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Can NASR Missile really put ‘Cold Water on Cold Start’ as claimed by Bajwa

technology is important.nuke is useless if shot down over enemy territory.we knew this.that's why we designed mirv.now it's very hard for india to attack.we have all types of nukes and they are deadly.also pakistan now realizes the importance of defence systems that's why inducting chinese sams.we will induct more in the coming years.we are doing great.india is in no position to attack.
bro, we've had mirvs for a long time. Just didn't disclose it until 2017. As I've said on many occasions, there is a reason why those who used to threaten us with the stone ages have to walk softly now...from what I've heard is that Pakistan has had MIRVs since 2010, just didn't test them until 2017. americans are smart...they started playing the "be nice to me" game a long time ago knowing full well that Pakistan cannot be militarily defeated. india is just one of those dogs that needs to be smacked around before it learns its lesson.
early warning satellites do it in seconds.you are assuming that pakistan currently don't have any military sateelite.you are right but what if pakistan is using a military satellite from china? if we are using then i am sure we have full control.informtion doesn't takes time.this news will spread like fire and within a minute,we will launch our own Ababeel mirv.now how can you shot down mirv? do you have technology? these are mind games.don't believe that india has something and pakistan don't have.our overall objective is either to survive to destroy entire india.pakistan have everything.china is helping pakistan on every front.you will see chinese engines soon on our fighter jets.they are doing remarkable work.they have radars that can detect stealth fighter jet.they will give us everything slowly.they don't want india to destroy pakistan and after cpec,it's even more hard for india to attack pakistan.war will not start tomorrow.it will take some time and we will induct more advanced weapons soon.we can see the news of new chinese missile and reports already stated that it will be used in new frigates that china is building for pakistan.india is under pressure to match chinese advanced technology and seriously if you can't,you will end up paying huge money to russia and america as you are doing right now.

Actually no, satellite uplink and downlink has its own lag time. After you download the picture received from the satellite, you have to decipher it, wether what are you seeing, is a missile flare, or something else.
Because early warning satellites are in fixed earth orbit, (36000 Km), so camera resolution aren't that great, not like spy satellites of sun synchronous orbit.

All this takes time, and 5 mins is nearly not enough time to receive this information , to decipher it, to pass this information along to your prime minister(to get authorization for nuclear launch), and then from your prime minister to your strategic forced command, from your strategic forces command to individual missile launcher.
For missile launchers to arm your missiles and then launch them.

Besides all this scenario is based, on Chinese giving full access of their early warning satellites to Pakistan, and Pakistanis, who have no prior experience in operating such satellites or deciphering information provided by it, to be spot on with it.
Actually no, satellite uplink and downlink has its own lag time. After you download the picture received from the satellite, you have to decipher it, wether what are you seeing, is a missile flare, or something else.
Because early warning satellites are in fixed earth orbit, (36000 Km), so camera resolution aren't that great, not like spy satellites of sun synchronous orbit.

All this takes time, and 5 mins is nearly not enough time to receive this information , to decipher it, to pass this information along to your prime minister(to get authorization for nuclear launch), and then from your prime minister to your strategic forced command, from your strategic forces command to individual missile launcher.
For missile launchers to arm your missiles and then launch them.

Besides all this scenario is based, on Chinese giving full access of their early warning satellites to Pakistan, and Pakistanis, who have no prior experience in operating such satellites or deciphering information provided by it, to be spot on with it.

dude infrared signature can easily be detected.you don't need thousand people to detect a ballistic missile.pakistan always say that it has better command and control system.i am sure we will hit back in minutes.5 minutes is a long time.we don't want to destroy our country by taking too long to identify missile.
dude infrared signature can easily be detected.you don't need thousand people to detect a ballistic missile.pakistan always say that it has better command and control system.i am sure we will hit back in minutes.5 minutes is a long time.we don't want to destroy our country by taking too long to identify missile.

From a height 35000 Km. How similar, do you think are infrared flare of anti ship missile like Bhramos or a plane afterburner or a ballistic missile look ?

5 minutes is no time. Certainly not for all, those steps, I mentioned. Your country will destroyed none the less, as you don't have any missile defence in place, neither have plans for any.

All that matters is wether, you will able to launch a counter strike before those missiles reach their targets.
From a height 35000 Km. How similar, do you think are infrared flare of anti ship missile like Bhramos or a plane afterburner or a ballistic missile look ?

5 minutes is no time. Certainly not for all, those steps, I mentioned. Your country will destroyed none the less, as you don't have any missile defence in place, neither have plans for any.

All that matters is wether, you will able to launch a counter strike before those missiles reach their targets.

you know that there is a country that can launch missiles.you have every right to defend yourself.you are saying in every post that pakistan will be destroyed,i mean how do you know? the point you mentioned above requires a more technical answer and this thing is also very tactical.as a country,we know how much time you will take to attack us using ballistic misiles.we aren't illiterate.everyone does the calculation and then you think about early warning satellites and air borne radars.radars detects ballistic missile after it reaches a certain height but satellites can detect it as soon as it launch.how can you defend from mirv? you have no way to stop it.

read this...............https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Norwegian_rocket_incident
you know that there is a country that can launch missiles.you have every right to defend yourself.you are saying in every post that pakistan will be destroyed,i mean how do you know? the point you mentioned above requires a more technical answer and this thing is also very tactical.as a country,we know how much time you will take to attack us using ballistic misiles.we aren't illiterate.everyone does the calculation and then you think about early warning satellites and air borne radars.radars detects ballistic missile after it reaches a certain height but satellites can detect it as soon as it launch.how can you defend from mirv? you have no way to stop it.

An ICBM takes 20 minutes to reach its target. A SRBM takes 5 minutes to reach its max range. Satellite detection does not give enough lead time to make a difference, when SRMB is concerned.

A MIRV stands for Multiple Independent re -entry vehicle. So how do you defend against MIRV. There are basically two ways.

1) Have more anti missiles in your arsenal, to target each and every independent warhead.

2) Or to take out the ballistic missile in its boost phase or midcourse phase, before atmospheric re-entry. As is done by PDV or THAAD , which can take out missile at an altitude of 150 Km.
indians are not able to come to terms with the cold, harsh reality of the situation...their nukes and mechanisms to deliver those nukes have long been dwarfed by Pakistan. indians haven't realized that back in 2001, when india's sugar daddy threatened to "bomb us to the stone ages", Pakistan's entire nuclear doctrine changes and we decided to quietly march into the big boys club where you a thousands of nukes at your disposal ready to launch. indians are still playing the "hundred or so game"! :lol:

Pakistan hasn't declared its actual numbers naturally but it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what kept america at bay in 2012 when Pakistan blocked all the supplies and they ended up suffering the heaviest amounts of casualties in afghanistan for the past 12 years. in spite of threatening attacks to open up the supplies, the americans had to eventually succumb to our pressure and for the first time in their history, issue an official apology and pay damages. My question is simple...what exactly was it, if not thousands of nuclear weapons, that kept america at bay? China wasn't ready to confront america back then and nor was russia.

Think very carefully about it...

oye gadhay, no such thing as missile defense against the latest missile systems, get over it. and I've pinned proof from your own news sources on your face...if your in denial that's not my problem.
So, when they reported BD's GDP is higher than that of Pak, naturally I got mad!!!! Anyway, I shouldn't have done that!!! Nukes, missiles, fighters, choppers, tanks, subs etc. don't get and remain there out of the thin air!!! It requires humongous costs and a Deep Economy to finance it, and they're all secrets...
An ICBM takes 20 minutes to reach its target. A SRBM takes 5 minutes to reach its max range. Satellite detection does not give enough lead time to make a difference, when SRMB is concerned.

A MIRV stands for Multiple Independent re -entry vehicles. So how do you defend against MIRV there basically two ways.

1) Have more anti missiles in your arsenal, to target each and every independent warhead.

2) Or to take out the ballistic missile in its boost phase or midcourse phase, before atmospheric re-entry. As is done by PDV or THAAD , which can take out missile at an altitude of 150 Km.
Because of NASR, by the fine for radars detect and get ready to even launch, our Ababeels will already be at the their peak heights launching their MIRVs. There is no way stop such mirvs given that Pakistan is right next to india. Thad like systems would only offer limited defense if you were contintents apart.

By the time you realize that NASR has decimated all of your ground forces and decide to launch your long range missiles, our MIRVs would already be in tight the air since we already know that have no choice left because of your own fatal stupidity...

you won't survive while at best, we'll maybe get a couple of million casualties. you've been check mated. get over it.
An ICBM takes 20 minutes to reach its target. A SRBM takes 5 minutes to reach its max range. Satellite detection does not give enough lead time to make a difference, when SRMB is concerned.

A MIRV stands for Multiple Independent re -entry vehicle. So how do you defend against MIRV. There are basically two ways.

1) Have more anti missiles in your arsenal, to target each and every independent warhead.

2) Or to take out the ballistic missile in its boost phase or midcourse phase, before atmospheric re-entry. As is done by PDV or THAAD , which can take out missile at an altitude of 150 Km.

it's very hard to convince you.you just don't understand.i don't think that india have THAAD like missile system but china have. i don'tknow how can india target every individual warhead of mirv.that is impossible in reality.you are only talking about time.what about trajectory? we will look at the trajectory and determine whether to take action or not.it will not take much time.you just want to destroy pakistan and don't understand that your enemy pakistan is now smart.there are systems that can calculate entire trajectory by observing only the intitial trajectory of missile.these systems exist.don't ask me if pakistan have the system.i don't know.i know one thing.we are capable to hit back.
it's very hard to convince you.you just don't understand.i don't think that india have THAAD like missile system but china have. i don'tknow how can india target every individual warhead of mirv.that is impossible in reality.you are only talking about time.what about trajectory? we will look at the trajectory and determine whether to take action or not.it will not take much time.you just want to destroy pakistan and don't understand that your enemy pakistan is now smart.there are systems that can calculate entire trajectory by observing only the intitial trajectory of missile.these systems exist.don't ask me if pakistan have the system.i don't know.i know one thing.we are capable to hit back.
india thinks our can do what neither Russia nor America with all the NATO countries combined have been able to do in decades...i.e. stop MIRVs. :lol:
india thinks our can do what neither Russia nor America with all the NATO countries combined have been able to do in decades...i.e. stop MIRVs. :lol:

this man talking about thaad like india have this system.he talks about time but not the trajectory.he just want to destroy pakistan by any means lol.
this man talking about thaad like india have this system.he talks about time but not the trajectory.he just want to destroy pakista by any means lol.
these n!ggers have dreaming about that for 70 years now and have miserably failed at it. the on my hope they had was finding bhutto or mujib type leaders again but those days are long long gone. so they are grappling for straws and life lines against the 3rd largest nuclear weapons state that has at least a thousand nukes pointed at india with its sugar daddy saying that she is on her own and alone. Hum ko maja aye ga.. baHUT maja aye ga...MUUUUUAAHAHAHAHAAAAAA :devil:
it's very hard to convince you.you just don't understand.i don't think that india have THAAD like missile system but china have. i don'tknow how can india target every individual warhead of mirv.that is impossible in reality.you are only talking about time.what about trajectory? we will look at the trajectory and determine whether to take action or not.it will not take much time.you just want to destroy pakistan and don't understand that your enemy pakistan is now smart.there are systems that can calculate entire trajectory by observing only the intitial trajectory of missile.these systems exist.don't ask me if pakistan have the system.i don't know.i know one thing.we are capable to hit back.

I guess you have not heard of PDV, both PDV and THAAD, intercept ballistic missiles in exo-atmosphere and approximately at the same altitude.

If you haven't heard of PDV, then you certainly won't know about AD -1 and AD -2 missiles currently in development.
I guess you have not heard of PDV, both PDV and THAAD, intercept ballistic missiles in exo-atmosphere and approximately at the same altitude.

If you haven't heard of PDV, then you certainly won't know about AD -1 and AD -2 missiles currently in development.
oye dude... that is only effective when you are continents apart, i.e. north Korea and the u.s. you are right there, your interceptors won't have enough time to reach above the atmosphere let alone accurately owed to changing trajectories...still living in a fool's paradise! :lol:
oye dude... that is only effective when you are continents apart, i.e. north Korea and the u.s. you are right their, don't interceptors won't have enough time to reach above the atmosphere let a line accurately owed to changing trajectories...still living in a fool's paradise! :lol:

Interceptors are being tested in realistic scenarios and not ICBM scenarios

In its tests, both PAD, PDV have destroyed, 1500 KM range missile, at the height of 120 Kms and 150 Kms.
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