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Car bomb in Iran, University professor killed.

They should arm our nuclear scientists and important university professors with guns, just pull the trigger and head shot the motorcyclist if anyone approached you. just as simple as that.
guys look really look what happened to Pakistan after they turned against US,same in iraq and ...
these terrors just shows how blind they are. they can not stop us by killing our scientist each one of these professors have atleast 30 PHD student they will keep the process with more motivation.

however till there is this cancer(israel ,a.k.a US watchdog!) among the ME there would be terror plot .
btw its not 1 or 2 or 100 or 1000 professor there is more that 77k working in universities forget about those who work secretly!
May be its possible that university administration against on professor because of his uni secret aur any reason.. because university's have high security how motor cyclist take bomb with us and stuck on car how?????? some one ther who support his and take bomb with us then give him.. thts why he killed in university

are you pakistani?
'Unnatural' events

Wednesday's assassination is "evidence of [foreign] government-sponsored terrorism" but will not stop Iran's nuclear programme, Vice President Mohammad Reza Rahimi told state television.

"Today those who claim to be combatting terrorism have targeted Iranian scientists," he said. "They should know that Iranian scientists are more determined than ever in striding towards Iran's progress."

The US and Israel say Iran is trying to develop nuclear weapons technology. Iran denies the allegations, saying that its programme is intended for peaceful purposes.

There was no immediate word from officials in Israel, which has always declined comment on previous such bombings.

On Tuesday, Lieutenant-General Benny Gantz, Israel's military chief of staff, was quoted as saying that Iran should expect more "unnatural" events in 2012.

His comments, to a closed-door parliamentary panel, were widely interpreted as alluding to previous acts of sabotage.

"For Iran, 2012 is a critical year in combining the continuation of its nuclearisation, internal changes in the Iranian leadership, continuing and growing pressure from the international community and things which take place in an unnatural manner," Gantz was quoted as saying.

Iran blast 'kills nuclear scientist

Sounds like a confession to me.
Iranians are increasingly looking stupid and incompetent. They can not even protect their top scientists and engineers. They have not yet even retaliated for such terror acts by taking out Israeli scientists and engineers. Not only that but also they have failed to make these terror acts, embargoes and war threats the basis to leave the NPT. Iran should have by now built, tested and weaponized its nukes. There is no other way to explain this except to say that Iranians have become incompetent.
Calm down.... Mossad is deadly and Israel is a formidable foe. Not to even mention USA.

The Iranians are the underdogs, up against immense odds. They are holding tight despite the pressure. That's all that can be expected for now.

Obviously, Iran is on the back foot with all these assassinations. They will need to get their house in order to stem the bleeding. At the very least, you need to seclude these top nuclear scientists and engineers in a military facility.
Actually no, desperation is lack of option, there is still the lest option, ATTACK.
Aren't you ashamed of your terrorist government by talking like this?If you had guts,you would fight Iran like men.Not to kill scientists and hide in the dark like cowards.
Where is U.S. now to bark about condemning terrorism and blah blah?
they cant attack from front but i dont think this would effect much had they done it 4 years before then it would have stopped it as i believe iran is at the end of its nuclear research if they are building bunkers for 10 kiloton nuclear blast
Iran is Intl a closed country. I am sure that anything going & out is throughly checked. Then how come all this mosad thugs get in
Iran & blow up scientist. Don't Iran give protection to its high profile scientist. I think there was a hardly a case where PAK
scientist were blown up in the 80's & 90's and PAk is a more open country.
Nobody can say if it is Mossad.
But one thing is sure: some group or country wants to destabilize Iran. They don't kill the brain of the program but they clearly want to put some terror inside our country.
Nobody can say if it is Mossad.
But one thing is sure: some group or country wants to destabilize Iran. They don't kill the brain of the program but they clearly want to put some terror inside our country.

Because they can't kill the main scientists. They just want to create fear among Iranian scientists by terror.
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