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Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

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Typical Armenian response. "Turks can't do anything to us, big daddy Russia will nuke one of its biggest export markets and save Armenian ****."

Please wake up an the smell the coffee.

Then why hasn't Turkey done anything in the past 20 years, considering that Armenia is occupying 20% of "brother Azerbaijan" land?
Then why hasn't Turkey done anything in the past 20 years, considering that Armenia is occupying 20% of "brother Azerbaijan" land?

Who said that we didn't do anything? ÖKK personnel armed and trained Azeri Army, still Turkey is one of the biggest arms suppliers of Azerbaijan.
Who said that we didn't do anything? ÖKK personnel armed and trained Azeri Army, still Turkey is one of the biggest arms suppliers of Azerbaijan.

lol see that is exactly what I mean. Turkey will help "brother" Azerbaijan, but will do nothing to upset Russia.
lol see that is exactly what I mean. Turkey will help "brother" Azerbaijan, but will do nothing to upset Russia.

You can research what we did in Russian-Georgian War and the current situation in Batum. Russia is not a god you know.
OK...clearly that kind of scenario would not even unfold, given that Tsar Bomba is decommissioned.
It's just your wet dream, there's a saying in Turkey "If god accepted prayers of dogs, bones would rain from the sky."

"And second, as long as i breathe you will never have another opportunity to massacre my people" ... lol gtfo no Armenian is scared of some armchair warrior in Istanbul. Besides, massacring of Turks did happen, but only as retaliation to the Genocide. What did you expect?
So you have massacred Turks to retaliate "genocide",

Like you weren't on an armed revolt against Ottoman Empire, you didn't establish Hınchak and Tashnak terror organizations, you didn't side with Russians and French to finish us in our weakest time huh?

Arabs, Armenians, Greeks, all counted that Turks would lose, Turks were dying but surprise motherphuckers. We have prevailed, you've became dogs of Russians and French for nothing! This is what happens to tracherous scum! Arabs, Greeks, Armenians you are all in agony. You can't even live in your sh*thole countries! Reality is a ****** huh?

We are so phucking strong you can't even get Russians to do anything for you anymore. Your massacres weren't enough, you wan't to settle scores but good morning azzhole, you can't!

Military forums are not the places to whine about your ****hurt. GTF outta here before you embarrass yourself anymore. There are millions like me and you will learn to fear each one of us, I assure you that.

lol see that is exactly what I mean. Turkey will help "brother" Azerbaijan, but will do nothing to upset Russia.
Oh Azerbaijan can take care of itself, sooner or later they will breach those much trusted defenses of yours and claim the lands that are rightfully theirs.
It's just your wet dream, there's a saying in Turkey "If god accepted prayers of dogs, bones would rain from the sky."

So you have massacred Turks to retaliate "genocide",

Like you weren't on an armed revolt against Ottoman Empire, you didn't establish Hınchak and Tashnak terror organizations, you didn't side with Russians and French to finish us in our weakest time huh?

Arabs, Armenians, Greeks, all counted that Turks would lose, Turks were dying but surprise motherphuckers. We have prevailed, you've became dogs of Russians and French for nothing! This is what happens to tracherous scum! Arabs, Greeks, Armenians you are all in agony. You can't even live in your sh*thole countries! Reality is a ****** huh?

We are so phucking strong you can't even get Russians to do anything for you anymore. Your massacres weren't enough, you wan't to settle scores but good morning azzhole, you can't!

Military forums are not the places to whine about your ****hurt. GTF outta here before you embarrass yourself anymore. There are millions like me and you will learn to fear each one of us, I assure you that.

Oh Azerbaijan can take care of itself, sooner or later they will breach those much trusted defenses of yours and claim the lands that are rightfully theirs.

Look, I can put you where you belong, but I won't since I only judge a country by it's actions not by some worthless posts of a desperate guy. I hope Deno take action this time.
LegionnairE how old are you? You always speak like a kid like fwck constantly, and using foreign names like LegionnairE, stop putting everyone in same basket.
Then why hasn't Turkey done anything in the past 20 years, considering that Armenia is occupying 20% of "brother Azerbaijan" land?

Hasn't done anything? Your all starving, running to other countries, begging to open borders, economy is dead, what else you want? Don't worry azerbaycan will get that back soon, the time is coming.
Look, I can put you where you belong, but I won't since I only judge a country by it's actions not by some worthless posts of a desperate guy. I hope Deno take action this time.

I agree with you, I hate those back stabbers, but if they was let's say Kenyan or something, are we going to hate all Kenyan? Also same me as well, judge by action and majority, today we are becoming good allies, mursi said to Turkey as brother country and my second home, also Arabs have fought with us greatly against zionist and western imperialism mentality though some back stabbed and got tricked.
Look, I can put you where you belong, but I won't since I only judge a country by it's actions not by some worthless posts of a desperate guy. I hope Deno take action this time.

I replied to you, thanks to database problems of yesterday it was lost. Anyway, obviously the guy got me pissed off, sorry for breaking your feelings though.

Doesn't changed the fact that we've been betrayed by our dearest allies when we were weak. I may be young but I'm not naive enough to believe all the smiling faces now. All of you were circling like vultures just a while ago.

Great Ottoman Empire couldn't find a single friend except Pakistan while it's falling.

and @basbug I don't have to explain myself to you.
I replied to you, thanks to database problems of yesterday it was lost. Anyway, obviously the guy got me pissed off, sorry for breaking your feelings though.

Doesn't changed the fact that we've been betrayed by our dearest allies when we were weak. I may be young but I'm not naive enough to believe all the smiling faces now.

Great Ottoman Empire couldn't find a single friend except Pakistan when falling.

and @basbug I don't have to explain myself to you.

Atatürk'ün resmi, isim LegionnairE, vay bee.
I replied to you, thanks to database problems of yesterday it was lost. Anyway, obviously the guy got me pissed off, sorry for breaking your feelings though.

Doesn't changed the fact that we've been betrayed by our dearest allies when we were weak. I may be young but I'm not naive enough to believe all the smiling faces now. All of you were circling like vultures just a while ago.

Great Ottoman Empire couldn't find a single friend except Pakistan while falling.

and @basbug I don't have to explain myself to you.

Much respect, LegionnairE ! Much respect indeed ! Inshallah may we be forever present if Turkey needed us again.
Not all Arabs back stabbed, the ones that did saw the results with the creation of Israel.

Bak kardeşim, burada ben dahil küfür etmediğin insan kalmadı. Bu sözde "Türk karşıtı" forumda yazan bütün Tükleri o.ç. ilan ettin, Zakii'ye WebMaster'a küfürler ettin, 2 gün sonra 8. multi hesabınla geldin yine saçmalamaya başladın. Artık insanlar sıkıldı seninle uğraşmaktan, reportlamaya tenezzül bile etmiyorlar.

İstediğin kadar hesap aç, bu kafayla hepsi teker teker banlanacak. Muhtemelen 17-18 yaşında bir ergensin, bundan 3-5 sene sonra burada yazdıklarını okuyup "ne kadar salakmışım lan ben" diye düşüneceksin.

Bu kadar yüzsüzlük olmaz amk.

Ben burda ülkemi savunmaya insanları bilgilendirmeye ve serefsizlere karşı savunmak için burdayım ve ordu hakkında bilgi için, yoksa pekde umrumda değil, isim gücüm var benim bir siteylemi ugrasacam, bana para kazandirmiyor bişey etmiyor.

Haa bide baksana kim senin sözünü beğenmiş sonra bir daha dusun.
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