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Israeli Source: Assassination Of Iranian Nuclear Scientist Joint Mossad-MEK Operation – OpEd

Written by: Richard Silverstein
January 11, 2012

France’s right-wing Le Figaro newspaper offers (this is an English language report on the story) a window into the types of training and recruitment the Mossad engages in to prepare for such sabotage missions. It reports that Israeli agents identify Iranian Kurdish recruits who are living in exile in Iraqi Kurdistan. There they train them in “spycraft and sabotage:”

…The Iranian assets are being prepared for conducting operations inside [Iran] as part of Israel’s undercover intelligence war against Iran’s nuclear energy program. The Baghdad source told the French daily that part of Israel’s sabotage program against sensitive Iranian nuclear facilities, which includes targeted assassinations of Iranian nuclear experts, is directed out of the autonomous region of Iraqi Kurdistan, “where [Mossad] agents have stepped up their penetration.” For this, “the Israelis are using Kurdish oppositionists to the regime in Iran, who are living as refugees in the Kurdish regions of Iraq”, the source told Le Figaro.

Although the article makes no mention of official or unofficial sanction of the Israeli operations by the Iraqi Kurdish authorities, it implies that the alleged Mossad activities are an open secret in Iraqi Kurdistan. This is not the first time that allegations have surfaced in the international press about Israeli intelligence activities in Kurdistan. In 2006, the BBC flagship investigative television program Newsnight obtained strong evidence of Israeli operatives providing military training to Kurdish militia members. The program aired video footage showing Israeli expects drilling members of Kurdish armed groups in shooting techniques and guerrilla tactics.

The Israeli government denied having authorized any such training, while Iraqi Kurdish officials refused to comment on the report. But Israeli security experts told the BBC that it would be virtually impossible for Israeli trainers to operate inside Iraqi Kurdistan “without the knowledge of the Kurdish authorities.”

Iraqi Kurdistan may be one of the few places in the Arab world in which an Israeli is welcome, even Israeli spies.

There also can be little doubt that the U.S. comes into this mix, as the Iraqi Kurdish authorities maintain extremely good relations with U.S. officials in that country. And it’s hard to believe that we aren’t playing a role in expediting this mischief in any way we can.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it every time something like this happens: assassinations like the one today accomplish nothing. It doesn’t fundamentally harm Iran’s nuclear program. It doesn’t deter Iran or its scientists from pursuing the research and whatever scientific goals they may have. These are shameful acts by a shameful Israeli government exploiting Iranian terrorists for their own ends. I find it disgusting that Israel can get away with such acts with impunity.

I am not a supporter of Iran’s nuclear program. But I am even less a supporter of assassination as state policy, and that includes my own nation, whose president seems especially enamored of targeted killings, even of U.S. citizens.

This article appeared at Tikun Olam

Israeli Source: Assassination Of Iranian Nuclear Scientist Joint Mossad-MEK Operation - OpEd
you are a .... lier.
Iranain proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, killed hundreds of Israeli women and children. Thats fact.

you were successful in orphaning iranian scientists children.
You should not blame others for your criminals. If instead investing billions in Arab terrorism u were taking care of your people u would have much less crime.
On the other hand, Iranian hands are drenched with the blood of assassination and killings of all sorts of "innocent" people throughout the world. Remember the Jewish center in Argentina, Harriri in Lebanon, countless USA diplomats and peacekeepers, Iranian dissidents in Europe and the USA, and so on. For Iran to complain about a bit of asymmetrical warfare being waged against itself is truly the "pot calling the kettle black".
Really? Because car bombings in the Middle East are not commonplace? I highly doubt that it was Mossad, placing a bomb on a car in broad daylight is not only very risky, the chances of it working correctly are very slim. Any government led killings (especially one by a specialized agency) is going to be a very well calculated operation. It seems doubtful that this was done by Mossad, and there is no evidence whatsoever that implicates them.

Do me a favor - stop sounding as stupid as your avatar looks. This is clearly Mossad and Zionist attack. They are clearly agitated and are constantly knocking at their sugar daddys door (USA) to do something regarding the advancements made by Iran. What your country and people dont realize is every one scientist you take down - there is another 10 brave souls to take their place. To kill innocent people working to benefit their nation increases the anti israeli sentiment already existing. A scumy nation to take innocent lives. Long live Irans nuclear plans....
Iranain proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, killed hundreds of Israeli women and children. Thats fact.
its your fault.you robbed palestinians land and we support them to give their land back.

You should not blame others for your criminals. If instead investing billions in Arab terrorism u were taking care of your people u would have much less crime.
i explained it in first part of my post.so we should blame you.and you will see how we will judge you
On the other hand, Iranian hands are drenched with the blood of assassination and killings of all sorts of "innocent" people throughout the world. Remember the Jewish center in Argentina, Harriri in Lebanon, countless USA diplomats and peacekeepers, Iranian dissidents in Europe and the USA, and so on. For Iran to complain about a bit of asymmetrical warfare being waged against itself is truly the "pot calling the kettle black".
welcome back troll

---------- Post added at 11:51 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:49 PM ----------

Iranain proxies Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad, killed hundreds of Israeli women and children. Thats fact.

You should not blame others for your criminals. If instead investing billions in Arab terrorism u were taking care of your people u would have much less crime.
Hezbollah is not sending rockets to Israel. Or you give me some news about it?
Why you don't speak abotu the real groups who send rockets to Israel?
On the other hand, Iranian hands are drenched with the blood of assassination and killings of all sorts of "innocent" people throughout the world. Remember the Jewish center in Argentina, Harriri in Lebanon, countless USA diplomats and peacekeepers, Iranian dissidents in Europe and the USA, and so on. For Iran to complain about a bit of asymmetrical warfare being waged against itself is truly the "pot calling the kettle black".
oh see who is talking about the humanity haha.its better to you to be quiet in any thread which is for humanity.ok?
its your fault.you robbed palestinians land and we support them to give their land back.

i explained it in first part of my post.so we should blame you.and you will see how we will judge you
Thats epic. You support murder of Israeli women and children and then whine like a girl when Israel (allegedly) kills ur uranium enrichment guys and missile making generals.
Please read article gentlemen.

On Tuesday, Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz, Israel's military chief of staff, was quoted as saying that Iran should expect more "unnatural" events in 2012.

Lmao. These israelis are basically admitting it.
On the other hand, Iranian hands are drenched with the blood of assassination and killings of all sorts of "innocent" people throughout the world. Remember the Jewish center in Argentina, Harriri in Lebanon, countless USA diplomats and peacekeepers, Iranian dissidents in Europe and the USA, and so on. For Iran to complain about a bit of asymmetrical warfare being waged against itself is truly the "pot calling the kettle black".

Why are you trying to derail this thread? After putting up 6000 posts one would expect a sense of respect for the members of this site. Your insinuations of Iranian hands drenched in blood is an outrageous defense on this thread. Nonsense and of course off topic. There has been a life of an innocent scientist taken by Mossad and you are defending this atrocity. This sort of murder is wrong wherever and by whoever. Have some respect for the dead man and his family and as an opinionator stop posting for the sake of it.
Do me a favor - stop sounding as stupid as your avatar looks. This is clearly Mossad and Zionist attack. They are clearly agitated and are constantly knocking at their sugar daddys door (USA) to do something regarding the advancements made by Iran. What your country and people dont realize is every one scientist you take down - there is another 10 brave souls to take their place. To kill innocent people working to benefit their nation increases the anti israeli sentiment already existing. A scumy nation to take innocent lives. Long live Irans nuclear plans....

Keep on being delusional. :tup:
Thats epic. You support murder of Israeli women and children and then whine like a girl when Israel (allegedly) kills ur uranium enrichment guys and missile making generals.
oh you are bothering me!hey!we have never supported anyone to kill civilians.everyone knows that hezbollah killed civilians less than you killed in 2006 war.
you can survive yourselvs.you should escape from the palestine then you will enjoy your life in europe!
oh you are bothering me!hey!we have never supported anyone to kill civilians.everyone know that hezbollah killed civilians less than you killed.
you can survive yourselvs.you should escape from the palestine then you will enjoy your life.
If you want to destroy Israel come here and fight like a man. But all you can do is send terrorists and whine like a girl.
If you want to destroy Israel come here and fight like a man. But all you can do is send terrorists and whine like a girl.
just put iran instead of israel in this post and send it to Netanyahu and mossad bosses.i hope they will do it and wont continue this way
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