100 sites saying the truth
Longbrain will take the one site as the truth.
Your hatred towards US is so high that you congratulate the dictartor regime. High sense of morality , isnt it?

Here is a video of him talking just after an Iranian scientist was killed. Again no condemnation, so stop lying. The ridiculous idea that he can release press statements and video against Iran and in favor of US but can not mention the killings of Iranian scientists shows that you are mentally ill:

---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

American governments actions have killed thousands with their disproportionate attacks on muslim countries. I dont think current Iranian leadership have. So are you surprised that we dislike Americans.

Do you want the type of democracy Americans introduced to Afghanistan? Iraq? Libya? in Iran??????

Leave him, dear Aryan_B, he is just another green minion puppet working for western interests. These people worship wests and would love to be urinated on their bodies in order to make US happy. That is their only happiness and goal in life. To hand over their resources, children and honor of their women to the Americans and then die and be urinated on. That is their version of ideal life.
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The fact is this: greens were created by western intel agencies to conduct another operation ajax. But they failed this time. Greens leaders both inside and outside of Iran get happy when Iranian scientists get killed, that is why they have never condemned it. Maybe it is because they and their supporters are involved in it too.

Although I agree with you on Mousavi part and you're completely right that he should've condemned the attacks. I myself am no supporter of Mousavi and I consider him a traitor who betrayed both the Iranian people and the Iranian regime but my opinion about the Greens highly differ with you. You have a misconception that the Greens are just some people motivated by foreign intelligence agency that are going against the direction Iran is going on purpose. That's absurd. The Greens were gullible Iranian youths who thought that by supporting the movement they can bring more democracy to Iran, they wanted to make their voices be heard, but because they were gullible and not so much politically educated, they fell to the trap of the western propaganda and they unfortunately went the path that foreign news outlets like the BBC Persian and VOA wanted them to. Many of them are patriotic Iranians that have fallen in the trap of the western propaganda. I believe it's the fault of the Iranian regime that some naive people like the Greens were attracted to western propaganda. They are indeed very different from the MEK terrorists or such groups that have had direct ties with foreign intelligence agencies and the enemies of Iran and they have no potential to carry out terrorist bombings unlike groups like MEK.
Here is a video of him talking just after an Iranian scientist was killed. Again no condemnation, so stop lying. The ridiculous idea that he can release press statements and video against Iran and in favor of US but can not mention the killings of Iranian scientists shows that you are mentally ill:

---------- Post added at 06:25 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:23 PM ----------

Leave him, dear Aryan_B, he is just another green minion puppet working for western interests. These people worship wests and would love to be urinated on their bodies in order to make US happy. That is their only happiness and goal in life. To hand over their resources, children and honor of their women to the Americans and then die and be urinated on. That is their version of ideal life.
What it has to do with USA???
I am speaking about Iran , not USA. Why are you so sicky obsessed about USA ???

About the video... ah ahah what a joke you are. You know when was released this video? before he was not allowed to speak. see at least the date under the video , much more than a year ago..
and you are speaking then about scientist murdered?
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Although I agree with you on Mousavi part and you're completely right that he should've condemned the attacks. I myself am no supporter of Mousavi and I consider him a traitor who betrayed both the Iranian people and the Iranian regime but my opinion about the Greens highly differ with you. You have a misconception that the Greens are just some people motivated by foreign intelligence agency that are going against the direction Iran is going on purpose. That's absurd. The Greens were gullible Iranian youths who thought that by supporting the movement they can bring more democracy to Iran, they wanted to make their voices be heard, but because they were gullible and not so much politically educated, they fell to the trap of the western propaganda and they unfortunately went the path that foreign news outlets like the BBC Persian and VOA wanted them to. Many of them are patriotic Iranians that have fallen in the trap of the western propaganda. I believe it's the fault of the Iranian regime that some naive people like the Greens were attracted to western propaganda. They are indeed very different from the MEK terrorists or such groups that have had direct ties with foreign intelligence agencies and the enemies of Iran and they have no potential to carry out terrorist bombings unlike groups like MEK.

Sorry, I guess I have not been clear enough. By greens I mean their leaders and their associates who knew the truth and their hard core supporters specially those outside of Iran who know multiple languages and have a generally better idea of how west works. I am not talking about a half witted 17 year old girl or boy who on their way back from school thought it is a good idea to challenge the result of a national election without any evidence whatsoever and by attacking police and public buses based on what they had heard on BBC Persian.

Most of those gullible youths are now either defeated and live in depression or have recanted and found the truth behind it. This is the reality since we have not seen any protests anymore and even despite large protests in the region. If those youths wanted more democracy, they would have been well advised not to challenge the fair result of an election and supporting the old rich class of kleptocrats in Iran but by accepting it and showing their love for the rule of majority not just some pro-western thugs partying who are in minority. Still if they wanted any change they could have asked for a constitution amendment putting a tenure for supreme leader and a cap of maximum two terms for any Ayatollah becoming supreme leader. That is how rational people do things. Non-violently and slowly.

But instead these hard core supporters of kleptocrats love to be submitted to US. For them the act of submitting to American goals brings satisfaction and immense joy. They are like sexually sick people who like to be submissive and be bounded, beaten up and humiliated in order to be satisfied. These people like American urine all over their and their children's dead bodies. That is their only goal in life.
What it has to do with USA???
I am speaking about Iran , not USA. Why are you so sicky obsessed about USA ???

About the video... ah ahah what a joke you are. You know when was released this video? before he was not allowed to speak. see at least the date under the video , much more than a year ago..
and you are speaking then about scientist murdered?

Again you have lied. The video message is from 18th March 2010, after elections and just weeks after killings of an Iranian scientist. So stop lying.

And these are only video messages, there are literally tonnes of his printed statements on the net, all of them criticizing Iran but not one of them mentioning killings. So pathetic. I am sure he likes American urine too.
But instead these hard core supporters of kleptocrats love to be submitted to US. For them the act of submitting to American goals brings satisfaction and immense joy. They are like sexually sick people who like to be submissive and be bounded, beaten up and humiliated in order to be satisfied. These people like American urine all over their and their children's dead bodies. That is their only goal in life.

Perhaps we could just send these people for these activities to America? Its good for them they get what they want and Americans get what they want??

---------- Post added at 01:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 PM ----------

Again you have lied. The video message is from 18th March 2010, after elections and just weeks after killings of an Iranian scientist. So stop lying.

And these are only video messages, there are literally tonnes of his printed statements on the net, all of them criticizing Iran but not one of them mentioning killings. So pathetic. I am sure he likes American urine too.

But Americans are liars? So maybe he is wanting to be like Americans??
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