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Can NASR Missile really put ‘Cold Water on Cold Start’ as claimed by Bajwa

Interceptors are being tested in realistic scenarios and not ICBM scenarios

In its tests, both PAD, PDV have destroyed, 1500 KM range missile, at the height of 120 Kms and 150 Kms.
Show me one test, just a SINGLE test india has done in intercepting a 5ft MIRV traveling at mach 10 over realistic distances that match our distances. JUST SHOW ME ONE!
Show me one test, just a SINGLE test india has done in intercepting a 5ft MIRV traveling at mach 10 over realistic distances that match our distances. JUST SHOW ME ONE!

MIRV or no MIRV does not matter, a 2700 Km MIRV is just a 2700km ballistic missile, until re -entry phase.
If you can destroy the missile before re-entry, it is just a normal ballistic missile.
MIRV or no MIRV does not matter, a 2700 Km MIRV is just a 2700km ballistic missile, until re -entry phase.
If you can destroy the missile before re-entry, it is just a normal ballistic missile.
he thinks that 5ft long MIRV is the same as a 100ft long realistic missile at 2700km...:wacko:

Tell me why should you be given any credibility after this garbage you just barfed?

I'm still waiting to see the proof of what you said that india is testing MIRV interceptors over realistic distances. Let's see it.

chor ko chor kay ghar pohancha na to hamari purani adat hay...
  • Using nukes will isolate india and Pakistan in world so calm down no one will trade with you after nuclear war and economy will suffer and you will go 500yrs back from rest of world
he thinks that 5ft long MIRV is the same as a 100ft long realistic missile at 2700km...:wacko:

Tell me why should you be given any credibility after this garbage you just barfed?

I'm still waiting to see the proof of what you said that india is testing MIRV interceptors over realistic distances. Let's see it.

chor ko chor kay ghar pohancha na to hamari purani adat hay...

First read about, when MIRV seperation takes place from the main body of the ballistic missile and then blab about this stuff.

I am still waiting to see your Babur proof ?
First read about, when MIRV seperation takes place from the main body of the ballistic missile and then blab about this stuff.

I am still waiting to see your Babur proof ?
Nope, no dodging is allowed on my watch, you made a ludicrous claim that india is testing interceptors against mirvs... where, when, how.? Let's hear it!
Nope, no dodging is allowed on my watch, you made a ludicrous claim that india is testing interceptors against mirvs... where, when, how.? Let's hear it!

Fistly, I never said, India tested against MIRV.( go ahead check)

I said "realistic scenario". It is hard to digest, that you already have MIRV capability, after a single test done over a year back, when you can't even put a satellite in space. That too with just a range 2200 Km.

No country has yet achieved the capability to MIR vehicles on such SRBMs, as MIRV warhead are not able to achieve enough separation over such short distances.

Secondly, as far dodging is concerned, still waiting to hear back on that Babur claim of your.
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Fistly, I never said, India tested against MIRV.( go ahead check)

I said "realistic scenario". It is hard to digest, that you already have MIRV capability, after a single test done over a year back, when you can't even put a satellite in space. That too with just a range 2200 Km.

No country has yet achieved the capability to MIR vehicles on such SRBMs, as MIRV warhead are not able to achieve enough separation over such short distances.

Secondly, as far dodging is concerned, still waiting to hear back on that Babur claim of your.
SmartSelect_20190109-173003_Chrome Beta.jpg

You implied that india was as already testing them so let's have it.

^^^ and here, your own indian express is saying that the range will increase.

NOW WHERE IS your PROOF on your claim? or are you gonna be a typical indian rat and run away from your own claim? 8-)
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I guess you have not heard of PDV, both PDV and THAAD, intercept ballistic missiles in exo-atmosphere and approximately at the same altitude.

If you haven't heard of PDV, then you certainly won't know about AD -1 and AD -2 missiles currently in development.

dude i know about your air defence.you tested it against your own ballistic missiles,not pakistani ballistic missiles.also you have no solution for babur right now.it's terrain hugging,very difficult to track.
dude i know about your air defence.you tested it against your own ballistic missiles,not pakistani ballistic missiles.also you have no solution for babur right now.it's terrain hugging,very difficult to track.
they've only tested against that joke pirthivi, basically a liquid fueled over-decorated v1 rocket.
Pakistan has developed NASR missile to thwart India from launching military offensive which is sometimes referred to as the Cold Start Doctrine (CSD). Cold Start doctrine is said to be an offensive plan of the Indian forces intended to quickly mobilise forces and subdue Pakistan before it even considers nuclear retaliation.

Pakistan knows it very well that it cannot match India in conventional warfare and to counter this it has developed tactical nuclear weapons. Pakistan claims that NASR can carry nuclear warheads of low yield with high accuracy. It is not like those long range nuclear warhead carrying ballistic missiles which are fired thousands of kilometres away with pre-designated target and carry massive warheads. Tactical nuclear weapons are for battlefield situation mainly aimed at thwarting incoming forces which are already at the borders and pushing to enter the enemy territory.

In 2018, Pakistan Army Chief General Qamar Javed Bajwa had made a strange remark. He said, "Nasr has put cold water on cold start".

Reports say that Indian forces have been carrying out military exercise simulating fighting war under a Nuclear environment to provide additional counter battlefield weapon to Nasr. India has developed QR-SAMs which can provide sufficient battle field air defence. It will be mobile and will move with the Strike Corps to give level of layered aerial defence against SRBM like Nasr .

QRSAM or Quick Reaction Surface-to-Air Missile is a missile developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) in association with Bharat Electronics Limited and Bharat Dynamics Limited for the Indian Army. The missile is all-weather, all-terrain missile with electronic counter measures against jamming by aircraft radars.The missile can be mounted on a truck and is stored in a canister. QRSAM uses solid-fuel propellant and has a range of 25-30 km.

Pakistan also fears that India might also put together Cruise Missile Defence System (CMDS) which along with QR-SAM will provide India's Strike Corps a layered battlefield Aerial Defence systems against cruise missiles like Babur, Raad and Nasr SRBMs. QRSAM Air Defence System is a critical component in India's "Cold Start" Doctrine.

What Pakistan should be wary of?

What Pakistan must keep in mind is that India has fairly developed secondary strike capability. India has ballistic missiles with nuclear warhead that can be launched from submarines in short notice. Pakistan can rest assured that any use of nukes- tactical or strategic - the retribution will be swift, severe and devastating threatening its very existence.

A tactic that India can use is to get closer to populated areas in Pakistan which would force Islamabad to think of collateral damage if a nuke device is used in its own territory. Indian Army can use this tactic to negate Pakistani nukes by inserting divisons in densely populated Pakistani regions like Punjab. If Pakistan resorts to battlefield nukes then it would effectively endanger its own population also making Pakistan lose its status and face in international society and will create a soft spot for India.

I love the way these so called experts wake up have a cold start a nuclear war defeat pakistan and all that before going outside for a poop a d breakfast. How wonderfully easy. Bit like 2017 ICC cricket final. Wasnt that won before the teams entered the areana. Did the indians say baap baap hota hai? Didnt the kappor (actor i may have his name wrong as i dont watch indian movies) get his mama owned? So u see like the famous quotes of tea at lahore gymkhana nothing is quite that simple or straight forward.there is a reason why russia came to Afghanistan and never crossed the border. America and NATO csme to Afghanistan and after blaming pakistan dily for their debacle never crossed the border. Cold start will be a wet lungi parade.
there is a reason why Russia came to Afghanistan and never crossed the border.
NATO (and Pakistan) prevented that
America and NATO came to Afghanistan and after blaming Pakistan daily for their debacle never crossed the border.
They will, once they are able to convince China (and 2 Arab countries) to abandon Pakistan, then riots, then civil war, after all that when you are exhausted, comes NATO (even if takes 50 years).
In a cold start type scenario, enemy is not going to attacck with all their forces rather a small quick force. in a defensive role PA conventional forces can pretty much match and repulse any such attack on their own even without NASR or other innovative solutions.

Pakistan knows it very well that it cannot match India in conventional warfare and to counter this it has developed tactical nuclear weapons … yes that is why Pakistan as kept india at bay and at its toes lolz. Another troll thread guys do not lets these trolls have a troll bash things are going to be changing around here very soon.
NATO (and Pakistan) prevented that
They will, once they are able to convince China (and 2 Arab countries) to abandon Pakistan, then riots, then civil war, after all that when you are exhausted, comes NATO (even if takes 50 years).
Loooool. Like the rss goons have been trying to take back pakistan..
Remeber when america was threatening Pakistan and Musharaf was asked what will he do? He replied we will hit the country that runs America. Threats died immediately.
You say in 50 years...lol. you think in 50 years we will have learnt nothing.

You you indians should stick tonehat you know best. Rape and pooping in the fields

oh ho...baychara...can somebody smack him across his buttcheeks? he's passed out drunk again and is having wet dreams again while sleep with his bunghole up in the air! :lol:

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