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Can NASR Missile really put ‘Cold Water on Cold Start’ as claimed by Bajwa

on contrary, you have serverely underestimated our own nuclear prowess. by the time india manages to ready a single missile to launch or before a single su30 would even reach the runway to take off, all of indian cities would already be under our nuclear firestorm and getting eradicated.

Indian missiles are ready to launch nuclear weapons, right now, as we speak.

Indian has 1 SSBN in the ocean with ability fire 12 Nuclear missiles on Pakistan and 3 more SSBN under construction with ability to carrying 24 nuclear missiles each.

When a SSBN launches a nuclear strike, you will not even get a warning, to arm your missiles or fire them.
Indian missiles are ready to launch nuclear weapons, right now, as we speak.

Indian has 1 SSBN in the ocean with ability fire 12 Nuclear missiles on Pakistan and 3 more SSBN under construction with ability to carrying 24 nuclear missiles each.

When a SSBN launches a nuclear strike, you will not even get a warning, to arm your missiles or fire them.
given that your sailors are in the habit of diving with their hatches open, we're not worried about your subs. your "missiles" that are "supposedly" ready to launch are still playing catch up. We already know where they are as they are on fixed launch bases while ours are constantly on the move and ALSO ready to launch within moments of the order given. by the time you even launch 1 missile (if you even get to launch it), all of india will be having a nuclear fire rained all over it. and you may have 3 more subs under constructions, we already have our subs capable of launching SLCMs. the indian ssbn may not even make it out of its harbor alive.

don't forget...we are the 3rd largest nuclear weapons state in the world. your piddly 140 nuclear weapons don't stand a chance under the our nuclear son.

good luck with your day dreams. ;)
given that your sailors are in the habit of diving with their hatches open, we're not worried about your subs. your "missiles" that are "supposedly" ready to launch are still playing catch up. We already know where they are as they are on fixed launch bases while ours are constantly on the move and ALSO ready to launch within moments of the order given. by the time you even launch 1 missile (if you even get to launch it), all of india will be having a nuclear fire rained all over it. and you may have 3 more subs under constructions, we already have our subs capable of launching SLCMs. the indian ssbn may not even make it out of its harbor alive.

don't forget...we are the 3rd largest nuclear weapons state in the world. your piddly 140 nuclear weapons don't stand a chance under the our nuclear son.

good luck with your day dreams. ;)

Again out dated information.

Indian far out strip Pakistan, as far total yield of nuclear weapons is concerned.

And please don't compare a nuclear boomer with your 400 Km range SLCM jugaad.
Again out dated information.

Indian far out strip Pakistan, as far total yield of nuclear weapons is concerned.
that's not what the rest of the world is saying...

oh wait, that's right, I'm talking to someone whose top scientists believe that einstein was wrong and that modi is the real creator of gravity waves...good luck with your so called "nuclear strike". Don't say we didn't warn you when you become extinct. ;)

notice "outdated" date chanda,
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"far out strip" he says...:lol:
the only thing india is good at far out stripping is actually doing the "strip"tease while wearing ghungroo! 8-)
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that's not what the rest of the world is saying...

oh wait, that's right, I'm talking to someone whose top scientists believe that einstein was wrong and that modi is the real creator of gravity...good luck with your so called "nuclear strike". Don't say we didn't warn you when you become extinct. ;)

What is rest of the world saying ? That total yield of Pakistani nuclear weapons is greater than India's, pls show ?

OR are they saying, torpedo tube fired, 400 Km cruise missile is better than a nuclear armed, nuclear fueled SSBN, that can stay at sea indefinitely and does not have to return to its solitary harbour to refuel every few weeks ?
What is rest of the world saying ? That total yield of Pakistani nuclear weapons is greater than India's, pls show ?

OR are they saying, torpedo tube fired, 400 Km cruise missile is better than a nuclear armed, nuclear fueled SSBN, that can stay at sea indefinitely and does not have to return to its solitary harbour to refuel every few weeks ?
why would it bother to return. it won't have anything to return TO. ;) . and don't worry, the 400KM is just the testing range. The actual range matches that of land based babur 2.

read your "outdated" news source here...
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^^^ this is your own news source slapping you across the face. ;)
why would it bother to return. it won't have anything to return TO. ;) . and don't worry, the 400KM is just the testing range. The actual range matches that of land based babur 2.

read your "outdated" news source here...
View attachment 531764
^^^ this is your own news source slapping you across the face. ;)

Pakistan has 10 more nuclear weapons, thats it. And yes total yield of Indian nuclear weapons is still greater than Pakistan's

You are right, it wont have anything to return too, and since it is a diesel sub and has to be fueled in harbour, just before sets on patrol. It might not even be leaving it solitary harbor. If Indian decided to bomb that harbour in first place on commencement of hostilities,

Provide proof that range SLCM babur is more than 400 Km.
Indian missiles are ready to launch nuclear weapons, right now, as we speak.

Indian has 1 SSBN in the ocean with ability fire 12 Nuclear missiles on Pakistan and 3 more SSBN under construction with ability to carrying 24 nuclear missiles each.

When a SSBN launches a nuclear strike, you will not even get a warning, to arm your missiles or fire them.

why you think that we can't detect your ballistic missiles? they can easily be detected using military satellites.don't ask me whether pakistan have satellites.i believe we are operating it and you know about chinese influence.if you send you army towards punjab,who will defend india from china? lol. bad luck for india.you made pakistan and china your enemy and by the way,what are the chances of survivability of your ssbn launched submarines? china currently controls indian ocean including your coast line so pakistan will know about any movement in advance.there are many other factors.also your qr sam and other defensive mechanism can't shot down every nasr or other missiles.i think 5 nasr falling directly over indian army is more than enough for indians to retreat.do you want the dead bodies to be left behind and advance further into pakistan without any supply line? you must think about the problems before making assumptions.
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Pakistan has 10 more nuclear weapons, that it. And yes total yield of Indian nuclear weapons is still greater than Pakistan's

You are right, it wont have anything to return too, and since it is a diesel sub and has to be fueled in harbour, just before sets on patrol. It might not even be leaving it solitary harbor. If Indian decided to bomb that harbour in first place on commencement of hostilities,

Provide proof that range SLCM babur is more than 400 Km.
by the time india decides to bomb anything, it would have already been thoroughly wiped out. your own sugar daddy uncle sam says that Pakistan is the 3rd largest nuclear weapons state and no, it is OUR nukes that have far more yield. your h-bomb tests failed. While we haven't tested offically any h-bombs, cough cough, n. korea, cough, rest assured, our warheads have far more yield than yours could ever have. if you really think that we are only in the low hundreds then maybe you may wanna complain to your sugar daddy sitting in the pentagon. A 3rd largest nuclear stockpile is in the thousands, not hundreds.

india is big but FAT, not strong. by the time india decides to even launch a single missile, it would have already been game over for india. sure, 1 or 2 nukes from india may make it across...but that's it. we can absorb casualties of a couple of million. But a couple of million is all that india would have left of its population. 8-)

We are your former rulers. We know how to take you out and then take you over...zinda rehna hay to apni do takay ki auqaat may raho. ziada hero banay ga to kuttia ki tarha pittay ga. 8-)

why you think that we can't detect your ballistic missiles? they can easily be detected using military satellites.don't ask me whether pakistan have satellites.i believe we are operating it and you know about chinese influence.if you send you army towards punjab,who will defend india from china? lol. bad luck for india.you made pakistan and china your enemy and by the way,what are the chances of survivability of your ssbn launched submarines? china currently controls indian ocean including your coast line so pakistan will know about any movement in advance.there are many other factors.also your qr sam and other defensive mechanism can't put down every nasr or other missiles.i think 5 nasr falling directly over indian army is more than enough for indians to retreat.do you want the dead bodies to be left behind and advance further into pakistan without any supply line? you must think about the problems before making assumptions.
they will launch hanuman to do a sir-ji-kal strike on China and Pakistan! :omghaha:
Pakistan has 10 more nuclear weapons, thats it. And yes total yield of Indian nuclear weapons is still greater than Pakistan's

You are right, it wont have anything to return too, and since it is a diesel sub and has to be fueled in harbour, just before sets on patrol. It might not even be leaving it solitary harbor. If Indian decided to bomb that harbour in first place on commencement of hostilities,

Provide proof that range SLCM babur is more than 400 Km.

so here you are assuming to attack naval base.before entering into pakistani air space,large formations of indian air force must face sams and then fighter jets.even if you destroy first air base,how can you stop fighters from take off from another air base? half of your fighters will not make it and few might return back to india.think about retreat.it's not easy now.
why you think that we can't detect your ballistic missiles? they can easily be detected using military satellites.don't ask me whether pakistan have satellites.i believe we are operating it and you know about chinese influence.if you send you army towards punjab,who will defend india from china? lol

Firstly you never invested in missile defense, so you never invested in proper early warning radars like Swordfish or Greenpine.

Your space based missile launch early warning capabilities are non existent, As you don't have any satellites capable of that.

AS far Chinese influence is concerned, can you stake your survival on Chinese?

It will take less than 5 minutes for missile launched from a SSBN of the coast of Pakistan to reach its target anywhere in Pakistan.

Lets assume, that Chinese decide to co-operate, and decide to pass along satellite information to Pakistan.

and lets assume a Chinese satellite detects the missile launch flare of a SLBM fired of the coast of Pakistan.

How much time, do you think will it take for Chinese to pass that information on to Pakistan, how much time will it take for Pakistan to react and send a msg across to its launchers ?

How much time will it take for Pakistani troops, once they have go ahead to actually launch the missile.

Can all this be done in 5 minutes ?

by the time india decides to bomb anything, it would have already been thoroughly wiped out. your own sugar daddy uncle sam says that Pakistan is the 3rd largest nuclear weapons state and no, it is OUR nukes that have far more yield. your h-bomb tests failed. While we haven't tested offically any h-bombs, cough cough, n. korea, cough, rest assured, our warheads have far more yield than yours could ever have. if you really think that we are only in the low hundreds then maybe you may wanna complain to your sugar daddy sitting in the pentagon. A 3rd largest nuclear stockpile is in the thousands, not hundreds.

india is big but FAT, not strong. by the time india decides to even launch a single missile, it would have already been game over for india. sure, 1 or 2 nukes from india may make it across...but that's it. we can absorb casualties of a couple of million. But a couple of million is all that india would have left of its population. 8-)

We are your former rulers. We know how to take you out and then take you over...zinda rehna hay to apni do takay ki auqaat may raho. ziada hero banay ga to kuttia ki tarha pittay ga. 8-)

they will launch hanuman to do a sir-ji-kal strike on China and Pakistan! :omghaha:

You have lost it. Talk on facts and not your fantasies.

I asked for proof of your claims, that Babur SLCM has a range of 700 Km. you came up with this crap.
so here you are assuming to attack naval base.before entering into pakistani air space,large formations of indian air force must face sams and then fighter jets.even if you destroy first air base,how can you stop fighters from take off from another air base? half of your fighters will not make it and few might return back to india.think about retreat.it's not easy now.
indians are not able to come to terms with the cold, harsh reality of the situation...their nukes and mechanisms to deliver those nukes have long been dwarfed by Pakistan. indians haven't realized that back in 2001, when india's sugar daddy threatened to "bomb us to the stone ages", Pakistan's entire nuclear doctrine changes and we decided to quietly march into the big boys club where you a thousands of nukes at your disposal ready to launch. indians are still playing the "hundred or so game"! :lol:

Pakistan hasn't declared its actual numbers naturally but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what kept america at bay in 2012 when Pakistan blocked all the supplies and they ended up suffering the heaviest amounts of casualties in afghanistan for the past 12 years. in spite of threatening attacks to open up the supplies, the americans had to eventually succumb to our pressure and for the first time in their history, issue an official apology and pay damages. My question is simple...what exactly was it, if not thousands of nuclear weapons, that kept america at bay? China wasn't ready to confront america back then and nor was russia.

Think very carefully about it...

Firstly you never invested in missile defense, so you never invested in proper early warning radars like Swordfish or Greenpine.

Your space based missile launch early warning capabilities are non existent, As you don't have any satellites capable of that.

AS far Chinese influence is concerned, can you stake your survival on Chinese?

It will take less than 5 minutes for missile launched from a SSBN of the coast of Pakistan to reach its target anywhere in Pakistan.

Lets assume, that Chinese decide to co-operate, and decide to pass along satellite information to Pakistan.

and lets assume a Chinese satellite detects the missile launch flare of a SLBM fired of the coast of Pakistan.

How much time, do you think will it take for Chinese to pass that information on to Pakistan, how much time will it take for Pakistan to react and send a msg across to its launchers ?

How much time will it take for Pakistani troops, once they have go ahead to actually launch the missile.

Can all this be done in 5 minutes ?

You have lost it. Talk on facts and not your fantasies.

I asked for proof of your claims, that Babur SLCM has a range of 700 Km. you came up with this crap.
oye gadhay, no such thing as missile defense against the latest missile systems, get over it. and I've pinned proof from your own news sources on your face...if your in denial that's not my problem.
Firstly you never invested in missile defense, so you never invested in proper early warning radars like Swordfish or Greenpine.

Your space based missile launch early warning capabilities are non existent, As you don't have any satellites capable of that.

AS far Chinese influence is concerned, can you stake your survival on Chinese?

It will take less than 5 minutes for missile launched from a SSBN of the coast of Pakistan to reach its target anywhere in Pakistan.

Lets assume, that Chinese decide to co-operate, and decide to pass along satellite information to Pakistan.

and lets assume a Chinese satellite detects the missile launch flare of a SLBM fired of the coast of Pakistan.

How much time, do you think will it take for Chinese to pass that information on to Pakistan, how much time will it take for Pakistan to react and send a msg across to its launchers ?

How much time will it take for Pakistani troops, once they have go ahead to actually launch the missile.

Can all this be done in 5 minutes ?

You have lost it. Talk on facts and not your fantasies.

I asked for proof of your claims, that Babur SLCM has a range of 700 Km. you came up with this crap.

early warning satellites do it in seconds.you are assuming that pakistan currently don't have any military satellites.you are right but what if pakistan is using a military satellite from china? if we are using then i am sure we have full control.informtion doesn't takes time.this news will spread like fire and within a minute,we will launch our own Ababeel mirv.now how can you shot down mirv? do you have technology? these are mind games.don't believe that india has something and pakistan don't have.our overall objective is either to survive or to destroy entire india.pakistan have everything.china is helping pakistan on every front.you will see chinese engines soon on our fighter jets.they are doing remarkable work.they have radars that can detect stealth fighter jet.they will give us everything slowly.they don't want india to destroy pakistan and after cpec,it's even more hard for india to attack pakistan.war will not start tomorrow.it will take some time and we will induct more advanced weapons soon.you can see the news of new chinese missile and reports already stated that it will be used in new frigates that china is building for pakistan.india is under pressure to match chinese advanced technology and seriously if you can't,you will end up paying huge money to russia and america as you are doing right now.
early warning satellites do it in seconds.you are assuming that pakistan currently don't have any military satellites.you are right but what if pakistan is using a military satellite from china? if we are using then i am sure we have full control.informtion doesn't takes time.this news will spread like fire and within a minute,we will launch our own Ababeel mirv.now how can you shot down mirv? do you have technology? these are mind games.don't believe that india has something and pakistan don't have.our overall objective is either to survive or to destroy entire india.pakistan have everything.china is helping pakistan on every front.you will see chinese engines soon on our fighter jets.they are doing remarkable work.they have radars that can detect stealth fighter jet.they will give us everything slowly.they don't want india to destroy pakistan and after cpec,it's even more hard for india to attack pakistan.war will not start tomorrow.it will take some time and we will induct more advanced weapons soon.you can see the news of new chinese missile and reports already stated that it will be used in new frigates that china is building for pakistan.india is under pressure to match chinese advanced technology and seriously if you can't,you will end up paying huge money to russia and america as you are doing right now.
dude, don't bother with this joker. best to troll him and the nuke him...:lol:
indians are not able to come to terms with the cold, harsh reality of the situation...their nukes and mechanisms to deliver those nukes have long been dwarfed by Pakistan. indians haven't realized that back in 2001, when india's sugar daddy threatened to "bomb us to the stone ages", Pakistan's entire nuclear doctrine changes and we decided to quietly march into the big boys club where you a thousands of nukes at your disposal ready to launch. indians are still playing the "hundred or so game"! :lol:

Pakistan hasn't declared its actual numbers naturally but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what kept america at bay in 2012 when Pakistan blocked all the supplies and they ended up suffering the heaviest amounts of casualties in afghanistan for the past 12 years. in spite of threatening attacks to open up the supplies, the americans had to eventually succumb to our pressure and for the first time in their history, issue an official apology and pay damages. My question is simple...what exactly was it, if not thousands of nuclear weapons, that kept america at bay? China wasn't ready to confront america back then and nor was russia.

Think very carefully about it...

oye gadhay, no such thing as missile defense against the latest missile systems, get over it. and I've pinned proof from your own news sources on your face...if your in denial that's not my problem.

technology is important.nuke is useless if shot down over enemy territory.we knew this.that's why we designed mirv.now it's very hard for india to attack.we have all types of nukes and they are deadly.also pakistan now realizes the importance of defence systems that's why inducting chinese sams.we will induct more in the coming years.we are doing great.india is in no position to attack.
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