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Can NASR Missile really put ‘Cold Water on Cold Start’ as claimed by Bajwa

Hahaha..I can't but laugh.
Are you seriously this retarded, that you believe, you can fool anyone, this.

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You implied that india was as already testing them so let's have it.
View attachment 531768
^^^ and here, your own indian express is saying that the range will increase.

NOW WHERE IS your PROOF on your claim? or are you gonna be a typical indian rat and run away from your own claim? 8-)

1. Tell me again, what did I imply.
2. To actually which statement do you need proof too?

The test was against a medium-range ballistic missile with a range of 1,500 kilometers. Franz-Stefan Gady of The Diplomat speculates that this was the first test of the new indigenous imaging infrared (IIR) seeker, which was developed to help the interceptors distinguish warheads from decoy/dummies.


In March 2009, India conducted a test using shiplaunched Dhanush missile (naval version of the Prithvi missile) as the target with a missile range of 1,500 km. Swordfish (the LRTR) radar was used for tracking and destroyed using a PAD missile at an altitude of 75 km

3. You claimed that actual range of Babur SLCM is the same as that Babur LACM,

For proof you presented this statement - a quote of Chinese Global times - requoted by Indian express.
That in future range of Pakistani nuclear missiles will increase.

The Pakistani test comes soon after India tested its Agni IV and V series of missiles earlier this month, sparking a warning from Pakistan’s long-term ally, China. In an acerbic January 4 editorial, the state-owned Global Times warned that ‘India has broken the UN's limits on its development of nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missile,’ adding: ''If the UNSC has no objection over this, let it be. The range of Pakistan's nuclear missiles will also see an increase.''


How dishonest and full hot air, you are!!
Entertaining to see a bunch of buffoons from both sides contemplating full-fledged nuclear war between Pakistan and India.

Grow up kids and take your heads out of your arse. There's only one outcome from any such military adventure, no matter how you play it - Significant Mutual Destruction. And neither side can afford it.
:omghaha: abay ye to ro diya! :rofl:
Behave yourself.
As long as you are having good argument, I have absolutely no problem with that.However, talk to each other respectfully.
After Pakistan launches, nuclear armed Nasrs on Indian IBGs, and India retaliates with strategic and tactical nuclear strikes through out Pakistan, including its army, airforce, Naval and nuclear infrastructure.

With what army, Pakistan will occupy any land ?
India should think a gizillion times before sending Indian soldiers to a burning nuclear death of Nasr. It means India wants a nuclear war with Pakistan by making scapegoat of its soldiers and then bombing Pakistani cities with nuclear weapons. Trading the lives of trained soldiers for attacking civilians is the nest strategy Indian could come up? Pakistan has already nullified the CSD-IBG concept through Nasr. No commander would send his units to get targeted by nuclear weapons. Even with QRSAM, S-400 and the likes, all its going to take is one Nasr making through. Indian Army crossing into Pakistani territory now means starting a nuclear war, the onus is on India now.
Your information is severely outdated.

You can have them ready at moments notice or not, does not change anything. After you launch your first nuclear strike, you will not be left with an army to occupy any land.
That is the whole concept of MAD. I hope it never comes down to this or else the whole subcontinent would be devastated beyond recognition. The purpose of NASR is simple:
- Pak can't match India in numbers due to sheer difference in size and population. So when faced against a massive thrust and needing a quick reaction to prevent it...NASR is the logical choice. It provides quick reaction time and would cause substantial damage to Indian IBGs bringing Cold Start to a grinding halt. This leads to two possibilities...
1) the lower yield of NASR mainly intended to destroy India's IBGs wouldn't be deemed worthy for India to risk a nuclear exchange and therefore a MAD scenario.
2) India might consider NASR as a nuclear attack and the thought of letting another country get away with using nukes against its troops might not sit well. So India might choose to launch a nuclear strike...in response Pak would too...and that would be a highly undesirable MAD scenario.

These above two are the scenarios in case India proceeds with Cold Start and Pak uses NASR. However just the deployment of NASR and public statements that it will be used provides a third option for India...which would be to avoid running into a situation where the above two are the only options(both highly undesirable). This third option is to abandon Cold Start Doctrine and just live peacefully...I hope India chooses that.
These above two are the scenarios in case India proceeds with Cold Start and Pak uses NASR. However just the deployment of NASR and public statements that it will be used provides a third option for India...which would be to avoid running into a situation where the above two are the only options(both highly undesirable). This third option is to abandon Cold Start Doctrine and just live peacefully...I hope India chooses that.

Then, why Hindutva????
Then, why Hindutva????
The hindutva thing is all good and jolly if they only intend to use it for domestic consumption to gain votes and divert ppl's attention from domestic issues. I just hope that nonsense doesn't reach their strategists/planners/army/etc. If it did then millions might pay the price of a few ppl's stupidity.
The hindutva thing is all good and jolly if they only intend to use it for domestic consumption to gain votes and divert ppl's attention from domestic issues. I just hope that nonsense doesn't reach their strategists/planners/army/etc. If it did then millions might pay the price of a few ppl's stupidity.
Then no revenge for the thousand years rule!?!? BD remains the only consolation price?!?
Then no revenge for the thousand years rule!?!? BD remains the only consolation price?!?
If the future is to be lived for the sake of settling past scores then one must abandon all hope for a better tomorrow.

There is the option of continuing enemities like Britain/France for hundreds of years never letting go of the past OR learn from them and live peacefully like those two countries are doing now...which will eventually lead to a prosperous life.
India should think a gizillion times before sending Indian soldiers to a burning nuclear death of Nasr. It means India wants a nuclear war with Pakistan by making scapegoat of its soldiers and then bombing Pakistani cities with nuclear weapons. Trading the lives of trained soldiers for attacking civilians is the nest strategy Indian could come up? Pakistan has already nullified the CSD-IBG concept through Nasr. No commander would send his units to get targeted by nuclear weapons. Even with QRSAM, S-400 and the likes, all its going to take is one Nasr making through. Indian Army crossing into Pakistani territory now means starting a nuclear war, the onus is on India now.

No tactical nukes have been deployed operationally to date.

And tactical nukes don't work anyway.

It means India wants a nuclear war with Pakistan by making scapegoat of its soldiers and then bombing Pakistani cities with nuclear weapons.

There is no such plan. We will attack with the intention of staying below the nuclear threshold through Cold Start. If you lower your nuclear threshold and attack the UBGs with nukes, then you are at fault, not us. Our nuclear retaliation is justified self defence.
NATO (and Pakistan) prevented that
They will, once they are able to convince China (and 2 Arab countries) to abandon Pakistan, then riots, then civil war, after all that when you are exhausted, comes NATO (even if takes 50 years).

Loooool. Like the rss goons have been trying to take back pakistan..
Remeber when america was threatening Pakistan and Musharaf was asked what will he do? He replied we will hit the country that runs America. Threats died immediately.
You say in 50 years...lol. you think in 50 years we will have learnt nothing.
You you indians should stick tonehat you know best. Rape and pooping in the fields

No, NOT Indian, RSS goon, Chinese, nor Pakistani
whenever these here fecktards fail to understand something, they become abusive to hide the fact they are illiterate and retarded.

Indians here say I'm Chinese
Swamplanders say that I am Pakistani
PDF wahabis call me Shia
PDF Shia call me wahabi

I am none of the above, I tried to become a Gilgit/Baltistani until I discovered that some of them wanted to be part of Irani ummat, Then I tried being a Kohati and guess what? they believe that they are an Israeli tribe. :confused: Now I despise anyone (from Pakistan) who is something else before he is a Pakistani!

@Slav Defence I am only responding to this one because you DID not, cheers
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If the future is to be lived for the sake of settling past scores then one must abandon all hope for a better tomorrow.

There is the option of continuing enemities like Britain/France for hundreds of years never letting go of the past OR learn from them and live peacefully like those two countries are doing now...which will eventually lead to a prosperous life.
Unfortunate for Pak is that most of her neighbors are like obsessive-compulsive for her...
there are more articles on CSD then anything else in indian media.indian army loves this concept.one factor is indian election,other factor is a real war like situation.i have seen many pakistani members in the past who thinks that without good air defence,it's hard to stop indian advance.they are right.we only have nasr today but we must think about other options too.i want pakistani forces to focus on this other idea.india says that if nuclear weapons are used against it then they will also use.we made nasr for this purpose but some of us still feels that it's very hard to stop advancing indian army.other solution is simple but very dangerous and might provoke indian allies to jump into this future war.idea is chemical weapons.if we make a missile or a bomb or something like that,we can get rid of indian army without even escalating the situation.in this way,india will not launch nuclear weapons because we also will not use it against them.our main priority is to develop a system like a missile that can disperse chemicals only in a limited area.chemical must spread only in a limited area.this is the easiest and cheapest way to kill entire indian IBGS.this weapon might not allow situation to escalate and will remain under nuclear threshold.our priority is to make a missile that can disperse this chemical and the war will be over.we must fire this missile before indian ibgs reach near population so this is the idea.xd
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there are more articles on CSD then anything else in indian media.indian army loves this concept.one factor is indian election,other factor is a real war like situation.i have seen many pakistani members in the past who thinks that without good air defence,it's hard to stop indian advance.they are right.we only have nasr today but we must think about other options too.i want pakistani forces to focus on this other idea.india says that if nuclear weapons are used against it then they will also use.we made nasr for this purpose but some of us still feels that it's very hard to stop advancing indian army.other solution is simple but very dangerous and might provoke indian allies to jump into this future war.idea is chemical weapons.if we make a missile or a bomb or something like that,we can get rid of indian army without even escalating the situation.in this way,india will not launch nuclear weapons because we also will not use it against them.our main priority is to develop a system like a missile that can disperse chemicals only in a limited area.chemical must spread only in a limited area.this is the easiest and cheapest way to kill entire indian IBGS.this weapon might not allow situation to escalate and will remain under nuclear threshold.our priority is to make a missile that can disperse this chemical and the war will be over.we must fire this missile before indian ibgs reach near population so this is the idea.xd
According to the Indian sources, they do have chemical/biological weapons...
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