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Car bomb in Iran, University professor killed.

So what? most of the elite American scientists are in New York, California or Massachusetts. Why? Because many of the reputable US universities are in those states.
You're exaggerating the MEK presence in Tehran. the MEK is a desperate group with almost no support, the number of MEK supporters around the globe and in Iran doesn't exceed 500K if you ask me. Do not overestimate them.
Tehran is the only Iranian city with proper air defense. every inch of Tehran is covered by anti aircraft systems.The Iranian intelligence agency is doing its job fine. I don't blame them for that. they have foiled many US and Israeli sponsored plots. In fact they are the best in the region, they are just a head and shoulder above all other intelligence agencies in the ME. We're facing the world's strongest intelligence agencies, these things happen, and sometimes you just can't do much about them.

It is upto you. But you are comparing yourself with US? Are you serious? The country that spends more on its military and intel agencies than the rest of the world combined. Also US does not have the same problem as Iran. If I have to compare a similar situation, I would take Chinese and Russian model of doing things. They had built special purpose cities for their science and military projects in order to keep them secret and safe. Doing a scientific project of immense significance in Tehran neither can be kept secret nor it can be safe. As for United States, you should also know that only non-military research goes in major cities and all military and important research in US is done in designated science cities which are super secret for example, have you heard about this site and there are many more as well: Mercury, Nevada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

---------- Post added at 01:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 AM ----------

Read this as well to understand how to keep your scientists safe: Secret Cities
Thats epic. You support murder of Israeli women and children and then whine like a girl when Israel (allegedly) kills ur uranium enrichment guys and missile making generals.
Innocent Israeli women? Then who killed 1000 women and children during 22 days of Gaza war?
You can't even come close to talking about innocents because you are already drowned in blood.
On the other hand, Iranian hands are drenched with the blood of assassination and killings of all sorts of "innocent" people throughout the world. Remember the Jewish center in Argentina, Harriri in Lebanon, countless USA diplomats and peacekeepers, Iranian dissidents in Europe and the USA, and so on. For Iran to complain about a bit of asymmetrical warfare being waged against itself is truly the "pot calling the kettle black".
Those accusation are fabricated lies and they never could prove them.In Amia bombing,after months of investigating,they couldn't capture the terrorists and then accused Iran,without a single proof.In case of Hariri,well that doesn't need explanation because everyone knows who benefits the most from it.And about U.S diplomats,You couldn't prove that either,however you don't have any right to talk about that because U.S. hands are dirty with a lot of Iranians blood.What do you say about shoting down Iran airline flight 655 which killed 260 civilians?What do have to say about U.S aiding Iraq with everything it could and also giving Saddam chemical bombs to kill thousands of Iranians?What can you say about U.S arming terrorist groups opposing Iran?Actually here the real terrorist is not Iran.
Have some respect for the dead man and his family and as an opinionator stop posting for the sake of it.

The posters on this thread are hardly showing respect for the dead man and his family. I was merely offering an observation about the hypocrisy running rampant on the thread. I at least contributed a couple of news articles that advanced the topic ...

Buzz off, superkaif.
The posters on this thread are hardly showing respect for the dead man and his family. I was merely offering an observation about the hypocrisy running rampant on the thread. I at least contributed a couple of news articles that advanced the topic ...

Buzz off, superkaif.

Another Christian fascist troll.
So what? most of the elite American scientists are in New York, California or Massachusetts. Why? Because many of the reputable US universities are in those states.
You're exaggerating the MEK presence in Tehran. the MEK is a desperate group with almost no support, the number of MEK supporters around the globe and in Iran doesn't exceed 500K if you ask me. Do not overestimate them.
Tehran is the only Iranian city with proper air defense. every inch of Tehran is covered by anti aircraft systems.The Iranian intelligence agency is doing its job fine. I don't blame them for that. they have foiled many US and Israeli sponsored plots. In fact they are the best in the region, they are just a head and shoulder above all other intelligence agencies in the ME. We're facing the world's strongest intelligence agencies, these things happen, and sometimes you just can't do much about them.
No dadash. Iranian intelligence under moslehi has been functioning very badly. That guy needs to get his head chop off for his failures over and over again.4,5 of our valuable assets killed in broad daylight in TEHRAN ? WTF, this is ultimate security failure. After the grievance i had from tomorrow i am just slowly beginning to realize what a useless measures the intelligence ministry had taken for our scientist ! There was a reason why Ahmadinejad wanted to replace the useless intelligence chief.
Those accusation are fabricated lies and they never could prove them.

Your statement may be true. But, also, you will never prove who killed Mr. Mostafa Ahmadi-Roshan. That doesn't make what I posted untrue.
Iranain proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, killed hundreds of Israeli women and children. Thats fact.
That is a legit resistance
You see, you again prove my point. You guys send terrorists killing our women and children, calling it "resistance" and then whine like girls when your missile general or nuclear program manager is killed.

You will never have any peace. Never.
We already have peace. Sorry to dissapoint you. :wave:

Its funny to see how much hate you spew here, you are getting insane because deep inside u know that u can do nothing.

P.S. I think that this guy was killed by Iranians themselves after they discovered that he is spying for US/Israel or planned flee to West. Just like Hitler who killed Rommel and then declared him a hero.
No dadash. Iranian intelligence under moslehi has been functioning very badly. That guy needs to get his head chop off for his failures over and over again.4,5 of our valuable assets killed in broad daylight in TEHRAN ? WTF, this is ultimate security failure. After the grievance i had from tomorrow i am just slowly beginning to realize what a useless measures the intelligence ministry had taken for our scientist ! There was a reason why Ahmadinejad wanted to replace the useless intelligence chief.

Ahmadinejad was right about him. He is incompetent. The problem seems to be that there are some very hypocrite people surrounding supreme leader as advisors have made him to make some bad decisions. These are the same people with ties to Bazar and old friends of Hashemi and stuff. There are traitors within.
It is upto you. But you are comparing yourself with US? Are you serious? The country that spends more on its military and intel agencies than the rest of the world combined. Also US does not have the same problem as Iran. If I have to compare a similar situation, I would take Chinese and Russian model of doing things. They had built special purpose cities for their science and military projects in order to keep them secret and safe. Doing a scientific project of immense significance in Tehran neither can be kept secret nor it can be safe. As for United States, you should also know that only non-military research goes in major cities and all military and important research in US is done in designated science cities which are super secret for example, have you heard about this site and there are many more as well: Mercury, Nevada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

---------- Post added at 01:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:32 AM ----------

Read this as well to understand how to keep your scientists safe: Secret Cities
I have stated my opinion on this earlier and i am not ashamed to say that we should switch over to the north korean model. do we ever see journalists visiting their nuke sites like tourists and making hundred pictures ? do we see tourists entering that country and going to every spot of that land without any guide ?
if we want to reach our goal we must be flawless.
Ahmadinejad was right about him. He is incompetent. The problem seems to be that there are some very hypocrite people surrounding supreme leader as advisors have made him to make some bad decisions. These are the same people with ties to Bazar and old friends of Hashemi and stuff. There are traitors within.
You know, i really shouldnt be saying this, its wrong and it will violate everything i stand for. But i really hope one of these bombs target the advisors close to Khamenei themself so they get a serious wake up call. Leader Khamenei is unfortuantely still sleeping
I have stated my opinion on this earlier and i am not ashamed to say that we should switch over to the north korean model. do we ever see journalists visiting their nuke sites like tourists and making hundred pictures ? do we see tourists entering that country and going to every spot of that land without any guide ?
if we want to reach our goal we must be flawless.

North Korean is not right. Better models exist. Besides Iranian political frame work would not allow for such a thing. As I said, Iran needs to make off limit cities. This is the only way. Also you need to relocate your capital from Tehran the infested city of pro-western and MEK supporters. And more importantly Iran must build, test and weaponize nukes on ICBM's to keep itself safe. There can be no other alternative. You can go as a foreigner to United States and roam around freely but you can not go near a secret city ever. That is what Iran has to do. Separate secret work from public life.
I have stated my opinion on this earlier and i am not ashamed to say that we should switch over to the north korean model. do we ever see journalists visiting their nuke sites like tourists and making hundred pictures ? do we see tourists entering that country and going to every spot of that land without any guide ?
if we want to reach our goal we must be flawless.

Why don't you start by admitting publicly that all the hoo-haw about "peaceful" nuclear energy is just BS. Admit that your "goal" is nuclear weapons?

---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

You can go as a foreigner to United States and roam around freely but you can not go near a secret city ever.

The USA has no secret cities. Name one! What a fantasy view of the US you must have ......
You know, i really shouldnt be saying this, its wrong and it will violate everything i stand for. But i really hope one of these bombs target the advisors close to Khamenei themself so they get a serious wake up call. Leader Khamenei is unfortuantely still sleeping

Killing is not the solution. The only solution is for some good military and intel advisors make a good plan. Khamenei was almost himself killed twice. Once when they blew off his arm and second time when he was invited to go to the missile site that later exploded killing everyone in it. So if he has not learned it yet, then probably he will never. He should have supported Ahmadinejad instead of playing into hands of Hashemi and powerful Bazar hoarders who are against economic structural reform undertaken by Ahmadinejad and will stop at nothing in order to protect their monopoly on wealth. That is why I believe Iranian constitution has to be amended to allow for Supreme leader to have a tenure of 8 years after which there has to be a new vote in assembly of experts and that no one can stay supreme leader for more than two terms. 8 years is perfect since it is not short like 4 years of presidency and neither too long to make it look like eternity. A right balance. While supreme leader can take care of long term goals of Iran, the presidency can take care of short term plans and day to day running of the country.
Why don't you start by admitting publicly that all the hoo-haw about "peaceful" nuclear energy is just BS. Admit that your "goal" is nuclear weapons?

---------- Post added at 04:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:06 PM ----------

The USA has no secret cities. Name one! What a fantasy view of the US you must have ......

Every one knows that Iran already has nukes. It is just every one pretends that it does not since that way every one is comfortable.

US has hundreds of secret cities off limit to public:
Mercury, Nevada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Dugway Proving Ground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tonopah Test Range Airport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Area 51 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And many more which are super secret and never declared.
Killing is not the solution. The only solution is for some good military and intel advisors make a good plan. Khamenei was almost himself killed twice. Once when they blew off his arm and second time when he was invited to go to the missile site that later exploded killing everyone in it. So if he has not learned it yet, then probably he will never. He should have supported Ahmadinejad instead of playing into hands of Hashemi and powerful Bazar hoarders who are against economic structural reform undertaken by Ahmadinejad and will stop at nothing in order to protect their monopoly on wealth. That is why I believe Iranian constitution has to be amended to allow for Supreme leader to have a tenure of 8 years after which there has to be a new vote in assembly of experts and that no one can stay supreme leader for more than two terms. 8 years is perfect since it is not short like 4 years of presidency and neither too long to make it look like eternity. A right balance. While supreme leader can take care of long term goals of Iran, the presidency can take care of short term plans and day to day running of the country.
Khamenei is a smart and logical person, however not always. Be sure that if the founder of the revolution, khomeini was alive he would order a swift retaliation. It is just the Khamenei camp today that are calculating every move/step without having some sort of advantages. I wish Khomeini was alive and still in power, he would teach these Americans a lesson

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