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Canada honors Turkish diplomat with monument

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I replied to you, thanks to database problems of yesterday it was lost. Anyway, obviously the guy got me pissed off, sorry for breaking your feelings though.

Doesn't changed the fact that we've been betrayed by our dearest allies when we were weak. I may be young but I'm not naive enough to believe all the smiling faces now. All of you were circling like vultures just a while ago.

Great Ottoman Empire couldn't find a single friend except Pakistan while it's falling.

and @basbug I don't have to explain myself to you.

Because you were weak? For your information, Arabs were content with Turkish rule only because it ruled under Islam banner, we are as proud of Turkish state BEFORE 1895 as you are. But after the seizing of power by racist Turk nationalists, pursuing assimilation process by banning teaching Arabs at schools, imposing unfair taxes, poverty, and backwardness, massacres that were committed by Jamal Basha Al-Safah and others as well as the oppression, led to Arab revolution. The reason Aras accepted Turkish, as I said, was ruling under Islam banner not Turkish banner, so that reason was nullified by Turkish nationalists taking over the reign. After years of oppression, Arabs in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan called for Mekkah Emmir help, Hussein Bin Ali, and he decided to send an army, after then British and France offered help and after hesitation he accepted it and then he was deceived. We didn't back stab you, we defeated you, we had the right to get our independence. Let Ummah go hell guys, after Turkish rule, we would never accept any intervention from non-Arabs in our issues, you betrayed our trust and treated us like dirt after we were the masters of this part of world, we were the most backward people on earth after Turkish rule which indicates to the poor education and standards of living in Arab regions under Turks, after we were the pioneers of science and knowledge.
Because you were weak? For your information, Arabs were content with Turkish rule only because it ruled under Islam banner, we are as proud of Turkish state BEFORE 1895 as you are. But after the seizing of power by racist Turk nationalists, pursuing assimilation process by banning teaching Arabs at schools, imposing unfair taxes, poverty, and backwardness, massacres that were committed by Jamal Basha Al-Safah and others as well as the oppression, led to Arab revolution. The reason Aras accepted Turkish, as I said, was ruling under Islam banner not Turkish banner, so that reason was nullified by Turkish nationalists taking over the reign. After years of oppression, Arabs in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan called for Mekkah Emmir help, Hussein Bin Ali, and he decided to send an army, after then British and France offered help and after hesitation he accepted it and then he was deceived. We didn't back stab you, we defeated you, we had the right to get our independence. Let Ummah go hell guys, after Turkish rule, we would never accept any intervention from non-Arabs in our issues, you betrayed our trust and treated us like dirt after we were the masters of this part of world, we were the most backward people on earth after Turkish rule which indicates to the poor education and standards of living in Arab regions under Turks, after we were the pioneers of science and knowledge.

Mate we know the story very well..But according to your perception its not a backstabbing and according to some of Turks, it is..So no point in discussing such disturbing topics anymore..

Instead of dwelling in the past, we should improve our relations and look to the future which we are doing it right now..My kindly advice is not only for you but for all of us here, especially who brings this issue on to the table over and over again for i dont know which reason
Mate we know the story very well..But according to your perception its not a backstabbing and according to some of Turks, it is..So no point in discussing such disturbing topics anymore..

Instead of dwelling in the past, we should improve our relations and look to the future which we are doing it right now..My kindly advice is not only for you but for all of us here, especially who brings this issue on to the table over and over again for i dont know which reason

Actually, I know the story very well in details since I was a child and I believe in it, I don't know what you were taught, but it's definitely according to your point of view.

Anyway, the last thing an Arab would think about is those dark days, we don't care and we barely talk about it while you guys still live that past.

All we talk about is the beautiful old times of Ottomans like Mohammed Al-Fateh. So, let's concentrate about things that get us together.
Because you were weak? For your information, Arabs were content with Turkish rule only because it ruled under Islam banner, we are as proud of Turkish state BEFORE 1895 as you are. But after the seizing of power by racist Turk nationalists, pursuing assimilation process by banning teaching Arabs at schools, imposing unfair taxes, poverty, and backwardness, massacres that were committed by Jamal Basha Al-Safah and others as well as the oppression, led to Arab revolution. The reason Aras accepted Turkish, as I said, was ruling under Islam banner not Turkish banner, so that reason was nullified by Turkish nationalists taking over the reign. After years of oppression, Arabs in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan called for Mekkah Emmir help, Hussein Bin Ali, and he decided to send an army, after then British and France offered help and after hesitation he accepted it and then he was deceived. We didn't back stab you, we defeated you, we had the right to get our independence. Let Ummah go hell guys, after Turkish rule, we would never accept any intervention from non-Arabs in our issues, you betrayed our trust and treated us like dirt after we were the masters of this part of world, we were the most backward people on earth after Turkish rule which indicates to the poor education and standards of living in Arab regions under Turks, after we were the pioneers of science and knowledge.

Actually forget it.
Because you were weak? For your information, Arabs were content with Turkish rule only because it ruled under Islam banner, we are as proud of Turkish state BEFORE 1895 as you are. But after the seizing of power by racist Turk nationalists, pursuing assimilation process by banning teaching Arabs at schools, imposing unfair taxes, poverty, and backwardness, massacres that were committed by Jamal Basha Al-Safah and others as well as the oppression, led to Arab revolution. The reason Aras accepted Turkish, as I said, was ruling under Islam banner not Turkish banner, so that reason was nullified by Turkish nationalists taking over the reign. After years of oppression, Arabs in Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan called for Mekkah Emmir help, Hussein Bin Ali, and he decided to send an army, after then British and France offered help and after hesitation he accepted it and then he was deceived. We didn't back stab you, we defeated you, we had the right to get our independence. Let Ummah go hell guys, after Turkish rule, we would never accept any intervention from non-Arabs in our issues, you betrayed our trust and treated us like dirt after we were the masters of this part of world, we were the most backward people on earth after Turkish rule which indicates to the poor education and standards of living in Arab regions under Turks, after we were the pioneers of science and knowledge.
Defeated, how honorable of you. Striking against your ally while they are fighting against incredible odds already. We have lost 180.000 troops in a single front, 90.000 in another fighting against Brits, French, Russians but we've sent them back to where they came from. Those "Armenian victims" were raiding villages slaughtering population under French banner. We've been dying in here. As for you, you obey where the power lies "muslim brotherhood" "islamic world" ...all bullsh*t. You worship power, nothing else. You think you have defeated us ...you were but a tool to imperialist powers.

You find out your true friends and foes in dark times, that we did. As for Arabs I don't hate you or anything i just don't respect you or trust your word. You are still as backward as Ottomans left you, under your emirs and kings. Estabilshed by your dear ally Britain, one of the smallest countries of the world has kicked your azz all over the middle east.

Pioneers of science and knowledge he says :lol:
It's just your wet dream, there's a saying in Turkey "If god accepted prayers of dogs, bones would rain from the sky."

So you have massacred Turks to retaliate "genocide",

Like you weren't on an armed revolt against Ottoman Empire, you didn't establish Hınchak and Tashnak terror organizations, you didn't side with Russians and French to finish us in our weakest time huh?

Arabs, Armenians, Greeks, all counted that Turks would lose, Turks were dying but surprise motherphuckers. We have prevailed, you've became dogs of Russians and French for nothing! This is what happens to tracherous scum! Arabs, Greeks, Armenians you are all in agony. You can't even live in your sh*thole countries! Reality is a ****** huh?

We are so phucking strong you can't even get Russians to do anything for you anymore. Your massacres weren't enough, you wan't to settle scores but good morning azzhole, you can't!

Military forums are not the places to whine about your ****hurt. GTF outta here before you embarrass yourself anymore. There are millions like me and you will learn to fear each one of us, I assure you that.

Oh Azerbaijan can take care of itself, sooner or later they will breach those much trusted defenses of yours and claim the lands that are rightfully theirs.

Yes, Armenians retaliated for Turkey's attempt at Genocide. If you knew anything about the history of your country, this should hardly come as a surprise.

Who the f is "you"? Yes, some Armenians were Dashnaks and Hinchaks, but why were women and children and priests massacred by Ottomans as well? Your BS arguments are so easy to fend off because you are spouting lies.

"We have prevailed"...LOL. Yes, Turkey is currently on friendly relations with all countries, is not suffering from religious intolerance, is not suffering from a Kurdish insurgency, and is definitely open about its history.

"We are so phucking strong you can't even get Russians to do anything for you anymore." What are Russians supposed to "do" for us? Seriously, you are full of such stupid statements. I should, as a side-project, make a pamphlet of idiotic Legionaire statements and publish it on PDF for laughs.

Look, I could tell a long time ago that you are some 15 year old kid venting rage on the computer because you do not go outside enough. You need to stop getting so worked up over the Internet.

What Armenians think of Azerbaijani threats: Stepanakert Airport is launched | Armenia News - NEWS.am
Defeated, how honorable of you. Striking against your ally while they are fighting against incredible odds already. We have lost 180.000 troops in a single front, 90.000 in another fighting against Brits, French, Russians but we've sent them back to where they came from. Those "Armenian victims" were raiding villages slaughtering population under French banner. We've been dying in here. As for you, you obey where the power lies "muslim brotherhood" "islamic world" ...all bullsh*t. You worship power, nothing else. You think you have defeated us ...you were but a tool to imperialist powers.

You find out your true friends and foes in dark times, that we did. As for Arabs I don't hate you or anything i just don't respect you or trust your word. You are still as backward as Ottomans left you, under your emirs and kings. Estabilshed by your dear ally Britain, one of the smallest countries of the world has kicked your azz all over the middle east.

Pioneers of science and knowledge he says :lol:

Listen, I don't care of what you believe, it's your version of history. Leave it.
Read history genius, Islamic Golden age, and read about Arab accomplishments and then compare it with yours, if you have any. Backwards in terms of what? Are you any better?

Let's take education index:

110 Turkey

Education Index - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Human Development Index

92 Turkey

Back to the topic;

If any of PDF members are interested in so called Armenian Genocide issue, i suggest you to watch that video of Turkey's Prime Minister who gave the opening speech at the 44th Security Conference held in Munich, Germany, and answered attendees' questions. In this video he responds to a question asked about the "Armenian issue." While the speech is in Turkish, English subtitles are included.

Decide for yourselves..

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Atatürk'ün resmi, isim LegionnairE, vay bee.
I'm using this name since my childhood, something you can't dream of doing
There are several new generation aircraft from Sukhoi and Mikoyan companies that will be introduced in coming years, while Turkey submits to American superiority and buys F class.
Speaks for itself,
Russian planes are like Bulldozer, they have that eight-core architecture when it comes to technical things, what makes a plane a plane. American "F Series" are like Sandy Bridge the airframe may not be the most agile one but they beat the sh*t out of Russian planes with all those fancy upgrades and BVR capabilities. Even built in 1970s planes may have very advanced avionics and radar systems. All our F16s except some (about two squadrons) of Block 40s have Block50+ capabilities.

For example F22's thrust is lower than of F15's but even the Russians are trying to copy it for the last two decades :)

And @Blackeagle
Have you heard about relativity? It was all about it. Because the Europe was under catholic rule people in the east had a slight advantage. Because brightest minds were trying to escape europe. We've dominated them.

About education, yep we are damn better than you :) At least we have our own scholars teaching at University we don't have to hire them from Europe

"We have prevailed"...LOL. Yes, Turkey is currently on friendly relations with all countries, is not suffering from religious intolerance, is not suffering from a Kurdish insurgency, and is definitely open about its history.
Look what's happening to other countries :) Also look what's happening to insurgents, I doubt you have the stomach to see what mountain commandos are doing to them. We have their leader in cage like an animal rotting since years -also an armenian btw-
"We are so phucking strong you can't even get Russians to do anything for you anymore." What are Russians supposed to "do" for us?
Something similiar to what they did at Hocalı for you maybe? It requires some balls.
I'm using this name since my childhood, something you can't dream of doing

Speaks for itself,
Russian planes are like Bulldozer, they have that eight-core architecture when it comes to technical things, what makes a plane a plane. American "F Series" are like Sandy Bridge the airframe may not be the most agile one but they beat the sh*t out of Russian planes with all those fancy upgrades and BVR capabilities. Even built in 1970s planes may have very advanced avionics and radar systems. All our F16s except some (about two squadrons) of Block 40s have Block50+ capabilities.

And @Blackeagle
Have you heard about relativity? It was all about it. Because the Europe was under catholic rule people in the east had a slight advantage. Because brightest minds were trying to escape europe. We've dominated them.

About education, yep we are damn better than you :) At least we have our own scholars teaching at University we don't have to hire them from Europe

Actually we have world class trainers and the the best training centers in the region, and among the best in the world, many countries police, armed forces were trained in Jordan including Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, GCC, Lybia, Tunisia..etc and maybe Turkey.:agree:

One of them...
King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center
Actually we have world class trainers and the the best training centers in the region, and among the best in the world, many countries police, armed forces were trained in Jordan including Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, GCC, Lybia, Tunisia..etc and maybe Turkey.:agree:

One of them...
King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center

Maybe for non-NATO nations but i assure you there's no nato officer in there :) All our specail ops. teams are trained by Maroon Berets. And as for commando training, we have multiple facilities for that but most of the training goes on in nature.

We don't know where SATs and Maroon Berets train though, their facilities in Turkey are secret but i can tell you about the trainings they go through in USA.


http://www.kasotc.com/KASOTC_Site/Gallery.html#2 What i was saying?
Defeated, how honorable of you. Striking against your ally while they are fighting against incredible odds already. We have lost 180.000 troops in a single front, 90.000 in another fighting against Brits, French, Russians but we've sent them back to where they came from. Those "Armenian victims" were raiding villages slaughtering population under French banner. We've been dying in here. As for you, you obey where the power lies "muslim brotherhood" "islamic world" ...all bullsh*t. You worship power, nothing else. You think you have defeated us ...you were but a tool to imperialist powers.

You find out your true friends and foes in dark times, that we did. As for Arabs I don't hate you or anything i just don't respect you or trust your word. You are still as backward as Ottomans left you, under your emirs and kings. Estabilshed by your dear ally Britain, one of the smallest countries of the world has kicked your azz all over the middle east.

Pioneers of science and knowledge he says :lol:

I dont know what your motive is but you have derailed the topic more than enough..If you want to insult Arabs, open a new thread and spill your hatred there.. I hope Deno will take action for those off-topic posts
Maybe for non-NATO nations but i assure you there's no nato officer in there :) All our specail ops. teams are trained by Maroon Berets. And as for commando training, we have multiple facilities for that but most of the training goes on in nature.

We don't know where SATs and Maroon Berets train though, their facilities in Turkey are secret but i can tell you about the trainings they go through in USA.


Gallery What i was saying?

Are you hinting that the trainers are from NATO countries? :pop:

Genius, those conduct joint training and international competitions in this center with their Jordanian counterparts.

Are you hinting that the trainers are from NATO countries? :pop:

Genius, those conduct joint training and international competitions in this center with their Jordanian counterparts.

King Abdullah II Special Operations Training Center

I didn't say anything like that :) NATO does conduct exercises with friendly countries.

I simply meant Turkey or any other NATO country wouldn't have trainings in jordan at least not regularly. After posting that message i saw the linked picture and surprised that's all :)

I dont know what your motive is but you have derailed the topic more than enough..If you want to insult Arabs, open a new thread and spill your hatred there.. I hope Deno will take action for those off-topic posts
I was telling that i have no hatred in the very post you have quoted.

Thread is derailed i agree on that but I don't think I did much ...you see Armenian and Arabian revolts are related. Let's just say I'm showing dear kajutyun here i can play his/her game.

All day, all night
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