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Car bomb in Iran, University professor killed.

This is state terrorism from a coward country, the same one that arrests and interrogates 6 year olds...

These are acts that should be condemned by the international community though one would only expect hypocrisy from them.

An Armenian terror group was assassinating Turkish diplomats. The European countries were enabling and helping them. It only stopped after we started hunting them with a counter terrorism team. There are many Jewish professors scattered throughout the world. If I were Iran I would randomly target a few to make it really expensive for Israel to continue its acts of international terrorism. It is the logical way to stop it...

Rashad khalifah claimed to be a prophet, he was nothing but a zindiq.

any way on this topic, One simple fact iranian corrupted terrorist regime and its followers don't want to admit it, these attacks are not coming from zionists or israelis or the US blah blah
it is iranian them selves are bombing and killing each other for political controversies and ethnic/sectarian problems.

well thats my reply in this topic
This is state terrorism from a coward country, the same one that arrests and interrogates 6 year olds...

These are acts that should be condemned by the international community though one would only expect hypocrisy from them.

An Armenian terror group was assassinating Turkish diplomats. The European countries were enabling and helping them. It only stopped after we started hunting them with a counter terrorism team. There are many Jewish professors scattered throughout the world. If I were Iran I would randomly target a few to make it really expensive for Israel to continue its acts of international terrorism. It is the logical way to stop it...

We can assassinate any Israeli scientist within the Israeli territory if we want but the problem is that they'll block or take our wealth outside of Iran for compensation but we can't do the same. You probably haven't heard about the Chicago Persian heritage crisis. They are cowards, they can do nothing but to seize Iranian cultural and historical assets in western countries that have been loaned to them before the revolution, but we indeed have the capability to retaliate if we want to.
To catch the murderers we need to close off the border with our neighbouring countries. closing our airports will increase the chance to arrest the murderers.

Most likely they have fled from Tehran into some of the neighbouring provinces, possibly alborz province (karaj) or Qazvin. There must be done street by street alley by alley, and house to house search by the intelligence agents,police,army and airforce (search helicopters). if the security branches work together well we will find these animals and will interogate them on the Iranian way
To catch the murderers we need to close off the border with our neighbouring countries. closing our airports will increase the chance to arrest the murderers.

Most likely they have fled from Tehran into some of the neighbouring provinces, possibly alborz province (karaj) or Qazvin. There must be done street by street alley by alley, and house to house search by the intelligence agents,police,army and airforce (search helicopters). if the security branches work together well we will find these animals and will interogate them on the Iranian way

The most important thing to remember is the enemy is attempting to stop Iran achieving their goals. Iran must focus even more on the goal it has. It must be resilient and increase security to defend its citizens. I also agree about tighter border controls to catch these cockroaches. Iran must remain brave and by achieving their priorities is a big enough answer to these terrorists. BTW we all know its mossad - they are the lowest form of human - to carry these attacks out shows how low they will stoop
We can assassinate any Israeli scientist within the Israeli territory if we want but the problem is that they'll block or take our wealth outside of Iran for compensation but we can't do the same. You probably haven't heard about the Chicago Persian heritage crisis. They are cowards, they can do nothing but to seize Iranian cultural and historical assets in western countries that have been loaned to them before the revolution, but we indeed have the capability to retaliate if we want to.

I did not say put a bomb in their car, a stimulated heart attack would do it. Even regular homicide case solutions are nowhere near a satisfactory rate. If Israel can do this in Iran, Iran can do it anywhere without it being connected to Iranian intelligence. The Iranian state has right to protect itself and his citizens from these acts.

You should let them bleed as they are bleeding you so that these acts of international terrorism and cowardice would stop.
Cowardly act, but not unexpected. RIP to the dead ...

A coward nation of great proportion. They arrest 6 year old and now blow up scientists up around the world. It makes me annoyed that they think that they can get away with this type of behavior. The desperation of Israel is showing - do they believe they can stop Iran achieving their goals?
I think Pakistan should give them a nuke or 2 to act as a deterrent - that would stop Mossad attacks i reckon!!!!!!
I did not say put a bomb in their car, a stimulated heart attack would do it. Even regular homicide case solutions are nowhere near a satisfactory rate. If Israel can do this in Iran, Iran can do it anywhere without it being connected to Iranian intelligence. The Iranian state has right to protect itself and his citizens from these acts.

You should let them bleed as they are bleeding you so that these acts of international terrorism and cowardice would stop.

You want us to inject Potassium in their blood vessels to stimulate a heart attack? xP and you think no one will find out? xD

It's not Israel alone. They have the help of the CIA and the UK Ministry of Intelligence as well.

For now the best thing is that we improve security for our scientists. Unfortunately they are many and we can't dedicate a body guard for every one of them. I believe the best possible way now is to arm them to protect themselves from these 'motorcyclists'. Just shoot 'em between the eyes if they tried to attach anything to your car.
The martyred 32 year olds scientist Ahmadi Roshan

Rest in Peace brother

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